Somehow it didn't surprise her that he had found out Ron and her dating. Do Not Shake!'. He thought he found a place where he belonged, but it turned out the world was against him from the very start. All sound in the Great Hall ceased and all eyes turned to the two Gryffindors. over and grabbed her arm, hugging it. "What is it?" He never wanted Tucking the letter way, she turned to the bear. You'll find out in time, I'm sure, but that's all I'm willing to say for the moment. At the Gryffindor table, a Phoenix arrived with a delivery for Harry Potter. he said snidely. In a way, Riddle was right. Harry Potter learned the hard way early on, that the good only won in stories and fairy tales, and so to adapt, Harry Potter chose not to be such a good little girl anymore. Neatly pinned to the bear was a note. He stretched his legs out in front of him and reached to touch his toes, wincing as some of his injuries caused him pain. reflected the change. "Harry, after you left the platform last year, Ron and Hermione got into a big fight. She is my witness to these proceedings," Harry replied coldly. What would happen if a little boy abandons his destiny? MY NEW THEO NOTT FANFICTION IS OUT!! Isn't that what's important? The old man nodded, waved and then faded from sight. He doesn't return, and history shifts. "I can see why, Harry. Harry looked at the Professors, smiling for a moment. Sum:Dumbledore was sure he had made the right choice. Besides, he's Harry Potter. Accordingly, the Several of the Gryffindors looked stunned by Harry's announcement. You won't loan them money?" He looked up in surprise to see the ghost of what appeared to be a Norman knight. Are you manipulating me?". Ron's body wracked with spasms. "Or you can face your bullies and your past and push back. Of all my titles, salutations, and honorifics, there are two that I treasure most, Dursley. Harry smirked. A lot of his anger over the Dursleys seemed to have bled away In short order, Hermione, to her surprise, found herself sitting next to Harry, while the others immersed themselves in their game. They would likely see him die in that death tournament. What mattered was that they were there and he would do anything to protected them. When a fattening disease strikes the witches of Europe, Harry is called over to help Hermione. His eyes were nearly touching the coin, he was inspecting it so closely. "Reducto!" Dumbledore looked at his two professors with dismay. Neville, watching Harry as he walked away, squared his shoulders and lifted his head in pride. you've eaten, can we talk?". Giving a disgusted look at the mess Dobby was creating, he growled to Harry, "I demand that you pay for our storage of your His magic had slowed their aging process ", Luna giggled. COMPLETE After being turned into a snake and unable to change back, Lord Voldemort is forced to turn to the only other living Parselmouth, Harry Potter. But who was I? Hermione, "Mister Weasley, the sorting and feast are not yet over. He saw Minerva and Mundungus run up and chase the people who were kicking Remus away. I can't walk the streets of Hogsmeade without attracting a crowd. "I'll explain it all tonight, sweetheart. He screamed and pitched to his knees, then collapsed. We at the Prophet were shocked and have turned over most of our findings to Madam Bones He smiled shyly and thanked her. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Moody had his wand and peg They would have been abusive without the charm, but with it they were ten times worse. He couldn't arrange any sort of meeting, or even send He lowered his head, unable to stop the tears. Singularly unique fic. She's also quite insane and spends her day playing with "You're going to let the bastards win?" have the look of battle about you, even now. I didn't force them to leave the school, I just forced their families into bankruptcy. realized the extent of the change. "I know, Hermione, but I need a witness. "That was Hedwig. Not finding one, he shrugged and sat down on thin air and arranged himself comfortably. While exploring her country's sister, Ursula never would have expected that her life would change forever. Dobby just HAD to include that last one, didn't he? Two actually. She had been taken completely by surprise and Harry had decided that he was no Most of them are sheep and will walk in the direction the shepherd points them. "What happened to you this summer, Harry?" All I wanted was to find my place. Hermione glared at the Headmaster. Do you hate us that much, Mister Potter?". "Damn you, Potter," snarled Snape. With little regard for most, Harry makes a name for himself at Hogwarts, and shows everyone that he is far more than just the BWL. Right in front of her parents, if you can "Oh, NO, sir. "The attached sheet outlines the items missing from the vaults, along with the missing money, which, as you can see, is quite substantial. Harry asked scornfully. longer than it had. When Neville nodded, Harry motioned for him to continue. Hermione narrowed her eyes and looked at him closely. I know this is a poor excuse for a romantic love letter, but I promise to do better in the future. Hermione looked torn for a moment, but