His mother and father, unbelievers, died because of the events after the rapture. (This was hinted at with the name of the artificial insemination project, Project People's Victory.) Carpathia allows his enemies to start the war so that the Community can "retaliate" by destroying them. David (at some point during this time) vomits on Carpathia during a meeting. (Nicolae Carpathia, in his speech before the French people) The speech was met warmly by the French public and PEACE citizenry worldwide, who welcomed Nicolae back to the world of the living. After his address Carpathia quickly becomes a celebrity, and People magazine named him their newest Sexiest Man Alive. Ritz is badly injured in the Wrath of the Lamb earthquake, when an airplane wing hits the back of his head. When questioned by Carpathia about whether the execution of two innocent people bothered his conscience, Akbar said that Carpathia was the "father of truth", reiterating Carpathia's remarks after he finished the lie detector test, where Carpathia reported some obvious falsehoods that were assessed to be truthful replies. Ming Toy is the older sister of Chang Wong. A few days later she arrives at his house, pleading for him to come with her, but he tells her he found what he was missing, Jesus Christ, and that the disappearances was the Rapture. Nicolae is not omniscient, even when indwelt by Satan, since that ability is only reserved for God. In a contrast to Jesus's temptations where He withstood Satan with Scripture, Nicolae fell to all three temptations. Not wanting anyone to follow Cendrillon's path, but knowing many will, Kenny, Raymie Steele, Bahira Ababneh, and Zaki Ababneh form the Millennium Force, a branch off of the Tribulation Force. [5] In The Mark, Fortunato is revealed to be the Left Behind series' incarnation of the False Prophet described in the Book of Revelation. He is imbued with power from Lucifer and is able to kill believers (such as Annie Christopher) with the Satanic ability to call down fire from the sky, either as lightning from a cloudless blue sky (as he did in killing three opposing sub-potentates during Carpathia's funeral) or as a single ball of flame (in the slaying of Hattie Durham), and is officially identified as the False Prophet that aids the Antichrist. While in a discussion with Loren Hut, the head of the Morale Monitors, on how to deal with dissidents in Jerusalem, Carpathia revealed on his own sadistic recommendations on how to give them painful deaths by shooting them nine times, twice on hands, knees, feet, shoulders, with the final blow in the forehead where the mark should be. He appears twice, albeit briefly, in the final novel Kingdom Come, when he gives Abdullah Smith advice on how to go about infiltrating The Other Light, and later when both he and his father are present at Mac McCullum's thousandth birthday party. Their mission is to destroy the remnant stronghold of Petra and take over the city of Jerusalem as the world's new capital, following the supernatural destruction of New Babylon. Chang said to Carpathia in his mental voice that "You are evil in the flesh, the total opposite of the loving God I serve." He had to amputate his left arm after it was crushed in a rock slide while he and Judd were traveling back to the rest of the Young Tribulation Force from their adventures in the Middle East, but gained it back when Jesus returned at the end of the series. His rage increases exponentially when he hears that an evangelistic effort has succeeded in the greatest harvest of souls that has ever happened. Abdullah Ababneh is a former Jordanian fighter pilot, first officer for the Phoenix 216, Royal Jordanian Air Force, Amman; lost divorced wife and two children in Rapture; former first officer, Phoenix 216; a principal Trib Force pilot assigned to Petra; witnessed the Glorious Appearing; now residing near the Valley of Jehoshaphat, Israel. She was a former Global Community employee working at Buffer who is a believer. He was the sort of character we love to hate. She is present at the final battle at the end of the Millennium where Christ overthrows evil once and for all and welcomes all believers into the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity. In Desecration, he received the mark of the beast along with his fellow members of the Global Community cabinet Walter Moon and Viv Ivins at the Temple Mount a day before Carpathia committed the abomination of desolation. He goes to New Hope Village Church that night and meets a few other members who were also left behind. He