WebHigherDose Infrared Sauna Founders Commercialize Stackable Beauty and Wellness Tech. Collins must go for the good of SFUSD. It has nothing to do with racism. Check the tweets again! Allen used the Tribute tour to go on stage and let his fans know the reason why he couldn't play with Skynyrd -- a powerful, sobering message few fans will forget. Based on her actionsnot just with these tweets, but in all the board meetings, in person, and on social mediashes someone who believes her perspective is the correct one, naysayers be damnned. They dont want to have that conversation because lots of the people making the loudest stink about Collins, in fact, harbor those very same attitudes! I ask, wheres the protection for the Black and Latino community. That would strengthen America, and Collins and Lopez want to bring America down. Once, doing field research at Clemson we were working with a class of students who were morons at best, the genius teacher on site had rigged up a series of motor responses to flash cards to teach work skills. And advocating for policies that belittle the black community under the faulty assumption that they cannot achieve the same results as the rest of us. Pledge to care about kids as much as union reps or more in all policy. Of course not. Tap into Getty Images' global scale, data-driven insights, and network of more than 340,000 creators to create content exclusively for your brand. From my perspective saying the truth hurts diminishes the value shes put into her beliefs and priorities of working hard and sacrificing to become a physician and being grateful for the opportunity. Were all in this together but we no longer have the ability to discuss issues without hurt feelings, name calling and attempts to cancel each other. Its not always about racism. Im a African American and I am thankful I do not have any of my four children enrolled in the SFUSD! WAKE UP everyone. My dad worked three jobs and my mom worked two jobs (both went to night school to learn English) to support our family so that the kids could focus on school. Asian Americans have a long history of schooling and testing that way predates any notion of White Supremacy, or White people as an identity. The silence and absence of Asian American elected officials when Collins and Lopez were being targeted is not a way to move toward a fair, just and equitable society, regardless of anyones position on or disagreements about certain or even many policy proposal. People have since said that she seemed "slow," but I Everyone can easily be for funding parks and playgrounds and kiddies and sea walls. It is a model which, if followed, would lead blacks to much higher incomes and wealth. This is not the type of person that should be on the school board. Not only is that racist, but woefully ignorant. Most readers are too clueless to know where is she coming from. She never praised Asians for long study hours and sacrifice. Any valid point made is going to be torpedo by calling someone a bozo, that they need to read a book or dropping references to demonstrate being cultured in the Arts. You need to consider group behavior, even knowing there are exceptions, to understand why things are the way they are. Nearly all would choose B, trauma included. Sam Lauter was former SF AIPAC chief and has been a corporate lobbyist and campaign consultant for candidates and measures that that repeatedly and successfully targeted Black and brown communities in San Francisco for exploitation by conservative Democrats on behalf of their speculator clients for decades. So when someone uses the term House N*****, instead of getting offended like an over-entitled douche (aka model minority), you ask, why would she say that about Asian people? what exactly is the context behind that? whats the history behind that? Then go look it up, read some books and learn something new to which you can contribute back to the community. And she did not say all Asians. Showing respect for and listening to the perspectives of others will often lead to progress which is good for everyone. I believe Ms. Collins would emerge transformed and we would be an example of an alternative to Youre fired! In November 22 we can all decide the next chapter, so if removal is the answer, it will have its day. And according to Wikipedia, L-W still has shop classes, unlike Lowell. Dial down the very palpable contempt, your academic privileged is showing. WebAllen's family grew with the birth of his daughter Amie, followed quickly by Allison. His children Allison and Amy what you see today- a disturbing number of anti-asian. Donald Trump, whose been the embodiment of the American work ethic for decades, calls them losers to which they should be summarily fired. Other Asian American San Franciscans elected leaders, political activists, regular folks, twentysomethings, thirtysomethings, fortysomethings, seventysomethings, all politically liberal expressed a wide array of disappointment and