It releases us to be ourselves and it stops us from believing we have to perform to earn it or deserve it. For the month of February 2023, Governor Mike Parson granted 22 pardons pursuant to Article IV, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Missouri. His love, expressed as His will, chose us to be restored to face to face, blameless innocence. So Jesus is above everything. If that makes no sense to you, look at it this way. When we have that relationship then that state of being releases a flow of everything we do. I dont buy into that anymore. Therell also be some bonus teaching sessions within the second tier. You may ask, Why Patreon, as you already have the Engaging God programme?. We tend to think that God may think something about us or know something about us that we would not want anyone else to know; well, He does He knows everything about us and He loves us unconditionally! Jesus is Gods mind made up about us. However, if you contact us, we will get back to you with a simple means of giving. Characteristics of the Joshua Generation (#1-5), The Eschatology of the Restoration of All Things. So I dont believe that our scroll of destiny is a list of achievements that we need to accomplish. Thank you! God wants to open up a whole different understanding of Him so that we really know how good He is and do not get caught up by deception. That is really the nature of what God has done: He has made us innocent. So the fact is that we have already been reconciled in Christ, we have already been made righteous in Christ, we have already been made holy in Christ. Home; About us; Categories. This is not about there being a long period of evolution: I do not believe in evolution. I had to choose to trust God even if I could not see anything. Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. Look how they have treated me! Or, do not be pressed into a religious or political mould, shaped or formed by the political and religious systems you live under, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. We cannot renew our own minds, however hard we try. This may encourage them to stock it (and maybe even discount it). That is how He sees us. Today, Governor Mike Parson signed House Bill 14 into law. Get 2 weeks free then pay just 12GBP per month(around $17 USD but dollar amount varies slightly each month as the exchange rate changes). It may be completely out of the context it was originally written for, but He can still speak it to your heart and speak to you in it. It is so important that we do not mix covenants by embracing Old Covenant understandings. Mike Parsonswill be teachingnew materialand addressing the subject in ways we have never heard before. Online equipping for a Joshua generation - our interactive modular subscription programme developed by Mike Parsons. Most of the time that means just getting out of the way. His 3-track album Renewing The Mindis available to purchase on iTunes and other digital music platforms. Mike Parsons FREE video series for 2022/3. And because He is an eternal being, that means He will never stop, so God and love will never fail. conferences for 2018. We are based in the UK, so all our prices are in British Pounds (GBP). I was inspired to find the truth that had been obscured by the religious veil and willing to pay whatever the cost to discover what I had always known but had never been able to see. All of us know that God is love because the Bible tells us; but the question is, have we all experienced that love as unconditional or do we just know it as a concept or a theory? A phrase that I quote very often (because the Father said this to me so many times) is Live loved, love living and live loving. He said it as an encouragement and a motivation that this is simply how we can live. Or you can use the blue button to contact us about making a one-time gift. It is talking about us being lifted up to that place of rulership and authority, so that we become a gateway for the King of Glory to come in and fill this world through our lives. In this episode of the Kingdom Talks Show, our guest Mike Parsons and host Gil Hodges explore the implications of taking seriously the promise of Acts 3:21 regarding the Restoration of All Things. The Father is calling forth men and women to be revealed as His mature sons on the Earth. For example: 1 + 1 = 2. That is really difficult: but it is possible, because that is the way God has loved us and He wants us to love other people in the same way. Freedom Apostolic Resources, Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, and Freedom ARC are trading names of Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd., a company registered in England. If all we have is a formula, we will end up doing things in our own strength. The Restoration of All Things, the new book from Mike Parsons, is out now. So look out for all the amazing things that are coming! Hebrew logic doesnt see things the same way. She was a member of Northwest Baptist Church for the entirety of its existence, serving as a deacon for many . We are His body, and His shoulders are part of His body. But what it came down to was this: Trust in the Lord with all your heart I learned a lot of Bible verses that way but it never renewed my mind: the only thing that renewed my mind was an experience of God that changed my mind because now I knew the truth (and that truth was different from what I thought before) and now I agree with Him, which is what metanoia (usually misleadingly translated as repentance) actually means. Online, particularly, some people twist what you say; and even if you go back to them with I didnt say that, and I didnt mean that, they carry on insisting you did, no matter what. Christ End Time Ministries Wholly and Solely to the Glory of God Navigation. It is impossible to keep the Law: Jesus made that very clear. Thank you! Every day is a new day, a new beginning. Every Wednesday, at noon in our own local time zones, we continue to release a wave of love by intention around the world More info and resources: #releaselove Live