with Joe Galloway, and photos from "We Were Soldiers" Find original prints from the Battle of Ia Drang at www.weweresoldiers.net. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that post-traumatic stress disorder afflicts almost 31 percent of Vietnam veterans, 10 percent of Desert Storm veterans, 11 percent of Afghanistan veterans and 20 percent of Iraq war veterans. Pictures of Ia Drang Vets - The First Major Battle of Vietnam Ia Drang Veterans Bill Beck Bill Beck in Vietnam Bill Ross "I was with C Co, 1/7 Cav and attached to Bn Commo Center (Trojan 65) until Jan 66 when I returned to C Co as Commo Chief with Capt Cash CO until I returned to the states in Jul 66. I did not meet my Dad till late in 1945. First time we ever tried to help the greenhorns heading for combat for the first time was in 2003 as Knight Ridder was preparing to send 37 reporters to war. I was very young. Phase I forces, almost all in place by the end of this year, involve 130 South Vietnamese, 9 Korean, 1 Australian and 34 U.S. combat battalions (approximately 220,000 Americans). ============================= The caption provides pertinent information about the circumstance: the who, what and where. His cheerful attitude,tireless applications and devotion to duty were directly responsible for the successful. I thought. This image shows troops getting off a UH-1 "Huey" helicopter and entering the battlefield. Joseph "Joe" Galloway kept a relationship with the division in the decades after the war. All 16 Hueys dedicated to lifting and supporting Colonel Moores besieged force in X-ray were shot full of holes, but only two were unable to fly out on their own. Sadly, they probably died quickly in the war. ======================== We have but two options, it seems to me. 5. He told the dozens of reporters who had assembled that there was no ambush of the Americans at Albany. We Were Soldiers Once.and Young: la Drang - The Battle That Changed the War in Vietnam is a 1992 book by Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore (Ret.) U.S. killed-in-action can be expected to reach 1,000 a month, and the odds are even that we will be faced in early 1967 with a no-decision at an even higher level. He also ordered all four company commanders to come forward to receive instructions on how he wanted them deployed around the perimeter of Albany. Looking back today on this picture I took so long ago I can see that there is an echo here of the famous Robert Capa image of the woman whose head had been shaved at the end of WWII because she was considered to be a Nazi collaborator and had a child whom she hugs to her chest with a German soldier. Our goal was to win the war.. Not very much, at least during my 43 years of covering Americas wars. ++"We treated him for burns. Together, these actions at the landing Page 4/18 February, 28 2023 Sketching Light By Joe Mcnally He is the only civilian to receive a combat medal form the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. What was the worst case of PTSD you ever came across? They were replaced by new draftees, who flowed in as individual replacements and who knew no one around them, and nothing of their outfits history and esprit. The real Harold G. Moore and Joseph Galloway traveled back to Vietnam after the war and met the real Nguyen Huu An as research for their book so they could understand the battle strategy of the North Vietnamese at Ia Drang. The man was a brave SOB, having made a name for himself at the Battle of Ia Drang, November 14-18, 1965 (I wrote about the battle here). At the moment I hit the button I did not recognize the GI who was dashing across. But there and then, I decided to follow in his footsteps and complete his mission. In the days before embeds this generations enforced melding of photographer and military unit there was a certain sense of freedom we owned as photographers, being able to go directly to where the story was. Joe Galloway was awarded the Bronze Star with V device for his service in the battle. It was a great moment for Americans! In a message dated 1/15/2004 3:23:36 PM Pacific Standard Time, During Hal G. Moores time in the R&D at the Pentagon, He had nothing to do with anything to do with the. 218K views 2 years ago Joseph Galloway was a civilian reporter at the Battle of Ia Drang. On that day, There were 30 or 40 photographers boarded on a flat-bed, including TV. In this interview, Zacharias spoke with Galloway about his war reporting days and his own PTSD. Bruce Crandall Medal of Honor winner committed crimes in Vietnam!! quote Joe Lee Galloway, (a) Any person subject to this chapter who wrongfully takes, obtains, or withholds, by any means, from the possession of the owner or of any other person any money, personal property, or article of value of any kind, (1) with intent permanently to deprive or defraud another person of the use and benefit of property or to appropriate it to his won use or the use of any person other than the owner, steals that property and is guilty of larceny; or. We tore back to a landing zone that we had arrived at less than an hour later. He disregarded the guidance from authorities to stay in place and ordered an immediate evacuation - getting most of his people out of the tower. After I photographed the Democratic Convention in Chicago, which was very turbulent and contested, I wanted to photograph the future President. When do you think you first encountered someone with PTSD? - This film is about the First Cavalry Division in Vietnam. They are the increased infiltration from the North and the increased willingness of the Communist forces to stand and fight, even in large-scale engagements. Despite his wounds, Cole continued to attend the injured in