Me and my husband just like seeing our reflections while eating at our small dining table. My bathroom door was open as I slept and I was having a restless night. I dont~~~ Can you help me please ?. Although the dining room is most suitable for mirrors, where to place them needs a little attention as the mirror can bring anything from the outside into the house. Can I get your email so I can attached the 3d image of my new house including mirror placement and all other stuff ? Directly opposite of the bathroom door is the kitchen which has no door. Thanks in advance! The reason you may have read is that the South (area/sector) is correlated with Fire, and mirror is water, so that they may clash. I wouldnt worry too much about this if I were you. My father passed away when I was 5 yrs old. These perspectives are those of humans who inspect the mirror's outer shiny surface, and those of spirits, who operate from the realm behind or inside the mirror. -Victor, Can you having two mirrors in the living room? . I had a problem with neighbors looking in and sending ill will in one of my windows so I placed a mirror in the window to deter them. So if youre facing north, you would be facing our master bedroom door. I have a mirror on west wall which reflects the dining room table but also a window where the kitchen sink is on east wall. Hi Victor, My home is open floor plan. This will definitely compromise the quality of your life, and the lives of your loved ones. II have my doubts on this reasoning, although there is the concern of the mirror falling on your head in case of earthquakes. That is why some experts say that televisions are not suitable for the bedroom. Thank you for your quick response Victor. hi vi have a mirror facing my car in the garage, is it safe? -Victor. The classical schools tend to recommend against a mirror facing the front door do so because for them, the reflection of a mirror reflects energy back. However, it is advisable to sleep with your back facing the mirror. Thank you and keep up these good work, I live in the Philippines. Ticketmaster is the global leader in event ticketing with over 500 million tickets sold annually and more than 12,000 clients worldwide. -Victor. Share your experience with us using the comment below! Left or right? Mirrors, water, ouija boards, etc. Early Heaven Sequence and the Later Heaven Sequence. Others say that mirrors placed at hallways can help slow down the Qi energy as it moves through your home. I hope its ok to use it because its so beautiful Lastly, my entry way is kind of small, the front door opens to a shoes closet (but its enough space between them), next to the shoe closet is the stairs so the front door is not quite in alignment with the stairs, but on the left of the front door, I place the altar (protective spirit) directly on the floor, and not facing to the front door cause its the only spot to place it. Thank you so much, Hi Claudia, It depends on the situation, it is not mirror is bad at end of hallway by default. Therefore, the spirits that live in water will find it easy to live in mirrors. Great article and well written! Hi Tara, The placement is not ideal similar concept as mirror at the wall opposite and in line with the front door. Hello! Is There Bad Energy? It is said that mirrors will invite spirits into the lives of people whenever it is placed in the wrong place. Hi Denise, If I were you, I wouldnt place the mirror, even if it doesnt face the kitchen stove. In addition to its EMF that can impact our sleep, it has the effect of mirror facing the bed, which is a big NO in Feng Shui. Thanks a lot! It states not to have a mirror in the bedroom, however it a mirror over the dressing table acceptable? This was my ex-boyfriend that was very mean and had many demands in his head. Keep your head high and keep fighting!! Toilet is said to produce negative Qi because of its purpose. -Victor. If this is the case, you are in good shape. I posted briefly about it on the other forums and if you want I can bring it over here. Is it okay to hang a mirror facing the garage door? My house is west facing, and the garage wall of my neighbor (south facing house), is what we see while going out of front door. What can I do in my situation.. In general, it is OK to have a mirror facing an interior door, aside from the front door. Its great to have it in your dining room! Youll be fine as long as it doesnt reflect your front door/window. Will it protect of anything bad that comes from the outside sending it back? As for the stairs, it is fine. 7. . Let me repeat: Bagua mirrors should be placed outdoors only. The location and facing direction of a mirror differs by the function of the room, according to Feng Shui. I childhood school friend dropped in to tell me he had always loved me and to keep and eye on his boys for him. yards. Hi Wei, Yes, that placement is fine because its not facing directly to stove. It is okay to have a mirror facing your bed. 3.) Your email address will not be published. Some people dont like it because it cuts the reflection and spooks them. On the other hand, if you believe in feng shui, placing a mirror that faces a door is considered as bad luck. For the mirror, go ahead and place it! Is this problematic from a feng shui perspective? Why is it that the dead what me to know they have gone before their deaths have been officially announced? However, if youre not bothered by it, youre all good! In general, the Bagua mirror is mainly used to block the negative energies from the outside. There is just one thing: the mirror shouldnt face the bed. 2.) Subscribe and get email updates or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Hi! This is where modernization and commercialism has taken a toll on Feng Shui. Concave Bagua Mirrors Absorb and Neutralize, 19. If you believe such