later returned with the resurrected martyrs at the second coming of Jesus. Two weeks later, when United Nations secretary-general and Antichrist Nicolae Carpathia and a host of American and Israeli delegates arrived in Israel to sign a seven-year treaty of peace, and at the behest of Buck Williams, Ben-Judah guided Buck (Kirk Cameron) to the Western Wall so that he could speak with the two prophets, Eli and Moishe, men resurrected from Biblical times to bear witness to Christ and begin converting 144,000 Jews to become witnesses for Him. Eleazer Tiberias is one of the elders at Petra, who helps Micah (aka Chaim Rosenzweig) run the operations of the city of the remnant. Very quickly, he becomes a believer in Christ, and is spotted by Mac McCullum in the GC shelter right after the Wrath of the Lamb earthquake. Immediately after Carpathia's assassination, Hassid had to work with artist Guy Blod, who was making a huge statue of Carpathia. Carpathia just look away, and that convince Chang that Nicolae cannot know his thoughts. She is one of the Tribulation Force members still alive at the Glorious Appearing. During this time, Nicolae proudly announces to Rayford and Amanda Steele that Hattie is pregnant with his child and they are engaged. Carpathia eventually proclaimed himself God in the desecrated Temple of the Holy of Holies, and demanded that everyone on Earth worship him. She and David get engaged but can't marry till they escape. The name says it all. In Acts of God, Christopher Goodman rallies his followers around the world to gather in Middle East so they can march to Petra to destroy the last stronghold of resistors and liberate the humanity from the oppressive influence of Yahweh so humanity can reach the next evolutionary stage of increased health and psychic powers without Yahweh's obstruction. Marilena stays with her husband, Sorin, until the baby is born, insisting that her "son" keep the strong "Carpathia" name. He is resurrected in Glorious Appearing with the other martyred saints. He and his wife were gifted to teach children during the millennium, in a place called Children of the Tribulation (COT), which was located in Israel; towards the end their son Kenny expanded it to Greece. Carpathia said to Director Akbar that the practically limitless monetary and military resources afforded to him for this endeavor would make every other historical military strategist hang his head in shame. Nicolae Carpathia made a great villain. In accordance with the series' interpretation of biblical prophecy, Jesus Christ Himself defeated Antichrist Carpathia right after theSecond Coming. And Nicolae Carpathia certainly does not disappoint as Antichrist. At last, he gave out the decree that those who did not accept the mark, along with any who refused to proclaim him as God, would be beheaded by a guillotine, known as a "loyalty enforcement facilitator.". Through the counseling of her friend Jackie, Irene tries to turn the rest of her family towards Christ, but to no avail. During a UN conference, Secretary-General Carpathia ruthlessly murders both Jonathan Stonagal and Joshua Todd-Cothran with a single gunshot, revealing his true colors. When a combined British and Egyptian attack on New Babylon backfires, the conflict escalates into World War III. Qasim is discovered as the real infiltrator at COT and fired, eventually dying at the age of one hundred along with the Johpins and Nicolette. Just as Irene is at the height of her desperation, the Rapture occurs. A true global community, a true world.of peace. Carpathia often informally address his subordinates by their first name, such as "Suhail" or "Walter". So influential, in fact, that award-winning journalist Cameron "Buck" Williams believes he is responsible for having many professional acquaintances assassinated. He was "The Antichrist," born from an ancient Roman lineage, remarkably intelligent and athletic, manipulative and unbelievably successful in business. Fortunato's "glory days" are short-lived, however, ending in Glorious Appearing with the return of Jesus. He is described as a "fleshy" young man in thick-soled, square-toed, black motorcycle boots, black jeans, black T-shirt, and black leather vest. Angered by the appearance of Ben-Judah on television, a choleric Carpathia shot Moon to death when Moon's frantic pleas to the network failed to terminate the broadcast. In May 2000, after more than six months of waiting, readers finally got to find out who killed Nicolae Carpathia. In Kingdom Come, he works in Jerusalem with his older sister, Chloe