Rebecca Nurse was my 8th great grandmother. She is also mentioned in passing in Robin Cook's suspense novel Acceptable Risk. The Nurses officially remained members to the Salem Towne church until their deaths, despite being very active within the village community. "I desire to be humbled before God for that sad and humbling providence that befell my father's family in the year about '92; that I, then being in my childhood, should, by such a providence of God, be made an instrument for the accusing of several persons of a grievous crime, whereby their lives were taken away from them, whom now I have just grounds and good reason to believe they were innocent persons; and that it was a great delusion of Satan that deceived me in that sad time, whereby I justly fear I have been instrumental, with others, though ignorantly and unwittingly, to bring upon myself and this land the guilt of innocent blood; though what was said or done by me against any person I can truly and uprightly say, before God and man, I did it not out of any anger, malice, or ill-will to any person, for I had no such thing against one of them; but what I did was ignorantly, being deluded by Satan. In the first and much acclaimed television adaption by the BBC in 1980 she was played by Ann Dyson. View entire list of famous kin for Rebecca (Towne) Nurse. On July 3, the Salem Church excommunicated Nurse. I dont remember for sure) great granddaughter of Rebecca Towne Nurse, a witch. (should I say he was laughing at me expression). Four or more generations of descendants of Rebecca Towne (1621-1692) if they are properly linked: 1. So many of us are descendants of Rebecca Nurse. Rebecca Nurse was a 71-year-old grandmother and wife of a local artisan when she was accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials. In response to their outbursts Nurse stated, "I have got nobody to look to but God. Mary Ellen (mom) is now 81 and doesnt look her age at all. Yardley, PA: Westholme, 2021. Death 19 Jul 1692 (aged 71) . Six of their children, Rebecca, John, Susan, Edmund, Jacob, and Mary were baptized there. Born in Yarmouth, England in 1621 to William Towne and Joanna Blessing, her entire family immigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony sometime between the years 1638 and 1640. (c1598/9 - c1673) Great Migration Immigrant 1639, Hall of Fame Major League Baseball Player. Im a descendant if Rebecca Nurse too via her son John and grandson Benjamin Nourse. Rebecca (Towne) Nurse migrated to New England during the Puritan Great Migration (1620-1640). Rebecca Beatrice Brooks is the author and publisher of the History of Massachusetts Blog. . in Danvers (Salem Village), Massachusetts, This form allows you to report an error or to submit additional information about this family tree: Rebecca NURSE (1621), Biography from Wikipedia (see original) under licence CC BY-SA 3.0. Two years ago I took my family to see the Nurse home on Pine street. A warrant issued on March 23 for Nurse's arrest included complaints of attacks on Ann Putnam Sr., Ann Putnam Jr., Abigail Williams, and others. Sarah born in 1663; testified in June 1692 as being aged 28; married Michel Bowden of Marblehead and Salem after that date. Women In Early America: Struggle, Survival, And Freedom In A New World. The accusers and spectators protested loudly when the verdict was announced. And also it gives a list of the descendants from each child. Rebecca Nurse (February 21, 1621July 19, 1692) was a victim of the notorious Salem witch trials, hanged as a witch at 71 years of age. I Thomas Fisk, the subscriber hereof, being one of them that were of the jury the last week at Salem-Court, upon the trial of Rebecca Nurse, etc., being desired by some of the relations why the jury brought her in guilty, after her verdict not guilty; I do hereby give my reasons to be as follows, viz. On December 17, 1711, the General Court awarded the Nurse family 25 in restitution for Rebeccas wrongful conviction and death. After emigrating to Salem MA, two additional children, Joseph and Sarah were born. She also had three brothers, Edmund (baptized June 1628), Jacob (baptized March 11, 1631 or 1632) and Joseph (born c. 1639). This is so interesting! (2020, August 26). Sarah Towne Cloyse (1642-1703) - (daughter) accused of witchcraft, but released from custody. Samuel, born February 3, 1649; died July 3, 1715; married Mary Smith, daughter of John on April 5, 1677. Saltonstall, like his peers of the time, believed in witchcraft but questioned the due process and the dependence on spectral evidence. On April 3, Nurse's younger sister, Sarah Cloyce (or Cloyse), came to Nurse's defense. Stoughton sentenced her to be executed on July 19, 1692.. Cutter claims, without source, that Rebecca Towne married Francis Nurse (various spellings) 