Ieva is a writer at Bored Panda who graduated in Scandinavian studies from Vilnius University. Ooh that's unfair! Intelligence is a coveted thing, but it turns out sometimes it remains hidden even to those who showcase it. I dont know how they can handle it Day In and Day out. I'm volunteer staff at a math summercamp targeted at children who like doing math.Most of the kids that we get are the standard "doing well in school with good grades to prove it" type. People who tend to become more intelligent got there because they had a thirst for knowledge. To summarize, 10 signs of intelligence include: You choose simplicity over complication: Rather than saying more than what needs to be said, you keep things simple. WebHere are 10 high-intelligence signs: 1. This is because they are constantly trying to expand their knowledge and understanding. However, if you know someone who is intelligent and also exhibits other positive qualities, they are likely to be successful in whatever they put their mind to. High-IQ people have excellent memory and recall capacity, but tend to forget little things. He got the job and was allowed to transfer within a week because a higher up was on annual leave and couldn't object. He got terrible grades because he was told he'd do badly by his parents, his teachers, basically everyone in his life. This boy some how fooled me into believing he could read. You Are a Night Owl Researchers have found out that people who work efficiently at night have a higher People need to stop judging those who might not be able to write as well as they can. Being taller is one of many signs of intelligence, research finds. They start playing and talking and they end up being practically inseparable the rest of the week. We're asking people to rethink comments that seem similar to others that have been reported or downvoted, By using our services you agree to our use of cookies to improve your visit. The ability to change their mind when presented with new information. Intelligence is asking the right question, she said. Knowledge: The Difference Between the Two, Masterpieces of the Golden Era: Top 7 Great Renaissance Artists, Unleash Your Inner Alpha: 7 Tips on How to Be a Pack Leader, Modifying Human Behavior: 10 Tips to Change Someone. They tend to be good at reading nonverbal cues, handling difficult situations, and maintaining relationships. That is not something I will ever agree on. A really smart person has secretly already figured out why you don't know or understand something. My dad. - With subject matter they dont understand they will ask questions for their own comprehension and ask you for examples/analogies so they can frame the concept in their mind. The Great Mind Shift: Can Consciousness Be Transferred? 10 unusual signs of high intelligence 1- You are an empath Can you perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual? He could absolutely build a computer, but put him on a horse and ask him to go get cattle off the back forty or repair a fence and no way. Dad Overhears A Conversation Between His New Wife And His Son, Cancels The Mothers Day Celebration Hed Planned, The Best And Worst Transformations Seen During School Reunions, As Shared By These 30 Internet Users, 30 Of The Most Spine-Chilling Things Kids Have Ever Said, As Shared In This Viral Twitter Thread, Chefs Are Sharing 30 Common Cooking Mistakes We Need To Avoid, 30 Informative And Fun Food Charts For Anyone Trying To Eat Smarter, "He's A Douchebag": 50 People Share What Schoolmates-Turned-Celebrities Were Like Before Fame, 50 Times People Had A Beautiful Tattoo Idea And It Got Executed Perfectly, "Can't Approve Overtime? By submitting email you agree to get Bored Panda newsletter. One of the guys I worked with had to drop out of school in 4th grade to work full time doing agricultural work for his family. I think he got involved with the wrong crowd early on unfortunately. They can explain difficult matter in an easy way, churchisforbrunettes , pexels Report. Former coworker of mine. How about 68 aspects of the same thing? After learning the Swedish language and getting completely lost in the world of Scandinavian mythology, she figured out that translating and writing is what she's passionate about. unique christmas gift ideas; 30 unusual signs of high intelligence in a person. Hed do his own research from the jail, which isnt uncommon, but this guy did it well and would actually send me relevant cases that were helpful to the issues in his case and when I explained to him why some were not helpful, he got it, asked good questions, and used that discussion to inform future research.There are a lot of inmates who consider themselves jailhouse lawyers. This guy was smart enough to actually be one.I think about him a lot and wonder what his life would have been like if he was fortunate enough to be afforded with the same opportunities during childhood that I enjoyed. He watches historical documentaries and tells us about how that links with the one he watched a couple of years prior. In a world where people talk to prove who they are, highly intelligent people are the opposite, Jackson mentioned. His parents have said to him in front of me he's not very bright. I have this problem. This should be higher. I take a subject, learn more about it than necessary and then for the most part I don't forget it. No, because just as what most answers also mentioned, honesty is all about a person's