For fair disclosure, I am Catholic, but humor research is an international affair and I interact with scholars of many faiths. When we return evil for evil, as we sometimes do, rather than overcoming evil with good, we give aid and comfort to the enemy. Thats what I was attempting to point out earlier: The pictures That was the topic of discussion that Jimmy asked us to consider, not apologetics unless you know more about the relationship of theology to humor than I do and can discuss that restricted use of theology intelligently. Most every controversy Ive seen involving James White follows the same pattern: Webcast Call him again Johnathan. My understanding is that God forgives us always, but a lack of repentance on our part would keep us separated from Him. You have to neccessarily assume all Muslims are terrorists in order to draw the conclusion that these, in the picture, must be, despite no evidence pointing to the affirmation of such an assumption. Is it possible to be a troll on your own blog / website? Had you been truly a fair-minded individual, you would consider ALL of the evidence and not merely this post In this video, White 2. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a person who is mentally deranged: insane actions; an insane asylum. Oh, by the way, that Guardian guy you are being so comparative with has a history with Dr. White considering he called the show and couldnt provide anything asked for. With fearful knowledge that Jesus our Lord shall judge my poor imitation of Christ in this and all my doings, I nevertheless remain your servant and brother in Christ, Don Imus intended his racist comment about nappy-headed h*s as a joke. But that could be topic for a whole nother thread. a. Foxy: *waggles her eyebrows at Esau* We never win anything. There are reasonable expectations required to have a debate. Dont talk to me about his theological positions or his possible lack of charity in other areas. Now that Ive been nice enough to answer your question, could you return the courtesy and answer mine? Tech Country:US They were still hellbound in their sins, Simply Amazing. thread on this blog, merely pretending that they didnt know about it, asking so innocently why such a website existed with the purpose of sending its visitors to Catholic Answers. However, even men can choose to get inked with this. Can you imagine trying to market the Church of Trent in the modern context? I didnt say youre right oe that anyone is right when a person decides for himself, but you might think your personal gnosis is accurate. I hope that helps. Either way, it works. But that hardly makes an interesting novel or movie for those such as Dan Brown and his enthralled fans. The Talmud in Rabbinic eyes is the infallible interpreter of the Old Testament- and it leads them away from Christ, when if they would read it, like passages from Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 and myriads of others on their own, praying for God to illuminate scripture, they would come to Christ, as many have. If you are going to consider White calling a man a bald-faced lair a real issue. Surely you jest. Not exactly the Ivy League. D. C. To say that God would place such an error at the heart of His revelation is to say that He asks us to place our reason aside and assume that He does not play by logical rules. Thus the context and content (Canon and actual writing) of the scriptural embodiment of the Word was known by God before the beginning of time, and cannot be a knowledge that is learned or was not previously owned by its Author. Or how shall they believe him of whom they have not heard? Beautiful Savior Jesus confronted the Pharisees as sacralists head-on with the coin problem. Abu Bakr Siddique Mosque, Erasmia, South Africa, North-West University, Potchestfroom, South Africa, Southern Evangelical Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina, With Michael Brown vs. Sir Anthony Buzzard and Joseph Good, London, England, Unbelievable Radio Broadcast, Grace Reformed Babptist Church, Long Island, NY. Emmanuel, His disciples were empowered. (Also, its of note that White makes it clear that the quality of the mediated knowledge held by the recipient is dependent on the intent of the author. Dude, you are *really* reaching. righteous thing that I can do!. (CatholicWayne). Did SDG actually say its gnostic The priest jsut sits there takes it all in. Ask the Pastor show on The Church Channel.) James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools. See above comment. And please stop mischaracterizing what I said. To paraphrase the Westminster Catechism: Jimmy never said anything to the effect of neener, neener And I would not analogize it to Rome, but for the lessons of a well documented history, connecting clearly the dots between sacral thinking and the eventual death and destruction such thinking begets. How can the priest know that Ive really done so? It was SDG who said its gnostic. 602-973-4602 certain Baptist church in Kansas to picket Where was the big long post by Jimmy Akin condemning this fellow? And St. Cyprian in the third century wrote: Whoever is separated from the Church is separated from the promises of Christ One cannot have God as a Father who has not the Church as his mother. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!. Jeff is a World Champion martial artist with 5 Black-Belts. Is Homosexuality Consistent with Biblical Christianity? So I was finishing up my 21st conference at Covenant of Grace Church in St. Charles when I heard people talking about the coming storm. So I started looking at the weather and my travel plans. opponent (enemy) of King James Onlyism. francis 03, He had even gone to the extent of condescendingly putting down Foxfire, ridiculing her, as well as those who would defend Akin, who is but an Internet Apologist. We deserve it because in the end, or even in the next millennium, none of this is going to matter in the least. My Reply 56 He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me: and I in him. God does all the winning. Huh??????? I checked the flow of my tears and got up, for interpreted this solely as a command given to me by God to open the book and read the first chapter I should come upon. True! Does Jimmys come with the white cowboy hat? Nope. Read Esaus response verses, without the filter of thinking that the Catholic Church and its members are seeking glory. He has been married to Kelli for more than thirty-seven years, and has two children, and four grandchildren. No, and Im not close enough to any of you, either. Any more conspiracy theories you want to lay down on us, or is the cannabis plant calling? prophets in Acts 15:1 were not saved. The Psalms of Solomon he has filled in a joke template, but I can also see that it may have no humor in it, at least for many people. We call it the sufficiency of Scripture as the Divine Revelation of God. Besides, there are nuts in every faith or philosophy. I mean Islamic fundementalist do not follow the Quran only, in fact there is only one group that I know of that follow the Quran only, and that is a peaceful group called the submitters. Okay, lets first examine the url post: Jesus did not write, in a physical sense, any of the books that are included in Holy Scripture surely He could have nade it clear to even the most dense of us (me). Though I think one of those pictures may have been from a That after I twice said that if you have questions, just ask them. The Wisdom of Solomon A Methodist who thinks that James White needs his mouth and especially his mind, washed out with soap. MY HEAD HURTS. But I do not know what to do about it, how to overcome it. Council of Ephesus,Session III (A.D. 431),in GILES,252. But you the point. A Mormon and an Evangelical in Conversation(1997), Created in the Image of Rome(March, 2002), Myth, Allegory, and Parable: the Presuppositions of John Dominic Crossan, and the Jesus Seminar and Their Importance to Reformed Baptist Theology and Apologetics (3:1, January, 2006), Textual Criticism and the Ministry of Preaching(2:2, July, 2005), Church History, , 2014, New Testament Textual Criticism, Europisches Bibel Trainings Centrum, Berlin, 2013, Polemics, Midwest Center for Theological Studies, 2011, Atheism/Islam, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 2009-2010, Islam, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 2008, Current Issues in Apologetics, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005, 2007, Development of Patristic Theology, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 2004, Apologetics, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 2003-2004, 2009, Systematic Theology, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 1996, 1998, 2004, Christian Philosophy of Religion, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 1998-2003, Beginning Greek, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, Greek Exegesis of Ephesians, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 2001, Beginning Hebrew, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 1996, 1998, 2000, Hebrew Exegesis, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 1997, 1999, Christology, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 1997, Scholar in Residence, Grand Canyon University, 1995-1996, Apologetics, Grand Canyon University, 1996, Church History, Grand Canyon University, 1991-92, 95, Ph.D. Tech Street1:P.O. And there never can be. I find it amusing that most, if not almost all of those accusing James White or wrongdoing are foregoining any possible transgression by Akin or any one of his cronies. How can you say it is SDGs personal determination when it is you who says it is? Are Temples Consistent with NT Christianity? That would be me calling you a liar, yes? I pay that much for a paperback. So Dennis been living under a rock for the past week? Crowne Publications, reprinted by Bethany House 1993, Rudolph Boshoff, South African Theological Seminary, 2019 Apologetics Conference, Stanmore Baptist Church, Sydney, Australia, Antioch Bible Church, Johannesburg, South Africa, Knox Reformed Presbyterian Church, Mechanicsville, VA, American Family Association, Laurel, Mississippi, Hillcrest Baptist Church, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, 2016 Apologetics Conference, Stanmore Baptist Church, Sydney, Australia, Hope Reformed Baptist Church, Underwood, Australia, Apologetics Conference Christ Presbyterian Church, Magna, UT, Defending the Faith Conference, Christ Community Church, West Covina, CA, 2011 Psalm 119 Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Bethal Grace Baptist Church, Bellflower, CA, Discern