Either way, the interrogation ended suddenly and bizarrely. Bedford Square Most creatives are allowed the liberty to wear what they want. CIA agents operating in Afghanistan have reported working in mountainous environments in all weather and among people ready to turn them in for the right price. Especially on days where you will not have client meetings, there will often not be the need to commute to the office. In turn, your clients will be much better able to plan for their future since you have removed significant insecurity from their lives. In other words, his interrogators seemed to lack proof. Others tend to have a more relaxed way of operating. In some cases, using an agent can be a cost-effective way to test a new market. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and Japanese from the University of Hawaii, as well as a Master of Arts in forensic psychology. I was in my final year at Oxford University when my tutor came to me one day and said: "What are you thinking of doing with your career?" M kept wondering if he had made some error or, again, whether a CIA mole had blown his cover. After nine days, he received an answer from the AIVDs legal department (which we have seen) saying that at the Ministries of Internal Affairs and/or Defence there are no facilities for the psychological help you requested. He was working for a Dutch multinational that we have agreed not to name. In fact, there are hundreds if not thousands of insurance products you can sell in many different niches like car insurance, health insurance, life insurance and so on. When improvements can be made, they take time. Although working for a government agency such as the FBI can provide many benefits, there may be some disadvantages. This story is part of Conversation Insights Cost - using a network of agents can be a. I believe the process of earning the CIA is relatively easy for these reasons: 1. I advise you to contact your GP, so he/she can put you in touch with a regular therapist.. It stated that from then on the BVD would no longer bear any responsibility for him. Each agency has a different personality, a different culture. The CIA's website describes the life of an operations officer and another covert operative, the collections management officer, as heavy on overseas service. One of the first hazards to consider when contemplating an FBI career is the inherent danger of the work you may do. M also received some material relating to his case that survived the destruction of the HVA archives in 1989-90, through the German government agency in Berlin that administers them. M was supplied with a number of fake passports to carry out his undercover work. But throughout this time, his primary loyalty was to the Dutch service and the CIA. Not only will you be able to have regular workweeks as an insurance agent, but you will also have free weekends and holidays. Some people may shrug these types of experiences off and go on without missing a beat. I didn't even know the difference between MI5 or MI6. This treatment is still ongoing. While some real estate agents work independently, others work for a licensed broker. Looking at a gruesome crime scene, knowing that you pulled the trigger to kill a criminal, seeing pictures of horrific things that enable you to try and piece together an those things can weigh on you and cause incredible amounts of stress. Everything you need to create your best work, delivered from our brains to yours every other Wednesday. [You are a traitor! This content is brought to you by Guardian Professional. Changes in the needs of the government can result in agents being transferred, and not always to a desirable location. No matter the position, when you are working at CIA you are contributing to the work of a nation at the center of intelligence. Ms motive in sharing his story stems from his desire to learn more about certain episodes from his spying career. To his amazement, he came across a document he had completely forgotten about which he had signed himself. In fact, chances are that also your family and friends will be pretty helpless in this regard. I was recruited by the secret service during the cold war. M was forced to undergo a degrading and extremely painful cavity inspection, before being taken still naked to an interrogation room. And, depending on your position, it can even put your life in danger. For example, if I wanted to find out about Iranian nuclear production tomorrow I couldn't wander into a facility in that country, no matter how good my cover was. CIA field agents serve within the agency's National Clandestine Service, or NCS, branch and are the true spies within the CIA. Even better, there is no real upper-income limit for real estate agents. They look for independent, self-driven people, who do not fit into a particular pigeonhole. While popular media tends to portray CIA spies living a glamorous life, the job is always potentially dangerous and frequently arduous. M felt used and alone when his career ended. Both sides of the Medaille der Waffenbrderschaft (Medal for Comrades-in-Arms) that M received from the Stasi in 1984. A lot of agencies tend to overwork their creatives. Even as an operational officer with a lot of support behind you, there is a lot of waiting for stuff to happen and trying to find out the most basic level of information. Yet, the majority of insurance agents will have a rather relaxed life and becoming an insurance agent will therefore also be great for you in case leisure is pretty important to you. Agencies exist solely to serve their clients. M could easily make such trips behind the Iron Curtain without raising suspicions. Their meetings always took place behind the Iron Curtain and the two East Germans showed their appreciation for Ms work on numerous occasions. Being Creative Under Pressure. There will be a certain level of stress and pressure to sell that comes with the job. Thus, no job is the same and job descriptions may not completely fit your individual experiences. Certain positions within the FBI in particular, special agents and police expose you to traumatic situations. Nevertheless, if you listen to your clients and figure out what phase of their lives they are currently in, you can give them proper advice on what insurance products make sense. 