[Finnick trumpets sadly; Judy steps forward]. Cars: Lightning McQueen Mater Sally Doc Hudson Jackson Storm Cruz Ramirez Mack Miss Fritter [Judy steps away from the desk in fear and confusion, just as one of the polar bear guards picks her up by the back of her shirt] I-I-I-I-I-I didn't see nothing! The second picture is when Bellwether becomes a mayor, and a shot is from an angle looking up at Bellwether, and her surroundings are dark tone, indicating she is in power and revealing her true self. Judy Hopps: Well, I was hoping you could run a plate--, Judy Hopps: Well, I was hoping you could--, [Judy waits a moment to see if Flash is finished saying his sentence.]. Judy Hopps: [swats Nick's hand away] Stop it! hopps. Finding Nemo: Nemo Dory Marlin Crush Bruce Destiny Bailey Hank Squirt Nigel Gill Sheldon Pearl Darla Charlie Jenny And whoopsie number three-sie, no one cares about her or her dreams. [Judy notices that all of the workers are sloths] Wait, they're all sloths? [She tries to follow him, but is blocked by the reporters]. You are welcome for the clue, and seeing as how any moron can run a plate, I will take that pen and bid you adieu. Bellwether was the assistant mayor to the mighty Mayor Lionheart, whose impatience and intolerance toward even the slightest amount of incompetence often resulted in the former's humiliation. The kind that makes you think you need to carry around fox repellent?! Judy Hopps: Ugh. Nick Wilde: I'm not looking for any trouble either, sir. Judy follows him and sees Duke jumping on the buildings and tipping the last one in the process. Young Gideon Grey: [sarcastically] Nice costume, loser! Benjamin Clawhauser: Aww! I may have sold him a very expensive wool rug that was made from the fur of a skunk'ssss butt. Who's that beside her? As Nick eats one of his own "pawpsicles", he stops at the sight of her.]. She turns the other way and sees Nick walking away]. [takes out the Otterton picture and shows it to Yax. [Judy and Nick look at each other in worry]. Nick Wilde: Well, actually, we were brought here against our will, so [laughs nervously; Mr. Big raises an eyebrow slightly] The point is, I-I did not know that it was your car, and I certainly did not know about your daughter's wedding! Yeah, yeah, yeah, hurry. Judy Hopps: We are gonna follow the Night howlers. [to Mr. Otterton, reassuringly] Mr. Otterton, my name is Officer Judy Hopps. [Judy tries to climb the iceberg wall, but slides off and falls in the icy water. added by shenelopefan. Judy Hopps: Well, I don't wanna cause you any trouble, but I believe scooping ice cream with an ungloved trunk is a class-three health code violation. Nick Wilde: If the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there's no point in trying to be anything else. She puts another ticket on another car. Suspicious, Judy runs across the road, goes up to the parlor and peeks through the window looking for Nick, but she doesn't see him. ], Jaguar: [slightly monotone from nervousness] I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore. Judy lets out a blood-curdling scream, and Bellwether looks on, pleased at her own work. And speaking of "no see", how about you forget you saw [pointing at himself] me. [The scene changes to the inside of an apartment, the door swings open, Judy is being shown to her room by an elderly armadillo named Dharma Armadillo. Judy Hopps : [walks over to Nick] Oh, that went so fast. Judy who has slipped off the landing tells him to just go. [She peers over the bridge and sees Nick in shades, lounging on a chair and drinking from a cup. Judy Hopps: [laughs nervously] I should get to roll call, so which way do I-. Actually, it's Officer Hopps and I'm here to ask you some questions about a case. A moose is angry. What do you call a Judy Hopps: [losing her patience, trying to move the joke along] Three-humped camel. [chuckles nervously] I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my neck. Bonnie Hopps: You are not fine, your ears are droopy. Mr. Big's polar bear mafia are shown to be watching everyone, surrounding in a circle the platform on which the wedding is taking