There are tons of treasures to still be found but with a little luck and a strong desire you might be able to find some of them. , CACHE! Where they failed in their attempt to find the treasure was their lack . Check out my article on getting permission on private land Get Permission to Metal Detect on Private Property (Cool Tips included). Along the old trail between Wilcox and Cochise, the duo holed up in a cabin about half a mile outside Cochise. For some reason, the Opata preferred to work in this particular mine so the missionaries let them. Another man came along and spotted him. In 1895 a Southern Pacific Railroad express car was robbed in the Dos Cabezas Mountains five miles southwest of Wilcox in Arizona. 16 Lost Treasures of Arizona Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine Herman Wolf's Treasure Trove Legend of the Lost Opata Mine The Smiling Bandits Lost Loot Red Jack Almer Gangs Lost Loot $72,000 in Gold Coins: Stolen Army Payroll Buried Cans of Gold Coins at Ashurst Ranch Lost Gold at Granite Dells Blacksmith's Lost Booty Hidden Indian Gold Near Lynx Creek Authorities were able to recover one of the silver bars; the other bar is still at large. No doubt about it,for the beginner get theNokta Makro Simplex + Kit its the best. Its still out there waiting to be discovered near the old Canyon Station in the foothills of Cerbat Mountain! In 1873, two men robbed a stagecoach near Canyon Station, Arizona. They tried to persuade her to marry their chief. The Opata Indians would use this room filled with silver at night to do their pagan rituals. var attr = 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width=1500, height=1000'; The Opata obviously listened to a little of the Christian teachings that the missionaries preached because they decided this Mayo Indian Princess was going to be the next Virgin Mary. This law extends to just about anything over 100 years old. You can experience hiking, driving, trails, and many more amenities. [Step-By-Step Guide], [Step-By-Step Guide] to Detect GOLD With Your Metal Detector, How to Properly Store Your Metal Detector? Flagstaff, Arizona By Coconino National Forest/Brady Smith Link. thought to be located on or near Mount Ord. [Comprehensive Guide], How to Ground Balance Your Metal Detector? They thought if she married the Chief a savior child would be born. to ensure your success and enjoyment of your hobby. However, before they could make their getaway, a 20-man group arrived, and a gunfight ensued. (7 Solid Ways). Because of the enormous amount of robberies in the 1800s Herman, like many others in those days, would put profits of his trading post in cans and jars and bury them around the fences on his property. The five outlaws took the two bags of gold and silver and sent the stagecoach on its way to Flagstaff where it arrived at 5:00 pm. It was a secret Wells Fargo shipment. , Metal detectorist Yassa Rashi found a 1921 street sign and a ring with a three-diamond setting. var attr = 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width=1500, height=1000'; One day they saw a Mayo Indian Princess. There are more treasure legends and stories about Arizona that would take a whole book to write about them all. Macallum was taken into custody, tried, and sent to Yuma Territorial Prison. Throughout the summer of 1891 while Jacob lay sick he would give out clues of the whereabouts of his gold mine to Julia and the two brothers. who btw is a walking encyclopedia on leads west of St. Louis! People of German ancestry were called Dutchmen in those days. Youve got to get a heavy duty scoop/shovel, why? They ended up getting help from the U.S. Army, 6th Cavalry, and two Indian Scouts. The area where the town of Gillett, Arizona once stood. All but one of the prospectors were killed. So, theres a lot of untapped land in Saguaro National Park. , The Lost Dutchman Mine of Jacob Waltz Part 1, The Lost Dutchman Mine of Jacob Waltz Part We also recommend Lake Pleasant Regional Park because of its proximity to Black Canyon City and its access to Lake Pleasant and its shores. When he got out he had gone insane. All but one of the men were killed by Apache Indians. He is said to have robbed three stagecoaches which ended up making him $69,000 richer. The lost Opata mine could still be waiting for discovery near the Tumacacori Mission in Arizona. Babcock there is an explanation for all these tales about a curse and lost gold in Arizona and New-Mexico. (loca, wnam, attr);} In an effort to dynamite the safe, there was an explosion that blew 8 sacks of Mexican silver coins, with 1,000 coins in each sack (making it 8,000 coins in total). //-->, We affilate with several partners to bring you. This Metal Detector Has all the top features you would expect in a quality metal detector. //-->. All but one of the men were killed by Apache Indians. This book will help you identify the coins, year, and value. One such incident which ended up being their last robbery took place on August 10, 