Steele, who was executed during the Tribulation for her belief, and her husband, Buck Williams, who also died during the Tribulation during the final battle in Jerusalem. He was "The Antichrist," born from an ancient Roman lineage, remarkably intelligent and athletic, manipulative and unbelievably successful in business. Plank next appears in The Remnant, when the GC brass order all personnel without Carpathia's mark of loyalty obtain it immediately. The Left Behind series series portrays Carpathia as a man who craves the reverence and adulation of his subjects, even composing a hymn that glorifies himself and demanding that his subjects worship his image three times a day. Jesus had come back and he had been left behind. At the end of it, he proclaimed that Jesus was the Messiah and was coming again soon. The catalyst for the shooting is the detected theft of GC Chopper One to pluck the threesome from the roof of Israeli botanist and statesman Chaim Rosenzweig's house. Failure to comply results in death. His popular message of unity -- "We must disarm, we must empower the United Nations . ), a world government which he ultimately marshals against the followers of Jesus Christ . Calling himself Supreme Pontiff and Pontifex Maximus, Mathews became the leader of Enigma Babylon, adopted the name Peter the Second, and considered the new faith organization to be at least as important as the Global Community and himself an equal of Supreme Potentate and Antichrist Nicolae Carpathia. At first, Irene is nervous when her works are tested by the fire because of her short time as a Christian, but her efforts are ultimately praised by Jesus. Due to their disagreements Vicki lets him and Lionel go to the Gala in Israel. In Kingdom Come, he and former fellow Trib Force members lead a missionary trip to Egypt, which Tsion renames Osaze, meaning "loved by God" after turning its inhabitants from Ptah worship. ), a world government which he ultimately marshals against the followers of Jesus Christ. Former businessman, former President of Romania, later Secretary-General of the United Nations, then Supreme Potentate of the Global Community, His Excellency, de facto ruler of the world, the Antichrist Thus, Nicolae eliminates any obstacles in his path to power. Ben-Judah was commissioned by the Israeli government three years before the Rapture to undertake a study as to how the Jews would recognize the Messiah when he comes. Former head nurse at Arthur Young Memorial Hospital in Palatine, Illinois, she helped Cameron "Buck" Williams get Ken Ritz out without compromising the Tribulation Force's cover, and after helping deliver Hattie Durham's stillborn baby that was fathered by Antichrist Nicolae Carpathia, abandons her now-compromised job and must request sanctuary at the Trib Force safe house. He had the esteem of the Supreme Potentate that he was entrusted with organizing "the most massive offensive in the history of mankind" to drive the Christians and Jews from Jerusalem and Petra. An obscure Romanian politician named Nicolae Carpathia arises to become the most powerful leader on the planet. Male Raymie is the second child and only son of Rayford and Irene Steele. He was fond of dressing in ornate and flowing robes and strutting all over his college campus. For those murders, Akbar lent Carpathia his side arm when Carpathia vehemently requested it. By the middle of his address, Carpathia brings the entire crowd to its feet in full voice and applause, press and representative alike. (This ability was also afforded to believers since they are also immune to the destructive forces of the heat.) After his resurrection and indwelling, he expects everyone to use an honorific such as "excellency" or "potentate" while "sir" being insufficient for him. Tyndale had built an entire warehouse dedicated to storing and shipping copies of Left Behind books. The Nicolae volume is titled "The Rise of Antichrist Nicolae." It describes the takeover of the world in the advancement of "peace and a better world" by Nicolae Carpathia. His father's last name, Carpathia, comes from the Carpathian Mountains, a mountain range in Romania. Carpathia found reasons to travel, establishing alliances with heads of state who would not have thought to grant an audience to someone from the Romanian lower house, except that he was so persuasive. He orders golden statues of himself to be placed prominently and worshiped three times a day. In a Brazilian series from 2012 about the end times called Decode, a similarly named character appears as Nicolai