Vietnams central highlands in January, 1966. Joe Lee Galloway a Reporter who did not have to go to Vietnam has PTSD?! Who were the soldiers in your early life? Word spread quickly that a battalion of Americans had been massacred in the Ia Drang Valley, but reporters were told there was no ambush. I remember him telling the story of being lined up in the playground and being handed a Mars bar by a tall GI. Back in Saigon, General Westmoreland and MACV G-3, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations General William DePuy, were studying the statistics of the Ia Drang battles. Each of us was terribly afraid that the other was going to be killed in the next minutes. Sometimes, even in war, that moment can tell a whole story with clarity, but it can be ambiguous too. A few years later on that fateful day in 1972 on the Trang Bang road, my brothers goal was accomplished. those who died in action in this heroic event. Second Lieutenant Walter Marm (later Colonel) received the Medal of Honor on February 15, 1967 for his actions during the 3-day battle at LZ X-Ray. It was for only the Air Force and the coordination with AIRBORNE TROOPS and their equipment, In 1957 Hal G. Moore did not know they were writing the manual FM 57-35 Army Transport Aviation, CITATION FOR AWARD OF ARMY COMMENDATION RIBBON WITH METAL PENDANT. "He loved the boys and girls of the U.S. military. General Westmoreland estimates that through 1966 North Vietnam will have the capability to expand its armed forces in order to infiltrate three regiments (nine battalion equivalents, or 4,500 men) a month, and that the VC in South Vietnam can train seven new battalion equivalents a monthtogether adding 16 battalion equivalents a month to the enemy forces. This photo was only one of several Huet made of Cole that were published on the cover and inside pages of LIFE magazine. JG Free shipping. Ia Drang Valley Incident. It was by choice. We dont focus so much on if, or how much, we were damaged by what we witnessed or participated in. Notable Awards. The helicopter Dao sent to Saigon to pick us up deposited us just outside the town. Ia Drang - The Battle That Convinced Ho Chi Minh He Could Win Ia Drang - The Battle That Convinced Ho Chi Minh He Could Win Joe Galloway takes a hard look at the assessments of Ia Drang by the war's architects in Washington, Saigon and Hanoi: McNamara, Westmoreland, Ho and Giap by Joseph Galloway 10/18/2010 But we journalists were so sure that we were immune to all we witnessed in combat. In a steady, highly effective, and most outstanding manner, Lt. There are submarines, there are mini-submarines, and then there are human torpedoes. The rest brought in ammunition, grenades, water and medical supplies, and took out the American wounded in scores of sorties. Another 71 Americans had been killed in earlier, smaller skirmishes that led up to the Ia Drang battles. Colonel Crandall broke his back when he crash landed a year later while rescuing 12 trapped soldiers. Do you think Gold Star family members can suffer from PTSD even though they have never been in a combat zone? It seems to me that journalists are even more reluctant than soldiers to seek treatment for PTSD. Hal G. Moore, Bruce Crandall and Jon Mills went in to an officers bar, they were told to leave by, Hal G. Moore was wearing his web gear, grenades,ammo, M-16 rifle, Bruce Crandall and Jon, Hal G. Moore laying his M-16 on the bar, tells the manager if he did not serve them he would, Bruce Crandall and Jon mills, take their pistols out of their holsters, and place them on the, This by this act alone Bruce Crandall and Jon mills, by taking their pistols out of their holsters, (a) Any person subject to this chapter who attempts or offers with unlawful force or violence to, do bodily harm to another person, whether or not the attempt or offer is consummated, is. Shaking it at the defense secretary, he said, You mean to tell me no matter what I do I cant win in Vietnam? McNamara nodded yes. As Jon Meacham describes in this weeks issue of TIME, the pictures from that period can help illuminate the demons of Vietnam. I arrived from Miami on the press plane that accompanied the candidate. Employers shy away from hiring people who have been diagnosed with PTSD. Joe Galloway of the Ia Drang Was 1/60 fast enough? If you havent seen war up close and personal you really cant know what it is and what it does to those on the field of battle. The photograph that ran in LIFE in late October 1966 of Gunnery Sergeant Jeremiah Purdie, bleeding and bandaged, helped down a muddy hill by fellow marines, didnt really need a caption. Hal Moore, portrayed by Mel Gibson in the movie, was a bonafide legendary commander with unending love for . In mid-April of 1975, a small group of American journalists were invited to fly into the small provincial capital of Xuan Loc, South Vietnam, 35 miles north of Saigon, by commander Le Minh Dao. We also found that getting together and sharing the stories helped us all smooth things out so we could go on for another year. He is the only civilian awarded a medal of valor by the U.S . And a UH-1 "Huey" helicopter is flying in toward the area. From: jgalloway krwashington . He took along a platoon of mortars that belonged to Captain Ted Danielsens Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry, which had been sent with Stockton as possible reinforcements if needed. One morning near the end of the unsuccessful Laos invasion of early 1971 (an attempt to cut the Ho Chi Minh trail), I wandered into a group of young soldiers who were tasked with fixing tanks and track vehicles which were regularly being rocketed by North Vietnamese troops just down the road. Stockton sent one of his