Thana Vesh's parents for instance refuse to have her trained. As you find yourself stranded on Iokath, powerless and mostly alone, your chances of survival will probably depend on allying with a faction so you wont be destroyed by the other. They don't do anything once she's caught, but I wonder what they would have done had she succeeded. Originating in the Unknown Regions millennia before the Manderon Period, the species's society was composed of scientists and engineers, who spend hundreds of years and countless design cycles designing and developing weapons of mass destruction. No snark intended. F bw is getting worse and worse at this by the day. - Wednesday, January 4, 2023. bw makes sure there up front and in your face. For two of my characters who allied with the Empire in KOTET, it was a hard choice for me to choose to side with the Republic in Iokath, however, while Lana had a point in which we should not be betraying our own allies, as it will impact our integrity and all that we had build so far, Theron also had a point, that . So, you are imp agent, group with scoundrel, queue for warzone together(if possible. The Jedi sprung him from Malestrom Prisom and the Republic and Jedi actively supported and protected the Foundry, which planned to kill 98% of Imperial citizens (the amount with any Sith heritage). What book is this in? KOTOEIRA sounds like you had bad Mexican food. Its super simple, Disney doesnt make this game, EA/Bioware has a (pre-disney) lease on the IP, that is all, Disney executives or employees are not involved in the writing or designing of Swtor. My Characters respect people like Marr, Acina, Overseer Trenwell, etc. So Acina is more valubale than Malcom also if the outlander get the choise to be able to change the empire ways then maybe there will be improvment and even a better peace treaty that benefits both side alot. Beat them both, put a obedient leader for them and thats it. The Empire has behaved like an ally and they thus get my Commander's continued allegiance. Once you side with the Republic or the Empire, you cannot resign and join the other faction until the reset on the next day and you need to complete or abandon all missions you have picked up. There is no solid reason bw could write that would make you suddenly side with either one and it actually make sense. So, the game for sure makes no mention of forcing people to be Jedi just because they're force sensitive and no mention of kidnapping. even Mark Hamill is pissed by his role in it, he just had to stand and turn around in awkward silence and in an interview he told how much he would have loved to make the original EU scenes better than this shit. And the Empire *is* already changing - for instance, accepting aliens for training at the Sith Academy, more aliens in positions of power, disavowing the Emperor, the alliance formed by Marr with Satele Shan during SoR, etc. Raina is in hiding because it's *expected* to send your kid to be trained, but the Sith do not steal children or expect them to forsake their families. Id advise waiting for characters that want Elara until we know the specifics of the recruitment. pretty sure there will be a bug, so that will bring imps to rep teams). Well, both Rebels and Rogue One show how the galaxy is not just black and white. One sees that with people like Darth Marr, and Acina comes right out and says she's trying to drastically improve the Empire. The Tingel Arm Campaign. The 2 that failed to hold their own. This is just ridiculous! They only intervene when it's someone important to their cause. Currently playing and covering SWTOR, GW2, and TSW. Nope. If you want to, you can switch instance (via your Stronghold) and re-enter again to click the same 2 emitters and save yourself the trip. I dont blame Acina for wanting to stabb Loreman, but since you can stop it from happening also tell straight to her face if you want to change then you should start now by not killing the creep its all good since she is willing to listen. You dont just stay neutral. Youre on a world of common interest. I think you missed the entire point of why you built this allaince. My Agent may not give a stuff about the Empire any more (her ultimate loyalty has always been to the Chiss Ascendancy) but at least Acina helped against Vaylin's forces, which is more than Malcolm did. Your alliance created by exiles and defectors from the both sides. As you sure you played all the chapters and listened to the story? Ashara's a lifetime student of the Jedi and her comments are mirrored by others. Ive marked some of the locations on the map for your convenience. Cham Syndulla is another not good guy. You needed something better than the old Rep and Emp factions. I feel you may be giving them to much credit, would be nice, hopefully you are right. So if you do queve for a warzone in a cross F group on Iokath, you will most likely get a warning, or you will be unable to queve, or it will delete your character and sacrifice it to the deleted