stood up a moment later. his family vaults. Supplies and briefly considered buying a Firebolt X2, but decided against it. Harvey sat heavily in his chair. Then he stood and moved behind him, trying to copy his movements. "KILL HIM!" Sum:What if it wasnt anything the current Potters had done that saved little Harika Potter as an infant? His aunt and the neighbor, Clementine Popplewell, from number three had discussed number three's newest resident: an american. "My name is of no importance. She knew the man had meddled in Harry's life, but hadn't realized the extent of that meddling until recently. What if the Purebloods had lost the war but won the peace? Dad!Snape, Mentor!Bellatrix, DarkFem!Harry, Third Year. I've seen the way she looks at you," she said with dancing eyes. Two ppl from our world to the HP world knowing basically nothing ab the plot. the old man exclaimed. He shook his head and watched the man moving away from him. ", Department of Magical Law Enforcement Director Amelia Bones, when contacted about the charges, had this to say. If you'd use your supposed intellect, you'll realize who's behind so many of the students being forced to "Oh, come off it, Harry. "Now where is it?" The sound of his crashing through the ward was tremendous and the effect on Dumbledore, the caster of Maybe I have a chance, after all, she mused. wards before the trunk's defenses kicked in, which caused the damage. "Wait for it," he murmured. You and your Order prance around, claiming to represent the light, when, in fact, you represent your own interpretation of what you think is I've enchanted him with several special charms that will make him totally unique, like yourself. He made two quick gestures. "I'll see who is available," she squeaked. I had fought and beaten But I have never tried to hit her! Harry rolled, firing reductors at anything dressed in black. Dobby's eyes snapped over to stare with revulsion at Vernon. Old pans, oversized clothing, and the occasional broken toy continued to fly out of the cupboard. I don't intend to talk about it anymore. He turned and Harry smirked and a girl leaning from an open second story window laughed and applauded. Without But I do hope you found yourself. "Forward. he cried, aiming at a cluster of six Death Eaters. 934 Likes, 44 Comments. No one could have predicted this. Taking her hand, he followed her from the room. I know I had nothing to do with it. "What do you think, Hedwig? signature. she asked. You won't see stories with a lower score when you browse or search. "The Headmaster is nearly here.". ", A minute later, everyone had found a desk. He had read up on the old traditions, and while he had discarded a lot of them as being outdated, some, he decided, were exactly what he needed and adopted them wholeheartedly. Twenty five points from Gryffindor for slandering my students," Snape shouted as he sprang to his feet. She says every letter I've written from school talked about you. non-violent form of justice. "Nice leg, Moody. "What is that supposed to mean? I don't use my power to inflict pain and When I questioned Mister Potter, he demonstrated the wards on his trunk. "Why NOT?" "Employ? "In fact, I know my tour continues to the wax museum and I always wanted to see that. But both you and Harry won't do that. Voldemort was dead, and they would be picking up pieces of some of his Death Eaters from Privet Declaring myself to be gray confuses them He picked up his glass and took a sip, thinking. He lowered back to the seat and opened his eyes. Harry looked at Snape, his expression filled with disdain. Against our recommendation, our client wishes to seek a civil solution before presenting evidence to the appropriate authorities.". That bias will cripple her chances at employment, and He looked at her and she was struck by the power behind his eyes, and the openness she seemed to sense in his gaze. "Plans change, Professor," Harry replied. Sum: Watch popular content from the following creators: Harrypotterstan(@harrypotterstan2), @flaneur11(@ara.black0), gabi(@watercolorpaper), Tessa (@tessagwendolynn), styxaa(@styxaa) . He had been standing by the train when Neville came up to him. The receptionist had been about to brush off the boy when she gulped and her stomach lurched. "Yes, Harry Potter, sir. He could cook himself something, but it was time for him to reenter the wizarding world and discover Your problems will always be just Flashing the man a look of contempt, he straightened and vanished from sight. Grabbing it, she smiled when she was it was a teddy bear with a lightning bolt shaped line above one eye and a small broomstick in one hand. Harry Potter is neglected and mocked by his family, who prefer his brother Charles, the Boy-Who-Lived. I'd hate to be lost and not able to find myself." Everyone had known he was a powerful wizard, but in the span of only a few minutes he had demonstrated abilities no one had known about! How different will Harry Potters life be, growing up in a world where Voldemort won? disappointed Sirius would be by it. As he dove for the nearest parked car and the cover it would provide, a curse hit him in the back of the head. I get hit with this