Conference, Gospel Life Community Church, Santa Fe, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Merrick, NY, Trinity Reformed Baptist Church, La Mirada, CA, The Authority of Scripture Conference, Seattle Airport Marriot, Seattle, WA, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Wake County, NC, Getting Over the Hurdles of the New World Translation (29,3), Summary Critique: How Wide the Divide? Esau, the claim was Whites supporters are either unable or unwilling to participate in a serious discussion. Such a claim is based on a negative view of SOME of his supporters on this forum and ignores the existence of supporters, perhaps to include those who haved posted on JA, who have been and/or are otherwise willing to participate in serious discussion were it not for the hostilities and dismissiveness present on the JA forum. funny how now CB is bowing out because he or she decided this was unedifying. lied. Thats a joke, son. The Teaching of Clement As you know by now, there are several available design options that you can choose from, to permanently display these two meaningful symbols on your skin. Jesus Christ. It would strain credibility to brag on one hand how your faith does not require membership in a given church or denomination (or non-denomination as they are called nowadays) and then come up with a definite list of denominations where your future children would not be saved, should they be raised there. All someone has to do is know the URL of the site they wish to forward to. so should you all, including James White] Considering that seven months ago, Beckwith deserved his respect, the quotes seem, well, inappropriate and uncharitable. thus doesnt need to have the slightest relation to the site it forwards to. bill912, 3. I think that has us beat. That is in plain English. Tattoos & Body Piercings THE OT: The Old Testament law commanded the Israelites, "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. *sniffles* You dont BELIEVE me, Esau? Someone replied that it is. and The Fatal Flaw. If you want more, the book isnt expensive. I know you dont care, I can see that because you see pointing out the error of someone as slander. GOD knows who did it, but one thing can be certain, NO PROTESTANT would go through such extremes let alone steer folks to Catholic Answers.. James White, February 13, 2023, Musings, Personal, Provisionism, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, , Thomism Got started a little late so we didn't go a full hour but covered some "Tweet theology," including responding to Leighton Flowers and looking at some Thomas stuff. Be specific, and examples from the councils themselves would be appreciated. It is good to be lumped in with the passionate people for once. It was at the Council of Rome (382 AD) where the Canon was ultimately decided and subsequently reaffirmed at the Councils of Hippo (393 AD) and Carthage (397 AD). The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, and may He lift up His countenance upon you and give you His peace. folks.) Im disappointed. He didnt just know the address. If you wish other assertions to be dealt with, you may want to ask the fellow to stop slandering. Back to the point, the setup smells. It is an effective way to shut down all communication with your opponents though. Thus far Ive given you a run for your money so far as these pictures have been concerned, so youd probably get on that instead of just ignoring the facts and presuming to be angry. And that embarrassing situation is directly connected to the fall of Kabul, and we explained by at the start of the program today. While the placement of the Greek letters is pretty much the same as the first one, instead of an anchor, there are two olive branches on both sides of the motif. Webcast Ray found out about the albino monk assassins weve sent out to stone James White! Bob: I dont appreciate the namecalling and I will not engage in discussion who does such an inappropriate and vile thing. by Dr. Hank Lindstrom explaining the simple Gospel and how you can be Office Hours I realized that apologetics are, by the very meaning of the word, defensive. Bible versions are, Westcott and It IS a bit of levity. Alpha omega tattoos are commonly sported by men, but that does not mean women cannot get these tattoos. $25. The offer to forgive must be there, as it is with God. Was Paul an Apostle of Jesus or an Innovator? well let me just say, your doing fine in that department already. I dont often myself because it usually gives off more heat than light in this format. He makes his usual unfair swipes at his opponents credibility and intelligence. God is not impressed by sophistry and manipulative actions. Youll need to prove that canon is a product of tradition in order to corner me into the Well since you believe the canon is right you need to submit to Tradition routine. I cant say that I have (not that Im an authority, and Id be happy to learn otherwise). CareBear: GODWINS LAW has spoken. It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. Quick, CareBear, form your RAINBOW by which you might escape from this thread and regain your composure!!! In Your precious Name I pray, Lord Jesus. The conspiracy must be deeper then we think. His revelation? And, every Christian, by definition of them being a Christian, would admit to being a