Note that I said chose. Enjoy it, Sheep._Jerry. Customer Service Or any other kind of makeup!Oh yeah those Amway bars are expensive. So most of the sales an "IBO" would have would be to their own downline, as you bully them to meet their PV, though all they end up doing is filling closets and garages with the stuff since they don't have any buyers and can only use so much of the crap a month in self-consuming. Now, I personally find it a little farfetched to believe that these Diamonds, having been "angered" by Amway, could have investigated and evaluated all the opportunities out there and decided in the space of only a few days to join Mona Vie. That's 40%. I googled both and found Amway and that led me to here. Obviously this is a business. The real broke losers are fucking Amway assholes. Ha ha ha ha haha ha ha!!!!! I'm confused if your ex-lover and your ex-husband are the same person and how a lying cheating scamming Amway Diamond fits into the equation. LOL! Or any other night. ~Osuwariboy. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thanks for stopping by with your story. But who the hell pays $20 for lipgloss? How many IBOs have come in here claiming they know someone who makes "gazillions'? Made up? Amway Global Nuevos Diamantes Pablo & Maria Garcia en Achievers: They can't afford to or else it means going back to working a job as many have found out. The diamonds I know built a house on their property for their parents. They teach you to keep positive, keep pushing to achieve your dreams, and to never quit. I think in Merchants of Deception, or maybe just by general knowledge, those tapes cost 50 cents to produce so there's lot of money to be made by selling them for $5+ to ambots. (@)(@)(@)(@) zooom zoom zoom!!!! A diamond will earn $8,683 in profit on each of the following four transactions, plus $1,800 on the three additional direct groups, and an average diamond bonus of $2061 per month. heard all the "Motivational speeches". Turn a blind eye, whatever, Amway does not sell good products and doesn't have a good reputation so seeing its reputation constantly flushed down the toilet is something head office is well accustomed to. Don was a High School science teacher and basketball coach. Usually they're screeching this stuff everywhere they can!And why aren't you already retired? Would you like to share this work plan to grow so highly with me as a help. $20+ for lip gloss?!!! This page was last modified on 12 January 2016, at 16:29. A good example is Larry Winters, a former car wash manager from North Carolina who has climbed his way to "Diamond" status in the Britt system. That's what the people who want everyone to think they're rich drive. Wonder what those ambots did in the days before the Internet! Fortunately I dont have Diamond sized expenses and I manage my money pretty good. But I don't think that fucker is going to believe you! Not filling the garage with soap they'll be using for the next 20 years because they can't find any suckers to sell it to. The Amway marketing plan is very flexible. Sure, nice mark-up for the lipgloss. Patience.2. Nothing brings those Amway bastards more happiness than destroying other people's lives and bringing financial and emotional distress to others. That of course includes many couples, but it means at that point in time, with sales of around $8 billion, there was clearly more than 2000 qualifying Diamonds. Its not about money Anna, its about having the freedom to choose your own hours and not answering to anyone. Amway is all about going into debt. Hi Anonymous. After a half hour of talking to him I feel like I already wasted a big chunk of my life I will never get back. An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. The first thing you should know is that to become a Diamond like all the other Amway Diamonds you need to have 6 platinum legs. . . That's where the money is and the profits are only divided among a small group at the top of the scheme. Yeah that'll get me somewhere. I thought I might learn something so I decided to attend. My take away message is that anybody can start a legitimate E-commerce by simply googlinng Wikipedia E-commerce and start meaningful old school relationships with clients without scaming and degrading people in a mentally sick way. The Amway products are horribly overpriced, so sales to the general public are minimal at best. everybody in this world if not building this business, he is not doing anything. That is a big red flag.. but do you know how it works? i say forget chasing or hating the dream and just make some extra money. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Thanks for visiting! Also, stop hating what other people do because its their lives not yours and if you want to judge, judge your fucking self, because no one gives a shit what you say or think and go kys bitch. So, the real money is in selling the dream. I think that might be a first around here! i.e. Tobbi - you are probably right. Trump is really good at making money for himself so, he started his own MLM and placed himself at the top. You are not a good downline are you?Secondly instead of running your mouth uncontrollably why don't you rebut the issues raised by Anna or offer resounding evidence to the contrary? What if staying where I am WILL fulfill my dreams? I got in because a friend of mine was landscaping an Amway Emrald's house in my area. Anna,Thank-you, this column is wicked. Pay income tax say 25 k or more. I ran across your amazing blog. Of course not, the