1883. Like I said earlier Jacob Waltz was born in Germany in September of 1808. if (!document.images) He then moved to Hachita, New Mexico. He forced the Indians to help mine the gold. Perhaps you will even get inspired to become a treasure hunter yourself after hearing some of these fascinating tales! Its convenient location makes it a great starting point for beginner treasure hunters to familiarize themselves with tools and techniques. The posse immediately searched for the stolen loot but didnt find it. A posse was formed and caught up with Joe Tuttle at Len Redfields ranch. somewhere in the Vulture Mountains outside of Wickenburg. The stories and potential fortunes just waiting to be discovered are enticing, as well as the hope for an easier life. Buried Treasure In Arizona The La Esmeralda Church Treasure - is several tons of gold bars, as well as silver and gold church relics. Not only that but before its purchase in 1953, the state leased the land to homeowners and farmers. Between 600 and 1450 AD, a civilization of indigenous people settled between the Gila River and the Salt River. The. link. This book will teach you how to acquire permission from private landowners. However, they were worried about an Apache attack, so they would always keep these trips short. function LPopMSRV(){var wnam = 'newwin'; Apparently, the treasure was buried on a campsite, near a small butte, on the east side, below Montezumas Head, on the southern end of the Estrella Mountains. The canyon is located approximately 40 miles north of Bisbee. They were worried about an Apache attack so they would make these trips short and sweet! var loca = ""; He finally lucked out and was able to extract somewhere around 3,000 pounds of gold. var loca = ""; You can find most of the Tucson Mountains in Saguaro National Park. Many people have died, and small fortunes have been lost in searching for the Lost Dutchmans Gold Mine. However, chances of finding it dont really seem that promising simply because the mission is now part of the Tumacacori National Historic Park. You also get to enjoy the view of the numerous peaks on the Hualapai Mountain Range. . The treasure may be in a cave along the south ridge of the Santa Catalina Mountains. The stolen stagecoach loot has never been found. (loca, wnam, attr);} Think about how you use a shovel, stomp on it with your foot, scrap dirt and rocks. The American Army was still after them so they headed back to Mexico with the treasure map. The same went for Gillette, a former milling town that is now a ghost town that barely exists between. There are two stories here about these hidden treasures in Arizona. Be careful if you venture out to that mountain in Arizona because there are rumors of the mine being cursed. Hopefully, you can find a location nearest to you and get treasure hunting. In 1864 another member of the Peralta family, Enrico, has decided to visit the mine back. They road off up the Gilla river with $2500 worth of gold and silver coins. Private. In 1909 a subterranean city which was built with the precision of the Great Pyramid was found by G.E. Fleeing pursuit with a heavy strongbox of gold coins proved impossible. The legend states that the Spaniards sealed off a mine that the Native Americans used as a shrine to offer sacrifices. Two Indians attacked and killed them. The Peralta family mined the area for over a century. Looking For a Top Rated Metal Detector That Wont Cost You Thousands of Dollars but works like a $2000 machine? Some stories suggest that the Indians dug up the gold and reburied it somewhere nearby. He started out life as a cowboy and section hand on the Santa Fe Railroad. Where are the Best Places for a Beginner to Metal Detect? to be located in the Sierra Sombrero (Hat Mountain) area, south of Gila Wells Fargo decided to use the mail route stagecoach to throw bandits off the trail of any financial shipments because Wells Fargo was getting robbed quite often using regular stagecoach routes. Arizona is home to many lost treasures. A hundred years later R.G. Don Joaquins men ended up killing him and stealing the treasure map that he had drawn up. While at the jail vigilantes broke down the back door and ended up hanging Tuttle and Redfield. Unknown to the passengers and crew two of the mailbags on board had in them $125,000 in gold and silver that was in two 5 gallon whiskey kegs that were being transported from an Albuquerque bank to a San Francisco bank. Here are some local stories and legends of lost treasure in Arizona. One story states that he sold $250,000 worth of gold to the U.S. Mint in the 1880s. Henry went to prison and when he got out he left Gillett and his treasure behind. Pedro and his partners got informed that the Apache were going to attack them, so they theyve chosen to close up the entrance of the mine and got out of there. diameter of which is no more than 5 miles. More adventurers have come to investigate the cave that Crystal once believed held Montezuma's lost treasure.