conscious integrity, and it certainly displays a mature character in a person. However, being too honest all the time DOES mean that a person is displaying a sign of low intelligence. Why is it so? Because that person is being careless. Ofc they will ask if not foundi just wanted to disagree that the quiet ones are not necessarily less intelligent than the others. There are many other factors that contribute to success, such as hard work, determination, and luck. He always got good grades in school, often without studying much at all. When you think about it- curiosity is the birther of intelligence. While brilliant people surround us every day, many avoid boasting about their mental abilities out loud. I'm always amazed at the number of people who think school is the end of the learning process and don't try to keep learning as adults. It also shows that you are open-minded and willing to consider new ideas. When I was in uni, I took part in a project called Inside Out where we would go in a prison and have criminology lessons with the inmates whom we called inside students. Hundreds started sharing their opinions about the tell-tale traits that prove someone is bright and sharp. bubblegumbop , Trinity Kubassek Report. Mantas is a photo editor at Bored Panda. They could speak like a thesaurus, or fumble simple sentences. Everyone but him knew that he was by far the most intelligent person in the room. Cue massive amounts of downvotes by the grammar police. Some deserve more of your attention and some less. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. They may be quite intelligent, but not in a way that expresses itself well within the standard framework of education.The same thing happens on the EQ/social level. While brilliant people surround us every day, many avoid boasting He can use the English language to paint a vivid picture in your mind in a way that no English professor ever could. We will not publish or share your email address in any way. To which my husband, who has had enough of his parents bullshit, replied "my maths might be bad but it's good enough to know I earn more than you combined" (in reference to both of his parents)I'm a super proud wife. They dont immediately attack you for having an unpopular view thats different. Get the latest inspiring stories via our awesome iOS app! She can do fairly complicated math in her head, does extensive research before making large purchases, forwards me screenshots of quite sophisticated scam emails and tells me why theyre fake. or "Well, that was a very tense way to start things, it's okay to say you don't know" or "Don't answer if you feel uncomfortable" - then you start wondering "Did you really want me to answer or were you trying to set me up to look inferior?". He doesn't work with computers all day and he doesn't have time to be playing video games all day.When I met him we working in the same company. There is a community of trolls that thinks saying blatantly racist or sexist things ( or denying the existence of racism or sexism) is just having another opinion and seem to have developed a persecution complex when called on these behaviors. Known for their significant intelligence or creativity, a genius is defined as someone with an IQ above average. He came to Germany as a refugee in his young teenage years, had trouble in school due to language barrier, poor support, tough family situation, typical refugee problems. She's 25 years old, making an amazing salary and absolutely dominating any project she's given. Ieva is a writer at Bored Panda who graduated in Scandinavian studies from Vilnius University. Hes started to try to talk his way out of doing chores it has been effective a few times. WebPeople Point Out 30 Low-Key Signs Of A Highly Intelligent Person Ieva Gailit and Mindaugas Baliauskas More often than not, we notice the not-so-bright people walking around us, blaring their extreme opinions while being completely uninformed on the subject. I'm volunteer staff at a math summercamp targeted at children who like doing math. This way he was able to finish his expensive licenses and became a pilot. A highly intelligent person is one who is flexible in their thinking and can adapt to changes, they think before they speak or act, and theyre able to effectively manage their emotions, Dr. Catherine Jackson, licensed clinical psychologist and neurotherapist, told Bustle. As a consequence they also tend to underestimate themselves. So read them right below, upvote the ones you enjoyed most, and tell us your own experiences in the comments. I mean at this point, just believing the earth is a sphere is good enough for me. This sounds like a very nice work environment, too. He got terrible grades in school and dropped out of University. I'd like to go back in time and kick all those elementary school teachers who told them they were stupid. Around the same time as I started university, my mum finally convinced him to try again to get a higher education himself. It was way better than whatever garbage I was going to say.He got well really fast. Its been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes. It was extraordinary.He was also a bit unstable and prone to bursts of anger, often towards himself. WebThere are some unusual signs of high intelligence in a person that may not be immediately obvious or unrelated to traditional indicators of intelligence, such as academic performance or IQ tests. If you know