loved Love living Live loving . I think it is much more about our alignment with the heart of God in who we are as creative beings. This may encourage them to stock it (and maybe even discount it). The completeness of the fulfilled promise that is Jesus. (2 Peter 3:8). He is unconditional love, He is limitless grace and He is triumphant mercy: put all those three together and they make a totally solid foundation on which to build our lives, to grow and mature. What loving Father would ever eternally punish His children like that! Some of them are even free! Do we feel it? Our goal is to help the sons of God to arise as the Joshua generation and be equipped and ready to mentor the next generation in sonship. On my journey God has really challenged me about that word and I am trying to eliminate it from my vocabulary. Thank you! You should be doing this, you shouldnt be doing that The Father is the one who is going to direct me every day, and He does not give me specific directions very often, other than Hey, lets walk together or Let me show you something.. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. 5. This post is based on Mikes answers to questions in two YouTube Mystic Mentoring sessions: Self-help, self-expression. That is why the Law was ineffective. There will probably need to be three volumes to cover the vastness and extent of my journey but lets begin. Get 2 weeks free then pay just 12 GBP per month (around $17 USD but dollar amount varies slightly each month as the exchange rate changes). He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. (Zechariah 3:6-7). However, when you click to subscribe to or purchase anything from our site, you will automatically be charged in your own currency. Mike Parsons will be teaching new material and addressing the subject in ways we have never heard before. In my previous book, My Journey Beyond Beyond, I shared my life story on the quest for true reality in my relationship with God as my Father. Sometimes our soul can speak to us, particularly if we have a deep desire, and it can convince us that it is God telling us to do something, or that what we want to do is all right, when in fact it isnt. Literally, He sweat drops of blood, He was in so much anguish. The Engaging God programme is mostly finished Im adding a few sessions here and there and having deconstructed church, Im no longer teaching locally like I used to. But do I think I have to change to be acceptable to Him? If we give up on exercise, it is usually because we dont enjoy the discipline. The reason they are trying to pick a fight with you in the first place is because of their own understanding of what you might believe. Gods love will never stop because He cannot stop being Him: He can never deny Himself and who He is, so He continues to love. The cross is not a pleasant place. This entry was posted in Mike Parsons, Take Heed Ministries on January 30, 2019 by takeheed. Mike has a mandate to see the sons of God released into the fullness of their destiny. One session only: Mike Parsons takes us through his foundational 7-step daily meditative practice. I spend a lot of time training my spirit. And then we can live loving. will learn how to access God through Jesus who is the Way, Truth and Life, in Courts of Heaven - Mike Parsons in NW Ekklesia 28,099 views Dec 21, 2016 Get an overview of the courts of heaven, and learn how to function in the court of accusation for your. The ministry entrusted to us is to share the good news of the unconditional love, inclusion and reconciliation that God has already brought about in Jesus! Or you can use the blue button tocontact usabout makinga one-time gift. These activations are audio only, and are best used in conjunction with the relevant blog posts. When we become Christians, we enter into a relationship with God in which we are no longer in first place: He is. My beyond beyond experiences were an ongoing process of encounters that created such cognitive dissonance that the God that I thought I knew evaporated into nothingness. You work for six days so you can earn your rest for the seventh day. (Proverbs 3:5). We can have no self-righteousness. Our latest free teaching is 'Unconditional Love'. The verdict of the judge, in light of the victory of Jesus through the cross, is that all mankind is innocent, not guilty, justified and righteous. We're taking the message of God's unconditional love, limitless grace and triumphant mercy to all His children. Life is so much more enjoyable when I am not pressured to perform some duty or obligation that religion has put on me: You should be praying every day, reading the Bible every day, witnessing every day. He is so good, so loving, so kind, so thoughtful, so passionate, beyond what I could have ever imagined until I met Him face to face and began to experience Him as He revealed Himself to me. And the Father said, Knowing the depth, height, breadth and length of my unconditional love multi-dimensionally is what this age is designed to accomplish. That means that for God to love you, there are no conditions that you have to fulfil. I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me It says that is not for now, and it denies the continuity of Gods purposes from Genesis to Revelation. experiences yourself or not, through this programme you will learn to develop Look at the passage again in the Mirror Bible: Consequently, as difficult as it may seem, you ought to divorce yourselves from sentimental attachment to the pre-figuring doctrine of the Messiah, which was designed to carry us like a vessel over the ocean of prophetic dispensation into the completeness of the fulfilled promise. Well, if God cannot look upon sin, if God cannot look at a lost world, how could Jesus ever have come? But it is vital that you have a proper overall understanding of the purposes of God. In short, covenants are binding agreements, and they are something that God has always used in interacting with people. Mike Parsons, Expanding Our RealityIntensive. *Technology permitting: automated process on receipt of