Carpathia. Hassid and Blod clash, but eventually, Hassid realizes he must get along with Blod or risk discipline and possible exposure as a Tribulation saint; also, it is not very Christ-like to be promoting enmity. Rayford Steele and Albie encounter him in The Mark working undercover as a GC operative in Pueblo, Colorado. One thousand years later, Carpathia and Leon Fortunatoare seen in a brief glimpse, as the terribleLake of Fire opens to swallow up the Devil himself. Hattie is resurrected at the Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ, to the great delight of Rayford and the rest of God's followers. He was raptured, along with his mother, when Jesus returned before the Tribulation. Carpathia's aim in defeating the remnant in Petra and capturing Jerusalem in the Battle of Armageddon is to usurp God's place and ascend to his throne in the heavens (Isaiah 14:13-14). Ben-Judah essentially took his place to teach, now reaching out to a worldwide cyber-audience. He helped Rayford rescue Hattie Durham from a detention center in Colorado in The Mark, using the name Marcus Elbaz. Bruce befriends Rayford Steele, whom he supplies with a copy of the video. Just before this, the Chicago-based Tribulation Force's own leader and teacher, Bruce Barnes, is killed by the Red Horse of the Apocalypse when World War III breaks. Carpathianism draws heavily from the narratives and traditions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. He finds a video of the pastor explaining the Rapture, from which he learns that it is not too late to be saved, and he commits his life to God. Everyone was first irritated, and then quiet as he told all present that Jesus had loved them enough to die for them and He wanted everyone to accept His gift of grace and eternal life. He disappears for several years, presumably lost in the Great Wrath of The Lamb earthquake when the Global Community Headquarters in New Babalyon collapsed. First Appearance Plank falls under Carpathia's spell and serves him faithfully until he becomes surplus to Nicolae's needs. During the plague of darkness after the Global Community had evacuated New Babylon since it had been crippled by the plague, Carpathia was discussing who is to blame for the failure of the Global Community News Network to retain control over their broadcast from the Tribulation Force's attempts to pirate it. She then accepted Christ upon meeting Bruce Barnes, Judd Thompson, Lionel Washington, and Ryan Daley. Marilena Carpathia (mother, deceased), Sorin Carpathia (biological "father", deceased), Baduna Marius (biological "father", deceased), Viviana Ivinisova, a.k.a. This refers to his first name Nicolae, which comes from the Greek name of Nikolaos, which means victory over/of the people. Williams also suspects Todd-Cothran had framed him for the car bomb murder of Scotland Yard agent and close friend Alan Tompkins, who had grown suspicious of Todd-Cothran's practices. However, he manages to brainwash everybody present by convincing them that what they had actually seen was the two individuals murdering each other. Once a commercial airline pilot, Ritz was sacked because he was too much of a stickler for safety. Because of that they start a massive daycare ministry called COT(Children of the Tribulation), which focused on teaching children and trying to show them that Jesus is the only way. He also admits, at the feet of Jesus, that his entire life was a waste and that he rebelled against a God that he never knew loved him. Jesus declares that as the Antichrist, Carpathia is the most evil person of all time, and has brought about more destruction than any other person in history. After losing some friends in the rapture she began searching but became a fan of Nicolae Carpathia. By that point, they had assumed the worst and knew she had been captured. Later, when Carpathia is assassinated by Dr. Rosenzweig and resurrected as prophesied, Fortunato becomes even more important, and is Carpathia's go-to man and second-in-command. Cities around the world are destroyed in the war, and Fitzhugh himself is killed by a Global Community blitzkrieg on Washington D.C. Lionel became a Christian and acknowledged that Jesus had raptured his church. Chaim later became a believer, and led the Jewish Remnant at Petra under the alias "Micah" (made from the letters of his original name). Akbar was characterized as a man who is reticent and slow to voice an opinion, but someone who is loyal and effective behind the scenes. Carpathia represents the forces of opposition to this crazy deity. Being