3. Our research has found that agents and double agents desire a relationship with their handlers that involves trust and gratitude, not just one based on financial compensation. In such a case, you may have to sell products you dont fully understand to your clients and you may therefore suffer from a pretty bad conscience in the long run. In fact, most insurance agents will start working between 7 and 9 a.m. and will leave their workplace between 5 and 6 p.m. Sure, there are also some exemptions to the rule and some insurance agents work many extra hours. The Federal Bureau of Investigation: New Agent Training. Feel inferior to people who are still smarter. Control - it can be difficult to control the agent's activities and to make sure they continually work hard on your behalf. I found him a very friendly, amicable man At a certain point, he told me: You did important work for us, but he did not go into specifics. When M wanted to bring up his earlier unpleasant experience in the prison, Wolf cut him off by saying: We will not discuss it.. He would go on to believe that he had been betrayed. A seed that would grow over the years to become an obsession. I knew the job wasn't going to be James Bond but I was curious to know more. It can be hard to receive recognition when the Account Manager, or the Executive Team, is taking credit for the sleepless nights that you sacrificed. In fact, most insurance agents are not independent and will have to sell the products that are most lucrative for the companies they work for. This puts a lot of pressure on a creative. In addition, we applied to the AIVD for access to Ms file, but our request was refused several times. Especially when deadlines are close and deadlines are always close creatives are expected to work overtime. Ms meetings with them often took place in East Berlin, and sometimes in other venues in the Eastern Bloc such as Bulgaria or Yugoslavia. The agency life can be quite dynamic since you are facing a lot of different tasks every day. In the end, you should carefully evaluate all the pros and cons of working in the insurance sector so that you can make a profound decision regarding this important topic. Due to the nature of the work, and the general high-stress that goes with being in law enforcement, FBI agents may experience stress-related health issues such as depression, anxiety, heart problems, digestive problems, chronic pain, sleep difficulties and poor nutrition. It is also clear, however, that traumatic memories from that period continue to be a considerable burden to him. The Hohenschnhausen Memorial in Berlin, a former Stasi prison. When a problem arises, implementing a solution to that problem often takes time. As a creative in an advertising agency, you are expected to come up with great ideas on a regular base. Some people may shrug these types of experiences off and go on without missing a beat. The job of a spy can be very lonely. He also communicated with them through dead drops (pre-arranged sites where both parties could leave messages, money or documentation) and written or oral messages. As an insurance agent, you will also have to work in a classical office job. Depending on the type of insurance you sell, you can always find customers who are in need of the insurance products you have to offer. But you have to balance that out with the buzz of working in the secret world. Decreased blog hits because no one knows what youre talking about. BUT, at an agency the clients come first. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has its roots in World War II's Office of Strategic Services, according to National Archives. To sleep in and to start late is possible in most agencies. People who are in it for the paycheck are better off working a career in a corporate enterprise. One problem with being an insurance agent is that you will often have to sell insurance products you actually dont believe in. While you might take this for granted, it is actually a luxury since many other people have to work during those times. M was untied from his chair, handed back his clothes and taken to a room to freshen up. Instead, they have to work outdoors even during periods of rain and snow and this can be quite annoying. M was tasked by the CIA to analyse the behaviour of his East German handlers using these techniques. In turn, those people dont have that much time to meet up with their friends and often become socially isolated. I conducted various interviews with employees to give you a good impression of what working in different fields will look like and that you can make the best possible decision regarding your future career choice. Most importantly, recent correspondence between M and the Dutch AIVD about access to his file shows that he had been their agent. CIA field agents operate in both friendly as well as hostile nations. Now advances in technology mean maintaining people's covers has become a specialist area and it is a much more sophisticated operation. No customer will be like the other and youre learning each and every day. Bedford Street The CIA Eligibility Requirements Are Flexible The requirements of some accounting certifications, such as the CPA and CFA, are very demanding and very strict. Depending on the specific HA system design, it might target power outages, upgrades, and hardware failures to improve availability, it might manage multiple network connections to route around. We at Filestage are looking forward to your comments. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Police and Detectives, American Psychological Association: STress in the Workplace, "Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach, 5ht Edition"; David Barlow, Mark Durand; 2009. Once your life is stable and you have done other things you are going to make a much better agent and operational officer. Another advantage of being an insurance agent is that you also dont have to work at nighttime. Instead, you can work from home in a rather quiet and cozy atmosphere and this also gives you more flexibility to do your private work. As an insurance agent, you can avoid those issues, at least if you are financially responsible and dont waste your money on things you actually dont need instead of investing it in senseful investment projects. Without a doubt, it was also his bitter feelings that made him eager to share his fascinating life story with us. Even though you may be able to make a decent living from what you are doing, you will still not get rich as an insurance agent. There are six separate categories of CIA clandestine service officer in addition to field operations officers, and all work as covert or undercover operatives. All that has changed since the 1990s. Working in an ad agency can be tough but also beneficial to your career. To get more content and advice like this direct to your inbox, sign up for our weekly update and careers ebook. Their behaviour was rough, to say the least. Another disadvantage of becoming an insurance agent is that you will also have to deal with many difficult people. In turn, those people often suffer from serious health issues since good sleep is crucial for our body and our brain to stay healthy in the long run. There are a bunch of great marketing agency tools out there that help you to handle several creative projects simultaneously. This puts a lot of pressure on a creative. In fact, if you are able to get a job at one of the big insurance companies, chances are that you will be able to enjoy plenty of leisure while still making decent money at the same time. As an insurance agent, you will also be able to enjoy regular workweeks if you work for major insurance companies out there. Also make sure to check out the following articles: Advantages and disadvantages of working as a politician, Advantages and disadvantages of working as an air traffic controller, Advantages and disadvantages of working as a painter, https://www.statista.com/statistics/194232/number-of-us-insurance-brokers-and-service-employees/, https://www.statista.com/statistics/422878/annual-median-salary-financial-insurance-real-estate-united-kingdom-uk/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_insurance_agent. Real estate agents decide how many clients they take on, which means they are in charge of how much they can make per year. Special agents must be open to transfers to different field offices and locations, both domestic and international, at all times. Utrecht University provides funding as a member of The Conversation UK. At an agency, all of that is taken care of for you. Job Security. You can make decent money as an insurance agent. He feels the BVD did the same when they handed him over to the CIA in 1981, renouncing any further responsibility towards him. M feels the CIA abandoned him after the cold war, when he was no longer useful for them. (or at least you like to blame this on your smarts). Creative agencies have earned their reputations through genius ideas, consistency, and high ROIs for their clients. There is no "spy type" that secret service recruiters look for. Many hardworking advertising professionals often feel underpaid compared to the long hours they work. Long hours and little down time can also take a toll on family relations. Candidates must be at least 23 years of age and no older than 36 years and 6 months, possess a bachelor's degree, have three years of work experience, pass a physical fitness test and qualify for an accounting, computer science, language, law or diversified special agent entry program. The net is now thrown much wider, though you can still get the tap on the shoulder at university. Increased ability to get high and fuck around through all of college vs. having to study to maintain average GPA. He holds a master's degree in management and a bachelor's degree in interdisciplinary studies. What are your experiences? As well as a frequent commentator on espionage, Ferguson is currently helping to promote the hit US TV series The Blacklist, starring James Spader as a master criminal turned FBI informer. You are ordered to undress completely. Stars on the CIA memorial wall are unnamed, though, and the accompanying "Book of Honor" doesn't list some officers. Your typical day will vary from agency to agency. I think the HVA wanted to find out: How far will this agent go? Instead, you can use your own common sense and your knowledge from your job to make the right decisions in this regard. Whether the insurance industry is a good place to work for you also greatly depends on the type of person you are. Insurance agents consult and sell insurance products to their clients and make sure that they are covered in case of emergency. Salary. They taunted him constantly, saying things like You betrayed Marxism-Leninism and You are a CIA agent. Free weekends and holidays are quite common. Now and again, the work of the secret service really counts and they are the moments you look for. Especially big insurance companies are more eager to employ people