As Henry went back to a gas station to fill his taxi, Olivia cried to herself in the station's bathroom. As a result, Olivia is capable of unspecified psychic abilities, as demonstrated when she shuts off a series of lights wired into a bomb as a kill switch simply by thinking it. [49] Torv received three nominations at the Teen Choice Awards for Choice TV Actress: Fantasy/Sci-Fi in 2010, 2011, and 2012. Olivia noticed a similar glow emanating from the windows of apartment 6B in the Rosencrantz building, owned by the widow Mrs. Alice Merchant. It is this quality which both impresses and irritates Broyles, as it makes her a good agent but also makes her prone to biting off more than she can chew when it comes to pursuing suspects. Olivia became a part of the trials in 1982. "[27] According to Torv, Fauxlivia holds herself differently and has "a different silhouette. [30] Pinkner describes shooting the Fauxlivia scenes in the DVD audio commentary: "When [Torv] first showed up on set in this different guise, she had really embodied this other character in a very playful and sexy way. When Olivia regains part of her memories of her meeting with Bell, she is told that she is the only successful subject suitable to pass through dimensions without many known negative side-effects. ("Amber 31422"), Olivia began to fear for her life, after Brandon Fayette (Alternate Universe) told that she was no longer needed as he had purified the chemical Cortexiphan from her. After finding out that Peter Bishop had an intimate relationship with Fauxlivia, she tried to be ignorant about it. Olivia was kept in the dark about Colonel Broyles' death by Phillip Broyles, Peter Bishop and Walter Bishop. As the team began to collect pieces of the plan, Olivia bonded with her long lost daughter, only to have her taken away again by the insidious Captain Windmark, who shot her point blank. ("Lysergic Acid Diethylamide"). Peter and the Fringe team were able to track Olivia down and save her from Jones's clutches. She has been called the guardian of the gateway by Bell, who will prevent the invasion by the alternate dimension. In the first alternate universe introduced on the show, Lincoln and Olivia were best friends. Walternate is having Fauxlivia 's memories implanted into Olivia so that he can use her ability to cross from one universe to another. ("Ability"). ("Midnight"), While investigating the case of a spontaneous combustion, Olivia learned that she was capable of experiencing an extended deja vu, apparently, a glimpse of the Alternate Universe. In the alternate timeline, however, Olivia also had a much closer relationship with Walter Bishop, and seemingly Astrid too. Olivia also had the ability to discern if an object originated in the alternate dimension due to a "glimmer" that only she could see. The alternate universe Fringe team of Olivia, Charlie, and Lincoln was introduced and it was majestic. (Unbeknownst to Olivia, Walter had accelerated the trials because he hoped to find a way to bring the alternate universe, Peter Bishop, back home.). Meanwhile, the Fringe Division was falsely told that their Olivia had escaped. ("The Abducted"). in Psychology and Criminology, and served as a United States Marine Corps special investigator, prosecuting Sanford Harris, who was charged with sexually assaulting three Marine Corps Privates. In the world of Fringe, a lot of emphasis was placed on the relationship between the star-crossed lovers that were Peter and Olivia. That's an actual rule of romance. Dunham questions Steig's employer, Nina Sharp, who offers Dunham a job but no useful information other than the words "the Pattern," which Sharp enigmatically does not elaborate upon. Having grown up with an abusive stepfather, Olivia struggles with the unexpected changes in her life, following her encounter with mentally unstable scientist Walter Bishop, and his son and an eventual love interest for her, Peter Bishop. Olivia's perspectives and inner feelings seemed to make her life harder for her but very often serve as the focal points for episodes of the series that directly focus on her development as a human being and a member of the law enforcement community. This was the same test as the previous timeline with the lightbox but this time he wanted her to turn the lights on instead of off. Olivia and her niece, Ella Dunham, a rookie FBI agent. Olivia also mentions that Fauxlivia "kidnapped" her. If the crack widened, Walter predicted they would see occurrences of the same singularities that have plagued the parallel universe, and suggested the use of the same amber-like compound they had previously recovered to limit the damage. Meanwhile Broyles is considered missing and Lincoln is the head of the division. "[40] Executive producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Female Olivia ultimately decides not to tell Peter but Walter decides to do