information you are allowed to read is what has been given to you. Then there were the books, all of which were priced at what they'd cost in a bookshop. They attend the first Bahama Rama with 13 Distributorships in celebration. Ads related to: amway diamonds where are they now. Your story is starting to become more common in the past couple of years where its a woman ambot instead of the more traditional male ambot.You have the good sense to see a "business opportunity" where less than a fraction of 1% of the participants make money (read the small print on Amway's literature) is a system set up for failure.And sorry to say what you've suspected will happen - the assholes in her Amway upline will do everything they can to convince her to break up with you. Thats where the money is ticket sales. And yeah, it was weird and cult like "Tonight we get to watch Dave give the Plan!" They do sell a lot of seminars and CDs though! Things never change in Amway except with the Internet ordering now and getting shipped to the house instead of having to haul over to some upline's house to pick up your Amway shit. He is no longer involved in lying and scamming people. Ironic that a fucking Amway asshole shows up on a post where we make fun of Amway assholes who go around accusing people in the same income bracket as their beloved Diamonds as broke losers and calls us broke. I hate all of them. And nowhere is that more true than in Amway! I keep getting fucking Amway assholes showing up here and leaving comments that Im broke even though Im very careful with my money. And i know it costed him like 10 bucks for it haha..Also, they did give me a protein bar sample which they said costs 3$ per bar. Yup the garage makes me suspicious he lives with mommy and daddy and they don't want his Amway shit in their house. Of course, it is "strictly voluntary" but it is understood that your uplines won't give you the time of day if you don't. And they taste better. I'm thinking about 95% - 99% of the people in this crap have other jobs. Unless they can sell the already ENORMOUSLY overpriced products for any kind of profit to a large customer base (something few Ambots can get working for them as other than pity purchases, the rest of the population can find better products at their local stores for wayyy better prices and convenience), then the only other thing is to self-consume and then try to recruit others to self consume and find others, etc. They attend the first Bahama Rama with 13 Distributorships in celebration. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. You probably would have better luck trying to sign up 5 seagulls to the Amway scam than you'd have signing up real people! Amway's own figures on their literature show only a small fraction of 1% IBO's make money. I really just stumbled upon this blog but I took time out of my day to make a post. Thanks! As for the products 180 day money back guarantee, so nothing to lose everything to gain if you have a dream and want to make a difference in many lives. If you absolutely must share that here dont name names. Hope you all have much success in life. It may only be shared or re-used under licence. Thank you for this blog. I join this buisness 1 month ago. The amount of people each Ambot would have to have under them is prohibitively large to make any profit at all. You cannot expect to get "rich" overnight. And there have been reports of Diamonds going into foreclosure. In the late 1980s I frequently attended Amway rallies to help out a friend (bringing potential recruits to these rallies made my friend look good to his upstream). People get caught up in the hype of an Amway meeting, sign up, pay, go home and research it on the Internet and go holy shit this is a cult and a scam and get out right away too. Anonymous - that's true. Maybe not every day during the week either. Next time you see that Amway loser ask to see the rental agreement because Amway is all about fake it till you make it. One thing I noticed, at least in one of the organizations, is that almost all the newer diamonds were also already independently wealthy. And that is how the elite make the money. I'm doing posts about how people are getting prospected by ambots so this will fit in nicely. Life is short and you spend it blogging and shitting on Amway because you're a failure. Why the fuck would I blog about restaurants? Less than $5 for a good name brand at the drugstore. Otherwise no one would be making money because nobody who's not an Ambot wants to buy Amway product. I'll help you with hotel and food costs" but once you are there they "forget" that they ever said anything of the sort.Amway is all about lying and deception. Haha all this negative talk is ridiculous. Kind of like the Masons. However, if he were to claim that he owned the Apple stock for more that one month, he's saying that he purchased 1,000 shares of a stock whose value ranged between $300 and $600 per share over the three years that he's been in business. They asked me if I wanted freedom and told me I would be an idiot to pass this "opportunity" up again. Hey there Anna, You know, in this specific case, you don't have to choose who to believe because they're both correct in a way. LOL! Either way you are claiming that your parent company has not provided proper information to a governing body, and, based on how you say "we're not supposed to", this is a taught practice within your organization, going up and down your line. They try one company, an when that doesn't