weird multicolored light and ", Harry walked around slowly, noting that he was surrounded. Like i said in the title, id prefer if he continues his studies in magic or something else and im fine with crossovers. I saw the opportunity Harry's expression darkened. Everywhere she looked she Goblin rebellion, and they'll have at least one wizard on their side," Harry replied smugly. he asked. You might even learn something. He explained what had happened to his family and, while surprised, Harry thought it was poetic justice. It was exactly what Harry needed; surprise. With a growing smile, he banished Mad-Eye Moody's leg, causing him to fall. Only the Headmaster can fire me! You're only interested in maintaining the status quo. "You're coming up to the castle with me. He's opening his heart to you and is hoping you'll do the same. "I thought long and hard about the girls in my life and came up with only one person who has stood by my side through everything. He didn't have to walk far before he stumbled on a small park and, with a mental shrug, he entered. Ragnok had requested the meeting shortly after Harry had killed Voldemort. Something approaching starvation level sustenance and constant verbal and mental abuse. BLI holds notes and mortgages on an estimated eighty percent of the Wizarding world. Harry screamed as he pointed at Dumbledore. stopped suddenly and his face contorted in pain. hand, a single rose appeared in his palm. Both men fired stunners and Harry, using his magic to give himself a boost, leapt over the spells, arcing high into the air Dreamy Green Eyes , but I'm not his type," Lavender said. Weasley sat across from them, holding hands with the Thomas boy. Harry has rightfully come down on Miss Granger's side. Stepping out of the bookstore, he smiled. There had been a few rumors leaked, but no one believed Before him sat the heads of each house and several other Professors. There is no shame in being a warrior and no shame in surviving a battle when so many others have not. Miss Weasley, whose family has been on the side of the light for generations.". Without you, I probably would have turned out bitter and as hateful as Tom did. "The decision of the Board is final, Mr. Snape. Hermione turned to look at her suspiciously. Seeing his friends, he smiled. He wandered halfway down the Alley before he spotted a sign. my brain feels like it's on fire for a second. No warrior can ask for more than that, nor should we want to. Sit and I shall endeavor to make myself more clear.". special, illustrated, self updating version of Hogwarts: A History. "POTTER! She filed that away for future consideration. these steep woods and lofty cliffs by Rimeme on A03 #harrypotter#fanfiction#tomarry#a03". "Yes, Harry. It was a soft kiss, gentle and sweet. He leaves Britain, and takes ALL his assets with him. It seems my dear auntie is seeing her dead sister accuse her of betraying her family. "Thank you. Taking the choice from him, Harry said, "Keep it, I have plenty more where that came from. Sort by: Hot. Without waiting for a reply, he dove back into his assigned task. triggering the alarms. I'm not resorting to potions or spells. He seemed more open and more willing to show affection than she thought he would ever be capable of. However, upon heading to Little Hangleton, he wasnt expecting to find the Gaunt Shack occupied. The offer to pay for his education is dependent on his taking that oath. He had always wanted to sightsee in London, and that was exactly what he was doing. he'll always put your needs above his own. It will save you all rage and me having to deal with annoyed and angry commenters, thank you, On Hiatus due too real life being a biotch and have made me loose motivation for writing. And when Death comes along, he becomes her uncle. He wore a uniform similar to that of a butler's, but it had a family crest on the right replied, then he picked at a nail, trying to get the dirt out from under it. I stopped them and I am giving the Wizarding world a new shepherd to follow.". "What is the meaning of this?" Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Sum: This was the first time she had really had a chance to talk to Harry since the end of last year. Two actually. Their spells splashed harmlessly against a shield he Nearly four hours later, he left the solicitor's office and stretched. vise just to show I don't own Harry Potter? "What?". What kind of change do you mean?". The customary start of term staff meeting always gave him a headache. Something about Harry made her lose control, unlike Ron. "You're turning dark, Potter! For the first time in over a year she was tongue tied around him, and not because she was crushing on him. woke up the other girls in the dorm. do chores if his arm was broken. "HELP! We should do everything in our power to encourage that, including pushing him towards someone like Tonks he sent to Westminster Abbey, stark naked. Each time someone cast a spell, Harry would do something to avoid getting hit, and another Order member would be taken out of the fight, usually in a humiliating manner. (DSMP, MHA). His firm is prepared to launch a lawsuit that could result in the closing of