place. Hercules: Hercules Megara Hades Come on! And I'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way. Sir, I'm not the only one who saw him. The audience applauds. Mrs. Otterton: Please! Dawn Bellwether: And sent it, and it is done, so I did do that. Mrs. Otterton looks curiously at the donut sign as it stops rolling. [Duke quickly runs away from the shop. Don't do this; fight it! I trusted you, Nicky. Judy Hopps: I will find him. Security, sweep the area! Bye-bye! He chuckles and runs off. What are you doing, he's gonna see you! Judy continues walking and looks around in awe. Everything you ever hoped? Judy is seen skipping beside her parents as they walk out of the auditorium, holding hands.]. [motions to the fox repellent accusingly. [pointing to himself] Me, Benjamin Clawhauser, the guy everyone thinks is just a flabby, donut-loving cop stereotyping you. [Chief Bogo shows a stunned look], [The ZPD swarm the Asylum. Animals in the audience use the phones to record the concert. Fortunately, Nick still has the dart gun. Aw Judy Hopps: [giggles] That's okay. ], Peter Moosebridge: Her predecessor, Leodore Lionheart, denies any knowledge of her plot, claiming he was just trying to protect the city. During the middle of the film, while attempting to fire Judy, Bogo opens the door of his office to find Bellwether standing there. She picks it up with a pair of tweezers.] ], Judy Hopps: [sighs] I am a real cop, I am a real cop, I am a real cop, I am a real cop [Duke Weaselton runs past her carrying a duffel bag. Emmitt Otterton. Pocahontas: Pocahontas What did I do wrong?! They run to a toll booth, avoiding the view of the wolf guards. While Nick becomes feral and stalks Judy, Judy asks why Bellwether is doing this, to which Bellwether confesses her plot to dart all predators in Zootopia to ostracize them from her envisioned prey-dominated society. Judy Hopps: That is not what I said. Bellwether does not appear to have anything against the chief, but she is seen to purposely ignore him and act as if he does not exist. I don't deserve this badge. [walks off, leaving Judy stunned. We got it up there! Jaguar gone savage! Bellwether goes up to Judy], Dawn Bellwether: Okay, thank you, Officer Hopps. Later at City Hall, Bellwether is seen struggling for Lionheart's attention, needing him to discuss various matters regarding the city. You're dead, bunny bumpkin. It's a bummer. [Judy gasps, and sees a photo of Emmitt Otterton on Doug's subway bulletin map. [The van has the words 'Gideon Grey's Real Good Baked Stuff with Fresh Produce from Hopps' Family Farm' and Gideon Grey, grown up, walks out of his van]. [his ears droop] I was a major jerk. [starts to leave] I'd better go. ], [Nick tries to stop Jesse, but gets pushed away against the door. Judy Hopps: [sighs] Fine. [The scene changes to Judy and Nick walking to an abandoned subway station] Just watch it; Doug is the opposite of friendly. [to Judy] Thank you. Oh, no. Young Judy Hopps: [puts on a police officer's hat] It may seem impossible to small minds - I'm looking at you, Gideon Grey - [Gideon glares at her; the jungle backdrop curtain on the stage rises, revealing a colorful painted mural of Zootopia behind it. [Judy looks at Mrs. Otterton, feeling sorry for her.]. Nick Wilde: Ah, boy, I tell him that all the time. [She gets on the train tracks and hears a train whistle. Phineas and Ferb: Agent P, Brave: Merida 'Cause I've got a dozen and a half animals here who've gone off the rails crazy, and you can't tell me why! Renee Zellweger is playing Judy Garland in the biopic "Judy." from Business Insider: Carmen Lopez, a regular He stares at them menacingly and cracks his neck, ready to attack. Cheetah in Sahara Square, got it. Grandmama made you a cannoli. - we all have a lot in common. I'm dead, you're dead, everybody's dead! Over time, she would develop a disdain toward them, and their treatment toward prey mammals, setting a goal to someday make Zootopia a place where prey reign supreme and predators are labeled as nothing more than worthless, bloodthirsty "savages". I've got three items on the docket. Bellwether has big, floppy ears, green eyes, and hooves for hands and feet. That Gideon Grey doesn't know what he's talkin' 'bout! [starts climbing the fence] See you later, Officer Fluff! You're dead, fluff-butt! Hang in there! [Judy pulls out her carrot pen and plays back Bellwether's crazed speech.]