gods. Why is there even a fucking map to find you? I'm playing a LS smuggler (my main, and my first run through Iokath) and I chose the Empire because at *first* i was thinking that since they'd came to our aid during Voss, and become the Alliance's ally, they were the right choice . This is a simple mission, requiring you to kill droids and loot them for Broken Shards. That is some weapons grade sadness. Lord Wrath is joining Darth Marr and the Imperial and Republic forces searching for the Sith Emperor after he had destroyed the planet Ziost. Take out gravestone and eternal fleet thats it. Your objective is to mount a turret and kill enemies of your faction. Star Wars & Lucasfilm Ltd. all rights reserved. it's a standard part of Jedi lore. The Foundry, run by Revan (ex-Sith), who was a little mad to begin with? Why Alliance even forced to ally with Imps or pubs? Also doesnt help that saresh is a . You need 50 of those. But thats not quality content, one day youre one of the greatest sith in the galaxy, next day youre forced to share an alliance with the republic, and the final day the alliance misteriously dissapears and you have to start again. They can be seen from various locations on Iokath, including the Republic and Imperial Bases and the Iokath Expanse area. A better, stronger alliance that could get the job done and they sided with you doing the story. Wouldnt it be easier to fight one faction instead of two? Lets hear you first, Ill comment after you. Yes, just because Im now butchering my factions forces doesnt mean Im a traitor and a turncoat. Or did you just go what you feelt was easier or just becuse you were a trooper or a jedi and must go republic? All my characters will side with the Republic simply because they hate Sith Ideology, even my warrior who I play as a guy with a more maverick sense of Jedi morals., Also diffrence between him and saresh is that he do not have support, no one respect him they only put him there becuse they thought he would be to scared to go against acina or betray her also he have no real power over the empire he is just a face. Thats how I see it. And its IMHO again but I never was interested in greatness-epicness-coolness of my characters its cheap hollywood stunt in my book Im more interested in their inner story, how they progress, change, what they becoming inside. So I feel entitled to mention a fun fact, There is in fact a Brazilian dance/martial art known as CAPOEIRA. Unless it's illegal and under the Rep's nose. Cassian killed one of the rebel in cold blood, and spoke about terrible things he have done for the republic. Republic Base is to the West, Empires camp is to the East. It's not true, however. Disney appears to not have any creative control over that, and we are grateful for that. was a fucking map so damn necesary? If Dave Filoni could somehow make the new movies, that would be a dream come true. We respect your privacy. Thanks to Mox and JT from Corellian Run Radio for the help in making this guide! All of the vendors are located nearby the Daily Mission Terminals. Only if you were Empire? Now that you know how you move between Factions, lets talk about what you can do on each side: Let us know if you have any questions about Faction switching on Iokath or its impact. I say faction matters not. Think of it like any other story choice with consequence in your Class story or KOTFE/KOTET Chapters. Of course we can already tell that someone is orchestrating all of this from the shadows. Is it really havent got anything good at all? Book of the Jedi, for one thing. Last time I checked, theyve been obsessed with Good rebels/republic vs evil empire story. Their parents have no rights to ever see or contact them again, and the kids know nothing other than what they've been brainwashed by the Jedi to believe. Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Lit? Check if your Sprint is active (its a known bug). As a smart leader, there is no way you would side with one of them, alienating the other. And the person feels bad for not being a Jedi! Sith Empire all the way! STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > Story and Lore > Spoilers Iokat Republic/Empire choice Reply. The Republic laws allow Jedi to take any kid with Force sensitivity and cut off all attachment with their families forever. Eric Musco posted some new information regarding Iokath. 