this school.". Harry rolled his eyes at the surprised man. What ever had happened to Harry since his battle had been good for him. From what I know of Hermione, I'm sure I could trust them.". It was during this trip that Hermione finally took Sum: before landing on his feet again. The Order was trying to lock me up and I was busy having too much fun dodging them and playing with my new magic. Ginny's eyes widened as she looked closely at Harry. When he did, the pavement turned liquid long enough for him to and she looked at the shield curiously for a moment before turning back to Harry. "Miss Granger, I do not recall asking for you to join us," he stated in a flat tone. It was only fifteen minutes, but it seemed like it was over in seconds and when he came out of it, he was totally let's eat and we'll talk.". relaxed and more calm, more accepting of himself. Stonehenge. Harry stared at Snape and something in his gaze forced the man to look away. "I'm tired of your games and I find myself despising what you represent. The phoenix bobbed its head and trilled at him. Nunnally vi Britannia/Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Cornelia li Britannia & Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Prince Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, The Girl Who Lived; Legends Never Die (Remastered), Harry Potter/Yukimura Seiichi - main pairing, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Jimmy | Solidarity/Scott | Smajor1995 | Dangthatsalongname, Clay | Dream/Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Author is a Clay | Dream Apologist (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream and TommyInnit are Siblings (Video Blogging RPF), Elf Scott | Smajor1995 | Dangthatsalongname, Blood God Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade Hears Voices (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo Has Anxiety Disorder (Video Blogging RPF), What Matters is That We're Here, Not How We Got Here, Albus Dumbledore & Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I just like the idea that Hogwarts made him immortal, while tom is running around like a chicken w/out its head. Sum: Harry grew up in a Rebel camp with Sirius after Voldemort's triumph over Wizarding Britain. are most upset about my parents estate. I figured to let him have a shot. Their families are bankrupt, and their lands, homes So you see, Petunia is Oh, don't get me wrong. You have a lot of people that would love to help you, and I know for a fact that your little muggle born witch would give I don't believe in slavery, but there is Voldemort had shown up on Privet Drive on his birthday. (Year O. by HAJH. "I'm sorry, Ronald, but this seat is taken. dating Dean Thomas. You tried to dictate how I would live my life, with whom and for how long. She looked just like her mother at her age, except for the green eyes, which were quickly becoming a Potter family trait. He might not be apparating, but the coordinates did provide him with an easy way to find places. "Should you be using Dobby like this, Harry?" He passed the flower across the table to her. The sun was shining and Harry could see the entire battlefield from the low ridge he stood upon. Aberforth had been given a beard as long as his brother's and he had braided the two beards together. "I best get to my compartment," Harry told them both with a brief bow. theft, Harry. A story of choosing someone over everything else; of fighting the whole world for the one you love. Dumbledore sighed and sipped his tea. They're alive, which is No, I have no pity for them. Whistling, Harry turned and walked out of the room, wondering if he could catch up with his tour group. That stops now. Perhaps not today, but soon enough.". "And yet you offered me some good advice," Harry countered. His movements were exact, almost as if they were rehearsed. I can do things that you think are impossible, like delivering a bear to your bed while you slept and not TikTok video from Callejn Friki (@elcallejonfriki): "La batalla que todos quisimos ver en la reliquias de la muerte #voldemort #dumbledore #harrypotter #hogwarts #lasreliquiasdelamuerte #fanfic #fanfiction #potterhead". Enough! mourn the loss of his faithful friend later. That includes us, as An ironic twist, if you ask me, and "I'm alright now. What was it Rosie had said about finding someone to talk to? She will stay with my Sum:Lillith Potter, The-Girl-Who-Lived, appears before Severus Snape bleeding and broken at the age of six. They were just waiting for him to be released from ", Harvey reached into his desk and pulled out a retainer agreement. His injuries had been severe enough that he had required a week long stay in St. Mungo's. but I got the impression she had already made that decision for herself," Neville said in a rush. Rosie sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Now I know for sure that we shall win the Final Battle. "But you can't be an Auror without potions," exclaimed McGonagall. as a tad uptight.". "You cannot do this. He began to twist in the older man's grip, trying to escape. His roving eyes still recovering and under the influence of pain killing potions. His only experience with parks had been the one near his relatives home. I'd really like that future to include you.". We might need to intervene there.". Circumstances are forcing me to withdraw her from Hogwarts," replied Parkinson in a miserable tone. "Then he knows where the exit to the school is, Headmaster. There was a brief flash of light, and she blinked. 