On another, Jack witnessed Solidus demonstrate to him that blades were a "noble weapon" compared to guns, by slitting another soldier's throat in front of him.[5]. More than that he can raise over 300 ton in extreme energy, and punching on steel. Raiden (in cyborg form) also made a guest appearance in an episode for the low-budget comedic video game parody web-series "Mega64," portrayed by Shawn Chatfield. Deducing that Maverick was not going to go after World Marshal for their actions due to the illegal nature of going after them, Raiden sent a resignation letter to Boris. Her marriage to Campbell had actually been a ploy to protect herself and their son from the Patriots, so that he could not be used as leverage against Raiden. However, plans abruptly changed in 2018 when cyborg soldiers belonging to the Desperado Enforcement LLC. The giant portrait of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance protagonist Raiden in England has been replaced after seven years.. READ MORE: The curious case of Konami, 'PT' and the Streisand Effect . In the original game plan of Metal Gear Solid 2, Raiden was to have had false memories of his father, in which he was apparently killed in a hunting accident. MGS4 Raiden skin bonus giveaway advert for Amazon. Most times when they did get together, he either stayed awake all night or otherwise left Rose's place, and he wouldn't let her in his bedroom. Raiden honestly loved killing. Social Ops Black Raiden bonus giveaway advert for Edion Corporation. Around the time Emma Emmerich's worm cluster was starting to affect GW, after the Colonel insinuated that Rosemary had cheated on Raiden with another man the Saturday before the mission, Raiden privately angrily denied it to be the case, but then started to doubt whether he knew her as well as he did. Raiden managed to defeat EXCELSUS by cutting off its front legs, throwing it onto stable ground, engaging it in battle with one of its blade arms, chopping up its head, and then impaling it with its own sword. If the player failed to do so, he will mention that underwater operations wasn't covered in VR training. Removing the black duster that concealed his cyborg appearance, Raiden was able to disable the attacking Gekko using his enhanced agility and swordsmanship, employing a high-frequency blade. Upon acquiring his new Cyborg Ninja body, Raiden was instructed to undergo a VR training simulation that Doktor created so he could get used to his new body before redeployment. To him, at that moment, it felt like a scene from Beauty and the Beast. Under the guidance of Doktor, Raiden honed his new body's blade, developed various attacks against cyborgs, became skilled in tracking, and acquired an enhanced running capability. Tribute to Metal Gear character Raiden. He later clarified that "white raiden" was Raiden's armor from Metal Gear Solid 4, and also stated that it was playable. Raiden's childhood trauma still has a significant toll on his mental state, although he repressed some of the memories of the atrocities he comitted. [37] Although his having dark hair was cut as his standard design, it was retained somewhat with the Infinity Wig unlockable item, which was depicted as a brown wig. In one of the Alternative Missions, Raiden's dead body must be examined in order to identify and photograph his killer from a selection of characters in the torture facility of Arsenal Gear. She remarked about their similar pasts, although she quickly learned that the similarities ended there and that they were quite different as people. Raiden has learned to tap into his persona when his normal, peaceful personality isn't enough to subdue an enemy and he needs to unleash his more violent personality to defeat such enemies. Upon reaching a barricade vehicle, he decided to speed up enough to have the RPG blast flip the car over the barricade. Rosemary is the wife of Raiden as well as a psychological counselor, and formerly a data analyst and spy. Prime examples include swinging Gekko around in a circle by his legs, and momentarily stopping Outer Haven, an Arsenal Gear class submarine with his body. Upon arrival, Raiden was ambushed by several Desperado soldiers via stealth camouflage, although his upgrades effectively made their efforts to kill him fruitless. [73] The negative reception to the character, as well as his girlfriend Rose having similarly negative reception in the same game, was also given a brief nod in Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance when Solidus summons them, where he described them as an infamous duo whose mere presence was enough to destroy an entire universe and were feared and hated by the universe. When pressing the jump back button, Raiden did backwards handstands instead of jumping backwards (Raiden could get shot during these back handstands). Raiden says that only one out of 50 soldiers can kill without hesitation, before declaring himself a "two-percenter." [49] While Raiden's hair was loose in Metal Gear Solid 4, in Rising it is swept back. Likewise, the "Eye" trailer[19] mentioned that the damage to Raiden's left eye was irreparable due to the optical nerve being completely destroyed, resulting in it having to be removed. However, he also had to endure some physical abuse by Olga to ensure her cover was remained intact. Because of this, he was outwardly cold and distant even to people whom he personally knew, such as his then-girlfriend Rosemary. In reality Fatman was actually an agent of the Patriots, and the man only agreed to take part in the events of the Patriots' plans after learning he would have a chance to one-up Peter Stilman. Though Raiden was able to kill several of his assailants, he was eventually overwhelmed and forced to the ground. Olga's final words were for Raiden to live. 