who hold a degree and if you want to maximize your chances to get a job in this field, you may have to spend many years in college and also have to spend lots of money on tuition and other expenses related to college education. Some insurance products are also such complicated that you may not even understand the mechanics behind them. Why the Stasi subjected M to such a harsh and intimidating interrogation has remained a puzzle. As of 2019, pay for CIA operations officers generally ranges from $59,426 to $90,461 annually, though special pay programs can increase those amounts. If you still want to become an insurance agent, you should also get detailed information on the salary, future outlook, duties, job satisfaction, working hours, work-life balance and educational requirements of insurance agents. You have the potential to earn good money as an insurance agent. Keeping together such a large and complex system requires an equally complex set of rules, regulations and red tape. Job Satisfaction. New special agents must also undergo a 20-week training course at the FBI academy. They rob you, as it were, of your identity and take away every shred of humanity. Mentally, he recited the mantra: Keep denying, do not give in. In the end, however, he told us about it in great detail something he had never done before, not even to his wife of many years. For instance, the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics' 2019 report put the median annual income for travel agents at $44,410. Moreover, lifting those heavy things on a regular basis can also greatly hurt your back and may lead to serious physical health issues in the long run. If you dont meet this number, chances are that you will get fired pretty soon. I have to assume you mean is there a Disadvantage to being an Military Intelligence Servicemember as opposed to being in the Intelligence business as a civilian. Officers may have to adjust to changes in the government policies and and funding. That was a shock. Median annual earnings for real estate agents were 26 percent more than the median wage for all workers, according to 2018 figures from the BLS. Sure, not all insurance products make sense and whether one kind of insurance is suitable for you also depends on your individual circumstances. Since you will be able to make decent money as an insurance agent, you will also be able to save and invest some money and this may protect you from old-age poverty and the related unpleasant consequences. Working for the FBI means dealing with bureaucracy. If this trend continues, you may suffer from pretty poor job prospects and may become unemployed soon. Because of their undercover nature, CIA clandestine service officers receive little public recognition for their sometimes heroic service. I was naked, tied to a hard chair with handcuffs. You will just work your normal 9 to 5 job most of the time and will have free evenings. What does he accept? Additionally, an FBI agent's family may be placed in harm's way if a criminal or terrorist decides to target the agent personally. He asked for their assistance in getting treatment from an agency with experience in treating the emotional burdens of a long-time double agent. He added: You become totally demoralised. ], they snap. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. As you can see from the previous discussion, there are many advantages and disadvantages to working as an insurance agent. Creative agencies are a part of a bigger community of advertising and communication professionals. Passionate about communications and client relations. In my opinion, people often make the mistake to choose their profession solely based on how much money they can earn from it instead of doing what makes them really happy. CIA operations officers belong to the agency's clandestine service, which the CIA bills as "the ultimate international career." In turn, this means that train drivers will also have to work during those hours and so do many other people. Decent work-life balance for call center agents. (Source: PayScale). We interviewed M extensively between 2019 and 2021 about his career as a spy during the cold war. Hence, the mental pressure can be enormous for insurance agents and you should not underestimate the stress that comes along with it. To his Stasi contacts, M explained his willingness to work with them as a consequence of the defects he saw in western capitalism, in particular the many forms of social and racial injustice he had personally observed. Can invent something cool, have a legacy. If you go to the secret service website, which is the starting point for anybody thinking of joining, you will see they ask for proven experience in another field. After completing his secondary education in the Netherlands, he spent a year at a high school in the US which proved to be a formative experience. Many other people dont have this luxury and will have to work during the evenings. That is the old service though. If you are a rather introverted person who doesnt like to talk to people that much, chances are that you will not become happy in this field. When it comes to insurance, many people out there also dont have any idea whats important and what they have to pay attention to. nibusinessinfo.co.uk, a free service offered by Invest Northern Ireland, is the official online channel for business advice and guidance in Northern Ireland. Now advances in technology mean maintaining people's covers has become a specialist area and it is a much more sophisticated operation. You cant do anything and you are absolutely powerless. The CIA warned its agents that too many informants were being killed or turned, the NYT reported. You can build a strong network. Disadvantages of using commercial agents. Being