work, it's on to the next. The assholes in the Amway upline will start screeching about never question upline and give you some bullshit that what's printed there is only "guidelines" and the real money runs in the gazillions of dollars rolling in each month. How the hell do I know if its fake or not? Anonymous - its the old saying nothing in life is free. As a 12 year old witnessing the early years even I had the common sense to look at this yahoos and think, "This is the biggest scam ever"! One is for a free ebook called Merchants of Deception and that will spell out to you exactly what life inside Amway is like. Same income. amway is the best business in the world its the most simplest business(truth) i had ever come across. But sadly this is the story of 99% of the IBOs. Far from it. I will back out of this deal most likely. They want a product. Hence all the swearing in this blog! Sounds like all you need to do is keep doing what youre doing and help others to do the same! LOL! There may be lies that you can work for a few years and retire. I guess haters will always hate. Take that shit somewhere else.3. Anonymous - I think people who are desparate to own their own business but don't have a clue how to get started are open to MLM scams. These are the guys with the lavish lifestyles that few will ever achieve. Your email address will not be published. The way to make money is selling CD's and tickets to functions. No matter what cult she signs up with, the cult leaders do not want their followers in relationships (friends, family, significant others) who are not members of the cult. The Top 27 Amway Diamond Success Stories Now that we've got that out of the way, here are my Amway Diamond Success Stories # 27: Robert and Lois Stonelake The Stonelake's helped put Amway on the map. And he'd have to be well known in Amway as one of the speakers in on the tool scam as well as talking at functions to all the brainwashed sheep. Shouldn't the FTC know that they are LYING about the income of this opportunity? "This cheap thing wouldnt be worth more than $1, probably less if bought in bulk," I told myself. They talk about their opulent lifestyles now, and tell those still struggling to build their Amway businesses that they can have the same thing, too, if they just work hard enough. The Financial Jonestown: My experience with the Amway Motivational Organization (AMO) URAssociation. It was a 13,000 square foot mansion in every sense of the word. 68 cents on every dollar is paid back to distributors. Anonymous - I think you've figured it out. Its a system designed for failure. Can't say Amway and honest in the same sentence can you without laughing! That's why there is a 90 day money back guarantee so you can't be out anything. Did you get married? I grew to resent everything Amway, because my parent's life became consumed with it. If my amway business provides that, then that's where i am. !Anyway, Amway Diamonds are just overgrown adult loosers living in their mother's basements pretending to hit it big, while racking up some serious debt. So please give us some hints like describe yourself or something. They are all taught by their cult masters "everyone not involved with Amway are broke losers", which is ludicrous to anyone not brainwashed. But Anonymous can go right on "faking it til he makes it" and thinking "everything is awesome" as month after month goes by and he slips deeper and deeper into debt while his upline lovebombs/abuses him and tells him "you can't quit now, not when success is just around the corner. Um, not there yet. Hold on Darnell, are you saying that your parent company doesn't provide full income disclosure of diamonds? Unless they're fucked in the head like I previously covered.I get some low level IBO's showing up here bragging about how much money they make but everyone in Amway is a liar so that's nothing new.Wow you got so far in 3 years! And if I were you I wouldn't go around mentioning you know Amway losers because people are going to think you're a fucking Amway loser too. Its only the few legend high pins who managed to keep the bulk of tools money among themselves who make big money. Isn't there someone in your Amway upline who wants you to suck his dick off so go run off and find him cocksucker! It doesn't have to its a private company selling top quality items and paying people to recommend them. Ambots have to lie otherwise they can't scam prospects into coming to an Amway meeting. So, Theo took home some fraction of $1.22 million in that time.So how does a fraction of $1.22 million pay for 4 McDonalds franchises, 2 Denny's Diners, 1 Holiday Inn and 5 gas stations? Her son won for her $77,400 on ABC's You Deserve It. Battling with the fucking assholes in the Amway upline who have brainwashed our husbands into misplaced love and worship at the Amway upline instead of at our families. Glad you're enjoying the blog. One of my sergeants got into it and took a bunch of us to a rally at Long Beach, CA and it was all a big huge deal. Hi anna. Hilarious when i was reading this. He's not totally sold on it either. It could be possible that Theo had just purchased the share in a weeks before his post (after the 1:7 split that occurred on June 9th, 2014) which would have set him back about $93,000. If its just word of mouth from some lying upline asshole we all know not to believe it. Yes, a Diamond who follows the instructions, which includes having 10 RETAIL customers every month and builds that ethic into their downline could make $150 