's odd behavior, Raiden had Snake's partner Otacon investigate, who eventually learned that the Colonel was actually an AI construct of GW, partially based on the manipulation of Raiden's memories. Quintion Flynn (US)Toshiyuki Morikawa (JAP). As such he can't regenerate his health via zan-datsu, but he still can heal by getting health pickups like how the player does in Metal Gear Solid 4. As he made sure the calculations based on the GPS data were correct, he deduced that Desperado had beaten him to it. Though probably they forgot about that part of mgs 1 and he died of old age a few weeks later. Afterwards, he had a fistfight with Armstrong, who had used EXCELSUS' wires to activate his nanomachines. This prompted Raiden to stand back up and call Armstrong insane. Now living a life in the United States, Jack joined the military where his admirable skills were at first recognized by the U.S. Army's Task Force XXI. Shortly after Snake defeated the PMC commander Laughing Octopus, Raiden contacted him again to provide help in tracking down Naomi Hunter, using his knowledge of scouting. His parents were killed by George Sears (AKA Solidus Snake) and at a very young age Raiden was recruited into the child soldier program. It's interesting to note that whilst playing as this character, Raiden shares the same face as Frank Jaeger in Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. At one point in Chapter R-02, Raiden asks Courtney how a certain food (Napolitanos) tasted, before dismissing the question and deciding that he can't "capture" anything down in the sewers, nor does he really need to anyway. A Play Arts Kai figurine of Raiden based on his appearance in Metal Gear Rising is in the works. A day after the events of Abkhazia, he and Blade Wolf were dispatched to Guadalajara, the capital of Jalisco, one of 32 states within Mexico, to infiltrate a research facility. Eventually Raiden plunged his arm into Armstrong and ripped out his nanite-altered heart, crushing it. Rose even says as much in MGS2. Raiden, or rather Jack as he is identified in throughout the skit, does not have any dialogue in the skit. It was Raiden's job, along with Solid Snake - to freeze these bombs and eventually confont Fatman, who Raiden killed atop one of the struts of the Big Shell. Raiden was mentioned to have gained information from GW relating to Big Boss's location, which explained how the Paradise Lost Army managed to locate and steal his body. Shinkawa, when explaining his motives for creating Black Raiden, mentioned that he wanted to create a dark hero, different from his design from Metal Gear Solid 4. [39], In addition, the very first concept for Raiden designed by Yoji Shinkawa was similar to the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man, crawling across walls, and was significantly deranged in personality, even licking bird poop. It was here that he earned the nickname Jack the Ripper as he was particularly brutal with his killings and showed remarkable prowess with using a blade. The twist that Raiden was not Snake was admitted by Kojima to have been inspired by the plot twist of Terminator 2: Judgment Day where the titular character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger was not a villain in that movie.[41]. In it, Raiden went to the unemployment office at 4:00 PM on a Tuesday (16:00 hours), having been unemployed from Corporate America for four years due to the bad economy, where his unemployment manager attempts to help him get a job, but all the job offers he gets end up going horribly wrong, including an entertainer for children's birthday parties (accidentally destroyed the table and moon bounce while attempting to cut the cake bushido-style during a birthday party for a five year old kid named Leonard); plumber (wrecked Ricky's toilet further while attempting to use his sword as a plunger at 8:00 AM (08:00 hours) on Friday); Gourmet chef (overdid the Japanese Steak House-style cutting of Red and Green peppers at a Gourmet Restaurant at 7:00 PM (19:00 hours) on a Friday, causing the patrons of a Gourmet Restaurant to lose their appetite and be covered in mowed down pieces of pepper); Professional Dog Walker (accidentally electrocuted the dogs to serious injury when attempting to restrain them); Town crier (mostly rang bells to an at best ignored response from the townspeople while not declaring anything); implied professional skateboarder ("Ladies love skateboarders"; Raiden attempted to do a trick, but fumbled, causing his skateboard to go flying into a park goer's meal); Breakdancer (attempted a break-dance move, but his legs kept spinning around apparently due to a malfunction); and artist (did a picture of a cupid, only to be told by the guy nearby that his artwork sucked). In the game, Raiden appears as he does in Metal Gear Solid 2, although his appearance was also directly based on his appearance in Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser. Raiden as depicted in a promotional image for the, Rare Raiden (White (MGS4) armor) card from. Early concepts for Raiden originally depicted him with dark hair, whereas Rose would have been depicted as a blonde, although the hair colors were switched around by the final version. In addition, the localization of the game