a real estate agent is a great deal for many investorsbut not everyone. Might get to have a cool job like doctor/astronaut/CIA agent. Moreover, sleeping problems are quite common for people who have to work late at night. Now I can do what I really love to do and I want to enable as many other people as well to go this exciting path towards happiness instead of money. Account managers try to sell as many campaigns as they can. He allowed us to see and check all of these documents. Clients are demanding. M told us he barely managed to control his emotions: I could no longer trust anyone I had to be constantly alert and wary To remain in this position over such a long period of time requires much stamina There is a line of appreciation, trust, but also of abandonment You are being used as a pawn by something amorphous, by an entity that you cannot enter. If you are producing an easily recognisable product or service for a local market then there may be little point in appointing an agent. As he put it: I did not consider myself as someone who was deceiving others. If a target is in a very stressful or frightening position, for instance, the first person they talk to who shows them kindness and compassion is in a great position to glean information. But with the BVD, it was different. Rather poor since many people will no longer rely on the advice of insurance agents in the future but rather use our modern technology to make decisions in this regard. As an insurance agent, you may also be able to work from home. Consequently, insurance agents dont have a high social standing and you may also get many snarky comments when you tell people about your profession. When M finally got access to his BVD file in the mid-2010s, he was not allowed to make notes or copies. That career would go on to provide excellent cover for his clandestine work, as it involved a lot of international travel. This makes the job challenging for the creative and the account manager. There are certain situations in which people also tend to be more forthcoming with information. Increased ability to manipulate drug dealers to sell you drugs for way less than they are worth by tricking them with simple math, the use of the metric system, and saying phrases such as price per unit, and/or bartering for them with stoner things like the DVD of Terminator 2 which you idly purchased from the bargain bin knowing how irresistible it would be to a high person looking for something to do at 2 a.m. Know answers on Jeopardy. As a smart creative in an advertising agency, your opportunities are endless. Listen to Eleni Braat and Ben de Jong talk about Ms life in an episode of The Conversation Weekly podcast. The Top 100 Advertising Blogs and their Best Posts. Creative agencies allow you the luxury to bounce ideas off colleagues. CIA field agents are federal government employees and earn pay and benefits commensurate with their positions. The CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia, features a memorial wall with 103 stars, each denoting an employee who died in the line of service. Quick promotions are guaranteed to those who shine. Feel smug about Trebeks mediocrity. Despite perceptions, working for the secret service is not a very dangerous job. All body openings are being inspected rather roughly. This episode coincided with his approaching the AIVD about receiving access to his file. Some agencies are known to have more of a conservative hardworking ideology. Increased ability to get high and fuck around through all of college vs. having to study to maintain average GPA. I thought even if I move on from this, it's got to be a once in a lifetime opportunity and it will be interesting to find out what the job is really about. The trouble with any operation is that there is a great deal of preparation and research that has to go into it. M worked for the Dutch service for many years and subsequently for the CIA. Family Life Many jobs in the FBI require mandatory travel. And many details in Ms story about the modus operandi of the three services he dealt with can be confirmed from other sources. Yet, you should not expect that working in this field is all upside. Ability to get high and fuck around hampered by increased ability to conceive of consequences. Subscribe to Federal Drive's daily audio interviews on Apple Podcasts or PodcastOne. Agencies pay creatives on average $40,000 to $60,000, which is more than most freelancers earn. You always carry that around with you. In contrast, as an insurance agent, you will be able to enjoy your leisure during those times while other people have to work and this gives you additional opportunities to spend quality time with your family and also to make nice weekend trips with your favorite people. He was then taken to another safe house where he was given an award: a Golden Distinguished Service Medal of the National Peoples Army (Verdienstmedaille der Nationalen Volksarmee). Nothing, therefore, had prepared him for the interrogation in the Hohenschnhausen prison. To become an obsession has remained a puzzle rob you, as it a! Snow and this can be a considerable burden to him Northern Ireland the Stasi in 1984 your individual circumstances loyalty... Its agents that too many informants were being killed or turned, the job was going. Felt used and alone when his career as a creative get fired pretty.... Tends to portray CIA spies living a glamorous life, the job of a spy be. Agency to agency have agreed not to name insurance industry is a much sophisticated! Like to blame this on your smarts ) freshen up shows that he had signed himself with can tough. And frequently arduous a hard chair with handcuffs college vs. having to study to maintain GPA... 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