the opposite. With our Olivia trapped in the Alternate Universe and the wrong Olivia being with Peter, Peter begins a relationship with Alternate Olivia. The turning point came when Olivia and Peter went searching for Dr. Frank's old files at a storage facility - shades of the Fringe pilot, when OT Olivia's partner/lover/fianc John Scott . Lane, she discovered, was a reverse emotional empath--every emotion he felt was spread to those around him, causing the suicides of many due to his dark mood. So Anna had to listen to all these people saying 'She's really doing nothing,' when really it was our issue. She is trained by Walter and William Bell as a guardian to protect the universe when a war between her universe and another, clash. Olivia was able to retrieve the device but was forced to amber herself before returning to the Harvard Lab. Astrid tried to reassure her that Peter thought she was her. With the help of the alternate universe's Agent Broyles, she is able to escape from custody and make it to alternate Walter's Harvard lab, where she uses the tank to return to her own universe. As the building started to exhibit the initial signs of a singularity and Broyles prepared to release the amber, Olivia and Peter attempted to persuade Alice that the man she was seeing was not really her husband. Olivia recognized that her emotions were her strength in the fight against the Observers and was able to act as Peter's rock when he began to slip away from his humanity by putting the Observer tech in his own head. In the parallel universe, the Fringe Division investigates a case where a man was eaten from inside out by an extinct beetle. [7] Following the transition to an alternate reality, Olivia meets her doppelganger "Fauxlivia", and ultimately shares a kiss with Peter Bishop. Nothing the Bishop men can't handle. By the 4th season of the show Peter is erased from both universes. She had once shared a kiss with Lincoln Lee. Nina became a mother-figure and developed a deep bond with Olivia. Returning to the lab, Dunham faked passing the test in order to gain the location of a bomb from Jones. Peter convinced her to open up about the abuse she had experienced. ("The Day We Died"). I'm not a big believer in destiny, but it's hard to ignore something when every universe makes it happen. Olivia and Peter then attempted to reconcile and rekindle their relationship. By the year 2036, Olivia and Peter's daughter, Henrietta was an active force against the Observers. [4] Walter has a video of Olivia as a child, ostensibly recorded during the drug trials, which shows her curled up in the corner of the room next to a badly charred bed with Walter saying: "It's all right, you didn't mean it. However, Olivia suddenly woke up, crying the Greekphrase Na einai kalytero anthropo apo ton patera tou. ("Momentum Deferred"), Olivia mourned Charlie. Alice, who was childless, realized Peter and Olivia were telling the truth; the connection was broken and the effects on the building ebbed away. Walter quietly asked Olivia not to tell Peter that he is from the other universe. She was rushed to the hospital and declared brain dead. When Dunham returned to the hospital where Jones was being held, however, she found a gaping hole in the wall of his hospital room, with the message "You passed" scrawled on an adjacent wall. While some credit goes to the writing, it was Torv's shaded performance that sold Olivia's alternate-universe twin as an actual separate personnot just a cartoon villain version of the original, but a real person, a little more assertive and confident, and just a touch rapacious. With the help of Walter Bishop and Peter Bishop, she discovered that her dreams were actually caused by her connection to Nick Lane, with whom she had been partnered with during their experimentation in Jacksonville, Florida. In 1974, Walter Bishop had a brief glimpse of an adult Olivia Dunham during his initial experimentations with a special acid concoction that would later be labelled as Cortexiphan. Without Peter, Olivia was unable to cope with the death and betrayal of Scott. After Walter searched through the SUV, he shut the door and Olivia suddenly ejected through the windshield. She suspected that this capability was due to her Cortexiphan treatment when she was young. Dunham, emotionally shaken by the entire case, met with Walter and Peter soon afterwards who decided to stay and help with future cases. A tentative romance appeared to spark between Olivia and Lincoln, yet this was disrupted by Peter's return to the timeline. The character was created by series' co-creator J. J. Abrams, and is portrayed by actress Anna Torv. ("Olivia"). ("6:02 AM EST"). This results in Olivia mistaking John Scott's memories for her own. For the episode with that title, see, List of awards and nominations received by Fringe, Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series, "Anna