24 Aug 1644 in Salem. I cant tell you how much horror and shame I have felt knowing what my ancestors did. JAIME CAMPOS/Staff photo Jaime Campos DANVERS Beth. An Undergraduate Course, University of Virginia"As land became scarcer, quarrels regarding boundaries between the settlement to become known as Topsfield and Salem went on for a century. In 1699 the Nurses' children were able to officially purchase the farm outright and remained for multiple generations. We need to confirm that Ira was son of Ebenezer of Framingham, Mass., then I think we can confirm the lineage back to Salem. My husband is a descendant of Rebecca Nourse. Mom or Mary Ellen has two sistersShirley and Quincy they all live in California. The trials as a metaphor for the persecution of minority groups remained powerful images into the 20th and 21st centuries, particularly in playwrightArthur Miller's "The Crucible"(1953), in which he used events and individuals from 1692 allegorically for the anti-communist hearings led by Sen.Joseph McCarthyduring theRed Scareof the 1950s. A plaque commemorating this family, donated by TFA hangs in St. Nicholas Church. If so, login to add it. Howe, Katherine (2009). William Towne (c1598/9 - c1673) Great Migration Immigrant . According to local legend, Nurses son, Benjamin, secretly rowed a boat after nightfall to the execution site to claim his mothers body so he could give her a Christian burial at her home. Upon hearing of the accusations, the frail 71-year-old Nurse, often described as an invalid, said, "I am innocent as the child unborn, but surely, what sin hath God found out in me unrepented of, that He should lay such an affliction on me in my old age. Nine women signed the document attesting to the exam. She was condemned to hang. "The majority of the people that come in day. Rebecca Towne Nurse Famous memorial Birth c.21 Feb 1621. Remembering is a painful process., The legacy of what transpired here crosses into the imaginations and consciousness of our community, our Commonwealth, and even our country, said Salem Mayor Kimberley Driscoll. Oxford University Press, 2014.Fowler, Samuel P. An Account of the Life, Character, & c. of Reverend Samuel Parris. [1] This farm still exists, and is today preserved as the Rebecca Nurse Homestead. I thought Thomas was the son of ROGER and Martha Preston. Taylor Trade Publishing, 1993.Boyer, Paul S. Salem-Village Witchcraft: A Documentary Record of Local Conflict in Colonial New England. Twenty women and men were executed following the trials 19 were hanged, one was crushed to death and another five died in jail. Rebeccas My 9th Great Grandmother. The Salem Witch Trials Victims: Who Were They. The way the profile reads now, one would not know that. Rebecca Towne Nurse of Salem Village, Massachusetts was probably the most famous of the "witches" of the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria.. Rebecca was one of three sisters accused and imprisoned for witchcraft. Nurse filed a petition protesting the verdict, pointing out she was "hard of hearing and full of grief.". On July 3, just days after Nurse was convicted, she was taken to the church and publicly excommunicated, according to the book Salem-Village Witchcraft: 1692, July 3 After sacrament, the elders propounded to the church, and it was, by unanimous vote, consented to, that our sister Nurse, being a convicted witch by the court, and condemned to die, should be excommunicated; which was accordingly done in the afternoon, she being present.. Rebecca Nurse. Please note: The ancestor reports on this website have been compiled from thousands of different sources, many over 100 years old. The abuses of the Salem witch trials contributed to changes in U.S. court procedures, including the guarantee of the right to legal representation, the right to cross-examine ones accuser, and the presumption of innocence instead of guilt. Having a family connection to the witch trials is not unusual. On May 25, judges John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin ordered the Boston jail to take custody of Nurse, Corey, Dorcas Good (Sarah's daughter, age 4), Cloyce, and John and Elizabeth Parker for acts of witchcraft committed against Williams, Hubbard, Ann Putnam Jr., and others. }Customer Service. Due to the public outcry and renewed fits and spasms by the "afflicted", the judges reviewed her case with the jury. Great Yarmouth, Great Yarmouth Borough, Norfolk, England. I once lived in Danvers Mass and of all places on Putnam Street. How very terrified she and her sisters must of been. A fanciful representation of Rebecca Nurse's trial from. Anyone who is a descendant is invited to leave the familys story on the productions website,, and get a discount on a ticket. Oftentimes the family trees listed as still in progress have derived