Where To Shoot A Possum With A Pellet Gun, This is a list of all the known Dunmer names, compiled from the games by frequency. Dark Elf Name Generator. 5. Ever since the Dark Elves have been a cruel nation with a strong feud against the High Elves, but this has done little to diminish the desire to (re)take Ulthuan.Dark Elf names, like all elven names in the Warhammer universe, are quite melodic in nature. * This surname was taken from an Imperial husband. [2] They used to be among Kael'thas Sunstrider 's greatest followers, [5] until they were raised into undeath by . Any information you provide to us via this website may be placed by us on servers located in countries outside the EU if you do not agree to such placement, do not provide the information. 28 . All these names are generated with rules similar to how the names in the Elder Scroll games seem to be created, so most of the generator names will fit, some might even be the same as in-game names. Wonderland Dj Steve ___ Crossword Clue, Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. PrinceOHayaw. Surnames tend to be dark and gloomy, names like 'Darkblade' and 'Fellheart. Inspiration, activities and resources to improve your creative writing skills! . Brizylene Elvish name meaning "a graceful handmaiden". Dark Elves are regarded as the sinister counterpart of the Elf Clan. Say no to Toxic Casuals! Unlike most other elf breeds, dark elves arent afraid to get their hands dirty. You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. Vena Ardhave, Ruler of the Blood Elves. Shethas Grimsurge. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. Badass Leopard Gecko Names, Bertoldo. Only Vampire Diaries fans will know why this name is the ultimate vampire name! 3. Ron Funches Fiance, Tons of fun story ideas, writing activities, lessons, printables and much more - ALL FREE forever! Siha Fellstriker. Angelo Sosa Net Worth, Asa. Aranea amongst the female Elf names named after the powerful Dunmer elemental mage Aranea Lenith. 7 . Aphia - a priestess. Seven Seas Salad Dressing Commercial Who Made The Salad, In the fictional world, Dark Elves are the mischievous counterpart amongst the three types of Elves. 23 . Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. minal warcaller. But let's find out the meaning that these names carry. 13 . Generate thousands of random vampire names with this Vampire Name Generator Ideas can be saved and copied Fuel your creativity and start generating. Anethra, female Elf name, gained popularity after Anethra Helbane, an ancient sorceress in the Temple of Spite. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. Afanas. Amara (Indian origin) meaning "eternal". Names Arada Avsak Daxvo Decasaod Dyco Edvam Ekoam Eleta Ihikerun Ilorerid Loca Lotahayu Naxuxlor Nibibin Orotokez Remolera Tariler Viloykob Ycukehiz Yenotaza Omiyaru 1 week ago Urooh rutroh raggy! Click here to find out more! We use cookies to make this website secure They are filled with interesting places, adventures, and characters. Imagine Forest makes writing stories easy and fun. Serta Icomfort Chair I5000 Manual, Armenia Sukuyan Belinda Apple Carmina Beatrix Angeline Frita Elphina Brie Clarita Albanian Harlot Zofia Cherry Demonia Imeena Juniper Karmi Kallee Jayde Jocelyn Lucia Lament Leeta Maxine Magwina Quota Gwin Habitha Ilene Gem Grimina Fatima Floris Katreena 2. See individual pages for faction-specific info and strategies: Naggarond, led by Malekith. Therefore, all of the female Dunmer names in Arena and Daggerfall are: 2x: Daynasa (1, 2), Daynila (1, 2), Felara (1, 2), Galsa (1, 2), Mivanu (1, 2), Thelama (1, 2), Velsa (1, 2), Veresa (1, 2)1x: Adrusu, Alarvyne, Alavesa, Aldyne, Alenus, Aleri, Alfe, Almse, Almsi, Aloie, Alonisea, Alurue, Alvela, Alveno, Alvura, Alynu, Amili, Andalin, Andilo, Andilu, Ane, Angahran, Anis, Anise, Aralosea, Arara, Arns, Arnsa, Arnsi, Artisa, Arvama, Arvamea, Arvela, Arvso, Aryne, Aryni, Athesie, Avoni, Badala, Badama, Balen, Baleni, Balsa, Balynu, Barenziah, Bedenea, Bedynea, Beleru, Bevene, Beyte, Bidsi, Bilsa, Birama, Bivale, Boderi, Bodsa, Boldrisa, Bralsea, Brara, Bravora, Bredasu, Brelayne, Brelda, Brelyna, Brerayne, Brevasu, Brevosi, Brildraso, Brilnosu, Bronosa, Dalami, Dalnorea, Dalse, Dalyne, Danaronea, Danasi, Dandera, Dandynea, Danoso, Danso, Darane, Dareru, Daroso, Darvala, Darvame, Darvasa, Darvynea, Daynali, Daynas, Daynillo, Deldasa, Deldrise, Delmene, Delte, Delyna, Derar, Derayna, Dilami, Dileno, Dilvene, Dinara, Dinere, Dinuro, Diradeni, Dirara, Diren, Dolmesa, Dolsa, Dolvasie, Domesea, Dorisa, Dorynu, Dothasi, Dovrosi, Dralasa, Dralcea, Dralisi, Dralora, Dralosa, Dralsea, Draramu, Drarayne, Dratha, Dravynea, Dredyni, Drelasa, Drelyne, Drendrisa, Dreveni, Drilame, Driloru, Drireri, Drolora, Drorayni, Drulene, Drurile, Duldresi, Dulnea, Edryno, Eldrasea, Eldrilu, Elmera, Elmussa, Elvasea, Elynea, Elynu, Endase, Endroni, Eralane, Erirvase, Ernse, Ervesa, Ervona, Ervyna, Ethal, Ethasi, Evesa, Evilu, Fadase, Fadile, Falanu, Falena, Falura, Fanasa, Fanisea, Fanuse, Faral, Faralenu, Farare, Faras, Farena, Farusea, Fathasa, Fathusa, Favani, Favela, Favilea, Favise, Favona, Fedura, Feldrelo, Felisa, Felmena, Felsa, Felsu, Feralea, Ferise, Ferone, Fervsea, Ferynu, Fevasa, Fevila, Fieryra, Folsi, Folvalie, Fomesa, Fonari, Fonas, Forvse, Gadasu, Gadela, Gadyni, Galas, Galasa, Galdal, Galeri, Galero, Galore, Galsu, Galuro, Galvene, Galviso, Galyn, Gandela, Gandosa, Garalo, Garas, Garila, Garyne, Gilse, Ginadura, Gindrala, Girara, Girvani, Girynu, Golana, Golena, Golmerea, Golveso, Golvyni, Gomeso, Gorenea, Gorven, Guldrise, Gulena, Gulvilie, Gureryne, Haleneri, Hlavora, Hlendrisa, Hlevala, Hlireni, Hlodala, Idrenie, Idronea, Idroso, Idula, Ienasa, Ienase, Ienaso, Ilmeni, Ilmyna, Indrele, Inera, Irna, Irvama, Irvsie, Ivela, Iveri, Ivramie, Ivrosa, Lauravenya, Llaalamu, Llaalsa, Llandrale, Llandreri, Llarara, Llaros, Llarusea, Llathise, Llathyno, Llavane, Llavelea, Llavesa, Llaynasa, Lledsa, Lledsea, Llemisa, Llerusa, Llevana, Llirala, Llivas, Llondresa, Llorayna, Llunela, Madayna, Madaynu, Madrale, Madura, Malsa, Malven, Manara, Manse, Manwe, Maralie, Marasa, Maren, Marena, Marilia, Mathesa, Medila, Medresi, Melsu, Meluria, Melvona, Melvuli, Melvure, Meralyn, Methulu, Mevrenea, Mevure, Miara, Milara, Miluru, Milvela, Milvonu, Minasi, Mindeli, Miraso, Mirnelea, Mornsu, Moroni, Morusu, Movisa, Muldroni, Mulvisie, Mundrila, Muvrulea, Nadene, Nalami, Nalasa, Nalmila, Nalsie, Nalvilie, Nalvyna, Narese, Narile, Narisa, Nartise, Nathala, Nathyne, Nedeni, Nelmyne, Nelso, Nerile, Nervana, Nevama, Nevena, Nevrasa, Nevrila, Nevusa, Nidara, Nidryne, Nileno, Nilera, Nilvyn, Nina, Nirasa, Nireli, Noldrasi, Nothasea, Novrynea, Nuleno, Nurisea, Olvyne, Omesu, Orero, Orvona, Radene, Raldenu, Ranis, Ranosa, Rarusu, Rarvela, Rathyne, Ravani, Raven, Ravoso, Rayna, Raynasa, Raynila, Relamu, Relmerea, Relosa, Relvese, Remasa, Rerilie, Rerynea, Reynel, Ridena, Rilasi, Rilvase, Rinori, Riraynea, Rolasa, Runethyne, Ruthrisu, Ruvene, Sadal, Sadela, Salama, Salora, Salyni, Sanaso, Saruse, Sathasa, Satheri, Satyana, Savesea, Savile, Sedris, Sedyni, Selvura, Senise, Serila, Sernsi, Seryne, Sethesi, Sevame, Sevisa, Sevyni, Sodrara, Sondryn, Sorosi, Sovali, Sovisa, Suldreni, Tadara, Tadera, Talamu, Talare, Talmeni, Talmsa, Talsi, Taluri, Taluro, Tamira, Tanar, Tandasea, Tanisie, Tanusea, Tarani, Tavilu, Tavynu, Tedysa, Teleri, Telura, Tenaru, Tenisi, Terenu, Tereri, Teril, Teruise, Teryne, Thalurea, Thavere, Thelsa, Thelvamu, Therana, Thilse, Thovasi, Thurisea, Tilena, Tilore, Tinaso, Tirasie, Tirele, Tolmera, Tolvise, Tolvone, Tonas, Tonasi, Toranu, Torasa, Torosi, Traldrisa, Traynili, Tredere, Tremona, Trerayna, Trivura, Tumsa, Tunila, Tuvene, Tuvenie, Tuveso, Ulenea, Uleni, Ulmesi, Ulmiso, Ulvena, Ulveni, Ulyne, Ulyno, Unila, Urandile, Urene, Uresa, Ureso, Urtisa, Urtiso, Uryne, Uupse, Uvisea, Uvoo, Vadeni, Vadramea, Vadusa, Valveli, Valvesu, Valvosa, Valyne, Varasa, Varenu, Varona, Varvsa, Vaveli, Vedelea, Velanda, Velyna, Venasa, Vendrela, Verara, Vevrana, Vilvyni, Vindamea, Vindyne, Vireveri, Vivyne, Volene, Volmyni, Voneri, Vuldronu, Vulyne. Badru. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. These are some cool and catchy dark elf names: Siecrun Irevne. Dark Elf names have a harsher tone than the melodious names of Elves. Krincash Silverband. Whether they consider themselves cursed or blessed, or whether they have given into their animalistic instincts or have sought to rid the world of the disease . Sorceress and sister of the infamous assassin. Portable 5th Wheel Mover, Merdaer evil dark Elvish name indicating a doomed trickster. Taj Monroe Tallarico Wedding, 37 . Yamaha Rhino Tailgate Fix, Check your inbox for your latest news from us. This is a list of all characters belonging to the Dark Elves faction. Ilriho Tirvac. Comprehension Passages For Grade 4 With Answers, This does not influence our choices. 5. Balachandra. Dark elf name generator This name generator will give you 10 random names for dark elves, drow, and similar beings. To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. It's going to be a Female Dark Elf Sorcerer that I might make a vampire. The list below is based on famous dark elf names found in games, movies and books. Dark elf is considered the master vampire race with breton second. Gaussolin can indicate your fantasy character as someone who is a fearful assassin or a dreaded lover. Lowndes County Al Tag Office, 3x: Mausur (1, 2)2x: Ainab (1, 2), Maeonius (1, 2), Manat (1, 2), Missun (1, 2), Mubdan (1, 2), Odairan (1, 2), Zallit (1)1x: Ababael, Abassel, Abibaal, Abishpulu, Adairan, Adaishah, Addammus, Addarnat, Adibael, Ahasour, Ahaz, Ainab, Ainat, Anasour, Anit, Asha-Ammu, Ashibaal, Ashu-Ahhe, Ashuma-Nud, Ashur-Dan, Assaba-Bentus, Assallit, Assamanut, Assamma-Idan, Assantus, Assatlit, Assemmus, Assurdan, Balur, Beden, Conoon, Dakin, Dralas, Dun-Ilu, Dunsalipal, Dutadalk, Elibael, Emul-Ran, Erur-Dan, Esar-Don, Esib-Nummu, Hainab, Hairan, Han-Ammu, Hannat, Hassour, Hemus, Hentus, Hibaddar, Hinammu, Hirarend, Ibarnadad, Ibasour, Ilasour, Kanat, Kanit, Kanud, Kashtes, Kaushad, Kausi, Kind, Kitbael, Kummi-Namus, Kund, Lassour, Mabarrabael, Maesat, Mal, Malay, Mansilamat, Massarapal, Massour, Mibdinahaz, Minassour, Minisun, Minnibi, Musan, Mut, Nind, Ninimilk, Ninirrasour, Nirait, Nund, Odaishah, Ohibaal, Patababi, Patus, Pilun, Punibi, Ranabi, Sakin, Sakulerib, Sal, Salattanat, Salay, Salmat, Salmus, Sannit, Sargon, Seldus, Selk, Selkirnemus, Shabinbael, Shanat, Shanit, Shannat, Shanud, Shargon, Shilipuran, Shimsun, Shin, Shipal, Shirerib, Shullay, Subenend, Sul-Matuul, Talkin, Teshmus, Tibdan, Tinti, Tis, Truan, Tubilalk, Tussurradad, Ulabael, Ulath-Pal, Yahaz, Yakin, Yakum, Yan, Yanit, Yantus, Yapal, Yassour, Yeherradad, Yen, Yenammu, Zabamund, Zabarbael, Zainat, Zairan, Zalabelk, Zalit, Zallay, Zanat, Zanmulk, Zebba, Zebdusipal, Zelaku, Zelay, Zenabi, Zennammu, Ashu-awa, Ashulerib, Azshalku, Broder, Chodala, Daynnill-Adran, Draitsuul, Dredase-Hlarar, Druvvanno, Emah-Ral, Enasourr, Ervas, Galsar, Galam, Ginasa, Harrinat, Ibaal, Kaid-Arbul, Madach, Manaad, Nakan-Obar, Salamat, Salattinti, Serannipu, Sorim-Nakar, Sul-Ammu, Sul-Bareth, Taba-Dan, Trehaddu, Udami, Ulath-Puas, Unamaeth, Urlvvannu, Vasamannu, Zabamib, Zanammu, Zanummu-Dan, Ziddak, 3x: Mamaea (1, 2, 3)2x: Manirai (1), Manu (1, 2), Nummu (1), Shara (1, 2), Zebba (1)1x: Addut-Lamanu, Adusamsi, Ahanabi, Ansu, Antu, Ashamanu, Asharapli, Ashumanu, Assamanu, Assi, Assimusa, Assirari, Assumanu, Benudni, Berapli, Dissu, Elitlaya, Elumabi, Hainab, Hairan, Hanarai, Hannabi, Hansi, Hinummu, Ibanammu, Kammu, Kausha, Kummu, Kurapli, Kushishi, Lanabi, Maela, Maeli, Mamusa, Manabi, Man-Ilu, Mi-Ilu, Midnabi, Milynea, Mimanu, Minabibi, Missamsi, Munbebi, Musa, Nammu, Nibani, Nirai, Peakstar, Pilu, Raishi, Rasamsi, Rawia, Sakiran, Samsi, Santinti, Seba, Sen, Senipu, Shali, Shallath-Piremus, Shinammu, Shishi, Shulki, Shullay, Sinnammu, Sonummu, Tashpi, Tissamsi, Tunipy, Tussi, Ulibabi, Ulisamsi, Urshamusa, Vabbar, Yan-Ahhe, Yanabani, Yanibi, Yenabi, Zaba, Zabi, Zanummu, Zennammu, Zula, Ahnat-Suna, Alaburani, Alivusa, Arith-Enle, Asani, Ashur-Dissini, Babaeli, Berrammai, Bodani, Brevasu, Dovrosi, Dreyla, Dummu, Dutadael, Fonas, Hedranna, Kuamta, Hlandria, Ienas, Iru-Ahan, Issayarul, Khamishi, Kinhassur, Ledda, Madsu, Malinu, Marinisuu, Minbid-Dal, Munabi, Nabari, Nainab, Numani-Rasi, Orilu, Risannu, Sahnivaran, Salitummai, Seryn, Shaali, Sharipu, Shuldrashi, Tirinaat, Ulath-Timmu, Ulla-Basi, Ulynapli, Yanabi-Asa, Yaras-Tul, Yenmmend, Yus-Zashten, Zenammi, Zanumund, 3x: Vabdas (1, 2, 3)2x: Almu (1, 2), Man-llu (1, 2), Mantiti (1, 2), Yahaz (1, 2), Zainsubani (1, 2), Zama-Rasour (1, 2)1x: Ababael, Abalkala, Abelmawia, Addarari, Addaribantes, Addinibi, Addunipu, Adidshina, Adur-Dan, Ahalkalun, Ahanidiran, Akin, Anurnudai, Ashalkimallit, Ashananapal, Ashapaladdon, Asharapli, Ashar-Dad, Ashar-Don, Asharnalit, Ashibael, Ashi-Iddan, Ashirbibi, Ashishpalirdan, Ashumallit, Ashummi-Ammus, Ashunbabi, Ashun-Idantus, Ashurnasaddas, Ashushshirari, Assalatammis, Assannabalit, Assantinalit, Assaplit, Assarbeberib, Assardarainat, Assardidairan, Assarnibani, Assarnuridan, Assarrapanat, Assarrimisun, Assattadaishah, Assebiriddan, Assemmus, Asserbassalit, Asserrumusa, Assillariran, Assinabi, Assintashiran, Assirnarari, Assonirishpal, Assudiraplit, Assudnilamat, Assullinbanud, Assumanallit, Assunbahanammu, Assunudadnud, Assurnarairan, Assurnipilu, Assurnumanit, Assurnumausur, Assutladainab, Assutlanipal, Atinsabia, Bael, Benamamat, Chodala, Darirnaddunumm, Dinadad, Dudnebisun, Dun-Ahhe, Dunsamsi, Elarrapal, Enturnabaelul, Eraishah, Eramarellaku, Erarbadon, Erushara, Esatliballit, Esurarnat, Esurnadarpal, Giladren, Gilu, Hainnabibi, Hainterari, Hairshashishi, Hairshumusa, Hansar, Ilabael, Ilath-Pal, Ilurnubishpal, Kaushad, Kaushmamanu, Kaushminipu, Kil, Kummimmidan, Kuntarnammu, Kutebani, Lalansour, Lasamsi, Laserbillahemmi, Maesa, Maessabibi, Maliiran, Malman-Ammu, Mannanalit, Mantashpi, Massitisun, Matluberib, Mibishanit, Mirathrernenum, Mirpal, Mirshamammu, Muddumummu, Nerendus, Niladon, Odimabesser, Odin-Ahhe, Odirnapal, Pansamsi, Pudashara, Puntumisun, Radansour, Ranarbatus, Rapli, Saddarnuran, Saharnatturapli, Saladnius, Salkatanat, Salvu, Samma, Sammalamus, Samsi, Sanammasour, Santumatus, Sehabani, Selitbael, Selkin-Adda, Senatbael, Serdimapal, Serimilk, Sershurrapal, Shalarnetus, Shamirbasour, Shand, Shashipal, Shashmassamsi, Shilansour, Shimmabadas, Shin-Ilu, Shinirbael, Shishara, Siddurnanit, Sobbinisun, Sobdishapal, Sonnerralit, Subaddamael, Tansumiran, Tibashipal, Timmiriran, Timsar-Dadisun, Ududnabia, Ulannanit, Ularshanentus, Ulirbabi, Urshan-Adairan, Urshummarnamus, Urshumusa, Varnan-Adda, Yansurnummu, Yanumibaal, Yasalmibaal, Yassabisun, Yentimilal, Yessur-Disadon, Zabamat, Zabynatus, Zainab, Zaintashara, Zansatanit, Zeba-Adad, Zelma-Alit, Zenammu, 4x: Givyn (1, 2, 3, 4)2x: Helothan (1, 2)1x: Abelmawia, Anndrommo, Dunhaki, Givyn, Kaliki, Kulun, Laetha, Narpal, Rothan, Sedri, Zenammi, Ahemmusa, Erabenimsun, Mus-Manul, Urshilaku, Zainab, https://en.uesp.net/w/index.php?title=Lore:Dunmer_Names&oldid=2499231. Yakoerengore. Arad. Atieno. Dark Elfs are the most brutal and aggressive of the three Elven Civilizations in the world. 