pain. It paid off; I have a great career (a woman in a technology field! She was using the term House N***** as a euphemism for Model Minority. Its never an ideal situation when extreme partisans call the tune and make everybody dance. Totally agree with Steve. Maybe the guy in Georgia liked Trump, and there are whites who attack Asians, but most here are black, so acknowledge that. Her tweets, in my opinion, are not fighting words toward Asian Americans. WebCollins married Kathy Evelyn Johns on October 10, 1970 with whom he had two daughters, Amy and Allison. And furthermore, SOTAs student body is 37% white, vs 11% for te district as a whole. So cute. Zhous billboard was vile and a reprehensible political ad that invoked racist, misogynistic and sexist perspectives. Step down Alison. It was a lie. Even if USA is much better at volleyball than the rest of the world, how long do you think it will take for this to change? Much of AIPACs work involves whitewashing Israels illegal occupation of Palestine in support of the Israeli governments campaign of dehumanizing those there before them. She posted pictures of Please keep your comments short and civil. It used to be you needed all As, which requires a very moral upbringing, very focused hard work from the child and good leadership from parents. Now lets take the rest of the world who does not care about inclusivity in volleyball and just wants the best performing athletes, who do you think wins at the Olympics? Collins says her First Amendment Rights were violated after she received a vote of no confidence for posting derogatory remarks against Asian Americans. We are the ones weve been waiting for. Her hate must stop, our community is hurt. Bassist Larry Junstrom also joined in. Opening the Who tour. There would not be any opportunity for articles like this one analyzing context or motives. Instead, she should demand that elementary and middle schools across SF be as rigorous and if there is an instance where she can prove that asians are given more opportunities in the elementary and middle school where they were able to get an education good enough to pass entrance exams or used white supremacist thoughts and methods to get ahead, then prove it. Asians believe they are so damn smart, they can figure out something based on what they already know. mb s comments only reflect his/her ignorance, arrogance and stupidity. They quickly follow that up with something along the lines of, on balance so and so wasnt such a bad person. Pasta loving kids should be let in-not based on merit, but based on the fact that they happen to love pasta? Not one peep. The Tragic Real-Life Story Of Allen Collins From Lynyrd Skynyrd, Whiskey Bottles and Brand-New Cars: The Fast Life and Sudden Death of Lynyrd Skynyrd. You want to silence a strong outspoken Black woman because she speaks truth to power. Blacks can be poorer for any of 3 reasons. No one wants to discuss the fact some races study more and try to fix it by convincing, selling kids on the idea hard work will pay off and it is your moral duty to show your content of character by studying hard, long hours, to be a good and improved person. These are the Collins supporters and I stand in solidarity with AAPI offended here, but will not speak for them as they are more than capable of expressing themselves. Its inconceivable that many Nigerians, Jews, Mormons, Chinese, Indians, Koreans, Lebanese, Persians etc. In 1970, Allen married Kathy Johns. So if I dont call out Trump and if I dont vote Democrat, then Im a racist? Had there been higher profile solidarity between Asians and Blacks on issues of shared experience of racist oppression, then we might not be here. Rather, what I am *not* sure of is that Lowell students would not do equally well for themselves in a different system in which Lowell did not exist. Can you provide more information about what you a referring to? My wish is for all minority communities to have each others back. Theres more than a standard deviation between blacks and African and Asian immigrants in study hours per week, and black and Asian immigrants have virtually eliminated everything we complain about black people experiencing, homelessness, prison, being killed by police, being killed by criminals, murder, extreme multi-generational poverty, lifetime of minimum wage, etc. The same is true of other Asian refugee groups that have been resettled in this country compared to those who are voluntary migrants. She is a poor example of the school board and towards the Asian community. Absolutely! Many whites are very lazy. Or so I am told. Though Malcolm X is at times referred to, his comments quoted above are little known or discussed. The Rossington-Collins Band debuted in June 1980 with the Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere album. Sadly, this is politics 101 today in our divided society. Despite her explicitly anti-transgender advocacy (in 2013 Zhao advocated against gender-neutral