comments then your spirits will start to create such illusions in your mind. Would that cause a negative effect by reflecting positive energies away? Even without the light source, mirrors create the illusion of space. Now most of the apartments have elevators. You shall keep a mirror anywhere. Concaved mirrors are mirrors thats curved inward. Which direction should mirror be placed per Feng Shui? is not fastened securely to the wall, and you are worried that it will break or fall on you. Very good article!!! Will this be ok ? It it ok to place it horizontally in the north east side? It will bring a vivid image of your ugly past, and make you responsible for those mistakes. He has dropped in. Hi AJ, A bagua mirror may or may not help. Living Room Generally Not Suitable for Mirrors, 12. See #3 above. What about a mirror in front of shower room? Having it faced outdoor seating area is good. -Victor. However, I do not think flat Bagua mirrors were used in traditional Feng Shui (I could be wrong). Anyways, I feel the negative energy coming from them so I am thinking of placing a mirror near my east-facing front door, which faces their house. But my Dining area and Living area are in the same place. This only applies when you cant place your desk in the command position (similar to thebeds command position). -Victor. Adding birthday and time of birth, there is a possibility that its used in Bazi favorable elements. As for altar, I would be careful. -Victor. my apartment has a half-length mirror on the southwest wall of the living room. Thanks. Thank you. -Victor. First let me say, love and light to you! In Cambridge, an 1800's men's shoe buckle was found hanging on the wall. It came to an end in 2011. In this way, the darkness in your life can be banished. I could see my curtains and the curtains were rainning what looked like silver glitter falling like rain. I have a mirror in our dining room which directly faces a wall, on the left side is a sliding door with curtains and the other side is an open area living room. Let me know if you need my service. They have done things to my property that are unfathomable during their home construction (grading my property without permission, damaging my sprinklers and landscaping, encroaching on my property by building a wall in my property line, blocking access to my garage for 3 months, the list goes on.) I can not find any info about it, therefore is it a hoax or should I look into it? Never choose the kind of house with the elevator door facing the door of the house. A mirror was placed at the dining area. Underneath these lights are nights stands that have mirrored top, front, and sides. -Victor. Mirrors are problems in some cases of Demonic infestations and hauntings. I want o know if it is ok to place a mirror facing a a dining room opposite a sliding door? How can I counter this? Hi,thanks for sharing good informations, what can you say about a mirror beside our front door facing south and mirror is facing our back door directly. As for where to put the mirror, only put it at the door that faces the street lamp. To replace rhe closet doors would involve a lot of time, money and creativity and at this time not possible. Theres no need to cover other mirrors. So if I will put a big wall mirror of my Dinibg it will face to the living area with a tv attached to the wall. The energy is partially blocked by some trees that have grown up. I intend to put a big full height mirror on the living room wall in my new home and it is directly facing the hallway. "Many experts say that a mirror facing the bed promotes intrusion of a third party into the couple's relationship and possibly encourage infidelity. I love waking up to them. The dining room represents this vault. But if I hang it a little bit tilted downwards it will reflect the whole dining table and I can see myself from my torso up. and seek new ways to nourish your spirit. Any thoughts on the best shape of mirrors to use in the dining room to maximize fengshui? Is it okay to place a standing mirror opposite the stairs landing in the basement? Thanks for the compliment and Im glad you like this site! I have an L shaped hallway off my family room that leads to the garage. Plane mirror should not be used in doors. or it is good if i place it in my dining area on the north wall facing my small kitchen. -Victor. Cant hurt to try it. I got up and closed the bathroom door and went back to sleep. Victor, we also have an open floor plan with a corner of the brick of our fireplace more than 5 feet away from the front door on a bias. -Victor. However, that wall faces the stove which is about 20 ft away. Doing this will protect you from imbalanced, or scattered energy. Hi Sheena, Mirror is ok in bedroom as long as it doesnt directly face the bed where you can see yourself when in bed. Hi Vicror, thanks for all the valuable information! I have a chair and plant at one side of the mirror. A few months after I moved in, they began switching their first floor landing light on at night, either manually or on a timer (or possibly a low light / motion detector the guy is ex police). The key here is to make sure how the mirror is placed. Should I move the altar elsewhere since the mirror will be above it and its at the bottom of the stairs, plus its not even facing the front door? The mirror is up against the window glass but on the inside. Youre all good. What would you recommend? MY neighbor that lives exactly across from me has placed a beautiful Square mirror right across the hall , facing my front door. Seven Years Bad Luck Perhaps the most well-known mirror myth, the belief that breaking a mirror would bring you seven years bad luck dates back to the ancient Romans. Please note that certain types of artwork are NOT suitable, like those that generate strong emotions: Specifically, those that include violence, reminders of sorrow, or even religious figures are NOT suitable because they can all harm bedroom romance. 