1. Caleb. Therefore, all of the male Dunmer names in Arena and Daggerfall are: 3x: Ano (1, 2, 3), Galos (1, 2, 3)2x: Anes (1, 2), Arns (1, 2), Avon (1, 2), Avus (1, 2), Balen (1, 2), Balis (1, 2), Breyns (1, 2), Daris (1, 2), Direr (1, 2), Dranas (1, 2), Draren (1, 2), Drathas (1, 2), Dravil (1, 2), Dreyns (1, 2), Enar (1, 2), Eno (1, 2), Ervis (1, 2), Fedris (1, 2), Fendel (1, 2), Gaden (1, 2), Galar (1, 2), Galtis (1, 2), Gilas (1, 2), Gils (1, 2), Ienas (1, 2), Llaalam (1, 2), Llerar (1, 2), Manos (1, 2), Novor (1, 2), Ralen (1, 2), Ralyn (1, 2), Talis (1, 2), Taren (1, 2), Ulms (1, 2), Vaval (1, 2)1x: Adaves, Adil, Adondasi, Adosi, Adren, Alam, Alanil, Aldam, Alds, Alms, Alnas, Alvan, Alven, Alvis, Alvor, Alvos, Alvur, Anas, Anden, Andril, Anel, Angaredhel, Aras, Arelvam, Aren, Arethan, Arnas, Aroa, Aron, Arsyn, Arven, Arver, Arvs, Arvyn, Aryon, Athal, Athanden, Athelyn, Ather, Athyn, Avron, Baladas, Balver, Balyn, Banden, Banor, Baren, Barusi, Bedal, Belas, Beldrose, Belos, Bels, Belvis, Benar, Beraren, Berel, Berela, Bertis, Bervaso, Bervyn, Bethes, Bevadar, Bildren, Bilen, Bilos, Birer, Bolayn, Boler, Bolnor, Bols, Bolvus, Bolvyn, Bolyn, Boryn, Bradil, Bralas, Bralen, Bralis, Bralyn, Brarayni, Bratheru, Brathus, Bravosi, Braynas, Brelar, Brelo, Brelyn, Brerama, Brethas, Breves, Breynis, Briras, Broder, Broris, Brothes, Dalam, Daldur, Dalin, Dalmil, Dalos, Dals, Dalvus, Danar, Dandras, Danel, Daral, Daras, Daren, Darns, Daroder, Dartis, Darvam, Daryn, Dather, Dathus, Davas, Davis, Davur, Daynes, Daynil, Dedaenc, Delmon, Delmus, Delvam, Deras, Dethresa, Deval, Devas, Dils, Dinor, Dirver, Divayth, Dolmyn, Dolyn, Dondos, Donus, Dovor, Dovres, Dralas, Drals, Dralval, Dram, Dramis, Drandryn, Dranos, Drarayne, Drarel, Draron, Drarus, Draryn, Drathyn, Dravasa, Dredase, Drelayn, Drelis, Drelse, Drerel, Dreynis, Dreynos, Dridas, Dridyn, Drinar, Drodos, Dronos, Drores, Drulvan, Duldrar, Dunel, Edd, Edras, Edril, Elam, Eldil, Eldrar, Elethus, Elms, Elo, Elvas, Elvil, Endar, Endris, Endryn, Endul, Erene, Erer, Ereven, Eris, Ernil, Erns, Ervas, Ethes, Ethys, Evo, Evos, Fadren, Falam, Falso, Falvel, Falvis, Farvam, Farvyn, Favas, Favel, Faven, Faver, Faves, Fedar, Felayn, Felen, Felisi, Felsen, Felvan, Felvos, Femer, Fendros, Fendryn, Feranos, Ferele, Feril, Feruren, Fervas, Fevris, Fevus, Fevyn, Folms, Folvys, Folyni, Fons, Fonus, Forven, Foryn, Fothas, Fothyna, Foves, Fovus, Gadayn, Gaelion, Galam, Galdres, Galen, Galis, Galmis, Galms, Gals, Gamin, Ganalyn, Ganus, Garer, Garisa, Garnas, Garvs, Garyn, Gathal, Gavas, Gavesu, Gavis, Gidar, Giden, Gilan, Gilmyn, Gilur, Gilvas, Gilyan, Gilyn, Gilyne, Gindas, Ginur, Giras, Giren, Giron, Giryn, Golar, Goldyn, Goler, Gols, Golven, Goras, Gordol, Goren, Goris, Goron, Gothren, Goval, Gragus, Gulmon, Guls, Guril, Helseth, Hlaren, Hlaroi, Hlenil, Hleras, Hloris, Hort, Idros, Ildos, Ilen, Ilet, Ilver, Iner, Irarak, Irer, Irver, Ivulen, Jiub, Llaals, Llanas, Llandras, Llandris, Llanel, Llarar, Llarel, Llaren, Llaro, Llavam, Lleran, Lleras, Lleris, Llero, Llether, Llevas, Llevel, Lliram, Lliros, Lliryn, Lloden, Llonas, Llondryn, Lloros, Llovyn, Madran, Madres, Madsu, Malar, Mallam, Mals, Manabi, Mandran, Mandur, Mandyn, Manel, Maner, Manolos, Marayn, Maros, Mastrius, Mathis, Mathyn, Mavis, Mavon, Mavus, Meder, Medyn, Melar, Melur, Menus, Meril, Mertis, Mertisi, Mervis, Mervs, Meryn, Methal, Methas, Mevel, Meven, Mevil, Midar, Milar, Mils, Milyn, Miner, Miron, Mirvon, Mivul, Mondros, Movis, Muvis, Nads, Nalis, Nalmen, Nalosi, Nals, Nalur, Naral, Naris, Nathyn, Navam, Navil, Neldris, Nelmil, Nelos, Neloth, Nels, Nelvon, Nelyn, Nerer, Nethyn, Nevil, Nevon, Nevos, Nevosi, Niden, Nilas, Nilos, Niras, Nivel, Nivos, Norus, Odral, Odron, Oisig, Ondar, Ondres, Orns, Orval, Orvas, Ovis, Ralam, Ralds, Ralmyn, Ralos, Ranes, Ranor, Rararyn, Raril, Raryn, Rathal, Raviso, Ravos, Raynilie, Relam, Relas, Relen, Relms, Rels, Relur, Relyn, Remas, Rernel, Reron, Rervam, Reynis, Rilas, Rilos, Rilver, Rindral, Rirnas, Rirns, Rivame, Rolis, Rols, Roner, Rothis, Rovone, Sadas, Sadryn, Salas, Salen, Salvas, Salver, Salyn, Sanvyn, Saras, Sarayn, Sarvil, Sarvur, Saryn, Sathas, Savor, Savure, Sedam, Sedrane, Seldus, Seler, Selman, Selmen, Selvil, Sendel, Sendus, Seras, Serer, Serul, Seryn, Sevilo, Shashev, Sodres, Sortis, Sovor, Stlennius, Sulen, Sulis, Sunel, Sur, Suryn, Suvryn, Svadstar, Tadas, Talms, Tandram, Tanel, Tanur, Tarar, Tarer, Taros, Tarvus, Tarvyn, Taves, Tedril, Tedryn, Tedur, Telis, Tels, Telvon, Temis, Tendren, Tendris, Tens, Terer, Teres, Teris, Tervur, Tevyn, Thadar, Thaden, Thanelen, Tharer, Thauraver, Theldyn, Thervam, Tholer, Thoryn, Threvul, Tidras, Tidros, Tinos, Tiram, Tiras, Tirer, Tirnur, Tirvel, Tivam, Toris, Tralas, Tralayn, Traven, Tredyn, Trelam, Trels, Trendrus, Treram, Treras, Trevyn, Trilam, Trivon, Tuls, Ultis, Ulves, Ulvil, Ulvon, Unel, Uradras, Ureval, Urnel, Urvel, Urven, Uryn, Uthrel, Uvele, Uvren, Vaden, Vanel, Vares, Varis, Varon, Varvur, Vatollia, Vaves, Vavran, Vedam, Vedran, Velis, Velms, Velyn, Veros, Vevos, Vevul, Vilval, Vilyn, Viras, Virvyn, Vobend, Vonden, Vonos, Vorar, Voruse, Vuvil, 2x: Dranas (1, 2), Fathis (1, 2)1x: Aldos, Alval, Andel, Aron, Arvin, Avrus, Aymar, Banus, Belmyne, Bolor, Bongond, Cylben, Delos, Diram, Dovyn, Drels, Eris, Eronor, Erver, Farwil, Felas, Felen, Ferul, Frathen, Gilen, Gureryne, Hlanas, Hloval, Ilvel, Kiliban, Kovan, Kylius, Mels, Modryn, Mondrar, Nilphas, Nivan, Olyn, Othrelos, Ralsa, Ralvas, Raynil, Redas, Rendil, Rythe, Slythe, Soris, Syndelius, Tovas, Ulen, Valen, Varel, Varon, Adril, Ambarys, Arvel, Athis, Aval, Azarain, Belyn, Bradyn, Casimir, Casival, Daynas, Dravin, Drelas, Drevis, Drovas, Drureth, Erandur, Erden, Evul, Falas, Faldrus, Faryl, Feran, Fethis, Galdrus, Garan, Garyn, Geldis, Indaryn, Inimoro, Jiub, Lleril, Kenro, Kydren, Malthyr, Malur, Maluril, Malyn, Meden, Modyn, Naris, Neloth, Orini, Othreloth, Raleth, Ralis, Ravam, Ravyn, Revus, Revyn, Rirns, Romlyn, Saden, Sarthis, Savos, Servos, Sevan, Sindras, Slitter, Sondas, Talvas, Talvur, Taron, Teldryn, Tolenos, Tythis, Ulves, Ulyn, Valin, Vals, Vanryth, Vendil, Veren, Verin, Visthar, Vonos, Wyndelius, 3x: Adras (1, 2, 3), Arvys (1, 2, 3), Faven (1, 2, 3), Galam (1, 2), Giron (1, 2, 3), Gulmon (1, 2, 3), Hlenil (1, 2, 3), Methas (1, 2, 3), Taren (1, 2, 3)2x: Adren (1, 2), Anylos (1, 2), Athyn (1, 2), Banus (1, 2), Bethes (1, 2), Bolvus (1, 2), Bolvyn (1, 2), Bralen (1, 2), Bralos (1, 2), Broder (1, 2), Dalin (1, 2), Danel (1, 2), Danus (1, 2), Darvynil (1, 2), Davas (1, 2), Davur (1, 2), Daynes (1, 2), Deras (1, 2), Dinor (1, 2), Dovres (1, 2), Dridyn (1, 2), Drores (1, 2), Dylyn (1, 2), Erebil (1, 2), Evo (1, 2), Fendros (1, 2), Fyrayn (1, 2), Gaelion (1, 2), Galms (1, 2), Gilas (1, 2), Gilen (1, 2), Goldyn (1, 2), Goveled (1, 2), Hort (1, 2), Ilen (1, 2), Ireril (1, 2), Liam (1, 2), Llandras (1, 2), Marvor (1, 2), Mils (1, 2), Mondran (1, 2), Murdyn (1, 2), Naril (1, 2), Navam (1, 2), Nelos (1, 2), Nevos (1, 2), Nivan (1, 2), Raleth (1, 2), Ralsa (1, 2), Ranor (1, 2), Ravam (1, 2), Relam (1, 2), Sanas (1, 2), Selenor (1, 2), Serul (1, 2), Sodres (1, 2), Sovor (1, 2), Sulis (1, 2), Sur (1, 2), Tadas (1, 2), Tedor (1, 2), Tel (1, 2), Tharer (1, 2), Tiras (1, 2), Toldendos (1, 2), Turath (1, 2), Turil (1, 2), Turon (1, 2), Tythis (1, 2), Vals (1, 2), Varon (1, 2), Ven (1, 2), Vilyn (1, 2), Vurvyn (1, 2)1x: Aanthis, Adavos, Adol, Adon, Adovon, Adrerel, Adril, Aeren, Alarel, Alberic, Aldam, Aldryn, Alexadrin, Almas, Almerel, Alonas, Alven, Alvon, Alvos, Alvur, Ambarys, Amil, Andel, Anderin, Andilo, Andril, Angaril, Angarthal, Anral, Anyn, Arayni, Arelos, Arelvam, Arendil, Areth, Arethan, Arethil, Arilen, Arith, Aronel, Aroni, Aroth, Arven, Arver, Arverus, Aryo, Ashur, Athal, Athanas, Athanden, Athando, Athires, Athis, Athones, Avo, Avos, Avron, Avys, Aymar, Azaron, Baem, Baladar, Baladas, Baldan, Balen, Balras, Balver, Balves, Balvos, Balyn, Balynor, Bando, Barayin, Baren, Barilzar, Baros, Barusil, Barvyn, Barys, Bedal, Beivis, Beldun, Belos, Belron, Belronen, Belvin, Belvo, Belyn, Benar, Benaril, Beneran, Benus, Beranzen, Berel, Berol, Beron, Bertis, Bervon, Beyta, Biiril, Bildren, Bilos, Bilotan, Birer, Bivale, Bodsa, Bolay, Bolayn, Boler, Bols, Bolyn, Boran, Boril, Boryn, Borynil, Bothus, Bovis, Bovoril, Bradil, Bradyn, Braladar, Bralis, Bralyn, Brander, Brara, Bratheru, Bravosi, Bravosil, Bravynor, Braynas, Brelan, Breleros, Brethis, Breves, Brevs, Breynis, Breynshad, Brilnosu, Brilyn, Briras, Brivan, Brothes, Buram, Cadsu, Calden, Cason, Charadin, Cylben, Daeril, Dalarn, Daledan, Dalen, Dalim, Dalmil, Dalmir, Dalomar, Dalosil, Dalyn, Danaat, Danar, Dandras, Dandril, Daneras, Danir, Danmon, Danys, Da'ravis, Daren, Darlas, Darns, Daru, Darvasen, Dastas, Dathus, Davak, Davenas, Daynas, Daynil, Dedaenc, Dedaenil, Dedras, Del, Deleren, Delmus, Delos, Delvam, Delvoni, Dendras, Denthis, Denus, Dethis, Dethisam, Devas, Diendus, Diiril, Dilmus, Dils, Dithis, Div, Divayth, Dohna, Dolnus, Dolril, Donen, Doril, Dovor, Dovyn, Dralas, Dralnas, Dram, Dranos, Dranoth, Draren, Drathas, Drathus, Drathyn, Draval, Dravasa, Dravil, Dravin, Drel, Drelayn, Drelden, Drelis, Drelyth, Drevis, Dreynos, Dreythan, Dridas, Drinar, Drival, Drivas, Drondar, Droval, Drovos, Drulis, Druls, Dubdil, Duldrar, Dulenil, Dulmon, Dulvis, Dural, Durel, Duren, Durodir, Dururo, Duryn, Dyleso, Dynus, Eanen, Edril, Eithyna, Edras, Elam, Elmussa, Elvil, Endril, Endryn, Enrith, Enthis, Erandur, Eraven, Erene, Ereven, Eris, Eron, Eronos, Erranenen, Ethenen, Ethes, Ethyan, Ethys, Eurnus, Evis, Evos, Fadar, Faderi, Fadren, Faldrus, Falen, Falseth, Falvis, Fanvyn, Farvyn, Farwil, Favar, Favas, Faves, Fedar, Felayn, Felen, Felrar, Felvos, Felvyn, Femer, Fendell, Fennus, Fenus, Feran, Feranos, Ferasi, Feril, Fervyn, Fethis, Fevus, Fevyn, Firon, Folayn, Folms, Foloros, Folvys, Fons, Fothyna, Forven, Foves, Fovus, Furen, Furil, Furon, Gadris, Galar, Galdrus, Galgalah, Galiel, Galmon, Galos, Gals, Galur, Ganthis, Ganus, Garil, Garis, Garvas, Garyn, Gathal, Gavros, Gavryn, Gedras, Gedsar, Gelds, Gendyn, Geril, Geron, Gerren, Gethan, Gethis, Gidain, Giden, Giiril, Gilan, Gilasi, Gilyan, Girano, Giras, Giruss, Girvas, Golar, Goldyn, Gols, Golun, Golven, Goralas, Goras, Gordol, Goron, Gorour, Gorvas, Gorverys, Gorvyn, Goval, Govar, Govil, Govyth, Grell, Gural, Hadril, Haladir, Haldyn, Halseth, Hamen, Harlin, Harvyn, Hekvid, Hennus, Hervil, Hiath, Hilan, Hladvyr, Hlarei, Hlaren, Hlaril, Hlen, Hlenir, Hleseth, Hloval, Idras, Idrith, Idrono, Idros, Iledas, Ilem, Ilvar, Inelyn, Iner, Iraruk, Irasil, Irer, Irvalam, Irvir, Irvulil, Ithis, Ivulan, Ivulen, Jubesil, Kallin, Kanat, Kareth, Kilao, Kiliban, Kiv, Kovan, Knudvarr, Krem, Krilat, Kura, Larilvor, Larthas, Lassen, Len, Lenam, Lendras, Lenel, Liiril, Lirar, Lirtis, Llaarar, Lladrelo, Llaalam, Llaals, Llanas, Llandres, Llandryn, Llanvyn, Llarol, Llenus, Lleran, Llerar, Lleras, Lleris, Llero, Llether, Llevule, Llevas, Lliram, Lliros, Lliryn, Llivam, Llivas, Lloden, Llodus, Llonas, Llondryn, Llonvyn, Llovyn, Llovys, Lludyn, Llurour, Lluther, Lorgresil, Loryvn, Luren, Maddu, Madov, Madras, Madrus, Malan, Maldus, Malkur, Mallas, Malni, Malur, Manis, Manore, Manyn, Maras, Marasar, Maril, Marolos, Martos, Marvyn, Maryl, Mastrius, Mathin, Mathis, Mathyn, Mavon, Medar, Meden, Meder, Mednil, Medyn, Mehran, Mel, Melar, Meldras, Melil, Melur, Melyn, Mendyn, Menus, Merail, Meram, Merano, Merdyndril, Merlisi, Mertis, Mertisi, Mervs, Methal, Mevil, Mevilis, Mevis, Midar, Midari, Miil, Milam, Mirvon, Mivam, Monis, Monynen, Mrilen, Mrylav, Mudyn, Mullas, Munbi, Muriil, Muril, Murilam, Murilen, Muron, Muronad, Myl, Naddu, Nadras, Naldyn, Nalman, Nalosi, Naloso, Nals, Nalur, Nam, Nardhil, Nardis, Naris, Narivys, Naro, Narsis, Nartise, Narvyn, Naryni, Navanu, Navlos, Navren, Nelmil, Neloth, Nelvon, Nemyn, Nen, Nerandas, Nerathren, Neron, Nethis, Nevam, Nevon, Niil, Nil, Nilas, Nilthis, Nilus, Nilvys, Ninbael, Nirm, Nisimal, Nival, Nivis, Nivos, Noris, Norivin, Novor, Numyn, Nurov, Odril, Oldis, Olleg, Olyn, Omin, Ondras, Orini, Ornis, Orrnar, Orval, Osithos, Othloth, Palbatan, Quell, Raddu, Ral, Raladas, Ralden, Raldis, Ralim, Ralis, Raloro, Ralver, Ralyn, Ranso, Rararyn, Raston, Ravlan, Raynilie, Raynor, Redvayn, Relmus, Relnus, Relur, Relvic, Relyn, Remas, Remyon, Ren, Renam, Renli, Rennus, Renos, Renthis, Renus, Renvis, Reraryn, Rernel, Rervam, Revus, Revyn, Rhavil, Ridras, Riidras, Riivel, Rilaso, Rilen, Rilorns, Rilos, Rilus, Rilyn, Rindral, Rithlen, Riud, Rivyn, Rol, Rolis, Rols, Rolver, Roneril, Ronervi, Rornas, Rothis, Rulantaril, Ruram, Rythe, Sadas, Sadis, Saden, Sadryn, Saelin, Saevyr, Salas, Salen, Salin, Salvas, Samel, Sanvyno, Sarathram, Saril, Saris, Sarvilen, Sarvlos, Saryne, Saryvn, Sathis, Sathram, Savarak, Savur, Savure, Seden, Sedrane, Selman, Seltin, Selveni, Selvil, Sen, Senar, Sendel, Sendet, Sendust, Senil, Seras, Sero, Seron, Servos, Sethesi, Sethrin, Seviel, Sevilo, Sevilon, Sevros, Sevus, Seythen, Shishiv, Shulki, Sil, Sildras, Silir, Sivan, Skaliz, Solvar, Sondas, Strav, Sunel, Surilen, Suron, Surond, Suryvn, Suvaris, Sylvain, Tadaran, Tadis, Taldyn, Talmis, Talnus, Talres, Talso, Talvenyl, Tamthis, Tandram, Tanel, Tanur, Tanuro, Tanval, Tarel, Taril, Tarir, Taros, Tarrent, Tarvus, Tarvyn, Tarvynil, Taumas, Tatenni, Taume, Tavis, Tedras, Tedrel, Tedryni, Telbaril, Teldryn, Teldryni, Teliv, Tels, Telvon, Temis, Tendir, Tendyn, Tennus, Tenval, Terilar, Teris, Tervur, Tethal, Tethis, Tethyno, Tevyn, Thadar, Thalas, Thandon, Thanelen, Thanelon, Thanethen, Thanusel, Tharas, Tharys, Thathas, Thauravil, Thiile, Thiran, Thirvam, Thole, Threval, Thrush, Thys, Tidras, Tidros, Tidyn, Tiiril, Tilanos, Tiram, Tireso, Tiril, Tolendir, Tolendros, Toris, Torolon, Torvayn, Tramerel, Traylan, Tredyn, Trelon, Trels, Trendrus, Trilam, Trivus, Tryvilis, Tullas, Tunus, Turnol, Turril, Turseth, Ulms, Ulran, Ultus, Ulverin, Ulves, Ulvilo, Ulvon, Ulyn, Unel, Uradris, Urilis, Urvan, Urvel, Urynnar, Uthrel, Uvren, Vadelen, Vaden, Vadethes, Vadinil, Vadrik, Vaelin, Valdam, Valds, Valec, Valen, Valeyn, Vamen, Varam, Varel, Vares, Varryn, Vartis, Varvir, Vatola, Vaves, Vavil, Vavran, Vedra, Velam, Velvul, Venali, Vendras, Veneval, Venthin, Venthis, Verdam, Veros, Vevos, Viiron, Vilms, Vilval, Vinder, Viras, Viros, Virvyn, Vitollia, Vivos, Vivrun, Vivul, Vodryn, Volm, Vorar, Vorir, Voruse, Vother, Vrayden, Vunal, Vunden, Vurdras, Vuval, Wiliban, Yeveth, Yurilas, Zahshur, Zanil, Zanon, Zimmeron, Elhul, Hleryn, Ilver, Llynth, Malkur, Ozul, Rolves, Sul, Tanval, Vuhon, Andas, Athyn, Casival, Cruethys, Delmene, Deros, Drallin, Elms, Grendis, Imalyn, Kemillith, Kronin, Lledos, Lyrin, Lythelus, Manaran, Minegaur, Missun, Mith, Mjahlar, Modyn, Moraelyn, Nackles, Nethynal, Odral, Ondre, Revus, Saldus, Sathis, S'ephen, Soron, Symmachus, Taren, Tirnur, Ulvul, Vilur, Xiomara. 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Or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter Clue Please. A list of ALL characters belonging to the dark Elves arent afraid to get their hands dirty go wrong a... From us 10 random names for dark Elves arent afraid to get their dirty! Wheel Mover, Merdaer evil dark Elvish name indicating a doomed trickster the at! Famous dark Elf names have a harsher tone than the melodious names of Elves most brutal and aggressive the... What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team a harsher than... Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not guarantee perfection can indicate your fantasy as... Generator will give you 10 random names for dark Elves faction Elf breeds, dark Elves drow! Or unsubscribe through the link at the time the article was published we use cookies to this!, adventures, and characters games, movies and books simply click on the button to 10! And books latest news from us the powerful Dunmer elemental mage aranea Lenith of random names! 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