bathrooms in San Francisco schools) , Mayor London Breed and state Senator Scott Wiener were proud to endorse her and support her candidacy. And if I then doubled down again and again that I was Very Accomplished and that I Worked Very Hard and Humbly to be a leader in my field and that my Ph.D. in Ethnic Studies entitled me to be taken very seriously about medicine, I would just sound like a clownish, arrogant, unbelievably lazy idiot. That if we do not unite in solidarity (Black, Asian, Hispanic), we all remain n-words. Also- the opposition to renaming schools is not nobody is perfect. Black people do have to do exactly what Asians did to be successful. You cant hide behind Malcolm, that speech doesnt lessen what was said by her in any way. I dont even have kids, but after the school renaming debacle and the fact that schools are still closed after we put teachers at the front of the line for vaccines, I will vote against every incumbent on the ballot. beaten? "Alison Collins wants $87 million for damage to her career. These SFUSD employees say she destroyed theirs". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 2021-05-09. ^ Tucker, Jill (November 7, 2018). In the Lynyrd Skynyrd biographyWhiskey Bottles and Brand-New Cars: The Fast Life and Sudden Death of Lynyrd Skynyrd, author Mark Ribowsky illustrates that Collins suffered from terrible survivor's guilt and PTSD that lead to severe nightmares. No, there are a large variety of answers. Add to all this a series of incendiary 2016 Collins tweets describing anti-Blackness among Asian Americans, last week unearthed by online partisans opposed to altering Lowells admission plans and pushing a recall effort for Collins and two other commissioners. His passion for cars, particularly race cars developed in his childhood and lasted all through his life. Every poor person will only get ahead by denouncing laziness and embracing effort. Is that going to fix things? WebView the profiles of professionals named "Allison Collins" on LinkedIn. Your argument is irrelevant mainly. Ask most Asian American families who fit this scenario one question. But even if false, the idea is obviously not *crazy* on its face, and Lowell stans need to stop dismissing the idea out of hand without even engaging with the facts of student outcomes across the entire district. 3. The otherwise thriving Skynyrd faced a sudden setback after the Convair CV-240 passenger aircraft boarded by its members on October 20, 1977 ran out of fuel and crashed into a forest in Mississippi. Now its on to anti-Asian sentiment, ignoring the facts that Asian students on average put the most hours into study. being an Collins is anti Asian as seen through her tweets and her actions. One More From The Road. She was putting down white people and thats how I perceived it. He was NOT allowed but an Asian man was allowed to go to his wife who was also a fatality. She attacks Lowell for having the wrong demographics and being merit based, but sends her own daughters to SOTA, which is merit based and has just as disproportional demographics. Maybe they learn the valuable skill of mentoring their more-average classmates, and maybe this experience also affords more opportunities for them to thoroughly master the material themselves. Can you readers believe teacher Joe used the word sclerotic in succeeding pieces? Part of Allen's sentence from his car wreck, called for him to use his fame and influence to warn kids of the dangers of drunk driving. Or is this move just to place more pressure on Collins to resign? We belonged here! I see a lot of ineffective boomer and millennial staff in our school board in cleveland heights and yet they are able to retire and keep getting nice salaries because they dont speak on social media about real racial issues. Collins studied at the Nathan B. Forrest High School. There is still no plan to bring back older students, the District will forfeit close to $20M because of it, and Collins is more concerned with herself than with educating the students. 1. In her head, she is advocating for AAPI and those defending her believe this to be true. She needs to take a good look at the mirror before she calls anyone else a house Ni****. Theory #3 is effort. Sorry, you simply do not understand these terms as they are used by people who think about and discuss race as a living, and should either read some books about the subject so you know what youre talking about or stop commenting. Times were very difficult since Allen's musical career barely brought in enough to support the young family. I guess that makes my parents house niggers (Malcom X: The house Negroesthey lived in the house with master, they dressed pretty good, they ate good because they ate his foodwhat he left). What is the Denouement of the story a day in the country? Some will agree with you, and others wont. This is not skimming. If the Negro wasnt taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. Those of us who are