entrepreneur.com/article/279971. For some time now, I've been assessing Musk and have outlined five different reasons that explain why he's so successful. August 10, 2016. accessed November 23, 2017. https://www. Lets continue to gr, Professor Tyler Shumway joined us on our new episo, Come get to know the MSR Team and learn about what, Want to avoid becoming part of the 1.1 TRILLION do, Hello! Introduction. Expertise from Forbes Councils members, operated under license. When considering his moral reasoning, it is important to look at the type of products he designs and creates. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who's originally from South Africa, has perfected the art of remaining focused. Musk also co-founded Tesla Motors, which aims to build low-cost electric vehicles and revolutionize the automobile industry. This merged with Confinity to become Paypal. Musk is obviously intense. Related: Elon Musk Responds to a Request From a Tweeter Who Sent Him the Same Message 154 Times. He often gets frustrated when employees cannot follow his instructions. Wow, you scrolled all the way to the bottom! Pennsylvania State University World Campus. The Bad: While SpaceX was in full startup mode, Elon's first son, Nevada, was born. In a discussion with Glassdoor on hiring employees, Elon Musk was quoted to have said, "Hire great people. In the process of launching hiscompany SpaceX, Musk would learn advanced levels of rocket science from his own personal study. Here's how to incorporate them into your own entrepreneurial journey. How can you and your organization make a positive difference in the world? The Top 10 Ways To Strategically Scale (Not Just Grow) Your Business, Why And How Your Law Firm Should Start A Newsletter, A New Superfood From Hawaii And The Future Of Food Security, How Your Stories Of Failure Create Better Business Success, 5 Common Startup Content Marketing Mistakes, Five Years In The Making, SVX Colombia Aims To Build Up The Impact Ecosystem In That Country. His first marriage was to Canadian author Justine Wilson in 2000. elon musk leadership style What is the Elon Musk leadership style (and should you use it)? He has borrowed huge sums and sold large tranches of Tesla stock to help fund the acquisition. And Musk fits that bill perfectly. A new Twitter CEO will want assurances that they will be free to take decisions about the direction of the business without being second-guessed by Musk as the . Biography.com Editors. Elon Musk may be Time's person of the year, but fintech executives should not follow his cavalier communication style. 6 Authentic Ways to Inspire Other People When Youre Not Great With Words. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Your email address will not be published. Today, Musk is regarded as one of most revolutionary and visionary entrepreneurs of his generation. Cheat Sheet: Is Teslas Elon Musk the New Steve Jobs?. First, according to the theory of authentic leadership, Musk had to exhibit positive psychological capacities and moral reasoning, and had to experience a critical event, in order to develop into an authentic leader (Northouse, 2019). After all, it was Musk himself who said, If you read a lot of books and talk to a lot of people, you can learn almost anything. A good leader is equal parts confident in their own skills and curious about what others have to offer. Now look at Tesla: it's a booming giant that's changing the automotive world. Mission statements provide a sense of focus and direction among employees. Elon Musk has always been remembered as a transformational autocratic leader. He is not just focused on creating a product, he is in the business of creating products that are sustainable while still offering quality to consumers. He is considered a visionary business leader who is advancing technology in areas such as space exploration and sustainable energy. Elon Musk is Tesla Motors ' co-founder, CEO and brand architect, a firm devoted to the manufacture of inexpensive, mass-market electric vehicles, battery products and solar towers. How many opportunities are lost because of our fear of asking? So find a small idea. Hope is not a part of his aggressive optimism. There are many CEOs, looking like a CEO, they are trying to how theirselves honest for PR campaigns to make people to believe their words and actions, but it is not a true leader should be like. . As shown in Figure 1, a recent survey of millennials conducted by EdAssist revealed that if asked to choose between similar jobs, nearly 60% of respondents would pick the job with strong potential for professional development over one with regular pay raises.6 Giving financial aid for continuing education (whether through graduate school, online courses, or industry related seminars) not only increases company performance by promoting a learning culture in the workplace, but also attracts and retains potential employees. There are three main models used in this essay to explore the leadership of Elon Musk, namely behavioral theories, Transformational theory, and path-goal theory. 35, no. What Might That Mean For The Economy? Elon Musk is a true visionary using his entrepreneurial mindset, passion for innovation, personal integrity, empathy, and boldness to create an exceptional business. Even if your personal vision isnt as revolutionary or world-changing as Musks, its important to have a goal that motivates you to do better and inspires your team to work together. Mentors are invaluable when it comes to developing a leadership style. Musk posted the poll himself and has since responded interesting to a suggestion that fake accounts might have skewed the results. He has had many failures in the course of his career, ranging from mechanical failures in his Tesla brand to rockets crashing. His success comes from key personality traits the drive him to constantly be creating. Leaders who are not afraid of taking a leap of faith in terms of creating a better world (Gavin, 2019). 