. Bobby plays bass notes on the hammered dulcimer heavily, then plays a light harp glissando, when Sharla the sheep in white robe-like clothing tosses confetti from a basket over the bags and prances around.] [Some hippos are playing volleyball with giraffes. A pig lady next to him is disgusted by his smell. Is that what this is? [looks through the cams] Okay, traffic cams Tujunga, Tujunga We're in. [The Woodchuck bully turns off the flashlight. [Doug suddenly enters the room, prompting Judy and Nick to hide under a table. Yeah, I know they're fast, I can hit 'em. Cinderella: Fairy Godmother Cinderella She shrieks in agony, and her friends cringe; the rabbit girl and Sharla cover their eyes and Gareth bites his lip. ], Nick Wilde: Hmm [he looks at the cake, scoffs, and uses a tiny fork to cut part of the cake and eats it. [she looks behind herself for a moment and gestures] This is not the Zootopia I know. Nick Wilde: [grabs the case containing Doug's dart gun] Okay, great, here it is. The Little Mermaid: Ariel Ursula King Triton Likes She looks at Officer McHorn, a rhino.]. Shouldn't you be melting down a pawpsicle or something? Yax: Ohhh, y'know, I'm gonna hit the pause button right there, 'cause we're all good on bunny scout cookies. ], Scene 22: The Chase in the Rainforest District, Scene 34: Judy and Nick Question Duke Weaselton. Disney Crossy RoadDisney Tsum TsumDisney Magical DiceDisney POP TOWN (costume)Disney Heroes: Battle Mode [the scene changes to a bridge, where Judy looks for Nick] Nick? Mr. Big: Otterton is my florist. You disrespected me. Judy Hopps: Oh-ho, pretty sneaky, slick! He dodges four pipes, feeling confident. [Leaves room; Judy seems stunned, she taps her foot angrily]. [Woolter and Jesse start to run after the train, leaving Doug behind, moping over his latte.]. Blood! ], Finnick: [furiously] Who is it?! Chief Bogo: One second. Tickets for the Pittsburgh show are at trustarts.org for $35.25 to $105.25. Wreck-It Ralph: Wreck-It Ralph Vanellope von Schweetz Fix-It Felix Jr. Sergeant Calhoun Shank Inside Out: Joy Sadness Anger Disgust Fear Bing Bong He breaks down in tears and begins to sob quietly, sitting down and rubbing his eyes.]. Marvel's Women of Power: Wasp Elektra Captain Marvel She-Hulk Spider-Woman Judy Hopps: Assistant Mayor Bellwether, we need your help. [Gazelle is seen in front of a protest peace rally. Judy Hopps: Assistant Mayor Bellwether, we need your help. Bonnie Hopps: Oh, for goodness sake! That was the deal. Nick Wilde: Madam, [points to his police sticker] I have a fake badge. [Judy and Nick hang on as the subway car slides down the track on its side. A flashback shows Emmitt Otterton in the limo, and Doug snipes him through the open window with a serum pellet. He went crazy - ripped up the car, scared my driver half to death [his eyes are visible for a moment and widen as he says this last part], and disappeared into the night. And the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. There are traffic cameras everywhere, all over the canopy! You be an elephant. Incredible Elastigirl Dash Parr Violet Parr Jack-Jack Parr Frozone Syndrome The Underminer Voyd [Judy anxiously waits and whimpers. [The other one grabs Nick's scruff and pulls him away, he digs his claws in the desk, leaving claw marks. You should have your own line of inspirational greeting cards, sir! Nick Wilde: [whispering happily] So fluffy! Chief Bogo? She pokes her head through the opened vent.]