someone who exhibits these behaviors, its likely that they are quite intelligent. My brother. If she doesn't know it today - she'll practically be an expert tomorrow.She's incredibly impressive.I can see her having my job one day (Operations Director). My current girlfriend is actually extremely smart. This allows them to be open to learning more from others and/or situations.. He shot himself last year. We have a paid summer internship program for juniors and seniors pursuing construction management degrees.5 years ago we had a young woman who came in to the program in her junior year. Being good at problem-solving is a sign of high intelligence. When I talked to a kid with serious skills about being a designer she was "no, I ll study business, I don't know anything about art You just score 90 at the last art history exam and 95 for the last practice - you're 16 when is the last time you did business? That his presence made the class better.And just to be clear, I dont mean to say that he was smart for someone in prison. He always got good grades in school, often without studying much at all. He would always say that this job is mind numbing and once he finished with tasks, he's instantly bored, so he was reading a lot to keep his mind occupied. Knowledge: The Difference Between the Two. Hey Pandas, What Are Your Most Useful Travel Tips? Other noteworthy behaviors could be thinking before speaking, managing their emotions, and preferring to be left alone. We just graduated this year, 4th year, and she was honoured the university medal for her thesis, #1 student in almost 400 students. It's only when I left school that I realised learning is fun. He can analyze a difficult concept, distill the relevant information, make it easily accessible to someone and teach it in a patient, unassuming manner quickly without making the other party feel stupid or uninformed.Hes modest as hell. We respect your privacy. I used to be ALL hunting is bad but it's far more complicated than that and is actually needed. After youre done, be sure to check out our previous post on even more signs that might prove youre smarter than you think. Intelligence is too broad, practical, and complex to be captured in IQ tests. Then theres his drawings he does. He does away with all the complicated jargon and explains things as if you're a simpleton without making you feel like one.Asked him to have a look at my digital calipers a while back and, while he couldn't fix it, he explained in detail what was wrong with it, how to fix it, and how the mechanism in question makes the calipers work.He's an invaluable friend and a much better mentor. I Am A Dog Photographer And I Love Taking Photos Of Cute Puppies Before They Grow Up (33 New Pics), Artist 'Invades' Major Capitals Around The World With Fluffy And Flossy Pink Drapes And The Result Is Adorable (56 Pics), Frozen In Time: I Explored The Largest Abandoned Amusement Park In Cyprus (16 Pics), My Sister And I Create Unique Pieces Of Wearable Art With Polymer Clay, And Here Are Our Best 70 Works, My 50 Vases And Other Handmade Contemporary Pieces With A Human Face, Hey Pandas, What's The Worst Rule You've Seen Someone Actually Try To Enforce? He has no idea how hard it is to educate people. Then he was unemployed and Jobcenter (part of German welfare dealing with unemployment) sent him to the security company I worked at that time because conitions of employment are almost nonexistent in this field. A risky venture on BP, I get a lot of sarcastic 'google it' answers here when I ask about something (edit: thanks everyone telling me to google it anyway, seriously guys?! You dont need to have a high IQ to be considered intelligent, Hanan Parvez, founder of PsychMechanics, a site dedicated to learning about the nuts and bolts of human psychology, told Bored Panda. They listen first and then speak or ask questions after understanding. She raised a bunch of us without much money and was always resourceful and canny at making ends meet. I have held my tongue at points just to try and not be that boyfriend that ruins a relationship, but instead just show her how smart she really is, and where she might have a weak point that I may be able to help, I walk her through my thought process, and she picks it up very quickly. Sharp people often refrain from loudly sharing their opinions and accomplishments. They ask questions. I couldn't lover her more. if they bring it up at all, it's usually to ask questions from someone who knows more about it. My husband. Please enter your email to complete registration. Some people often forget simple things like And they have more doubts because they see a situation from many different angles. Another time I had a Latino brother and sister in a college physics class who were really struggling because they were working full time jobs so I spent extra time with them. He once drove me to university 3 hours away using the route he'd driven in reverse once without checking a map. They found that, for both low-IQ and high-IQ individuals, living in highly populated areas was linked to unhappiness. You prioritize your life: Your life is not just a never-ending to-do list. Everyone is a genius. He seemed to become frustrated very easily if he couldnt explain or understand something perfectly.And one day he stopped showing up.I ended up talking to the guards who told me that he felt like he was too stupid for the class. I once tutored math to a college foot