16 Larry Kim, 50 Innovation and Success Quotes from SpaceX Founder Elon Musk. Inc.com. They push people out, spiral out of control, or end up underperforming dramatically. The social media platforms current position leads on to a third requirement for the new leader: imagination. His passion for innovation helps him make correct decisions for his business and the future of humanity. There's an anecdote Musk's first wife, Justine Wilson, tells of him from back in college when the two first met at Queens University. You don't have to be a CEO to be a visionary leader. How can you schedule your day so you can complete one task, then move to the next, effectively, excitedly, and purposefully? Musk, 50, has an uncanny ability to get consumers, investors, and employees behind his mission, three leadership sources said. At age 15, Musk embarked on his trek to the land of opportunity with two small caveats: (1) he would have little money, and(2) he would have no home. https://www.biography.com/business-figure/elon-musk. And while it's important to prioritize work-life balance, the wealthiest people don't get wealthy by . Elon Musk is famously a workaholic - he boasts of working 120-hour weeks to keep production of the Tesla Model 3 on track - but since we met he seems to have been enjoying himself. The new leader will have to confront the brutal facts of the situation according to management expert Jim Collins, this is how to begin productive change. After a closer look, researcher Michael Porter discovered a shockingly dismal success rate when companies acquire other firms outside of their original scope.14. Knowledge Management for Logistics Service Providers: The Role of Learning Culture.Industrial Management & Data Systems116, no. Great post! accessed November 23, 2017. http://fortune.com/2016/03/04/ companies-employees-tuition-reimbursement/. All rights reserved. He then takes each answer to the question and attempts to flesh it out in the best possible way. I feel the exact same way. He is the co-founder of PayPal, CEO and CTO of SpaceX, and CEO and product architect at Tesla Motors (Cole, 2021). His leadership style is transformational and transactional, aimed at attaining results. Lack of parental supervision enabled the two boys to create their own homemade explosives and rockets. Northouse, P. G. (2018). 2023 Leaderonomics Sdn. Now many of you will read this and think: Why? But can we describe why Musk is the way he is? Come make new friends with ot, Check out "3 Ways to Support Worker Mental Health". Creates a culture of innovation. He values feedback, both good and bad, as it helps him refine his ideas and execution. His secret is that he taps into people's yearning for inspiration. April 21, 2017. accessed November 23, 2017. https://hbr.org/2016/10/like-it-or-notyou-are-always-leading-by-example?referral=03758&cm_vc=rr_item_page.top_right. He also uses the feedback loop as part of his self-reflection and self-improvement he seeks to always do better than he did before as he knows that every improvement will lead him closer to achieving his goals. What can you do to set the standard in your industry? Write an article and join a growing community of more than 160,400 academics and researchers from 4,572 institutions. I'll talk about them here. In fact, each of the four traits or fundamental principles we've described above is only cultivated by those who have a certain amount of intensity. I've known too many people who attempt to bring a certain amount of intensity to their work and burn out, break down or go too far. He faced failure and strife, but he maintained his optimism and was able to continue on through his resilience (Northouse, 2019; Cole, 2021). Cant think of someone who would be a great mentor? Musk once said, "I'd rather be optimistic and wrong, than pessimistic and right.". In their book Connected, Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler conclude from years of research that our actions, attitudes, and behaviors not only influence those we act with directly, but also extend to people within three degrees. The primary source of Elon Musk power is his leadership skills. Visiting Professor of Management Practice, Bayes Business School, City, University of London. Although former employees sometimes describe him as autocratic and blunt to the point of offensive, they remain remarkably loyal.10 While employees may either revere or loathe the man for his methods, bright minds are consistently attracted to Musks leadership and populate his companies today. In 1989, Musk moved to Canada and began undergraduate studies at Queens University in Ontario. The interpersonal definition for authentic leadership defines the relationship between the leader and the followers and the trustful bond they acquire; intrapersonal qualities define the knowledge, self-regulation, and trueness of the leader; and developmental qualities of authentic leadership define the possibility of this leadership ability to be acquired (PSU WC, L. 12). Using his own money from the sale of Paypal, Musk started SpaceX, a company dedicated to lowering the costs of space travel. Randy Garn is a passionate entrepreneur, speaker, and, This Founder Started a Wellness Brand in Her Kitchen , Employees Are 45 Minutes More Productive Each Week, 61 Books Elon Musk Thinks You Should Read, A German Scientist Predicted That a Person Named 'Elon' Would Lead Humans to Mars. Elon Musk is one of the most innovative and driven entrepreneurs of our time. His vision is so strong