. Pete's Dragon: Elliott He picks it up and sees a fancy B imprinted on it]. You laid it all out beautifully! [leans in closely] So let. Nick Wilde: So, are all rabbits bad drivers, or is it just you? They are delicious, you should try some. Well, that's a strong word, but it did hurt like the devil. Judy Hopps: No, I am a cop. When they find out that Bellwether is the mastermind behind the anti-predator conspiracy, Judy and Nick try to run for it, but are trapped by the treacherous mayor's henchrams. Dawn Bellwether: [On the phone, in a fake panicked tone of voice] Yes, police?! [chuckles, handing the picture back to Judy, who wipes off the germs.] [Judy emerges, holding her phone in the bag]. Dawn Bellwether: [chuckles] Oh, but he can't help it, can he? And so that's why Chief Bogo and I want you to be the public face of the ZPD. [to her daughter as they walk away] Come on. [puts two fingers up to his ear, imitating a reporter] Chuck, how're things looking on the jam-cams? No one tells me what I can or cant be! Bonnie Hopps: Yeah? Bonnie Hopps: We know, and we're just a little excited for you, but terrified. [scoffs; Judy looks what she is doing with mental horror of what she almost did and sighs.] Does seeing me fail somehow make you feel better about your own sad, miserable life? Angel with horns? We all have limitations, we all make mistakes, which means - hey, glass half full! Duke dodges large animals and runs under a police car.] He also has Bellwether's office located in a small utility room with a loud water heater with stacks of file boxes lining the wall outside her door. [They show Bellwether in an orange jumpsuit, in handcuffs, filled with contempt, as she is escorted through the crowd as photographers take pictures. Bring him home to me and my babies, please. Full name Shes a meter maid. [Young Nick runs out of the building and goes to the side, terrified. ], Dawn Bellwether: [laughs evilly] Gosh, think of the headlines! Stu Hopps: Because you're a trier, that's why. The Fox and the Hound: Tod Copper Pinocchio: Pinocchio Jiminy Cricket Figaro Cleo Geppetto Blue Fairy Honest John and Gideon Lampwick Monstro Remember that, Nangi? Bonnie Hopps: Okay, the deterrent and the repellent, that's all she needs. ], Nick Wilde: Thirty-nine, forty. [The wolf prisoner shoots a quick glance at the officer escorting him] Did you think it was real? Her parents are calling her. Affiliations Stu Hopps: See? They eat the pawpsicles and throw the sticks in the recycle cans in unison. And these guys? Wow, this is a lot of great info, thank you. Judy Hopps: Actually, it's your word against yours. Judy Hopps: [to Woolter] Hey! We're dead, that's it. Her silhouette is shown behind the curtain.]. [They see Bellwether with two Sheep Cops urgently heading their way.]. Heh. She is the mayor of the titular city and a former assistant to Lionheart. Just then, Lionheart pages Bellwether, aggressively scolding her for failing to cancel his afternoon. Dawn Bellwether: [growls furiously, closing the gun] I framed Lionheart, I can frame you too! Some of the smaller rabbits are clapping.]. Sleeping Beauty: Maleficent Aurora Prince Phillip Stop! [Judy pulls out her carrot pen and plays back Nick's confession]. Judy Hopps: No. [Nick looks at Judy and she shrugs]. Duke Weaselton: Catch me if ya can, cottontail! Judy moves some vines covering the doorbell and rings it], Judy Hopps: Mr. Manchas? But she managed to escape from prision and her main goal is get revenge on Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde. Judy Hopps: Do I know that? I'd call that savage! You probably forgot, but I was top of my class at the academy. You gave her the 48 hours, so technically we still have [counts and holds out his paws] ten left to find our Mr. Otterton, and that is exactly what we're gonna do. His glasses are broken, his sweater is gone and Otterton runs under the bed snarling] It's him! Jerry Jumbeaux, Jr.: Listen, I don't know what you're doing skulking around during daylight hours, but I don't want any trouble in here, [Judy opens the lid off her belt to use the fox repellent] so hit the road! We are done. Sharla pops a noisemaker and Judy and Jaguar hold paws] Now, predator and prey live in harmony and every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities. [He blubbers and clings to Bonnie, who pats his shoulder.] [gives her the key and leaves]. They turn around nervously to see Woolter break into the train. Judy Hopps: Oh, I tried. Flash Slothmore: [slowly smiles sheepishly] Niiiick [The scene changes to Savanna Central at night where a concert by Gazelle is performed.]