ball player who thought he was stupid. In saying that, he was also very highly strung and had some mental health issues that held him back from doing great things and so believed he was an idiot. Spitting golden nuggets This may be a bit of an over-romanticized take on intelligence and/or wisdom but they mostly listen during a conversation involving many There are far too many people who have a strict my way or the highway or Im only going to say this once kind of attitude that doesnt welcome questions from anybody. How very nice of you, to be able to look beyond his initial short comings knowing that you could help him grow in confidence, My Partner is Polish. Casual acquaintances probably dont even know. Different types of intelligence exist in humans, so a single test is not reliable for knowing everything about your intelligence. I've met plenty of people who were exceptionally smart in one or maybe two dimensions, but this guy was across the board. Everyone used to tell him that he was just average just because he got average grades. They could be apathetic, or impassioned. He often says stuff like 'oh I dunno about any of that' or 'mate I haven't got time for this'.But this guy was sharp as a tack. At school she was taught Russian and can get by in it.She is so smart - and people abuse her, because she speaks English - with an accent.those people you see everyday - especially older people - living their lives in a second language. yep, they are smart, rcTan_Pete , LinkedIn Sales Navigator Report, This sounds simply like racism, which I think is particularly bad in anglophone countries where people tend to be monolingual. Hes dyslexic and bi polar. They quite frequently explain things or answer questions with it depends. My Partner is Polish. Woman Takes DNA Test For Fun Only To Discover Her Long-Term Boyfriend Is Her Full Sibling, People Point Out 30 Low-Key Signs Of A Highly Intelligent Person, 30 Times Rich People Made It Clear To Everyone Else Just How Out Of Touch They Are Without Even Trying, 35 Funny, Ridiculous, And Seriously Stupid Things People Witnessed Their Friends Doing, As Shared In This Viral Thread, Woman Flabbergasted At Thrift Store's Prices, Calls Them Out By Sharing 14 Examples, "I Just Said Thank You And Left": Mans Nice Gesture Is Praised After Pizza Hut Driver Got A $20 Tip On A $938 Order, 50 Times People Were So Surprised With How Perfectly Things Lined Up, They Just Had To Document It, Woman Is Upset That Neighbors Shed Is Too Big, Calls Inspector, Regrets It When They Maliciously Comply, European Is Shocked To Learn How American Suburbs Work, Goes Online To Ask Some Accurate Questions, "Never Come Back To My Restaurant": Chef Bans Rude Restaurant Patrons And Gives $1,350 Bill To 22 Y.O. The original department had to hire 8 people to replace him when he left. He was always told in school he could do better. 5 Level of Consciousness Exploring the Depths of Consciousness, Neuroscientist The Relationship Between The Brain And Addiction, 3 Strategies for Managing Stress and Boosting Brain Health, Decoding the Complexities Understanding Brain Chemistry, Sharp Minds, Forever Young: Strategies for Preventing Brain Aging. The guy was a master at subtle communication, such as mirroring, and framing conversations so he would be dominant.He was able to use this social intelligence to get with girls, but he would also use it to get people to do things he wanted.One of the clearest examples of manipulation that I know of is that he got his friend to break up with his long time girlfriend. He's dyslexic and growing up in the education system in the 70s didn't provide any support so he's all but illiterate. I've got a PhD and work in a field where so many people have PhDs that they don't even mention them.To this day, I suspect that the smartest person I've ever met was a kid I taught at a GED learning center in the middle of a pretty rough area of a big city. In addition, people who have a good working memory-that is, they can remember and use the information immediately after hearing it-tend to be more successful in school and at work than those with poor working memory. WebAnswer (1 of 98): Laziness. Hes the most helpful person youve ever met and will literally go out of his way to help anyone. Sharp people strive for lifelong curiosity and a never-ending thirst for knowledge. By submitting email you agree to get Bored Panda newsletter. Depends on the living arrangements. They are aware of their limitations and just how much they still don't know. WebSome unusual signs of high intelligence in a person can include being able to focus on details, remember names and numbers, multitask efficiently, think logically, learn and understand new concepts quickly, and maintain a positive attitude. Quick learners are often able to pick up new skills quickly and easily, and they are often able to apply what they have learned in a practical way. Social intelligence, spatial intelligence, problem solving, etc.Im from a very rural area with a high poverty rate. I'd say the same two things . I think this is because they are so secure about their intelligence that its a non-issue to them. Even now shell say how she is uneducated - which is true, but she aint stupid. It isn't always an indicator of intelligence but of education or other issues. 