Torv as Special Agent Olivia Dunham: Character Bio", "Anna Torv excited to play 'Fringe' double as Fox show edges into 3rd season, gains new perspective", "Anna Torv: Making 'Fringe' a mainstream hit", "Fringe 1.07 - In Which We Meet Mr. Jones - Reviewed", "Fringe producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Olivia shot him after this but did not kill him. Known as Fauxlivia, this version of Olivia does not appear until late into Season 2. Back in the isolation tank, Walternate had Olivia extracted from the tank and directed his agents to lock her up and sedate her. Olivia tearfully reunited with her now father-in-law Walter, released by Senator Broyles, to discover the unique radioactive signature device they could track. And sporting sensible pantsuits and just a hint of makeup, she makes Olivia a plausibly gorgeous pro, not a crime-busting tootsie. Season 3. Olivia meets her alternate universe mother. One test was successful, as she temporarily found herself in a gift shop on Liberty Island in the prime universe. She excused herself and stepped outside for some fresh air, followed by Peter. Though still cautious about moving forward, Olivia and Peter kissed and headed to the bedroom upstairs at the Bishops' home after she arrived for drinks. It is unknown what happened to Olivia's biological father, although he is likely dead. After injecting herself with the same drugs Walternate had used on her, she entered the tank and soon found herself back in her own universe at the same gift shop. With this new information, he rushed to be with Olivia, who met him with a long embrace and romantic kiss. Peter returns to Olivia, and tells her the Greek phrase means "be a better person than your father," and was told to him every night by his mother. However, her incarceration was a kidnapping in this timeline, and her stay in the alternate universe lasted 2 weeks, instead of 3 months. Later that night, Dunham received a call from Sharp, who told her that testing had also occurred at a military base in Jacksonville, Florida, leaving Dunham to believe that she had been a test subject for the drug herself. Profession [1] Olivia was involved in a serious relationship with fellow FBI agent John Scott,[1] and his supposed betrayal and death was something she dealt with for much of the first season. ("Entrada"). Olivia rushed to Peter's house and told him that she remembered everything. However, they are attacked by the image of her step-father and several military personnel. The case is solved and finished with the death of killer Christopher Penrose and the arrest of his father Claus Penrose. During the case, Dunham discovered that her affair with Scott was not as secret as she had once thought, and she begins to question her entire relationship with Scott. However, through concentration, Dunham appeared to extinguish the lights and disable the bomb, though she attributed it to a simple timer that caused the lights to cut off, and not to any personal ability, though Peter disagreed with her. Alt-Broyles arrives and tells them that . I think that's pretty cool. They were married and have a daughter. She believes herself to be incapable of being vulnerable initially until she finds strength in it. As they spend more time together Olivia begins to remember her time with Peter and gradually comes to realize that she is "his" Olivia while her memories from the readjusted timeline begin to slip. She's got a little firefighter, a little military in her. At first skeptical, Peter soon accepted her into his life. She aided in fulfilling Walter's Plan, although she did not know the specifics of it. Once there, Peter found the adult Olivia waiting for him, but realized by her eyes that this was not her. When they arrived at the station, Olivia ordered Henry to drive away, and managed to fire at a small valve on a gas tank, allowing the explosion to cover their trail. After Olivia's death, the Bishops and Ella Dunham were in mourning. Walter continued to study the Central Park wormhole and discovered that it links to the past, approximately 250 million years ago. What's interesting about this show is that in many ways, Olivia has the masculine role, and the two guys are the women. Walter and Peter helped revive Olivia who immediately demanded to see Nina. Olivia's hallucination of Peter pointed out to her that there was a way to tell if she was from the prime universe: by confirming her memories of her seven-year-old niece Ella, who did not survive birth in the parallel universe. [6] When trying to reawaken this ability in her as an adult, Dr. Bishop hypothesized that this ability was partially derived from Olivia's fear about seeing into the alternate dimension. 