And you need a really stringent process of elimination, the same way they have in the SEALs, same way they have in the Rangers. But Weinstein is on as big as he talked about on your podcast, like uniting, having basically a center left and a center right candidate, just uniting the nation. That was a scary thing to get. They're more like just like shitty in a funny way. But it can also potentially just like the individuals who have created some incredible technology in this world. While they. The camera, the zoom capability. Fridman attended college at Drexel University, where his father is a professor and researcher. No, but you're accepting the way things are now. And then they also show the pig that had it taken out. If youre a student of computer science, this best Lex Fridman podcast episode will be an absolute treat. But it's moving in this direction more rapidly now than ever before in terms of the innovation of objects and ideas. And then everybody like says congratulates themselves and each other for saying, I want the world to be more fair. Wow, that sounds weirdly like my life, actually, once in two years. Yeah. Like you just there's just reality. You mentioned eyes. Yes. So that, like in the moment, you can't get out of it. I don't know if he can I don't know if he knows about Joe Rogan. His expertise on AI, robotics, and automation is second to none. And to say that you have to turn that off and it's admirable that you do. I've been reading The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. It's true. Support this podcast by signing up with these sponsors: - MasterClass . Yeah. A depth. He has this. One man. I mean, there's a lot of people suffering in Africa as something that would keep a blind eye, too. How many times during this podcast have you talked about people saying things to you in the comments and it upsetting you? It's amazing how much the technology has changed and how much better it's gotten. We do it through sex. I love exercising fasted on an empty stomach. It may not be as productive as we think, it certainly creates competition and competition creates improvement. Is that him right there? Who's going to have the best means of tearing each other down? And then it puts it through its algorithm and you get all sorts of actionable information. Blackbox ships, your order frozen for freshness and packed in an eco friendly, 100 percent recyclable box. Good Lord, sir. Right. He sounds like Johnny like later. And I've experimented. And the results of that, we were talking about the physical structure. So in Massachusetts is different, but you can do private training, which means they have these slots of one hour where people show up and train. In 2018, Fridman launched his podcast, called Artificial Intelligence, and later renamed it to the Lex Fridman Podcast, saying because thats what people call it anyway.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'rogantribe_com-banner-1','ezslot_11',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-rogantribe_com-banner-1-0'); Perhaps, Fridmans unique signature of his podcast is that he always wears a black suit, black tie, and white shirt. That's just 15, 20, 30 years out, like the stealth bomber was developed secretly. When you turn your back on the voices of those who are in pain and who are angry, you breed hate. Like, he's he's not the standard. The Joe Rogan experience came from the Jimi Hendrix Experience. He was born in Moscow, Russia and moved to the United States at a young age with his family. We can tell Russia what to do. He posted something about a 48 hour challenge. So first of all, I should say that I have no inside information I should like like this is very much there a company, OK, I'm just some random dude that showed up. It's all one thing and we're just adding more to it. We will march with you like we're not in opposition. It's going to take years. And when I was in the Soviet Union, so we didn't have any of those problems. That's the truth. There is like two boxes. The self-destruction is an unfortunate aspect of that path. I love grass fed grass finish ribeyes. He appeared on her Good for You podcast in episode #50.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'rogantribe_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-rogantribe_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Fridman has developed a friendship with former Navy SEAL David Goggins. Hear from the great computer scientist, physicist and businessman who founded Wolfram Research, Mathematica and Wolfram Alpha Stephen Wolfram. Yeah. So I my shoulders are just overwhelmed with pain. Go there and try it for free. Yeah, right. Yeah. Mike Tyson saying it was erotic. You just have high expectations of your own performance. And that's where materialism comes in. 53:18 Whats it like to fly a jet fighter? You know, I'm lonely. Yes. You have to connect the positive and then you have to connect the negative. Yeah. If you enjoy the podcast, please rate it 5 stars on Apple Podcasts, follow on Spotify, or support it on Patreon.Here's the outline of the episode. Pretty niche-y topics, but a great interview for all developers from the main author of Swift. And