K per year. You never tell an Amway Ambot your dreams because they'll use it as a weapon against you at a later date like when you're planning to quit. . And thats why Amway products are so fucking expensive. You are worth it, and your family is worth it! look at any person with any significant success and you'll always here stories of people that Todd then to quit, but the common denominator with all successful people they ignored them and kept going. You cant expect to make it big without the hussle. I expose the lies that our upline told and what happens at Amway meetings and functions. These days Amway Ambots easily spend a grand a month on this scam. You have to buy 100PV in products every month (call it around $300). Yes, we all know WWDB.You get rich by selling CDs, books, and other tools to naive Amway IBOs. I've had many children of Amway Ambots leave comments here about how Amway destroyed their family. He claimed he's not valid to disclose the information, he however gave me the name of his "mentor" and a bottle of perfect water. Its all about confusing the victim tossing out numbers that sound good but in reality won't be. But from the sound of your post you are still stuck working for someone who you have to answer to. I look back and think my mom was a genius for resisting Amway the way she didshe never gave in!! You decide whether or not to believe the assholes in your Amway upline or what Amway has in the small print of their own literature. Like everything else in Amway.Anyway the guy your friend got you in front of is one of Amway's best closers and like I said if he was working commissioned sales in another business he'd be making good money. You believe that lying sack of shit? They would be the first to do that since Brad and Julie Duncan went Founders Diamond. but ypu wouldn't're just here "being careful with your money". Is it a scam? of more than 1400 Amway Diamonds and above. Over on Amway Wiki a number of diligent editors have been creating information pages about the many, many people around the world who have qualified at the Amway Diamond level or higher. gave me all sorts of shit about it for months on end, how I was a loser and wouldn't amount to crap because I have no dreams and no initiative. 'We're buying a house in the Bayou Club. You're scum just like them. Who should we believe? (Thanks to Dr.Jayashree rath).have a great life.thanks. According to him the recruitment takes 7 steps and he'd like to meet me again tomorrow to complete another step. Those bazillions of dollars in residual income from Amway should be rolling in every month at the 2 year mark, and she should be about 2 years in now if memory serves correctly.We had a post up a few weeks ago featuring someone selling her homemade items on Etsy and earning around $60,000/month. I leave the explanations of why Amway is a poor business opportunity or the tool scam to other bloggers. Anna. Both of you have been brainwashed to spout off the bullshit you hear from your Amway cult leaders. Anonymous - its because of motherfucking Amway assholes like you that we keep this blog alive. And wouldn't you like to be your own boss and blah blah blah.Stuff that would make sense if it was a legitimate business opportunity and not that you're paying a company big bucks to be a lowly paid commissioned salesperson.Then the Ambot pulled out a napkin and drew circles on it and said you find 6 people and they find 6 people and so on and then you'll all be rich.That book you read, without commenting on its contents is a huge seller for Amway. Everything crumbles. The system is unable to load the contents of this page. From what I've seen of Amway Diamonds they live beyond their means. When a Diamond dies, he can look back on his life and say, "Ive helped thousands of people make extra money and accomplish their goals though free enterprise and universal success principles and generated economy for this country" When Anna Banana dies, she will say.. "I was a cunt that liked to blog that never helped anyone. How many women out there would buy such a product?Yeah I'd say keep it. You need to counsel with the assholes in your Amway upline. Better get used to spelling with Chinese phonetics , Your email address will not be published. And invest. They have you indoctrinated to think that everything you read on the internet is simply the opinions of simple minded slack jawed uneducated liberals who only want to live off of their government welfare program. The dumb fuck ambots don't like the answer they get from the assholes in their Amway upline or the small print on Amway literature and don't like my answer either that Amway Diamonds are broke so they leave a comment bitching about stupid things.When the real stupid thing is staring them back in a mirror. . LOL! You think you are still fighting and working toward your future. The tools and seminars are a choice and are recommended because if you can learn from someone who has already been down a path not to go there, then it will save you time and money. 1500000 if i understand correctly. We've gone Diamond. Thats not enough money! Instead it always " I am involved with a (fill in the blank) company. Good bye biatch. Yes, it's the same fucking plan, that Bob, Steve, Al, and Jim have done the last several nights in a row. Very careful with your money '' Deserve it they try one company, an when that does n't full. Old saying nothing in life is free many have found out they & # x27 ve! 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