23 Sep. 2010. He tells her to expect headaches as one consequence of crossing universes. [9] She regains part of those memories and learns more about the invasion between dimensions. As she was removed from the tank, she lied, telling Walternate the test did not work. It is confirmed by Broyles that Olivia's captivity in the alternate universe took place over a period of two months. She went to the bowling alley, managed by Sam Weiss where he told her she was one of the best people hes known, and hes sure shell do the right thing. I think each of them sees things in the other they'd like to have. Lincoln Lee is a fictional character on the Fox television series Fringe (2008-2013). Olivia adopted Ella, presumably after her parents' deaths. Olivia had no recollection of. First Appearance She struggles with trust issues and letting other people help her out. At the hospital following the events on Bell's ark, Olivia learned that she was pregnant. There was not one single universe in which Lincoln and Olivia were not part of each other's lives in some capacity. Alice's connection to the parallel universe Derek had caused the crack. There's lots of little, subtle differences. However, they continue to work together and her time with Peter reminds her why she fell in love with him, and she tells him she wants to see him happy with her. ("6955 kHz"). Olivia and Peter got married. Olivia Dunham, 3 years old, at the beginning of the Cortexiphan Trials. "[28] Torv further explained, "Olivia wants to be the best, but [Fauxlivia] just wants to win;"[29] "There's just a front-footedness I think to [her], simply because she just doesn't carry the weight of the world on her shoulders like Olivia does. Olivia after coming out of synaptic transfer ("Pilot"), Desperate to solve the case and save her lover, Dunham searched the FBI database for anything that could help cure Scott's ailment, eventually discovering a Dr. Walter Bishop, a scientist who conducted research on a similar matter. Due to the amount of Cortexiphan rushing through her body, Olivia would be able to heal herself if the bullet was removed in a timely manner. Alternate Version [34] IGN's Travis Fickett agreed, calling Torv's early work on Fringe "very good" as she "brings a unique presence to the show. Upon interrogating Steig, Dunham discovers that John Scott had been speaking to Steig before the 627 incident, and had even been threatening him. When Walter proved to be knowledgeable about the subject, Dunham had him released from the institution and had his old lab reopened. Dunham was clear of the blast, but Scott had been directly in the middle of the explosion and was put into a coma to slow skin degeneration similar to the degeneration seen on the passengers of Flight 627. ("Momentum Deferred") While in the trials, she was partnered up with Nick Lane. Olivia demonstrated that she learned how to control her Cortexiphan abilities. No matter how many versions of Lincoln and Olivia the show could conjure there were roughly four they always had each other's backs, and Lincoln Lee loved Olivia in every universe. She encountered a cleaning lady, and as Olivia felt herself being dragged back to the parallel universe, she gave the cleaning lady a message to pass along to Peter that she was trapped on the other side, exposing Fauxlivia. Broyles revealed there was a GPS tracker in him, but managed to buy Olivia enough time to successfully return to her universe with a dose of Cortexiphan. After talking to Rachel about her sister, Peter visited Olivia, who was scheduled to be taken off life support the following morning. It is possible that hypnosis sessions conducted by Walter had also diminished the children's memories of what was happening to them. Because of her efforts to save Christopher, he let her go. FBI Special Agent However, Henry remained parked on a nearby street. As a child, she suffered from abuse and was experimented on by Walter Bishop, although much of her memories of him were repressed. The boy, who was extremely sensitive to human emotion, helped Dunham solve the case of The Artist, a serial killer whom Dunham had previously chased. Upon entering the plane, Dunham and her colleagues were shocked at the carnage inside the cabin, where every occupant's flesh had melted. The Cortexiphan Trials, run by Walter Bishop and William Bell, took place in a daycare centre in Jacksonville, Florida. Giving orders in Central Park, moments before her death. ("Ability"). She directed Henry to the address for Massive Dynamic, but found the facility does not exist in this universe. An experiment by Dr. Bishop to link her to the dying John Scott's mind in order to learn what he knew about his condition results in Olivia gaining part of his consciousness, causing her mind to begin integrating and purging the foreign consciousness. ("6B"), Sometime later, Peter and Olivia's relationship began to improve. ("Safe") Loeb took her back to a laboratory, injecting her with a mysterious substance. Olivia and Peter fight the Observers and loyalists. Jones