3. -Victor. Above the door might not be an ideal place to hand your clock, but it will ensure that the clock is not facing the door. Hi Victor, is it ok to put glass block tiles in the living room facing the window? I know about their deaths before anyone knows. Sorry, I have a follow-up question. 1. In conclusion, mirrors are good Feng Shui cures to amplify anything you want in life but plan carefully to achieve the best results. She co-founded the Mindful Design Feng Shui School and wrote "Holistic Spaces: 108 Ways to Create a Mindful and Peaceful Home. As for the view, theres nothing wrong with it. argentus. If there is no space, then it is just a . Hi A. Shin, The practice of using Feng Shui Bagua mirrors is to reflect negative Qi (Xa), in nature/landscape/construction FORM outside the front door. Place it there youll be fine. -Victor. Legend has it that spirits resting in your mirror will suck your soul out through the mirror and there is no better time for them to do this than in the dark when you are sleeping and unprotected! A large plant would do the job. Hi Simran, Its fine to place it at the South wall. I do not have solid mirro.. However, we have a mirrored wall just outside our master bedroom and my daughters bedroom. -Victor. Sending them a small gift/food would be a great start! We have a square wooden mirror in the living room on the East wall facing the window to the garden and opposite a desk (but not directly in view) is this ok? -Victor. Hi Ella, Yes, that is fine. 8. When feng shui was developed, mirrors were often highly polished pieces of metal. As for the mirror facing the bed, you can get creative here. If you are terribly worried about a mirror facing your front door, then it is probably bad energy regardless of what anyone tells you because you have created your own negative thoughts about it. Hope you can give him some advice on this matter. Many people like to hang a mirror in the bedroom because it creates a brighter ambiance and can also make the space feel bigger. If the bagua mirror is the answer, should it be convex or flat? Also, if the staircase canbenefit from the water element, adding a mirror would help too. Whenever you want to sleep in front of a mirror, ensure that the mirror does not reflect the picture of a deceased person, too much light, or a dark object. If a mirror is facing the toilet, it is said that this negative energy can be strengthened and . With no formal training and no advertisements, the moment I surrendered and opened the door to the spirit world, the echoes began. will it, as they say, bring about circumstances and energies that are out of my field of vision and understanding? Hi Ady, You are perhaps overthinking this. Hi Cris, Both placement are fine. Sleeping with a mirror facing you was also a big no-no. In this article, we will go through some basic mirror Feng Shui tips and rules that relate to each room and area in your house. According to Feng shui, clocks should never be hung facing the door because they can welcome evil spirits. Hi Valerie, Those reflections are minor so theres nothing you need to worry about. Thank you for all your help! Mirrors and spirits have a powerful connection, and this is what makes mirrors highly sensitive and spiritual. On the west wall, there are two windows, and on the south wall, right near the east wall, there is a door. I once read that a mirror should never be hung so that it cuts off the top of a persons head per Feng Shui. So if you are not sure which type of mirror to use, some would recommend that you use the flat Bagua mirror. Some cultures took this further, insisting that mirrors should be covered at night and when people in the house are sleeping, to make sure that a dreamer's wandering soul doesn't get trapped in one. But when we are in the living areas, around 45 degree from the mirror, we can see the reflection of stove from the mirror. Hi Laney, Both locations are fine, and how you want to place it is totally up to you. -Victor, There is a small dining wall adjacent to the patio for an open layout. I didnt know that until it happened to me but when it happened to me I first seen a white shadow that turned into a white bright and silver ball of energy above me and my bed and then it burst into silver rain and then disappeared. Subscribe FREE for more Feng Shui Tips out the detailed guide bel. Will those push good luck and energy away from home? Thanks for your reply Victor. It is not a portal for spirits or demons. Im not sure what kind of altar you have. Mirrored wardrobe doors in bedrooms are a popular way of increasing light and space in what is sometimes a dark room. Anyway I had a strange experience involving the mirrors. Blogger and owner of Feng Shui Nexus. I would like to hang a mirror in our small dining area adjacent to the kitchen. -Victor. That is because the mirror tends to double your workload. Should this be covered up? It was almost as if there was a lot of fussing going on in the room between the two mirrors. Reflect the light. Also should the concave be placed outside the back door facing the opposing entrance or placed inside facing the front door? I am planning to put a mirror in my dining room that faces my neighbours back Door which they have put screening in front so they cannot see directly into our room . The Rooster has the power of deflecting negative energies incoming from people that we don't have the best energy with, it also has the power to subdue any gossip matters in the workplace. but after reading more about Feng Shui.. it seems i did mistake.. Hope it helped! I already try to keep the door closed at all times. Fr. The east wall faces long livingrooms ending with large front window with a view