from research into famous people who have a kinship to this person. Also, the ground penetrating sonar has revealed no bodies at the site. cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of these sources. The first memorial to anyone accused of witchcraft in North America, the granite obelisk bears an inscription by poet John Greenleaf Whittier, who lived nearby at that time. The family tree for Rebecca (Towne) Nurse should not be considered exhaustive or authoritative. Mom looks very english, refined. Rebecca, the daughter of William Towne and Joanna Blessing, was baptized Feb 21, 1621 in England. Anyone who is a descendant is invited to leave the familys story on the productions website. The examining magistrates, John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin, who normally regarded the guilt of the accused as self-evident, took a notably different attitude in Rebecca's case, as they also did in the case of her sister Mary Eastey. He was soon called upon to defend it against the claims of Zerubabel Endicott, who claimed a boundary line to the Endicott possessions that pushed back the eastern bounds of the Bishop farm. Also located at the homestead is the Nurse family cemetery and a replica of the Salem Village Meetinghouse. The daughter of William and Joanna Blessing Towne, Rebecca was born in Great . By Edwin Hubbard. Started with her husband Francis Nurse. She was my 9th great grandmother, through Bathsheba Nurse Newton, daughter of Joseph Nurse who fought in the Revolution. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. Was Doug Coldwell ALIVE during the 17th century to compile "firsthand knowledge" of Rebecca Nurse? At the end of her trial in June of 1692, Nurse was found not guilty by the jury. Elizabeth born January 9, 1665; married William Russel, son of William and Elizabeth Russell, of Salem Village on October 25, 1678 [25: 8m: 1678]. I have lived in Salem all my life, said John Keenan, Salem States president. Rebecca, the daughter of William Towne and Joanna Blessing, was baptized Feb 21, 1621 in England. According to Wikipedia: Rebecca Towne Nurse (or Nourse) (February 21, 1621 July 19, 1692) was executed for witchcraft by the government of the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England in 1692, during the Salem witch trials. The world redeemed from Superstition's sway. First Lady of President Calvin Coolidge. Witch Trials. Thank you for adding the Notables tag to her! Then on March 12, Martha Corey was accused; Nurse followed on March 19. This work was adapted for films in 1957 and 1996; Nurse was portrayed by actresses Marguerite Coutan-Lambert and Elizabeth Lawrence, respectively. Shes my 9x great grandma on my maternal grandmothers side. Back then it wasnt a big deal in my family, or in Salem. This work was adapted for films in 1957 and 1996; Nurse was portrayed by actresses Marguerite Coutan-Lambert and Elizabeth Lawrence, respectively. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. Ann Putnam Jr. Is my 2nd cousin 10x removed and Captain John Putnam was my 10 Great Grandfather. Thank you for visiting the site! Another sister, Sarah Cloyce, was also accused of witchcraft. Shared note. Includes citations for all sources. This lack of a response, probably due to Rebeccas partial deafness, was unexpected. Rebecca married Francis Nurse, and they settled initially near North River in Salem. [4] Thirty-nine of the most prominent members of the community signed a petition on Nurse's behalf. Today I learned that my boyfriend is the 10 Great Grandson of Rebecca Nurses brother Edmund. Rebecca Nurse is my 8th great grandmother. O Christian Martyr who for Truth could die. Advance Praise for A Salem Witch: "Dan Gagnon has written a highly readable and first scholarly biography of Rebecca Nurse, perhaps the most famous of the Massachusetts Salem witchcraft victims of 1692. Story of a young woman who marries a fascinating widower only to find out that she must live in the shadow of his former wife, Rebecca, who died mysteriously several years earlier. I am so appreciative of thorough research of these despicable acts and am beginning to see parallels in our own society. Youre welcome Kayla! Today with the focus on tourism, there is much more interest in being a descendant.. [7], Her trial began on June 30, 1692. Nurse was accused of witchcraft by Ann Putnam, Jr, Ann Putnam, Sr, and Abigail Williams of Salem village, as well as several others, including Reverend Deodat Lawson of Boston, who claimed to have seen Nurses spirit tormenting Ann Putnam, Sr, at her home that March. The Salem Witch Trials: A Reference Guide. Rebecca Towne Nurse accused Salem witch Salem Witch Trials of 1692: 10th Great Grandmother Sarah (Towne) Cloyes, her sisters (my aunts) Rebecca Nurse & Mary Estey. "Biography of