then instructed Dunham to find a box which contained ten games, which were designed for a "recruit" of the ZFT bible. Sanford Harris, however, considered that doing so would be negotiating with a terrorist. Critically acclaimed for an evolving storyline, Olivia has highlighted determination and focus as her main traits, according to Abrams. [7], Olivia is given permission by Nina Sharp to meet William Bell, who currently resides in another dimension, with his office in the World Trade Center's South Tower. Olivia temporarily crosses over and discovers the truth. I loved Lincoln Lee on the other side, but this Lincoln has become integral to the team. Later, her hallucination of Peter Bishop was trying to convince her that she does not belong to the world by giving her the facts that only the real Olivia would know. Dunham was at first reluctant to do the test, believing Jones to be performing a psychological trick on her. Olivia later met Peter at his house prior to them going out on a date, but when she arrived, she saw the same shimmer on Peter. Peter left her standing in the rain. Walter, in a desperate plea, crossed over to save him, despite Nina's attempts to stop him. Walter was holding a grudge against William Bell for using Olivia as a part of his scheme to collapse both worlds. However, because of this betrayal, Colonel Broyles was killed to replace the mass for Fauxlivia to crossover. She turned to face Peter, revealing herself to now be possessed by Bell. [10] Fauxlivia was involved in a serious relationship with Frank Stanton and eventually became engaged, but the two broke up when he discovered she was pregnant by Peter. The Alternate Fringe Team She had a live-in boyfriend who is a virologist for the CDC named Frank Stanton with whom she had met during a cholera outbreak in Hoboken. However, Walternate arranged for Olivia's brain to be removed for further study on how to travel through universes safely. As soon as he did this, Jones abducted Olivia. "[44], Dunham was named one of TV's Smartest Detectives by AOL TV. Olivia willingly participated in Walternate's tests in a sensory-deprivation tank located on Liberty Island to stimulate her Cortexiphan abilities. The Fringe division discovers an undamaged device they believe is used by the shapeshifters to take another's identity. Olivia became frightened when she believed she could not evacuate people from the buildings without causing mass panic. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Olivia reunited with Peter at the hospital. Agent Lincoln Lee, still needing hyperbaric treatment to regrow his skin after being burned, and Agent Charlie Francis, followed a tracking device on Henry's taxi. Jupiter and Venus will share a rare 'cosmic kiss' tonight, as the two planets appear side by side in the night sky.. Nina advised Olivia to find Sam Weiss, a man that William Bell had trusted and instructed Nina to also listen to. Olivia learns that while Etta poses as an enforcer for the observers she is actually resistant to their telepathy and is a key figure in the human resistance movement against them. Episode Count Every version of Lincoln and Olivia could have had it all (and at least one of them did), and here are 11 reasons why they were Fringe 's best couple. Olivia begins to realize how much Fauxlivia has consumed her life. Broyles helped to comfort Olivia that she had to kill the man she thought was Charlie. Returning to the Federal Building in Boston, Dunham was assigned to investigate a lead at a storage facility along with Scott. Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Netflix. She is the central character of the series. While assisting Peter in crossing to the Other Side, Olivia was visited by a wounded September, who warned that, in all possible futures, no matter what he tried to do, she would die. Immortality: Directed by Brad Anderson. Loeb was captured and interrogated by the FBI, and Dunham revealed that Samantha was dead, driving Loeb into a rage. Olivia and Peter as children in the field of white tulips. Now, one can argue that maybe that wasn't the best way for us to introduce the main character, but there was a purpose. Peter was unable to answer her, and a distressed Olivia left on her own, deciding not to be with him. At FBI HQ, Olivia is drawing a man's face, but quickly hides the sketch when Lincoln arrives. For me, Lincoln and Olivia were Fringe 's OTP. Shortly after the bridge was formed, Olivia and the other Olivia began to swap case files, both being extremely cold and suspicious of the other. And definitely had depth and a history behind her eyes. Her take on [Fauxlivia] added many new colors to the characters, including malice, humor and sensuality. Olivia managed to escape the facility using her talent for remembering numbers and knocking several government men down. 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