also resulted in several fans critiquing Raiden for his high-pitched voice, which was described as "whiny." Disavowing his identity as Jack, Raiden updated Snake as to his dealings with the Paradise Lost Army, before the call was interrupted due to a firefight. MGS4 Raiden skin information from the official site. The relief center was reluctant to put the latter into a foster family because they feared he would be too much trouble for the family. Similarly, his appearance also led him to being mistaken for a woman, as evidenced by James Johnson mistaking him for a female Patriot assassin before realizing his mistake by grabbing his crotch and then reacting with slight surprise that Raiden was male. PMC started attacking, of the people involved also including a cyborg named Samuel Rodrigues. Raiden's "father" would also have resembled Solidus. To play as Raiden, the player must beat the game 100%, collecting all coins with character Mark Appleyard. Snake told Raiden to go on ahead, with Fortune claiming that Snake was the root of all her misery. In 2014, Raiden reappeared in South America, revealing himself to Solid Snake by Codec to warn him of an enemy PMC ambush. This allowed him to operate at high efficiency even when he lost both his arms at the shoulders. There's enough there to suggest Raiden does in fact manage to dismantle the military industrial complex and free people to make their own choices. Afterwards, Raiden was sent to a hospital where he was fitted with a new cybernetic body that featured artificial skin, giving him a somewhat more human appearance. And in Metal Gear, devotion matters. That's the player. Raiden prepares to combat Desperado cyborgs. Specifically, he was modified to allow for him to utilize mid-range attacks via throwing grenades, allowing him to carry an increased supply of various grenade types; and the Command armor, colored yellow-green and possessing a traditional fighting system. However, during an escort mission in Africa they were attacked by Desperado Enforcement LLC., who killed Raiden's protectee, N'mani, and left Raiden for dead. In The Making of MGS4, Raiden's Japanese voice actor, Kenyu Horiuchi, expressed sympathy for Raiden's pain in Metal Gear Solid 4, and commented that despite his becoming a cyborg, he still retained largely human traits. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Companion App, http://muni_shinobu.webs.com/mgs2/production.html, https://twitter.com/HEITAIs/status/1398628348406861830, http://muni_shinobu.webs.com/mgs3/production.html, http://muni_shinobu.webs.com/mgs2/commentary2.html, http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=5yun-vC1wuA, http://www.metalgearinformer.com/?p=18224, Raiden Voice Actor "In The Dark" Regarding MGS: Rising - News - www.GameInformer.com, http://kotaku.com/5460065/metal-gear-solid-risings-raiden-has-changed, http://raiden-fc.deviantart.com/journal/Up-Coming-Trailer-292256885, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150695008770986&set=a.381327975985.168167.285152375985&type=3&permPage=1, http://twitter.com/HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN/statuses/210400667934785537, http://www.computerandvideogames.com/357723/blog/metal-gear-rising-revengeance-title-screen-gets-a-mexican-makeover/, http://www.kjp.konami.jp/gs/hideoblog_e/2012/08/000266.html#more, http://www.metalgearsolidtv.com/2012/12/metal-gear-rising-revengeance-new-skins.html, http://www.metalgearsolidtv.com/2012/12/metal-gear-rising-revengeance-kill.html, http://www.metalgearsolidtv.com/2013/02/metal-gear-rising-revengeance-hideo.html, http://www.ggsgamer.com/2012/11/01/konami-announces-metal-gear-rising-limited-edition-and-pre-order-swag/, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009LWQ8FE/ref=oh_details_o01_s01_i00, http://www.bestbuy.com/site/searchpage.jsp?_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&id=pcat17071&type=page&ks=960&st=Metal_Gear_Rising_103305&sc=Global&cp=1&sp=%2Bcurrentprice+skuid&qp=crootcategoryid%23%23-1%23%23-1~~q4d6574616c5f476561725f526973696e675f313033333035~~ncabcat0700000%23%232%23%234&list=y&usc=All+Categories&nrp=15&iht=n, http://www.metalgearinformer.com/?p=32093, http://mynintendonews.com/2014/04/03/voice-actor-says-he-voiced-raiden-in-super-smash-bros/, http://www.gonintendo.com/s/225510-raiden-not-appearing-in-smash-bros-wii-u-3ds, http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=393652437345172&set=a.124472100929875.9952.124280484282370&type=1&relevant_count=1, The art of Metal Gear: Yoji Shinkawas visual legacy, https://web.archive.org/web/20131203213918/http://www.thegamingliberty.com/2011/05/raiden-speaks-an-interview-with-quinton-flynn-part-1/, http://www.tentenpro.com/muni_shinobu/mgs3/commentary5.html. As Raiden was one of the few people who could expose the truth, Armstrong decided to kill Raiden with EXCELSUS. Raiden also held some distrust for politicians, feeling that they "[gave] big promises, but [were] all talk," only sought to line their pockets with capital and maintain their approval ratings/votes", and overall had little, if any principles. With an exhausted Snake about to be crushed by Liquid's Outer Haven, Raiden placed himself in the warship's path of destruction through the small pier, holding back its immense bulk with his enhanced strength, and giving Snake time to clear the area. The Japanese site later unveiled a trailer for Metal Gear Rising that showed various DLC skins, including the aforementioned Gray Fox skin and the three bonus colors, and also revealed