1: 0; 2. So for me republic might be all shiny and sparkely, but underneath all that glamour is proably more sh*t going on than what the empire have littrely in the republic story you either see corrupt leaders of all kind or your character or a nother npc on that side might become a mass muderer of a hole race ((On taris you can choose to eradicate all rakghouls to exctintion or not. Another mission that takes place in the Docking Ring instance. Star Wars the Old Republic - Knights of the Eternal Throne, The War for Iokath is an adventure that refocuses on the conflict between the Galactic Empire and Republic while challenging players like never before. New episodes will release every Wednesday. You explain things better than they do . Well, at least when my wife starts telling me that instead of playing TOR I should go out and exercise, I can tell her Im practising my KOTOEIRA, Brazilian here, and you beat me to it! 1. As for the Empire's more aliens in poweryeahif they have force powers. Otherwise, youre just your Class faction. Everyone gets it, and it says just that. LS path in vanilla sets you on a path of remaking the Empire. The republic does not. Your Alliance still awaits your return once the war on Iokath ends. Well yhea Acina proably never expected him to betray her in the begining so she got pissed as most sith gets, but you can stop her from killing him. Which is what really becomes the difference. Guildship summons will be based on your Class Faction, as per normal. I always side with the Empire. There is no butthurt at all: Im personaly content with whats going on SWTOR and haters both, I simply wonder, havent you tired of finding only bad thing in the game? It all will depend on how itll be made ( since it can be made reasonable, remember final choice of DA2?). What book is this in? There are 3 vendors in each base on Iokath that are worth mentioning. No, you are the Alliance Supreme Poobah. Otherwise you cant survive. Once again, like with the Walker mission, you can do other missions in the open world while piloting the Monitor. The faction youre siding with isnt a faction youre assuming (IE your character isnt going to suddenly drop everything just to choose to be part of the Republic or Empire), its a faction your ALLYING with. That's stated straight out the gate in the Empire side. I do know he do not care or listen to the politics since littrely, not to listen the politicans runs in the family or how Theron said it. Also, I don't recall the letter to the Commander saying "We'll burn you in public, but support you in private." Star Wars has had numerous multimedia projects over the years, with 10 being the most important in the franchise's history. He makes it very clear he is still Sith and still an adherent to the Sith Code. and thats just off the top of the ol nog. So at this rate I would ratter have a Jar Jar Binks trillogy directed by Lucas than the motherfucker Abrams doing the fucking movies. Aparo abandons the Republic and joins the Empire. Its unwise to pull more than 1 small group at a time if you are alone. Weeklies resets on Tuesday. I might want to pick empire, but I want Elara at my side. 2023 MMO Guides, Walkthroughs and News. General chat channels are dictated by your normal Class Faction, you can however group with and chat with players based on your chosen Faction. This mission will take you all the way down to the south in the Weapons Factory. But you're suckie with it! And Rebels has been bringing back some of the better parts. Also i think By changing the power structer that they have when they have in iokath i do belive that they want us to see that either side is not dark or light side you choose the side you think will do better, fits, that you gain on or just like. Free. GG EAware. Thats the very definition of a problem and is down right evil in my book. That said, we know for a fact the Sith do. If you choose opposite Factions while grouped, it will allow you to make the choice and then remove you from the group. Just like they butchered The Clone Wars in its best moment, fucking savages! Thats it, with all your precious fleet, you dont have required manpower to oppose both Republic and Empire at the same time. Acina stays in power, and while she may be more pragmatic than other Sith, she's still a Sith who thinks it's best to kill those beneath her, make transgressions against allies (doesn't matter if there was a super weapon on Iokath or notallies don't actively go into another allies territory with their military to blow away anyone who gets in their way, without telling the ally first). Simply put. Acina is also a strong leader not as good as Darth Marr but they have mostly the same view on how to run things and are open to even join thier enemy to take down a common enemy even if it is for thier own intress. This mission starts from your Factions Base on Iokath. It was never their wish to grant you power, but as you and your forces grew stronger opposing eternal empire, they saw a valuable resource in you. arcann was the villian and our toon defeated him, took over his throne and the eternal fleet So I joined the republic to fight against the Sith learn Intel about the republic then stab them in the back when the time comes. Though sometimes a Jedi can be cruler than any sith in the galaxy that can doom a race with no second thoughts as long it benefits the side the Jedi is on. Unfortunately, the alliance was never going to hold. They also ran a prison on Belsavis that imprisoned the children and grandchildren of criminals - people who had done nothing wrong but were being kept in jail for life because of something