portrayed by Gordon Currie in the Left Behind trilogy, he had a more androgynous appearance (possibly to attribute him a more sinister, supernatural presence). Nicolae Jetty Carpathia is a fictional character and the primary antagonist in the Left Behind book series written by Timothy LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. After being expelled, Fortunato grew fond of becoming a kingmaker, preferring to work behind the scenes to elevate his chosen candidates to any positions of power they wanted. His unparalleled evil, together with his incredible intelligence, oratory skills, and deceitful charisma, made Carpathia a terrifying and formidable juggernaut of a foe to anybody who dared to oppose him, even before he became Supreme Potentate. Carpathia attempted to regale Hut with the detail that one's heart can beat for more than a half an hour after decapitation, but Carpathia realized that was moot if someone actually shot a victim in the manner he described. He was the last one out of the four to become a believer due to his atheist background and grief in his parents loss. In Desecration, he got his wish when he received the mark of the beast along with his fellow members of the Global Community cabinet Suhail Akbar and Viv Ivins at the Temple Mount a day before Nicolae Carpathia committed the abomination of desolation. Carpathia after his indwelling is sadistic, but he was still callous before the indwelling. In the end, Supreme Potentate Carpathia marshals the "Ten Kingdoms" against the followers of Jesus Christ, and besieges Jerusalem in the final Battle of Armageddon. After a devastating earthquake sends the world into chaos, Nicolae Carpathia institutes a worldwide rebuilding campaign in an effort to restore order and control. After being accused of switching loyalties, he is kicked out of the Millennium Force, deserted by Ekaterina, and hardly believed by his parents. Albie (no real name given, named for the town Al Basrah) was a Middle East black market arms dealer who became a believer and a member of the Tribulation Force. He is the archenemy of Rayford Steele and Tsion Ben-Judah. Ninety-some years later, Kenny is working at COT and is now living on his own. Pilot for Carpathia; Good friend of Rayford 'Ray' Steele, chief Tribulation Force pilot assigned to Petra; witness to the Glorious Appearing; residing near the Valley of Jehoshaphat. Even the Israeli botanist and statesmanChaim Rosenzweig, knew of him,though he did not initially know his name. He spent the next seven years proselytizing, spending most of his time with Judd and Bruce Barnes. To complete his quest for world domination, Carpathia creates the One World Unity Army, composed of all G.C. However, through infiltration of the GC Palace by the Trib Force and Buck & Tsion's conversations with him, Chaim was led to murder Carpathia. Instead, Judd went to the O'Hare airport and boarded a plane that was heading to London, England. He and Lionel often clashed to the point of a brawl, yet they were still very close. One night she came back from partying to find the house quiet and was under the impression that they had fallen asleep waiting for her. Peter Mathews was the archbishop of Cincinnati, Ohio, at the time of the Rapture. Hannah later escapes New Babylon with David Hassid, Mac McCullum and Abdullah Smith. Chloe Steele Williams, daughter of Rayford Steele and wife of Buck Williams, was a former college student. Nicolae hires "kingmaker" and soon-to-be False ProphetLeon Fortunatoas a deputy and consultant. As a young child, Carpathia shows remarkable intelligence and athletic ability, and also proves to be extraordinarily manipulative, able to bend others to his will with relative ease. Carpathia mentioned "the Scandinavian young man" Lars Rahlmost, but he forgot that he had been killed during the onset of the heat plague. He is the first of many casualties the Tribulation Force suffers during the seven-year Tribulation. (Carpathia would prefer others to worship him and deprive God of worship, not to have other souls despise him in hell.) In a final surge for complete domination of Earth, Carpathia created the One World, composed of all G.C. He was in charge of the airstrip that Ken Ritz had used. The world survived Y2K and the year 2000 partied on like it was 1999. She is grief-stricken to find that David was killed by two MIA GC soldiers, and has a hand in killing both men so as to keep Petra safe for the Remnant to move in. When one of the workers, Cendrillon Jospin dies at one hundred, It creates an uproar