Rebecca Nurse, Victim of the Salem Witch Trials." This was very helpful, thank you! Ive known since I was a teenager that I was related to her, but only just connected the dots via family tree recently. It has a tendency to look away from its tragic past, said Baker, who was part of a team of scholars that in 2016 actually confirmed the site where the accused witches were executed. It's not as if this is an abandoned profile of an obscure person. On July 12, Judge William Stoughton signed death warrants for Nurse, Good, Martin, How, and Wildes. The Rebecca Nurse Homestead is a historic house museum in Danvers, Massachusetts.The home once belonged to Rebecca Nurse, who was accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials, and it is the only home of a person executed during the trials that is open to the public.. Rebecca Nurse Homestead in the 17 th Century:. [1][2], She and her five siblings migrated with their parents to Salem in New England by 1639. Rebecca Nurse, Yarmouth, England 1621. I read the script and I see modern relevance in the play to the issues on our minds today.. Her mother was Margaret Joy Rahn (maiden name was Rahn). Rebecca Nurse is a central character in Arthur Miller 's play The Crucible. Rebecca married Francis Nurse in 1640 and raised a family of eight children on a farm in Salem Village. Hi to all you new, and old relatives. One particular point was emphasized, and the jury requested a second chance of deliberation (a legal practice used in those days). LOL nice to meet you all cousins! Btw Salem is a fascinating place, I was there twice. . I must tell a story. The Putnams of Salem Village embodied this battle in their quarrels with the Nurse family, Mary Easty's brother-in-law. Rebecca Nurse (February 13, 1621 July 19, 1692) was a woman who was accused of witchcraft and executed by hanging in New England during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. The city of Salem is already planning some kind of memorial for the place, which will likely be small in keeping with the character of the residential neighborhood where it is. Rebecca Nurse was blamed for the death of all of Ann Putnam's children, except for one. She is my ninth great grandmother, Im 62. Famous Kin of Mitt Romney . And particularly, as I was a chief instrument of accusing of Goodwife Nurse and her two sisters, I desire to lie in the dust, and to be humbled for it, in that I was a cause, with others, of so sad a calamity to them and their families; for which cause I desire to lie in the dust, and earnestly beg forgiveness of God, and from all those unto whom I have given just cause of sorrow and offense, whose relations were taken away or accused. Shortly afterwards, the Towne family immigrated to Topsfield, Massachusetts. On October 17, 1711, the Massachusetts legislature passed a bill restoring some of the names of the Salem Witch Trials victims, including Rebecca Nurse. As a direct descendant of Rebecca Nurse, I appreciate the depiction of her as dignified and the court proceedings as unconscionable. On June 2, Nurse, Bridget Bishop, Proctor, Alice Parker, Susannah Martin, and Sarah Good were forced to undergo physical examinations by a doctor with a number of women present. On Aug. 25, 1706, Ann Putnam Jr. publicly apologized "for the accusing of several persons of a grievous crime, whereby their lives were taken away from them, whom, now I have just grounds and good reason to believe they were innocent persons" She named Nurse specifically. . By the autumn, the court banned the use of spectral evidence in trial, rendering most of the accusations baseless and eventually brought the trials to an end in 1693. Rebecca Towne was born in 1621 in England and moved to Salem, MA circa 1635 with her family. So over 300 years and half a country away, these two families have shared an almost 20 year friendship that turned into a loving and respectful relationship. Sometimes we are assisting someone looking for a connection to a different event and they get surprised to find their ancestors were connected to the witch trials.. We cannot imagine the cause of the alleged complaint of witchcraft. Salem, Mass., 1692. This dispute and another between the Putnams and several Topsfield landowners likely influenced the charges against Rebecca and her sisters Mary Esty and Sarah Cloyce, for their brother, Ensign Jacob Towne, was one of the Topsfield men (Baker 152.). Thanks Ellen, that would be great as you mentioned that the Profile Manager hasn't been active for a while. The Putnam family remained until about 1905. Spouse (s)/Partner (s) and Child (ren): Rebecca married Francis NURSE 24 August 1644 in Salem, Massachusetts Bay Colony . It would be more interesting I believe. I am working on cleaning up this line. She was the wife of Francis Nurse, with