of japanese maple tree. it is ok to put a mirror on my east wall which facing my living room, dining area and window? This shouldnt be a cause of concern. I dont know if Im that special or not but I do feel like there is something very special Im suppose to do regardless of all my screw ups and mistake I seem to make on a daily basic. In my opinion, theres really no need to place another one on top of your garage door. i have a small place. I have kinda made my spiritual sanctuary in my room until the guest room is more available. Also, youre awesome! Is any of these two options better than the other? The large chunk of the broken mirror can be used to ward off bad luck during the full moon. When I moved here and was cleaning it fell off but I placed it back where it was is that ok? The . These pathways can make an avenue for spirit visitation from far afield, not just beings associated with the house. To me, this suggestion is not really about Feng Shui. Convex mirrors are said to reflect and redirect those negative Qi away. A mirror you find that you like the most is best. Also its helpful to recognize if you have your own fears based on what youve read. I awoke in the night to feel a lot of restlessness in the room but it wasnt my energy. Last Updated: October 5, 2022. 3) is it ok for a wall mirror to face the bedroom door which leads out to a small hallway (hallway has a mirror at its end). Set the bed so that the door opens diagonally to the right or left of the bed's foot board on the opposite wall, never straight . -Victor. Thanks! Both inside and outside are great places for plants. A door is the way in which you enter and exit a room. Theres a small dining table in the middle of it. My windows have blinds. I have written a whole article about this and you canread it here. We share the wall between the houses. -Victor. However, others are concerned about the mirror amplifying the energy brought by the guests, especially those with negative energies. Hello, was hoping you could provide some guidance for a mirror selection for Dining Room. -Victor. -Victor. I think itll be a great addition, and you can keep your habit of last minute checking, pimping etc. There are also other types of mirror, such as the Bagua mirror, that is used to reflect energy. Feng Shue: Don't have any facing the bed, do have full length mirrors facing exterior doors, and square ones facing windows; Chinese even go so far as placing small mirrors on the outside of exterior doors and windows. MIRRORS: When I first became conscious of my true self, I began to receive requests for remote home energy cleansings. Interesting article. Let me know if you need me to review the Form by using this link: -Victor. I personally prefer the crystals, since they are more discreet. Hi Terence, Your placement is ok. Not good or bad. Does it still count? the moment i open our screen door i get to see myself and i feel happy. This will force you to take a hard look at the mirror at your own reflection and reflect upon yourself. Hi Hum, Without considering other factors, I dont see the need for the mirror. My question is, should I put up the mirror in direct line with the energy or should I just put it to the front facing the energy or over the door which does not face the energy directly, but is perpendicular to it? Hi Amie, Yes, this shouldnt be problem without considering other factors. I (will, soon,) live in a building of apartments and my apartments front door is directly facing the buildings staircase at a close distance (between 1 and 2 meters away is the first step). If placing a desk, your back should be against the side without without the doors and windows. There is no wall for my long sofa, its (floating). -Victor. Hi Victor, I love your site. Although this isn't a creepy superstition, it's still an interesting old wives tale to think about. I have a very challenging room. If so, does it apply to a decorative one like that in the patio? Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Thank you! I appreciate your guidance. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. The front door is about 6 feet away. -Victor. Hi Tania, You can try placing something in between the front door the mirrors. You might want to fix the FAQ section of your page duplicated and when you click on the link, it takes you to the Default text. If so what is the meaning? I have one full length mirror on the West side and hexagon mirror on the North side of living room. And yep, you definitely dont need the one outside your bedroom door!! Is it bad? Some like it, and some dont. Mirror in bedroom, and spirits have a connection. Is that bad? -Victor. But this totally depends on your personal preference. Severally, people have testified to hearing noises from their mirrors in the bedroom, which got them scared. We also have a circular mirror which is currently in the kitchen on the west wall opposite a window reflecting brick buildings, is it best to move this to the North wall in the bedroom above the bed OR to the North wall in the living room reflecting the kitchen or not use it at all? And plant at one side of living room way in which you enter and exit room! Not good or bad i placed it back of my true self, i live in water find. Prefer the crystals, since they are more discreet Peaceful home southwest of. Sub_Confirmation=1Check out the detailed guide bel definitely dont need the one outside your bedroom.. Illusions in your life, and you canread it here is just a comment! Want o know if you believe such comments then your spirits will start to create such illusions in your.. And windows glass but on the other hand, if the Bagua mirror is placed front with... Guide bel in line with the house Bagua mirrors should be placed outside the back door facing front. 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