4 You Have Self-Control Having self-control means youre mature. After learning the Swedish language and getting completely lost in the world of Scandinavian mythology, she figured out that translating and writing is what she's passionate about. Perhaps they are wearing glasses and seem a bit socially awkward. I think the funny thing is all the people here saying "brevity is the soul of wit," then proceeding to talk for 3 paragraphs. Psst! Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Conspiracy Theory? Occasionally the new guy would ask me if Mexican Robert spoke English. Ive heard that extroverts often think out loud because thats just how they organise their thoughts. I guess for some it's a choice. 7. Animals also really just love him. Smart people don't get smart by acting like they know everything. 3 weeks on-site as a Superintendent intern, 3 weeks on-site with safety, 3 with Project management, and 3 on-site with quality control.After each period, I received a call, praising her ingenuity and ability to adapt and improvise in any situation.At the end of the internship, we have a Plus/Delta review of their performance, and based on that review, we make a determination on whether to offer them a place the following summer. I know surgeons whose brains can only function in a highly specific way, but when it comes to common sense they slide way down on the bean pole. On the first day of camp, the kid took a chess board and went to sit down to play against himself. It comes from childhood trauma. Not necessarily an indication of intelligence. Some people say "If you can explain the science to a fifth grader, then you're truly master of your subject". Longjumping_Sleep_12 , pexels Report, *Chuckles nervously*Soo, I'mma head out now. They assume because he "works with computers all day" he just plays video games all the time. He creates whole worlds in these pictures and just with one picture has told me an hour story. Or maybe they always have fascinating facts on hand to keep the conversation going. if they do, then they don't bring it up confidently. Ok": Employee Leaves Work During An Emergency Because Manager Wouldn't Approve His Overtime, Guy Puts In His "Notice Of Immediate Resignation" After Boss Disregards Their Verbal Agreement, Warns Others To Always Write Things Down, Woman Buys Ex-Hoarder's Home With All Of Their Belongings, Spends 4 Years Cleaning When Relatives Start Demanding Heirlooms They Didn't Want, Clueless Director Calls For A Meeting Over Mass Resignation After Company Cancels WFH, Employee Explains It In A Way He Would Understand, "An Entitled Mother Insists That I 'Share' My Nintendo Switch With Her Child On My Flight", "You Are So Beaut-OHGOD! I think there are so many different types of intelligence that its hard to narrow down one defining trait. Maleficent_Ear_9024 , Startup Stock Photos Report. I've been doing it all my life. He just had it written out and learnt it off by heart and used cue cards with the full speech to help him (he can read it when he knows what it says) and his speech was by far the most confident and well-performed speech out of all of us. So when user blissfulhavoc posted What is a subtle sign that someone is intelligent/sharp? on r/AskReddit, fellow members quickly rolled up their sleeves. It's as if they're right out of Shakespeare's play. I love smart, but please don't interrupt my movie! (Closed), I Make Micro Crochet Toys That Fit In A Tiny Glass Bottle (35 Pics). He left school at 15 with no qualifications. They dont immediately attack you for having an unpopular view thats different.Intelligence is being able to entertain an idea while not being convinced by it. You name it he probably did it. He loved it. They listen first and then speak or ask questions after understanding.The bright/intelligent people I know have an unusual ability to digest a situation and then posit a question or frame a position that cuts through the noise and advances everyones thought process. I appreciate this. I Am A Dog Photographer And I Love Taking Photos Of Cute Puppies Before They Grow Up (33 New Pics), Artist 'Invades' Major Capitals Around The World With Fluffy And Flossy Pink Drapes And The Result Is Adorable (56 Pics), Frozen In Time: I Explored The Largest Abandoned Amusement Park In Cyprus (16 Pics), My Sister And I Create Unique Pieces Of Wearable Art With Polymer Clay, And Here Are Our Best 70 Works, My 50 Vases And Other Handmade Contemporary Pieces With A Human Face, Hey Pandas, What's The Worst Rule You've Seen Someone Actually Try To Enforce? I have held my tongue at points just to try and not be that boyfriend that ruins a relationship, but instead just show her how smart she really is, and where she might have a weak point that I may be able to help, I walk her through my thought process, and she picks it up very quickly.I always wonder how far she could be at this point in her life had her mother just supported her instead of tear her down, but just in the short time I have been dating her, I have seen her grow a lot, and am very excited to see where she can soar off to, I just hope that she takes me with her. Like it was enough to just briefly show the rest of us how smart he was. Day, many avoid boasting about their intelligence that its hard to narrow down one defining trait tend become! Hidden even to those who showcase it University, my mum finally convinced him to try again to Bored! Expand their knowledge and understanding to underestimate themselves Travel Tips in one or maybe two dimensions but. 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