. [Delgato takes the file from Grizzoli as the team leaves] Officers McHorn, Rhinowitz, Wolfard; your teams take Sahara Square. Furthermore, Bellwether herself reveals that Lionheart once made an effort to actually get her a gift, though it was merely a mug labelled "World's Greatest Dad", with the "Dad" bit scribbled and replaced with "Assistant Mayor" through a marker. What?! [They turn around to leave only to find a large, sinister-looking ram blocking their way. I wanna be a real cop. When Judy and Nick go to Bellwether for assistance, she happily helps them. Nick emerges and looks for Judy. ], Judy Hopps: Put me down! ], Judy Hopps: Look, there it is! Leads: none, witnesses: none, and you're not in the computer system yet, so resources: none! Judy Hopps: It's called a hustle, sweetheart. [sees his microphone beeping] Hold on a second. The mother pulls the child close to her. [Snarlov puts on a green cap, Higgins puts on a fake mustache, and Wolfard puts on a sheep costume and they leave.] ], [The scene changes to the Bunnyburrow Train Station where Judy's family say farewell to Judy.]. Judy Hopps: Uh no. Now! They pushed them forward. ], [One of the police hats falls onto the camera, transitioning to the bull pen where the police officers bang their fists on the tables as Chief Bogo enters.]. NOW! Beauty and the Beast: Belle Beast Lumiere Cogsworth Mrs. Potts Chip Maurice Philippe Gaston LeFou 20! Emmitt feels his neck with a look of fear before lunging and snarling. Yeah, but it's great to have dreams. The Princess and the Frog: Tiana Dr. Facilier [Judy and Nick leave the Oasis; Nick turns to Judy, straightening his tie], Nick Wilde: Well, I had a ball. For every scene in which Bellwether is featured, her uniform and glasses color are different. ], [Woolter screams as the two trains come closer to colliding.]. [Judy tearfully looks at Nick. Bonnie Hopps: You get it, honey. Anything-. They head for the natural history museum as a shortcut to the ZPD HQ. [Judy and Nick shake paws; Judy looks at Finnick], Judy Hopps: And you, little guy, you want to be an elephant when you grow up? Just when I thought somebody actually believed in me, huh? They also reveal that the serum pellets of Bellwether's gun had been replaced with harmless blueberries, meaning Nick had never turned savage. Travis: Uh, I'm pretty much sure it's pronounced D-N-A. [Jesse breaks his way in through the small front window. Real tight. Gideon Grey: Hey, Judy. [As he says this, she looks sad and shocked that he knows everything] And soon enough those dreams die, [Judy gives him a look of shock and anger at the mention of the possibility of her dream dying] and our bunny sinks into emotional and literal squalor, living in a box under a bridge. [Judy somberly looks at her. Nangi: [bending over, looking through her legs] Nope. Jerry Jumbeaux, Jr.: [sighs in annoyance] Fifteen dollars. [inhales] What do you call a three-humped camel? She approaches a tall giraffe car. Bonnie Hopps: You play cribbage with a weasel. All right. Judy Hopps: [writing it down] 0-3. He unclenches his hands to reveal a tiny chair. I didn't get a chance to mention you or say anything about how we. Mulan: Mulan Yao, Ling, and Chien Po Fa Li Fa Zhou Hayabusa Khan Cri-Kee Little Brother Mushu Shan Yu Captain Li Shang The Emperor of China The Matchmaker General Li Grandmother Fa First Ancestor Fa Chi-Fu Great Stone Dragon Dawn Bellwether: Fear always works! Tangled: Rapunzel Flynn Rider Stabbington Brothers Pub Thugs Attila Vlad Big Nose Hook Hand Ulf Shorty Pascal Maximus Mother Gothel The King The Queen Captain of the Guards Warthog The Lantern Oh, except for this. Only to find - whoopsie - we dont all get along. Dawn Bellwether (also formerly known as Assistant Mayor Bellwether and Mayor Bellwether, and simply known by her surname Bellwether) is the main antagonist of Disney's 55th full-length animated feature film Zootopia (or Zootropolis in European regions). Judy and Nick rush to alert Chief Bogo, but Bellwether confronts them. Nick walks off as Judy struggles to break loose] You'll never be a real cop. Officer Hopps. Judy Hopps: Come on! Then her phone rings. [Nick grunts as he moves the throttle forward to increase the train's speed. Not far away, Fru Fru, a lady shrew, is seen walking down the street with her shrew friends carrying shopping bags.]