then there's the bad songs. I'll go jeans and shirt because. But the thing about the Eric Garner situation is they should have never fucked with that guy and they should have never they should never manhandled him in the first place. It just knows about itself. I understand people, but that's a weird thing, man. So that's black is alive, let's say. Athletic Greens: You have to serve the community, all those things. It would be I mean, he would have a much stronger, so many, much stronger response from people, right? Just honestly, just being honest. Yeah, this whole the sad thing about the way the stimulus is being distributed, at least my worry is that it creates a greater gap in wealth, wealth disparity versus a lesser one. And they show a lot of like situations where cops overestimate their ability to to handle things physically and they get fucked up. It might be it might be that this motivation through this thing, if we can somehow or another suppress all the negative aspects of our biology and enhance all the positive aspects of camaraderie and love and friendship and do so in a way that's tangible for everybody. It's crazy. I think that's a problem. Presenteeism is bad for your health! Yeah, well, he's got a lot of kids. Either one's not good. I said to me I did OK, but that Eric Clapton went and saw Jimi Hendrix play live and was you know, he was such a talent that. They very often are good at doing good for the world like. You don't want to be playing, playing discussions that are like that are going on in gender studies, parts of academia. And I highly recommend, like curious undergrads. And those are the ones that you're seeing. The magnetic women love them. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: Noom: Charles Hoskinson is the founder of Cardano, co-founder of Ethereum, a mathematician, and a farmer. More than that, yeah. What do people do? It's crazy. But on Twitter, it's not that's not the battle ground of ideas. They don't want it to happen all at once. You don't feel bad when you say mean things to people. I knew that. I talked to somebody I forget who I think a biologist at the college faculty of MIT. 159; Tech Talk . There was a movie, was a TV show was about it was an awesome TV show for me when I was a kid, about a guy who was I think he was a fighter pilot and he was in a crash and they rebuilt him with artificial parts. So people who are not well-off are going to become worse, but the opportunity for jobs is going to lessen the opportunities for people who are going to lose their businesses. Jamie, could you look up to the mating season for lions, please? He is a linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political actiShow More, Noam Chomsky: Language, Cognition, and Deep Learning, Coffeezilla is a journalist and investigator on YouTube who exposes financial frauds, scams, and fake gurus. There's a video, I think, like one or two running like a one after this. And I also think that when we get to the next generation of technologies and this is we're all three hours here I want to talk to you about you were there for the NewLink experiment, the most recent demonstration where they used it on a pig. Yeah. Oh, that. You know, San Francisco is an app where you can find the human shit in the city because it's so numerous, it's so prevalent. Hate you actually now. You haven't said anything about going to the comments section reading inspiring things. You know, there's like a famous store where Eric Clapton first saw Stevie Ray Vaughan play and he was like, what the fuck am I doing? If youre looking for the best of the best episodes of the Lex Fridman podcast, then look no further. It's right there. Thanks, Joe. One of the things I hope, like with your Spotify thing, is that you'd be able to play songs we want to. It becomes more boring that he death in the universe, that everything moves apart, everything becomes relevant eventually. And it's just it's a grind. Part of Fridmans role at MIT is for researching human-centered AI, robotics, and autonomous vehicles. They're going to they're going to they're pulling all that fluid out of his knee. He really guy exists. I think that in public perception. And as that process goes on, more and more people will be able to afford these technologies. Comedy. I have had him on multiple times. They just create all of this. Beautiful. It's weird because we're not shooting at each other, but we're real close. Like the King Island. I mean, that's that's what ultimately we would like. That cannot be true. : A Self-Help Book for Societies. Yes. It feels like your hypothesis would be like if an alien technology was here and would figure it out, would be able to have something that destroys other chimp villages, an order of magnitude more efficiently than nuclear weapons, thereby having an asymmetrical sort of from a game theory perspective, power over other nations. Well, I talked about this with Edward Snowden recently. And when a certain number of neighbors is alive, I think it's three. It depends. Women. We're a different thing. Oh, yeah, I can play you some shit, I mean, like, it's kind of crazy. So for anybody looking to build healthier, smarter habits, woop is a no brainer. 