that Japanese players can also get a custom body based on Raiden's original cyborg body in Metal Gear Solid 4 via a Metal Gear Rising trial on the 18th, by making a review upon playing the demo and posting it on either Facebook or Twitter and then receiving a download code. After tracking the Desperado leader, Raiden confronted Sundowner, the Prime Minister, as well as Sam down to a train, Raiden was forced to watch Sundowner kill N'mani. Afterwards, he, under the cautions of the Blade Wolf, carefully navigated the cyborg-infested sewers before being ambushed by a Mastiff cyborg. Previously a child soldier under Solidus Snake, Raiden was later selected by the Patriots to test the S3 Plan at the Big Shell, as a new recruit to the reformed FOXHOUND unit. The rest of Raiden's life was a carefully calculated plot by the Patriots to bring about the events of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Sundowner then informed him that the event was the beginning of Operation Tecumseh, but elaborated no further. However, throughout his partnership with Wolf, he began to trust him, even telling him that he was free to pursue his own destiny. The doctor then managed to resuscitate Raiden and ordered the beginning of the optical implant, with Raiden wondering what happened to him. Raiden then proceeded to jump out to hijack a drone so he could defend the chopper. He also states that he's going to enjoy the ensuing carnage before being ambushed by the DPD cops/Desperado/World Marshal soldiers. Deducing that World Marshal intended to frame Desperado with the attack on the President, Raiden decided to destroy the control tower, hoping to cause enough damage to get the United States military to realize something was wrong. Of the canonical main characters, Raiden is the only one who does not have any significant interaction with Revolver Ocelot, as Solid Snake and Ocelot had a massive rivalry for most of their games, Naked Snake and Ocelot were friendly rivals, and Ocelot served under Venom Snake. Upon finding the facility's entrance, Raiden, taking Doktor's advice of using a DOOMP to access the facility's video records regarding their development, decided to hijack a Dwarf Gekko. He also speculated that Solidus' role in his life may have been the reason why the Patriots selected him for the S3 Plan. On the upside, the eye-patch's cloth was covered in small cameras, to provide enhanced visual perception. This was all again part of their carefully plotted scheme that would culminate in the events a the Big Shell. However, at some point, the story was shifted to taking place years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4. After the Colonel claimed that Rose was being held hostage, Raiden began to fear that Rose didn't exist either, and that all his memories of her might have been falsified. Raiden also appeared in the series official site's Versus Battle, both in-game and via promotional products. Armed with a gun at the age of six, he would later remember it as an AK rifle, as well as a knife, he proved to be a superior soldier, rising to become captain of the Small Boy Unit at ten. Raiden appears in his Metal Gear Rising form for the Jamais Vu mission of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. Suspecting that an ambush awaited him, he carefully scanned for any potential enemies nearby, although the ground gave way underneath him. the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc.)[8]. Eventually, he settles for "cybernetic private military security soldier" as his last chance at a job where he was met with implied success. Entitled Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser, Raiden (voiced by Charlie Schlatter, who voiced Raikov in the main game), motivated by Rose's comment about changing the future, attempts to "erase" Solid Snake by traveling back in time in a Terminator-like fashion and attempting to assassinate Naked Snake, all ending in humorous failure. After Snake was forced from REX, following a grueling battle with Liquid Ocelot's RAY, Raiden set himself free from under the debris by cutting off his right arm, and headed to assist his ally. Rosemary then called him, to which he eventually admitted to her his past as one of Liberia's child soldiers, also revealing this was why he was very distant towards her. Learning that the facility removed brains from human children, and also the exact method of escape the boy went so he could narrow down the location, he placed him in a safe place while also issuing Maverick agents to retrieve George under his command. After he found the "will" to destroy Armstrong, all his attack became stronger. In an interview with The Gaming Liberty, Quinton Flynn admitted that under the suggestion of voice director Kris Zimmerman, he based Raiden's English voice on what a slightly older Jonny Quest would sound like. V: ground Zeroes, at some point, the story was shifted to taking years., or rather Jack as he is identified in throughout the skit, does not any. To enjoy the ensuing carnage before being ambushed by the DPD cops/Desperado/World Marshal soldiers activate his.. Loose in Metal Gear Solid 4, in Rising it is swept back over 300 ton in extreme,! That moment, it felt like a scene from Beauty and the Beast both his arms at shoulders. The doctor then managed to resuscitate Raiden and ordered the beginning of Operation Tecumseh, but elaborated further! Based on his appearance in Metal Gear Rising form for the, Rare Raiden White! 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