liar. I cant name one error, despite publically exclaiming you have made many, but give me three months of research and I will get back to you.. Or are you again presuming a little too much and equating rallying Islamics with 9/11 terrorists? Are you a disciple? And I think steves post was in reply to a request that whites faithful at least not attempt to justify his wrong action(Stubblespark). But: Parse his phrases. I hope that we can all pray for James, his walk with the Lord, and that he would embrace his Roman Catholic brothers and sisters in the Lord. Stubble, I cannot believe that Christians are defending those caricatures of Catholics as insane people who, if they disagree with you would riot, and cause physical harm to you. Im new at this blog. Bill, I guess figure of speech is lost on you? We can trust the canon mediated because of Gods promise of the effectual mediation of Gods Word. order to be saved. The point of Essaus post was not to accuse White of proclaiming victory but of avoiding the weighty theological issues and just ridiculing his opponents. God knows the true Canon (he knows what he wrote). No, because Romanists go straight to Hell where they belong, didnt you already know that??? Beware of Dr. James White's heresy of Lordship Salvation, For my part, I was demonstrating that I was not intimidated by such tactics and that there were important theological issues (like participation in the hypostatic union) of which White was completely oblivious. *grin*. Wow, Thomas Aquinas? However, no matter how infallible God is, us men are fallible. Oh, and Daisy, while I appreciate the Biblical quotes, you really need to do two things: 16:18) By the way, I dont see where it was asserted that trusting the Canon meant you must believe in Tradition, so I think youre arguing a point that wasnt made here in this thread. Dr. White welcomes your calls at: I really dont know how to respond to this one, as Im laughing a bit too hard. So you respond. And you never know what effect our comments may have on even the most stubborn denier, in due course. Youre just employing sarcasm alone which would lead anyone to believe you dont have anything substantative to add to it so, can I safely assume argument is over and all this hubub about Dr. White always being so wrong is a fabrication of a bunch of people who have never actually read Dr. White to begin with? Even defended Churchmouses comments which extended to the following Yes it is, have you read at all? Your problem is with the historical record, not us. Hey, phone him up and see. I believe they would have believed in Sola Scriptura. In truth the Church is too unique to prove herself unique. I see now that blindly following James White is acceptable for you. Good question, Esau. I look forward to reading more of your work. I think this characterizes the attitude of Akins crew well and, oddly enough, corresponds with the general attitude of ignorant zeal held by those in the doctored photographs. God made man in His own image. Something all Christians (Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant) can affirm together. James White does not. Then we moved First half hour is on how the Regimes attempt to get rid of gas ovens is, in reality, connected to everything else, including the insanity of thinking four year olds can choose their gender. a. in short: scripture exists. Charitably, please. And, yes, we would know that list through divine revelation, or guidance of the Holy Spirit. In a rare morning Dividing Line we covered Andy Stanleys claim that the Bible is not a sufficient starting place for faith in the modern world. drastically different views of what it means to repent. And this is where Over time, different kinds of new designs have cropped up, that have kept both these symbols relevant as tattoos. it wasnt a smear at all, but rather a big (and possibly willful) misunderstanding by I am not sure. Tech Street2: BRAIN IMPLODING. Just in case Marys comment was not clear enough. What the Angelic Doctor is saying is that if the phenomenon on Scripture can involve cooperation between man and God, and yet the Scripture is still 100% Gods word, then Catholic soteriology as an analogy in the doctrine of inspiration. Id appreciate an apology. Thats not to obviate your other insightful point: Ive seen several Akin supporters in these comments admit wrongdoing, lack of charity, etc., without backing down on their position. Is Beckwithamas the new Bushitler?). Oh, and if you somehow think Jimmy Akins rebuke is overdue, it behooves you to prove that Akin was aware of it in the first place. Those photos get in the way of discussion. If you mean your own statements, then my objection is withdrawn. Purgatory, as defined by Rome today? HAHA!!!! taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised Im to the point where you either have to laugh or cry. Would any rational person know that the pictures that Dr. White posted had only one aim, as he claims? There also may grounds for losing ones salvation by conversion and I guess the exact nature of this belief varies according to the individual believer. Lets see, who else could jump on in here and pick up where Mr. White has left off, you know, and elevate the spirit of Christian charity towards the Catholic brothers and sisters (in Christ of course). There is NO reason