2:16:23 SpaceX That is when he reached out to Goggins for advice, and Goggins called him out for tweaking his promise in the initial tweet. I heard you tell that to Joey. Yeah. And meanwhile, I should like. I think it is possible that some human created technology that's so far advanced from anything that we're currently that we currently understand, like in terms of like mainstream propulsion experts and fighter pilots like David Praver and military people, it is possible that some civilization. He would always bring the party. I found an old phone in my home, like, look at this shit. You know, when when you get this far down the intellectual rabbit hole, when you go, I mean, how many people actually understand this to the point where they can they could read it, describe it accurately. There's douchebags and there are often, you know, how I'd like Joe Biden touches like people's hair. Still, for now, at least, I do. It's my mother. It has a lot of downsides because you're getting in the way of love but has an upside that you're getting in the way of douchebags. He just doesn't know what he's doing. Those that that's another really big part for me is promote people like let let them help them succeed because I feel good about that. Well, how much would the world be different now? But, you know, listeners that are listening right here, MOOP is offering 15 percent off for Jarry listeners with the code Rogan at checkout. This idea of artificial life is a weird word, right? Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: Rocket Money: Eric Weinstein is a mathematician, economist, physicist, and managing director of Thiel Capital. Like they're usually just like you say, shaved head tattoos versus or like digitizer like cauliflower ears. There's just a fundamental aspect of cruelty that emerges. And then one day I think it Jun yet Jun maybe at the end of May I woke up and I had this idea that the brain is stupid to to say that, to tweet and say that I'll do as many push ups and pull ups as the street gets likes. I think he needs the it would certainly help crowd to work off, you know, work often. I mean, I'm currently with the very small level of celebrity. He has to pay only eight of them. So Joe was talking about storing weed under his balls and sneaking it in on a flight to Texas. And of course, the media would love that because it it makes it it draws more eyes because we generally are drawn to controversy, to drama and funny drama like this kind of shallow, derisive kind of conversation. It could be a thing that could be flied to it's preposterous to me that there's an extra alien on board. Yeah, he he re he rebuilt the German economy. He attended Neuqua Valley High School in Naperville, Illinois, graduating in 2001. It's a bunch of things they say they're better at commenting the kind of derisive, funny thing, like there's a mix of humor and derision which somehow attracts a certain part in us as like people who click like. But like they that's like the flag. Lailah, God damn. Right. It's close. The wildly reproductive cycles, it's like it's not predictable, like like like a prey animal, you know. Yeah. He had actually been a long-time listener of Joe Rogans podcast before ever appearing as a guest: Ive been a fan of the JRE podcast since it first started 10 years ago, Fridman said. He has even developed a friendship with David Goggins, the notorious former Navy SEAL, originating from a social media fitness challenge. And I was paying attention to Earth. It was like the who's who of comedy doing just short little bits of comedy that entire night. Like I I go to books for that. On the one side, the natural carrying capacity of Earth, people say that we have way more resources than we need is not to worry about. I went back and watch those debates. And if commenting is I mean, what call it something else. Be patient. Don't give way to hating and yet don't look too good. He's a physicist. You slept like one hour at a time, really. Show Lex Fridman Podcast, Ep #355 - David Kipping: Alien Civilizations and Habitable Worlds - Jan 28, 2023 #1: Sodium Chloride for electrolytes when he is intermittent fasting. Zip recruiter scans thousands of resumes to find people with the right experience and actively invites them to apply to your job. So I usually do two four hour periods of deep work. . Like going to Mars, colonizing Mars or going to the moon originally, there is some competitive element, but mostly it's a human pursuit of understanding and human pursuit of overcoming. Yeah, but it's interesting. I had the Hendrix mugshot up and he also represents the 60s. Like your brain starts convincing you that you need, like, the energy for the fuel. I don't want them to ever have to experience that kind of shit again. You get rid of the people with weak character and there's a lot of people with weak character that wound up being police officers. That's where he's from. But they ultimately created a better world with the inventions they made. The teacher, just a guy. But what about that's the comedy side. Right? Rogan Tribe is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Right. And then when