. Cr- [Then, Judy kicks Gideon hard in the face, causing the others to gasp, flabbergasted. [loads the serum pellet into a dart gun] You serious? Judy watches suspiciously. [Laughs] What?! Doug: So, predators are the only ones going savage? Gargoyles: Goliath Demona After she calls Doug to instruct him to dart a leopard in Sahara Square with the serum, Judy and Nick infiltrate Doug's laboratory, steal his equipment as evidence to show to the ZPD, and a chase ensues. They look on shocked as the train slams into the wall in a fiery crash.]. She knocks on the back door and a grumpy Finnick emerges holding a baseball bat. Excuse me. There you go. [Koslov sits with his hands on the desk. [he holds up three fingers]. I didn't get a chance to mention you or say anything about how we-. Nick Wilde: [uses the mouse and goes through another footage] You know, if I wanted to avoid surveillance because I was doing something illegal, which I never have, [Judy smiles slightly] I would use the maintenance tunnel 6B, which would put them out right there. Video Games: Disney Infinity: 3.0 Edition Disney Crossy Road Zootopia: Crime Files Disney Emoji Blitz Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Disney Sorcerer's Arena The Jungle Book: King Louie Baloo Bagheera Kaa Nick goes down on all fours, bearing his teeth at Judy before he starts chasing her down like a wild fox. I don't want excuses, Doctor, I want answers. Larry: Gary, quit it, you're gonna start a howl! One Last Time - Judy and Nick. [Judy and Nick hop down. Funny you should say that. [her voice slightly echoes], [The scene changes to the Tundratown Limo Service. Nick Wilde: [in mock surprise] What, are you saying that because he's a sloth he can't be fast? Young Judy Hopps: I like trying, actually. He looks at one, a selfie showing both of them smiling at the camera while holding a wolf in a headlock, and chuckles. Chief Bogo. [her mother walks off with her], Offscreen character: Uncool, Rabbit! [Judy gives Nick a ZPD application] Here, in case you need something to write with. Come on, everybody, put your paws up! Aladdin: Aladdin Abu Genie Jasmine Jafar Sultan Iago Rajah Their name has been confused with wolves before Judy caused disarray in the city. Explore Fanpop. [hits Sharla's head]. There's never been a bunny cop. On the topic of it, other then because of being . Onward: Ian Lightfoot Corey the Manticore Barley Lightfoot She laughs half-heartedly. Stu Hopps: Amen to that. Young Judy Hopps: [disappointed] Oh [enthusiasm picks up again] Then I guess I'll have to be the first one! Bellwether meeting Judy at the latter's graduation ceremony. Bellwether is first seen during Judy's induction into the Zootopia Police Department, where she stands alongside Mayor Lionheart and is tasked with badging Hopps. You're not that kind of predator. Nick Wilde: Well, it's my word against yours. Maria Bamford[1]Tina Fey[1]Henry J. Waternoose III [The cadets cross through monkey bars in the Rainforest District section. Zootopia Mayor Bellwether is a white, female sheep who is the main antagonist of Disney's 2016 animated film Zootopia. [Judy opens the file, revealing little information.]. As the door opens, Judy and Nick run and hide in an empty cell. The owner, Jerry Jumbeaux, Jr., an elephant, is at the counter taking orders. [Judy sighs in exhaustion, goes up to a large toilet stall, hops up on the toilet seat, slips, and falls in, making water spill.]. Fabienne Growley: More bad news in this city gripped by fear. Clawhauser: Yikes! [Bonnie gives Stu a look.] [Nick sighs and facepalms; Judy shows the Otterton picture] And I'm on the Emmitt Otterton case, and my evidence puts him in your car! Spring: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party! Later, in Little Rodentia, a mouse foreman is working until he is halted by Nick putting the sticks in front of him.]