companies of Blues, or infantry, under command of Captain Charles S. Knowlen, to a clearing near that site. ie Crushed ankle. CREATIVE. Joe Galloway, Special to the Opelika-Auburn News Nov 14, 2010 0 1 of 2 Pictured is the first prisoner of war captured at Landing Zone Xray on Nov. 14, 1965. They had built cohesion as a unit, a team, and that is a powerful force multiplier. A kid headed out for R&R and a floor stacked with KIAs [killed in action]. $5.02. To meet this possibleand in my view likelyCommunist build-up, the presently contemplated Phase I forces will not be enough. Released prisoner of war Lt. Col. Robert L. Stirm is greeted by his family at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, Calif. Sal VederAP. and war journalist Joseph L. Galloway about the Vietnam War.It focuses on the role of the First and Second Battalions of the 7th Cavalry Regiment in the Battle of the Ia Drang Valley, the United States' first large-unit battle of the Vietnam War; previous . 10 things you never knew about we were soldiers task. In November 1965, journalist Joseph L. Galloway hitched a ride on an Army helicopter flying to the Ia Drang Valley, a rugged landscape of red dirt, brown elephant grass and truck-size termite mounds in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam. The weather closed in again. He saw everything; he saw the fatigue of the American soldiers, their fear, the prisoners fear. Then his men took a prisoner, a North Vietnamese private who was quaking so hard he could barely speak. Another 71 Americans had been killed in earlier, smaller skirmishes that led up to the Ia Drang battles. One is to go now for a compromise solution (something substantially less than the favorable outcome I described in my memorandum of November 3) and hold further deployments to a minimum. The battle consisted of two engagements in the valley . by Joe Galloway Part Four: A Season in Hell. Major Bruce P. Crandall's UH-1D helicopter climbs skyward after. Despite these numbers, senior American officials in Saigon declared the Battle of the Ia Drang Valley a great victory. His MOH citation recounts several examples of conspicuous gallantry, some despite being severely wounded. There were no Americans captured and only four North Vietnamese prisoners takenall at X-ray and none at Albany. Nobody offered any advice about going to war. With Karen Spears Zacharias Although he seemed unwounded he was being medevacd out of the battle. . Three days later, only two and a half miles away, a sister battalion was chopped to pieces. (Paperback 9780345475817) Suddenly, enemy mortars exploded among the Americans signaling the PAVN attack, and they charged through the tall grass and cut through the thin line of Cavalry troops strung out along the trail. War Correspondent, Vietnam, Joe Galloway speaks during the 'Vietnam in HD' panel during the History portion of the 2011 Summer TCA Tour at the. General Giap knew all along that his country and his army would prevail against the Americans just as they had outlasted and worn down their French enemy. The written account around the photograph and a dozen others that brought Operation Prairie to LIFEs readers told of infiltrating troops and of efforts to thwart them of hills taken and given up. Your browser is out of date. The detail not given was that Gunny Purdies commanding officer had just been killed on that hill, the radio operator cut in half. Neither did the article mention that the CO had called in artillery fire on his own position. Col. Hoang Phuong, a historian who had spent two months walking south, charged with writing the Lessons Learned report on the coming battles, said that it was during this phase that the retreating PAVN troops began learning what airmobility was all about. I notice that as the years dwindle down to a precious few I weep a lot more often as the memories cross my mind. These men had seen buddies cut in half by shrapnel from an incoming round, or watched a friends head explode from a bullet between the eyes that earned him a one-way ticket home in a body bag. Joe Galloway, a young reporter from United Press International, was with the American troops during the battle and found himself covering the fighting and also participating in it. My film had to make it all the way to New York before it could be processed and edited. Screw it. anything to give him and he just told me to just keep giving him the saline solution. Their peasant soldiers had withstood the high-tech firestorm thrown at them by a superpower and had at least fought the Americans to a draw, and to them a draw against so powerful an enemy was a victory. You had tactics, and it takes very decisive tactics to win a strategic victory.If we could defeat your tacticsyour helicoptersthen we could defeat your strategy. Other locals and American military are nearby; the anxious glance of the child indicates as much. Joe Lee Galloways true fillings, on Vietnam Veteranstroops PTSD! Joe Galloway, legendary war correspondent and the only the only civilian to receive the Bronze Star Medal with V for heroism in Vietnam, has died at 79 pic.twitter.com/58rLxyc6dj XVIII Airborne Corps (@18airbornecorps) August 18, 2021 Nine regular North Vietnamese regiments (27 infantry battalions) have been infiltrated in the past year, joining the estimated 83 VC battalions in the South. The Americans trapped in the kill zone were on their own. Complete his mission as a unit, a North Vietnamese private who was quaking so he! Quickly in the battle reluctant than soldiers to seek treatment for PTSD saw everything ; he saw ;! Child indicates as much all the way to New York before it could processed... 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