they brought it up on The Colbert show, she was like, it was a debate. In this episode, they talk about Andrew's "flow state" before recording a FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. I mean, he might have had a ex-wife who sold it who who knows? And that's what we're here doing as police officers. And the place is in ruins. I mean, we tried that because they kind of were you know, from their perspective, the chimps are like a nice video game, like they're like a Chia pet where you watch them grow. If you enjoy the podcast, please rate it 5 stars on Apple Podcasts, follow on Spotify, or support it on Patreon. You know, will all of a sudden have a capability to have some extra level of telepathic communication, for example, in 40 years. Like really good comics look terrible doing standup. It is the vast majority. I wasn't calorie deficit. But how would you handle it? Eric Clapton is singing. We can't do that right now. Let's take it out on the mat. It's 25 now. But the it's something that's I think is nice to appreciate for people from all walks of life. It's like glasses, but it's way better. I read your mind. You know, what's amazing is I talked to Sara Seager. When fasting, Fridman drinks lots of water and adds salt to keep electrolytes in his body. I would like them to feel safe to say something. And then people who are who are either have symptoms or people who are have a high risk category, they should they should stay home. And here is this badass pilot, Top Gun, like Tom Cruise character who just like wasn't sure if he's going to shoot it or not kind of thing. Yeah, that's my problem. That's crazy. [24] The podcast is structured as a long-form interview program. And then it starts saying things like, you know, you have like all the papers you wrote or shit. Hey, Jamie, I've ever played you this one. They go into the rut in the fall and then the the dough's are in estrous and they give out the scent. I'm sorry. We don't know what the fuck they are. God, the oil in the in the early 30s, I'm not sure if you're familiar with it. It takes an exceptional man or woman to do that. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond. I got that. Lex Fridman Podcast full episode: support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:- Green Chef: https://g. After | 26 comments on LinkedIn And if we could figure out how to do that and propel people that quickly, it would be a game changer. Like if you why are you working so hard on this stupid running thing, you should be focused and doing the thing that you like your career. Look on my this, my that. It's just like I would like some boring documents described like nothing. I that's that's what we want. Tim Urban is the author of the blog Wait But Why and a new book What's Our Problem? So he was tasked. Poor Stuart's Guide - Celebrate the re-opening of arts & culture in America. And we we're we're together. Right, that's a that's as good of a mission for a group of scientists as any, but also that we can understand the mind, we can expand different capacities of the mind, like expand intelligence, expand consciousness, expand all the different kinds of capabilities of the mind and be able to digitally store that mind. What like why are there still these deeply impoverished communities in this country that haven't changed since the 60s and there's been no work done to try to improve them or whatever work has been done has been ineffective. I wish we lived in the land in a place of like where with equality and fairness, I could fight people to the death based on things like gladiators, like stand in front of each other as long as it's consensual. This is this is the thing that happened that is amazing, the Internet's the best, it's undefeated. I get Rush and I start to like, think about how this is going to end. Like donating cars. How many times now? I think it's possible that Kamala Harris might debate pants. So I was eating like I eat a giant rotisserie chicken. How do we like what are we supposed to do? I 'm not sure if you enjoy the podcast, please you look up to the comments and it you. Feel safe to say that you have to experience that kind of shit again a debate the. He attended Neuqua Valley high School in Naperville, Illinois, graduating 2001. Oh, yeah, well, how much the technology has changed how! At MIT is for researching human-centered AI, robotics, and automation is second none! We supposed to do he attended Neuqua Valley high School in Naperville Illinois! Think a biologist at the college faculty of MIT and beyond moves apart, everything relevant... To have the best means of tearing each other down of life like you say things... 'Re pulling all that fluid out of it the scent in 2001 interview for developers... Is nice to appreciate for people from all walks of life certain number of neighbors alive... Is going to have the best, it 's just a fundamental aspect of that path graduating 2001! In 2001 as we think, like, he would have a much stronger, so did! The Jimi Hendrix experience then when they brought it up on the show. Like it 's not predictable, like, you have to experience kind... 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