several children and grandchildren, and a well-respected member of the community. My mother had told me to ask him about the new linage information, so I did. She is likewise a major character in Robert Wards Pulitzer Prize-winning operatic adaptation of Miller's play. Nurse was also the sister of accused witches, Mary Easty and Sarah Cloyce, and the daughter of suspected witch Joanna Blessing Towne. we call are grandmother a witch ever since we found out as a joke (Shes okay with it though considering I can be called a witch by inheritance/ wizard), Our grandmother* BTW when I mean shes okay with it, I mean the annoyed but not grounded okay with it. Francis Jr., born February 3, 1661; died February 5, 1716 at Reading, Massachusetts. Are we never to point out errors which common sense should have prevented in the first place? SOURCE: Site of Salem Witch Trial Hangings Discovered: Why Its Important to Genealogists. After all, all of Rebecca Nurses accusers, including Abigail Williams, Ann Putnam, Jr, Ann Putnam, Sr., Edward Putnam, Thomas Putnam, Henry Kenney, Mary Walcott, and Elizabeth Hubbard were either Putnam family members or friends of the family. Rebecca (Rebekah) is the daughter of Bethuel, the well-loved wife of Isaac, mother of the twins Jacob and Esau, and the sister of Laban. Privacy Policy | ContactMe 2010-2023 8th great-grandmother Francis Nurse (c1618 - 1695) Great . The place of the executions is a great connector to the past, said Marilynne Roach, a Watertown author and scholar who was part of the Gallows Hill Project. Executed for witchcraft in the Salem witch trials, Born on February 21, 1621 , i hope you will like it about rebecca towne nurse family tree please comment if we missed anything here, please let us know. Ben Wheatley's new adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's acclaimed novel Rebecca has an ending that differs considerably from the original story - though it stays true to the circumstances of Rebecca de Winter's death. In 2017, the Proctors Ledge Memorial was built in Salem, Mass and a marker was established for Rebecca Nurse. [6] Hathorne was no doubt influenced by the fact that his sister Elizabeth Porter was a close friend of Rebecca, and one of her staunchest defenders. Since many Salem residents who criticized the witch trials and the people involved were often accused of being witches themselves, Nurses criticism made her even more of a target. They raised four sons and four daughters on a farm in Salem Village, nowDanvers, Massachusetts, 10 miles inland from the bustling port community of Salem Town, now Salem. Despite being a fervent churchgoer and an upstanding member of the communitya newspaper of the day referred to her as "saint-like" and "a perfect example of good Puritan behavior"she was accused, tried, and convicted of witchcraft and put to death without the legal protections Americans would come to enjoy. Three Sisters all accused of witchcraft. In 1885, the descendants of Rebecca Nurse placed a granite memorial at her grave at what is now known as the Rebecca Nurse Homestead cemetery, located in Danvers . Rebecca Nurse HomesteadWebsite: www.rebeccanurse.orgAddress: 149 Pine Street, Danvers, Mass, Salem Witch Trials MemorialAddress: Liberty Street, Salem, Mass, Proctors Ledge MemorialAddress: 7 Pope Street, Salem, Mass, Site of the Salem Witch Trials ExecutionsAddress: Proctors Ledge, wooded area between Proctor Street and Pope Street, Salem, Mass. I have always been interested in the Salem Witch Trials now I know why! This cemetery is referred to as GR2 Nurse private burial ground, off Pine Street in the "Vital Records of Danvers, Massachusetts to the end of year 1849, Volume II, Marriages and Deaths". Lewis, Jone Johnson. It is always preferable to locate primary records where possible. They are my 5th great grandparents. Have you taken a DNA test? There is certainly a headstone for her in the family cemetery today, though it was erected long after the execution, in July 1885. Home > Mitt Romney Genealogy > Famous Kin. Username and password are case sensitive. Then I looked at him and said, Well I wonder how many people can say that they are ROYAL WITCHES? My two sons just about fell out of their was a good day in my opinion. Nurse was then indicted for witchcraft. The first accusations were leveled against three women who weren't considered respectable: Tituba, an enslaved Native American; Sarah Good, a homeless mother; and Sarah Osborne, who had a somewhat scandalous history. I truly believe it was "greed" and "land grab"I have both the Putnams & Towns in my tree. This place has a very earthy smell too it and seemed to always have a hazy cloud hovering above it. [5] At age 71, she was one of the oldest accused. [5], "In most cases, the bodies of those hanged or pressed were cast off into a shallow ditch [ Update September 2021: There is no room to build gallows on Proctors Ledge. Released on Netflix, Rebecca stars Lily James as an unnamed protagonist who marries the wealthy heir Maxim de Winter (Armie Hammer) during a whirlwind romance in Europe. Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler was born Rebecca Davis in 1831 in Christiana, Delaware to Absolum Davis and Matilda Webber. Thank you! Elizabeth CLARKE , John TOWNES. When I was a kid, I found information in my grandmothers attic that showed we were descended from Rebecca Nurse, one of the women executed. Torrey in "New England Marriages to 1700" is equivocal about their marriage date and location, saying this: NURSE, Francis (-1695, ae 77) & Rebecca [TOWNE] (1621-1692); 24 Aug 1646, ca 1645? The court asked the jury to reconsider the verdict; they found her guilty after reviewing the evidence and discovering that she had failed to answer one question put to her (perhaps because she was nearly deaf). Retrieved from Research devoted solely to this person has either not yet taken place or it is currently in progress. Rebecca (Towne) Nurse Family Tree along with family connections to other famous kin. There will be 10 performances from Oct. 17 to 27; tickets start at $19.50. Yet I see notes on WikiTree from people declaring they "cleaning up" the descendants' line. His Salem State University biography states, This tragedy shapes his commitment to social justice and human rights.. Nurse can also be found as a supporting character in Katherine Howe's historical fiction, The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane. "Biography of Rebecca Nurse, Victim of the Salem Witch Trials." Would it be possible to somehow mention that her main accuser, Ann Putnam,Jr., recanted in 1706. Login to find your connection. XIII, 1908, pp: 23- 38.Baker, Emerson W. A Storm of Witchcraft: The Salem Trials and the American Experience. Cheryl, I see the pm hasnt been here lately. Some of the most recently added connections of famous kin for Rebecca (Towne) Nurse. Since my Mother is a Noyes her Great x 12 Grandfather was Nicholas Noyes (The Minister giving Sarah her last rites) Its amazing how each one of us have cross over each others path throughout the ages. TOWNE Family Genealogy Rebecca TOWNE was born 21 February 1621 in England. All five were hanged on July 19 on Gallows Hill. Rebecca and Francis frequented the Salem Village meeting house and Francis was quite active in the community becoming well respected in Salem Village; he was often asked to serve as mediator to help settle matters. Doing our family tree I found out Rebecca was my 8th great grandmother. My maiden name is Tracy. He then proceeded to say, Well then maybe you will find the next bit of news good news then. In the original Broadway production in 1953 she was played by Jean Adair, who died shortly afterwards. The following day, at the request of the Nurse family, Fiske gave a statement explaining why the jury changed their verdict to guilty: July 4, 1692. Death of all of Ann Putnam & # x27 ; s children, for... Immigrant 1639, Hall of Fame Major League Baseball Player family connections other... December 17, 1711, the daughter of suspected Witch Joanna Blessing, was baptized 21... Have a hazy cloud hovering above it 1621-1692 ) if they are properly linked: 1 following the Trials were. Their was a 71-year-old grandmother and wife of a local artisan when she was played by Ann Dyson,... On my maternal grandmothers side dots via family tree I found out Rebecca was born in 1663 ; testified June! Several children and grandchildren, and Freedom in a New World not unusual New linage INFORMATION, so I.! 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'S behalf on March 12, Judge William Stoughton signed death warrants for Nurse, Witch. It gives a list of the people that come in day Salem is a central character in Miller. All you New, and is today preserved as the Rebecca Nurse, a Witch were hanged, was. Is an abandoned profile of an obscure person believe it was `` hard of hearing and of. Novel Acceptable Risk and renewed fits and spasms by the BBC in she. Brooks is the 10 Great grandson of Rebecca Nurses brother Edmund firsthand knowledge '' of Rebecca Nurse too via son. Shortly afterwards, the Towne family Genealogy Rebecca Towne was born in 1621 in.! In Danvers Mass and of all of Ann Putnam Jr. is my ninth Great grandmother, im.. Salem, MA circa 1635 with her family has either not yet taken place or it is preferable... Then it wasnt a big deal in my tree of us are descendants of Rebecca Nurses brother Edmund me! Earthy smell too it and seemed to always have a kinship to person... Of thorough research of these sources actresses Marguerite Coutan-Lambert and Elizabeth Lawrence respectively!