Asian/Pacific Islander ask that our pain not be used as a wedge to further harm or pit API and Black communities against each other by a racist recall effort. Feel free to check it out, its on NBC news. Acknowledge and change, not discriminate and unapologetic. I, myself, found it hateful and harmful. Plus we now have a giant chip on our shoulder and will blame, dislike, or mock anybody who tries to do these things (I recall myself being called coconut and other derogatory terms for daring to read). Does Ms. Collins ouster send a message ( I doubt it as weve been firing people over this for decades and it still happens)? Doctor, I dont care if you singlehandedly built a sterile, working artificial heart out of three old scarves and the circuit board in a Tickle Me Elmo; if youre gonna say something as pig-ignorant as white supremacy in my opinion, is real only to the perpetrator, people are going to call you out on it, and they will be right to do so. For instance, if the racist slave owner decides he wants to scapegoat someone for spreading the some Kung-Flu, the house negro will conveniently serve as the whipping boy to which the field negros attention will focused upon and away from the master. Skynyrd donated substantial amount of its 198788 concert tour proceeds to the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis while Collins came up with the Roll For Rock Wheelchair Events and Benefit Concerts in 1988. 1805. Thanks for your comments. This privilege is NOT afforded to Nigerians, Latinos, Trinidadians, Africans, Iranians but to Asians. The next Board of Education meeting is slated for 3 p.m. today, and it remains to be seen how good and pleasant that will be. I looked forward to learning more about some of the obscure names (and fully agreed with renaming the most high-profile problematic names). Coupled with the lingering effects of losing his friends in the plane crash, Kathy's death devastated Allen. Even when Gary Rossington and Dale Krantz quit the Rossington Collins Band, Allen continued on forming the Allen Collins Band in 1983. Its the magical idea that one can achieve success simply by personal effort unassisted by anyone or anything else. and family. You commenters are too smart for your own good. Calling merit white supremacy is such an inane concept coming from anyones mouth. When did ill-farted become a euphamism for racist? They had other accomplishments as well, like convincing millions that they longed for their homeland of Alabama, whether or not they'd ever been to the state. I have to touch back on the Freedom of Our Speech earlier comment. They felt like theatre and politics. So even those who feel secure in their whiteness may not be so secure once the definition is sharpened and you get excluded. Collins and Lopez destroyed what families had worked thousands of hours to earn, for everyone, out of spite for those who work hard, out of a belief all minorities shouldnt try to assimilate and learn but instead should work together to create a socialist utopia. If she were sorry shed support KIPP and charters, restore Lowell, and spend some of the salary increase money on tutors for black kids who will encourage them to sacrifice as many hours as the average Asian kid does. Their racism is in pursuit of a greater good so if you dont like their racism, its because you are racist. Its racism not to note. Great work, Joe. Black kids study less than whites, on average. The slaves that worked in the home were less likely to push for abolishing the system because they did not see much wrong with it, but the master could always relegated them to hard labor. My parents were the help.. against Asian-American families. She is equating academic success with acting white, which is the most destructive thing a black parent could do. We have to understand the contextcalling someone a house n for doing well in school and getting in to lowell and then to UC and then getting a great job is a gross distortion of what malcolm x was talking about(because he was speaking specifically about blacks).using the model minority concept and equating it to house ns makes sense only if you feel all minorities must side with certain political and racial ideologies.her entire folly is to assume that asian people must submit and further woke agendas, and if they dont they are siding with white supremacy.Malcolm spoke in the context of independence not in the forced integration and forced equity that the woke mob intends to imposethe collective freakout the bay had because of trump is not an excuse, forced solidarity is not true solidarity.blaming those that mastered the system as siding with the supposed master, and subsequently complicit in the oppression of others is a truely distorted sense of reality.inequity does not racism make just because your woke guru said so. Its in our culture to study hard as a way to get ahead when you dont have money or connections which is exactly where my family started out in the US. Access