payment and completion of online registration form. Then join us from March 8th to 10th, either in person or via the livestream, for Engaging The Father, the first of our Sons Arise! So that religious deception alters and denigrates Gods character and makes love able and willing to punish us not to discipline or correct us, but to bring retribution upon us. Every church I have ever been in has always focused on sin. Module 7 Living Sacrifices: Being invested as a lord living in dual realms 0:00 / 48:15 8. No, because I am loved unconditionally. Facebook gives people the power to. I started off in the Methodist church, went on to the Brethren and eventually started a charismatic church, so I had been on a journey of discovering things in a way, but that was nothing compared to engaging God face to face in the realms of heaven, or within me in a place of intimacy. But He already sees me that way now, which is why He smiles. My Journey Beyond Beyond is available from all good online booksellers and high street bookstores worldwide. Do you want to go deeper? Governor Parson is a veteran who served six years in the U.S. Army. Become a Patreon patron! That is the nature of that love: there is nothing we can do or anyone or anything else can do that can separate us from the love of God. I am now an atheist to the god I previously worshipped as he never existed other than as a figment of my religious imagination. His love never fails, never gives up and can never be escaped because it is filled with age-enduring grace and mercy. It is the same proposition, but a different way of looking at the answer. Some things are more obviously negative: self-gratification, self-indulgence. Mankind is declared innocent. Thus began the quest for true reality, to discover what my destiny had always been looking for. There are no shoulds. Why would I not want to be obedient to God? among these who are standing here outworking the revelation you receive from God on a daily basis. Live loved, love living, live loving, 282. The Old Covenant was all about what we had to do to be acceptable to God. Pray and sing in tongues. That allows us to outwork our destiny in multiple different ways, rather than there being the one way which is the right way, predetermined and predestined. NW Ekklesia Published on Sep 19, 2016 Learn how to function in this court for your community, your friends and yourself. Over 6 hours of video recordings. But your choice can only separate you in your own head, it cannot separate you from a God who loves you unconditionally. I really, really am looking forward to engaging with you and looking forward to everything that Gods doing in these days. Through using it you We are beginning to experience this, that when we come together we are a dwelling of God in the Spirit, and His Presence manifests among us that is what the glory of God is all about. Yes, God is love, but He cannot look upon sin. By sin they normally mean certain behaviours, but in reality, sin is lost identity. All rights reserved. The cost of the full intensive is72(inc VAT). Years ago I was very systematic in how I approached (and taught) things because that is the way I am wired. This event is now finished. This journey, full of surprising revelations and experiences, unveiled further dimensions and depths beyond beyond once again. There is nothing good about our flesh whatsoever. Follow us on YouTube | WordPress blog | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter. Or you can scroll down for more written information. Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come forth from God and as going back to God (John 13:3). But do not let this onefactescape your notice,beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, anda thousand years like one day. We use the creative power of our consciousness to create reality. The soul must submit to the spirit, but it will not do so willingly. A funeral service will be held on Thursday, March 2nd 2023 at 4:00 PM at the same location. Faith is the evidence of things not yet seen, but I want to live in the reality of experiencing everything that God intends for me, not to die never having received it (as happened to all those heroes of faith listed in Hebrews 11). He saw what He was going to have to carry on the cross; He looked into the cup, and in that cup was every sin we have ever committed, every negative thought, every sickness that has been on our body, every sin committed against us: He took it all physically upon Himself, because He loved us so much. There is no should do anything, it is just being. We will manifest the rule of heaven on earth,just as Jesus did. We rule in light, rule in love, rule in righteous power. So for me this has been a long, sometimes arduous journey to come to the knowledge of the truth and come to a realisation that God really is love; that His love is unconditional and He wants us to experience it so we can come into a reality where we love as He loves. Like this page for. Mike shares and reflects upon the journals of his daily encounters with God in the heavenly realms. VAT registration number GB297839624. In this fourth Vision Destiny video, Mike continues his look forward at the year ahead. He does not see me the way I see myself or the way others see me. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel. (John 5:20). None of that is the reality of who God is. Rev Dr Mike Parsons. He knows all things and He is everywhere. , 2019 by takeheed, just as Jesus did Mike Parsons takes us through foundational! Are standing here outworking the revelation you receive from God on a daily basis He is an eternal,. Means of giving been looking for journals of His daily encounters with God which. Dimensions and depths Beyond Beyond once again 48:15 8 entry was posted in Mike Parsons, is out now means. Of surprising revelations and experiences, unveiled further dimensions and depths Beyond Beyond once again to. A daily basis made us innocent Ministries Wholly and Solely to the spirit, but He already me! 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