and compelling that he inspires other like-minded capable individuals to join his companies and work towards those goals. Elon Musk is the billionaire entrepreneur and business magnate responsible for co-founding the cutting-edge companies PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX, amongst others. Today, Musks 100-hour-work weeks lie at the core of his success. The truth is, if we are passionate - or find passion - in the work we're doing, work stops feeling like work. He has used his skills to aid in the design of electric cars and even spaceships. And can we not only quantify those things that make Musk such a successful person but also begin to embody them in our own lives? That 100% meant enough to him that he put himself in a possibly awkward situation, speaking with his professor, and having the hard conversation that many people shy away from. He never takes "no" for an answer, he's extremely focused, and his passion fuels his work ethic. 5 Key Personality Traits That Make Elon Musk so Successful "Musk's ability to healthfully maintain his intensity comes because of his flow state mindset, his passion for his work, and his. 4296: 7379, September 17, 2012, 74. http://web.a.ebscohost.com.erl.lib.byu.edu/ehost/detail/ detail?vid=0&sid=df621e06-0389-45e2-b57a-8dd06f53bd48%40sessionmgr4006&bdata=Jn NpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=79961724&db=buh. Musk paid US$44 billion to buy it, perhaps twice what it was worth. Chatham: Newstex, 2015. https://search-proquest-com.erl.lib.byu.edu/docview/1652311317?accountid=4488. 2. Because "no" meant nothing. Originally published 11 Duane Ireland, and Michael A. Hitt, Mission Statements: Importance, Challenge, and Recommendations for Development, Business Horizons, vol. An electric railroad that goes through an enormous tunnel, dug into the side of a mountain. ChatGPT vs. Bard: A Modern Day David and Goliath Story. The delegation of duties and the . As a child, Musk had a passion for science fiction books and movies. Behavioral theories are crucial in understanding the conduct of . He is able to push his employees harder because they understand that they are working towards a greater cause. We can also absentmindedly rattle off a stream of adjectives that describe him: innovator, leader, genius, visionary, futurist, entrepreneur. He received a 98% on one of his tests. Musk is highly charismatic with a positive outlook and optimism for a better future. Empowering Trust Humility Visionary Delegation Innovative Positive Inquisitive Problem Solving Initiative for action Nuturing & Empathetic Active listening Patience Gratitude Strategic & Focussed Decision making Resilience Comittment Good communication Influence Transparency Respect How many opportunities are lost because of our fear of asking? He has a vision of a world that is no longer reliant on fossil fuels, is maximizing their use of green energy, and is exploring space and building colonies on Mars (Jacoby, 2011). Otherwise, its not.16 For Musk, the only viable option was to hold on firmly to hope. Whats amazing about him is that he seems to believe that there is an innovation to solve every problem that arises. Later in life, Musk quipped, It is remarkable how many things you can explode. You see, the 2% that separated Musk from his current score and perfection sounded to him like a giant "no." In 1992, Musk received a scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania, which was his golden ticket into the United States (Cole, 2021). His intrapersonal qualities are a major component of what makes Elon Musk a more outstanding type of leader, as he has the education and drive an authentic leader needs. Now many of you will read this and think: Why? He also had a hand in conceptualizing and financing SolarCity, which is now the second largest solar power systems provider in the United States. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. Musk is undoubtedly a visionary. He began building up shares in the company in January 2022 and his US$44 billion (36 billion) bid to buy the platform was accepted in April. Be an Authentic Leader: Ma possesses a strong sense of character which helps him build loyalty and strong foundation on which his business Alibaba grows. The leadership style directly affects Tesla. Companies looking to gain a competitive edge should invest in their human capital by creating an office culture conducive to developing quality managers. Shareholders in the car firm would probably like their hitherto successful CEO back full time. Authentic Leadership: What It Is & Why Its Important | HBS Online. They push people out, spiral out of control, or end up underperforming dramatically. What more noble cause is there? Balanced processing refers to the ability of a leader to be objective and find balance by incorporating a combination of self values, in addition to considering the opinions and values of others within the organization (Northouse, 2019). How Elon Musk and Tim Cook Will be Remembered in Business History. 1. Bhd. Vision: There is no doubt that Musk has a vision. We can rattle off Elon Musk's accomplishments in our sleep: co-founder of monetary giant PayPal; founder of Tesla Motors, the electric car company that is changing the world; and founder of Space X, which is focused on space exploration and space travel, and has even sent NASA to the International Space Station on his spacecraft. He is the son of Maye Musk (Haldeman), a model and dietitian, and Errol Musk, an engineer. Nominate him or her for our award by visiting here. I would have been happy with a 98%. The truth is, if we are passionate or find passion in the work we're doing, work stops feeling like work. 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