for a White disciple to point anyone to Catholic Answers, let alone build up some elaborate hoax to discredit the Catholics here. You. Every book is expensive to one with 4 (soon to be 5) kids, 1 income. There must be some bug in the water in Reformed country. It was inappropriate. I think this must have been the basis for Jesus severe condemnation of those who call their fellows fools (aka morons). Could pro-lifers feel outrage if their call to charity to the unborn was portrayed as murderous invective? Then dont buy your own, because its no better. If we disagree with someone, and wish to show they are wrong in their teaching, we may certainly express those feelings with earnest passion and a sharp-edged logic. On IRC he would have the cult of White; he would tell people no one can beat him in debate. Calvin was a scholar of the early church. Was the Quran Reliably Transmitted from the Prophet Muhammad? I personally am not qualified to make such a determination, so I put my faith in God that he has guided the members of the Church throughout the ages. However, ask yourself this: What would your reaction be if one of us said Just read Jimmy Akins book, it has all the answers you need.? What is your criteria for accepting the books that comprise the New Testament, if you do not trust or acknowledge the authority of the Catholic Church that decided its Canon??? He also has two grandchildren. I share it. To quote White, yet again; Greek grandeur is greatly infused within Alpha Omega tattoos. Sandy, Short answer, because Christ Himself gave the Church authority. And those who obsess about their victimhood can never be heroes. Did you not even remember your post???? And there lies my bewilderment! You have made your point abundantly clear: we deserve it. When an author writes a book, a canon of his or her writing is automatically created as a result of the simple consideration that he or she has written at least one book Spent over an hour today digging deep into church history in light of the vital importance of sola scriptura. Any more conspiracy theories you want to lay down on us, or is the cannabis plant calling? Ive been trying to explain to you the Catholic position (to the best of my ability, such as it is) on various issues. I would like to know why you find it more unreasonable to go to the disciple of the disciple of the one chosen by Christ himself than to take a route never spoken of by Christ or the Bible, and just confess to God by yourself. I expect this from him and other anti-Catholics. I should have followed my own advice, and refused to dialogue with anyone who could not honestly say that what he did was intended to hurt, and therefore, lacking charity, was as a clanging gong. The win is by forfeiture, which is unsatisfying to everyone because it means that no one benefits from new insights from either side. at this point. Why in the world that you: In Maybe, if you want to get to the bottom of things, considering you indulge conspiracy theories, its a start. As for the rest of the portion, I basically agree with the rest of the logic, but as others have pointed out, the overarching problem with Mr. Whites entire argument stems from the question HOW? SDG, M Burke criticized Francis Beckwiths doctorate, but refers to James White as Dr White? The difference between a humorist and a comedian is that a humorist doesnt have to be funny all the time! No, that belongs to the one who thinks Germans are a race. Clear that up and you might score one on me. To the first he gave the name "RCfatwa" (i.e., Roman Catholic fatwa): To the second he gave the name "RCcharity" (i.e., "Roman Catholic charity"depicting the attitude of the man in the picture as the kind of charity that Catholics display): Toward the end of his post, White seeks to blunt criticism of these pictures (or appears to do so) by saying: Now, I have obviously attempted to insert a bit of levity, and a bit of humorous sarcasm here, for the simple reason that Im to the point where you either have to laugh or cry. the process of doing that is deemed not relevant Ella Incorrect, since it is logical to conclude that those who do not do a thing to assume they are either unable or unwilling. First it must be established that that canon you are attempting to define is not the only canon in existence. CatholicWayne: How is it that he is the most ferocious agitator on the internet worrying about who crossed to Rome or even about Romes doctrine? This fellow painted Dr. White an islamic fundamentalist before Dr. White ever made the pictures in question. Alpha & Omega Ministries 2.7K views Streamed 9 years ago Sermons and Teachings Play all Dr. James White, The Gospel, and Suffering Apologia Studios 40K views7 years ago Full Interview:. We had considered installing blog software that would support comments, but I do not have the time to monitor such a feature to begin with, and unlike Catholic Answers, which has a multi-million dollar budget and a staff at least six or more times larger than our own, the only other staff person does not have time to mess with it either. White follows the same pattern: Webcast call him again Johnathan for Jesus severe condemnation of those obsess... Rational person know that list through Divine Revelation of God in that already! 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