the best of Getty Images with our simple subscription plan. Not being there, if one is relaxing, is factual laziness. I expected at least a few paragraphs at the level of scholarship my 9th grader is using in his English assignments. What the far left is saying is that no one should have to sacrifice to get ahead, that its owed to people based on past sins. In college, other students (rich white kids) called me and my fellow Asian friends grinds because we studied every day including weekends, and didnt party enough. Collins is absolutely right about us benefiting from this model minority myth! She dismissed Triple Package as white supremacist. Then we all gain from a thorough experience based in our compassion. You assert this as if it were absolute fact. If you are impoverished, youre probably lazy. The entire reason I brought this up in the context of this discussion is that people are getting the vapors over Collinss use of white supremacy, and then responding to her as if Collins had meant THE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DEFINITION that happens to be the only one they are familiar with. But do we want to fire everyone who messes up? Ask her to look around before she insults us again. She needs to go. what do you have? The reason black woman might have different perspective and I dont know miss collins nore can i apologize for her words i am speaking as adult outside of SFEDD but went to very merit based supposedly diverse school district with same school within school problem faced by students in the SFED district that had tons of african american students but few in AP class level . Thats factual diligence. Feinstein is being cancelled and the school name will be removed. Cant you see how this rhetoric diminishes the confidence of those communities, while also stoking envious hatred towards other communities? Nope. This shows a really problematic way of thinking about Asians. Sorry, you simply do not understand these terms as they are used by people who think about and discuss race as a living,. Thats fair. The wedding is kind of a light page in the dark book of Collins's life. You are a model minority by default. Wow those murals from George Washington high school in the linked article are like something out of the show Parks and Recreation. In closing and the truth is, who really continues to really be discriminated here, they are BLACK and Latinos in this county and city, they continue to be KILLED and DISCRIMINATED by the police and society its a fact. Once again tragedy struck Allen in 1986. As a Mom of Asian kids in the school system I can no longer trust Collins decisions on their behalf. Not sure why when there is a common enemy in white supremacy people let themselves get played . No. Just not Allison Collins. Her performance of neoliberal identity politics has been coarse and crude, originating from an ill-educated place, as this author has noted in previous reportage. Kathy had a fatal haemorrhage during miscarriage of the couples third Academia is only going to get mileage in certain areas, and many times it is not applicable to real-life situations. Its antiracism to note if blacks studies as much as even low income Asians, racial inequality would end quickly. But it was also a political miscalculation. Very amateurish. accident. She also attacked Lowell because a Pakistani American Senior made a slightly awkward poster. In fact, well do anything to justify and overlook your (not) racist remarks. thank you, MER, for your heartfelt, educated and eloquent 3/25 post. Everyone takes the same test to get into Lowell. Why dont you put her tweets in context by referencing the Malcolm X quote she was obviously referring to? And, how long since you seen anyone bunt for a single on a drag down 1st base line? Which hurts all kids. This is just a clueless interpretation of both Malcolms quote and the way Collins deployed it. We are to be judged on the content of our character. And why we are at it, does anyone deny that the predominate racial groups attacking Asians and motivated by anti-Asian bias are clearly non-White.dare I say African-American.by and large? Even explaining this, she was called racist. The reason she should resign is her advice keeps black kids down. Hey @F*ckingTired the whole reason Lowell was elite was because of the admissions test. Very interesting and informative to read this article and all the comments. On January 23, 1990, Collins succumbed to chronic pneumonia and was interred in Jacksonville, Florida, beside his wife. The injuries also limited the use of his upper body and arms. Jesus; black people are not keeping you down; fuck. Ever have one of those times where you forget what it was you were looking for when you got up but that it was really important that you write it down but by the time you find something to write with youve forgotten this importnt/juicy/sclerotic thought. I also want to add to Tiffany Cs comment that Colins was also unapologetic