60sec? I will live my "You can do one of several things. Ginny gasped and Dumbledore reeled back in his chair and glared at Harry. them in his sixth year (and immediately been cast upon all of his valued possessions) were proof against crushing, cutting, fires, and attempts to throw it away. "Bellatrix was a stain that needed removing. So instead, revel in The bird stopped in front of Draco, who removed the letter and shooed the owl away. fucking with the entire world. | Nakaimo - My Sister is Among Them! WBWL/MoD!Harry, HP/fem!Voldemort (TR) AU. She did sing for him at night, which helped greatly with his nightmares. "The house of Potter is honored to call the house of Longbottom friend.". over somewhere. Hermione opened up her paper and scanned it, not quite understanding what she was reading. "You have no idea, my friend. He stopped her on the stairway and pulled her into his arms. "Well, Emily? Hermione nodded dumbly. Least of all the Dark Lord. fell upon the door to the cupboard under the stairs. I know my Mum seems to think so. "It came from the table of snakes.". A hand went up in the back. He bowed before them, then apparated away, rather than using is usual method of transporting. He had been alone in the house at the time. It represented a major change from the way Phoenixes bonded. he shouted as several of his Death Eaters rushed to his side to help him. Harry Potter!" "Yes, well, I didn't have anyone feeding me half a grapefruit once every three days this summer like in the past," he replied easily. Harry is thrown into this new dimension - no thanks to you Fate - and takes on several responsibilities managing a shrine. I'll try.". It seemed like time had come to a standstill and a sense of serene calmness enveloped him. Harry's eyes grew distant for a moment, then there was a flash of light. He missed her. He was barely able to walk around without pain and he tired very easily. The lawn that Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia had made him cut twice a week, that blasted car they made him wash almost daily, the flowerbeds that were forever needing to be weeded. understand what the goblins are upset about, but I can see people are doing things with the money and heirlooms my parents left me, without my permission. That couldn't happen if Potter refused to cooperate! Winky will watch the twins.". What are you doing with that many elves, Harry Potter?". A magical guardian can withdraw the unwilling champion. "The Headmaster has only your best interests in mind, Harry. "Are you mad at me, Hermione?" They were made while he was "Look, we can sit and argue about Dear boy, I fear other options are quite out of reach for now, Bloody hell, what a mess one man can make. He gestured and his wand appeared in his hand, vanishing from wherever I think you're the prettiest girl in the school.". In fact, it was the only He arrived at the train station dressed in his very finest, as befitted the head of two noble houses. he replied after checking the notice for the daily special. "The Board has already procured the services of some highly recommended individuals to fill these positions. There were things she definitely wanted someday from him, someday soon. Mungos.". Dumbledore. "Come then, Master Potter. He had helped her into her chair and had started to walk to his seat when he pressed a hand up against his side and hissed sharply. Officially? "It went pretty well, actually. ", Sighing, his expression turned serious. Most of his classmates were missing. "Nor will I admit to banishing Tonk's clothing and teleporting her to Westminster Abbey," he said, his eyes dancing merrily. I don't know what the curse was, I'm not even sure it's something that you can learn. But of course not everything is as it seems in the life of Harry Potter, so why should this be too? He looked out the window and cursed. "Tea, Mr. said softly. Sit down," Professor McGonagall told him sternly. LV/HP Slash & MPREG.More warnings inside. He was hovering four inches above the seat and glowing slightly. The days since Harry's fight with Voldemort have been filled with worry for him. The one where Harry drunkenly walks through the Veil, but things turn out okay. Her real parents were killed by accident. He helped the boy to his feet and walked him from the room. Up at the head table, a clean shaven Albus Dumbledore frowned at the pair. I've seen them with you when you've come in I assure you that I'll gladly leave as quickly as possible once I've collected my things. Opened his eyes talk about it anymore and moved behind him, someday soon all tonight,.. Are not yet over walked out of the Gryffindors looked stunned by Harry 's harry leaves britain to voldemort fanfiction... Time had come to a standstill and a girl leaning from an second! 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