among the believers since only unbelievers die. Four million people attend his funeral. She is a Native American nurse working for the Global Community in New Babylon. A few spoke defiantly towards him, such as Loren Hut, Raman Vajpayee, and General Slovak (named in Glorious Appearing: an Experience in Sound and Drama), but they were often killed by Carpathia. She is eventually killed by Leon Fortunato, who calls down a bolt of lightning to vaporize her. He was also able to emit a faint glowing aura that gave limited visibility to both him and whoever was close to his personal vicinity during the fifth Bowl Judgment. In New Babylon she became a believer and meets David Hassid. All of his family disappeared in the Rapture except Andr, who died after being shot by LeRoy Banks and being caught up in a fire in his apartment complex. Boring books With his reign secure, he ordered that golden statues of himself be constructed in every locale possible, and commanded that all worship these statues three times a day, with death as the penalty for failure to obey. Lucifer in the persona of Nicolae Carpathia did not believe that God created him but that his sentience emerged from a primordial ooze and thought that God also came into existence the same way but had just preceded him. In Tribulation Force, with his power and countries independence fading, Fitzhugh plans with the British and Egyptian governments to launch a worldwide offensive against Carpathia and the Global Community, with help from various militias. Plank resurfaces shortly after the midpoint of the Tribulation, using the alias Pinkerton Stephens, and a believer in Christ. They discovered Chloe's Uzi and ski mask near two platoons of Global Community Peacekeepers. Left Behind (publishing order)The Rising (canonical order). The trip was meant to last a week but actually lasted around three years. The next day, Carpathia and the Israelis signed the peace treaty, and shortly after that, Ben-Judah made a one-hour broadcast on GNN International to present his findings. He is resurrected at the Glorious Appearing, after having reunited with his wife and children in Heaven. Nicolae is the third book in Left Behind series written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, and is preceded by book one, Left Behind, and book two, Tribulation Force.. Nicolae Carpathia becomes the focus as he continues to consolidate his power, unifying political states ("Global . In Tribulation Force (Book 2), Carpathia tells Williams that he was named the sole beneficiary in Stonagal's will, though Stonagal's family members will receive massive payoffs to silence them. While Carpathia's forces seek to destroy the Tribulation Force once and for all, the world teeters on the brink of the ultimate battle: Armageddon. He was best friends with Rayford "Raymie" Steele Jr., Rayford Steele's son, and the two often had much fun together. Nicolae Carpathia is the Antichrist in the Left Behind series, serving as the secondary antagonist. Akbar is not only loyal to Carpathia, but actually regards him as a divine figure; his attitude is similar to a divine command theorist or a theological voluntarist who regards whatever God wills constitutes the basis for morality or truth. Suhail Akbar's portrayal in the novels was criticized for being anti Muslim.[1]. Carpathia frequently manipulated people and events for his own personal gain, and often resorted to murder and blackmail in order to achieve these goals. He then enforces the loyalty mark, the prophesied Mark of the Beast, which all are required to wear. Fortunato resorts to several threats before calling in a bomb threat at Vasile's grandchildren's school and a fire at his son's farm which ultimately cause Vasile to step down. He went into charter business, and by the time of the Rapture, he owned a small fleet of aircraft based at Chicago-area airports. In the Left Behind films, he is portrayed by Colin Fox and David LeReaney. He was killed trying to purchase help from another black market dealer named Mainyu Mazda. Note that this is contrary to real-life Romanian naming conventions; Carpatescu would be a better rendition. Spent the next seven years proselytizing, spending most of his head Lionel often clashed to point! `` glory days '' are short-lived, however, ending in Glorious Appearing Jesus. Years proselytizing, spending most of his time with Judd and Bruce,! ; Carpatescu would be a better rendition Judd went to the destructive forces of opposition to this deity... 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