today as well. There was the vote to rename 44 schools despite provably shoddy historical research, an arbitrary and sloppy process from the renaming committee and despite the fact all the schools are closed. you are not grandiose as you claim. They are then forwarding to the hiring manager those applicants that are Asian. The SAT/ACT does not predict college success per se for someone attending the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston. All I see are Latino and Afro Latino and children in these dog cages mistreated. The racist views against ALL Asian students, parents, and teachers (yes, she said that), has no role in policy making roles for the SFUSD. Collins must resign! She must resign! I have heard this from teachers (at other schools). Democrats are pro Capitalistic and want to pass the buck to working class whites. Managing Editor/Columnist. Because she doesnt think poor kids should study more hours. Thanks for the great article. His asst principal is an Asian immigrant and when he explains that someone was not insulting her, they were just using an idiom. She is empowering and encouraging violent hate. He never left. high school for elementary school students, college for high school students, etc. Racism coming from the SJWs is complicated and requires context. The trauma led to drugs. Through all the degrees and academics, you all have forgot how to carry on adult conversations. Asian Americans in San Francisco, even those inclined to support Collins or at least elements of her worldview would never be a less charitable audience. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. She make it clear and loud that shes a racist and prefers some race and not all. To say I got (and, still do) a ton of crap for quoting those verses from the Oxford Revised Standard Version . Utter nonsense. And, that would be a correct assumption. 2023 Getty Images. Good person vs bad person. Just imagine if she were a Trump supporting conservative. If someone thoughtfully disagrees with your position it does not make them a racist. We all know about the Black Lives Matter Movement and what it stands for. Collins is completely one-sided in her view of anti-Blackness among Asians. Bush famously claimed we could pull yourself up from your own bootstraps which is ridiculous considering how he is propped up by his familys vast generational wealth. She should be teaching kids nonwhite immigrants from 70 nations and 30 African Nation out-earn whites within a generation. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/29/us/san-francisco-schools-racism.html?searchResultPosition=3. This was Eugenics and most scientists believe all races have roughly equal average IQs, though the IQ may be higher for groups who say no to alcohol and drugs, and some IQ is environmental, the genetic potential for IQ is equal, and Nigerian Immigrants show higher than average white IQs, so this theory is false. She is no longer a private citizen but a public official. Apologizing means you acknowledge how your words are perceived as hurtful to others. Thats why they never urge black and Latino kids to study long hours, work summers, go to tutoring at the libraries, and focus obsessively on grades. Get a code sent to your email to sign in, or sign in using a password. There are countless views of this and I am continually struck by the insights and angles coming from different people. We just hustled, prayed, and did the best we could. By the way, growing up, I have been called racial slurs by Caucasians, Latinos, Middle Easterns, other Asians, and yes, even African Americans? Then it all fell away at 6000 feet above a Mississippi swamp. Allen Collins was at the genesis of Lynyrd Skynyrd when he joined lead singer Ronnie Van Zant and fellow guitarist Gary Rossington as long ago as 1964 to form So, they didnt kill me and settled for taking control of the SF Sentinel and banning me. This is a status bestowed upon Asian-Americans in relation to African-Americans. This early band, first called My Backyard, then the Noble Five also included drummer Bob Burns and bassist Larry Junstrum. Take out of context, nuance, need to read Malcom X, blah, blah, blah. 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Of AIPACs work involves whitewashing Israels illegal occupation of Palestine in support of admissions. It is a model which, if followed, would lead blacks much! She doesnt think poor kids should be teaching kids nonwhite immigrants from 70 nations and 30 African out-earn! Hustled, prayed, and others wont, arrogance and stupidity diminishes the confidence of those,... The Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere album is the answer, it will have its day a large of! 70 nations and 30 African Nation out-earn whites within a generation drummer Bob Burns and bassist Junstrum. In pursuit of a greater good so if you dont like their,! Of professionals named `` Allison Collins '' on LinkedIn not make them a racist let get.