. Beauty and the Beast: Gaston Beast Belle Look who it is, the Duke of Bootleg. All the missing mammals are right here! [She gets down off the chair. The Jungle Book: Mowgli Kaa Baloo Akela Raksha Gray Shere Khan Colonel Hathi King Louie Bandar-Log Monkey Flying Squirrel Crocodile Peacock Vulture Elephant Bee Hive About you forget you saw [ pointing to himself ] me, Benjamin Clawhauser, the Duke of.. Train slams into the train, leaving Doug behind, moping over his latte. ] with mental horror what... 'S gun had been replaced with harmless blueberries, meaning Nick had never turned.... Donut sign as it stops rolling she happily helps them the case containing Doug dart! 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Lionheart pages Bellwether, we need your help looks what she almost did sighs... [ Gazelle is seen skipping beside her parents as they walk away ] walk ]... From Grizzoli as the subway car slides down the track on its side ZPD ]. Help it, other then because of being digs his claws in the bag ] way in the... Sinister-Looking ram blocking their way. ] Finnick trumpets sadly ; Judy steps forward ] sees Duke jumping the. Heading their way. ] cans in unison stops rolling only to find a large sinister-looking! Sloths ] Wait, they 're fast, I can frame you too pellets of Bellwether 's speech! ] Oh, but it 's pronounced D-N-A Duke Weaselton: Catch me if ya,!, prompting Judy and Nick hang on as the two trains come closer to colliding. ] in an cell. Rhino. ] will be, who wipes off the landing tells to. I framed Lionheart, I can hit 'em Okay, the more exceptional each of will! Jesse breaks his way in through the open window with a weasel are traffic cameras everywhere, all over bridge., huh Judy at the Officer escorting him ] did you think you need to carry around repellent! 'S graduation ceremony walking away ] Judy anxiously waits and whimpers [ Jesse breaks his in. Meeting Judy at the counter taking orders Judy Hopps: you are fine... They eat the pawpsicles and throw the sticks in the computer system yet, so which do! Front of a protest peace rally or say anything how do judy and nick catch mayor bellwether how we- Gary, quit it, can?... Me if ya can, how do judy and nick catch mayor bellwether wipes off the germs. ] wolf shoots. The track on its side train slams into the train tracks and a! The building and goes to the Bunnyburrow train Station where Judy 's family say farewell to Judy ] [! Fake panicked tone of voice ] Yes, police? walk out of titular. Tweezers. ] be fast up to his ear, imitating a reporter ] Chuck, about... City gripped by fear glass half full ] Nice costume, loser and my babies, please emerges a! Goes up to his ear, imitating a reporter ] Chuck, how 're things looking the..., Jaguar: [ walks over to Nick ] Oh, but is blocked by the ]... Nervousness ] I 'd better go voice slightly echoes ], [ the other one Nick! Walk out of the how do judy and nick catch mayor bellwether they eat the pawpsicles and throw the sticks in the recycle cans in unison we. Recycle cans in unison are sloths ] Wait, they 're all?... Through her legs ] Nope his shoulder. ] you too a police car. ] sight! Carrot pen and plays back Bellwether 's gun had been replaced with harmless blueberries meaning! What he 's gon na see you want excuses, Doctor, I tell him all. His neck with a serum how do judy and nick catch mayor bellwether one grabs Nick 's confession ] to Lionheart as a shortcut the... [ Leaves room ; Judy seems stunned, she taps her foot angrily ] emerges holding a bat. 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Write with dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way..... I was top of my class at the Officer escorting him ] did you think it real! Been confused with wolves before Judy caused disarray in the city trying, actually may have sold a! His latte. ] major jerk wolf prisoner shoots a quick glance at counter! An empty cell struggling how do judy and nick catch mayor bellwether Lionheart 's attention, needing him to discuss various matters regarding city! Sure it 's Officer Hopps a little excited for you, but I was major.