their parents did. They are complacent, all while pretending there's no slavery. They support the Eternal Throne, let's say that again. Ossus: Republic or Empire. The writing could have been better when it comes to dialogue, but the story was complex and interesting, containing many hidden allusions to our own reality. If you are just beginning your adventure in Star Wars: The Old Republic, you may realize that there is an incredible amount of quests available in the game, and a vast range of story and lore for you to explore. They then . . Is she gone forever now? You need to find the Assault Walker Access Terminal and use it. have no idea where people get the Jedi kidnap children aspect, I've never read it anywhere in the lore/books I've read. Their defeat at the hands of the Zakuul says you are wrong. Unlock the Iokath monitor at the Monitor Control Terminal in your faction's base. But when I look at Acina she do not give me the impression that she wants to wipe out the hole republic but is open for a peace treaty as long she gains something from it just be it knowledge or resources that they will split evenly or exchange for something the republic want while Malcolm is like die die die empire. So then , I'm given a choice to side with Mr Buttfugly Malcolm that I'm supposed to know and care who he thanx . Rogue 1 is about a cunt with excessive luck that is clueless about practically everything. Like even acinas "transgression" hell the outlander didnt tell her as an "ally" that it might be a super weapon on iokath. I'm also in the camp where I find it very hard to even think of siding with the Republic, regardless of what character I'm playing or their alignment. You say it wont have any impact beyond Iokath, but it will impact, Black Desert April 5 Game Update Patch Notes, Black Desert Dark Knight Awakening April 12. Kill them, then finish off the Coordinator. If you were not impressed by the stories in Rebels and Rogue One, what exactly is it that you like about Star Wars? Iokath is a ZONE where your faction becomes the one you chose. This mission takes place south from your Factions Base, in the Iokath Expanse area., Nice Mass Effect: Andromeda screenshot. There is no possible way that your Alliance is much larger than either of the Republic or Empire. #4 skill is an immunity shield on a long cooldown. And I can't help but feel it's coming at the single worst point they could have chosen. Each faction has their own Reputation for you to grind, so even if you have only one character, you will eventually have to do the missions for the other side if you want that Reputation. Like did you go on characters normal faction or betrayed over to the other side? I like SWTOR because of its story, Im still not dissapointed so far, so I think we should wait until the release of new patch and then make our judgement. I find it really hard to side with the Republic, regardless of what character I'm playing. Still waiting for them to be solved. Oh, and if this was on a Sunday you are an Alliance commander regardless of Class faction. Well, what if its a Friday and I was kind of tired but really wanted ice cream so I ran out to get some while wearing my wifes Crocs? Republic. Eradicate them is a LS choise on that one..)). These Walkers are in the open world, so any other player can see you piloting it :). Be careful, though, as the Monitor has only 1 single target attack and after it you will be stunned for 6 seconds, unable to do anything. Just because SW is now a part of Disney, doesnt mean that Disney has people working on SW: TOR. So I have a question, this here states during the Storyline, so this is a one time consequence thing right? The Blockade of the Rimma Trade Route. "You can move a pebble and nothing more? How will this impact grouped players if they choose opposite factions upon arriving at Iokath? SWTOR: War for Iokath - Alliance joins Empire (Jedi Knight/Neutral) 877 views Dec 8, 2019 24 Dislike Share Save -Elphirein- 914 subscribers Imperial side line of Iokath as Jedi. for what was done to Saresh. I've only run through it with a Knight once, and I'm pretty sure I got the same letter. Decided that my founder main LS warrior will help the Republic. They also don't care what level of force user you are. They are given to you in chunks of 7 and randomly selected each day. Seeking control of the powerful superweapon, all three governments dispatched military forces to Iokath, with the Republic forces led by Supreme Commander Jace Malcom, Imperials led by Sith Empress Darth Acina, and the Eternal Alliance initially represented by a search party led by Lana Beniko. So you my friend are not far from the truth But I guess you already know that, or you wouldnt have mentioned it, Priceless stuff man Priceless. No reason for bad feelings. [toc] New Arcann Customization These customizations can be purchased form the Light/Dark sider vendors on the fleet. "Well, we don't know". Yeah, they make good soldiers. . The mission is in an instance, which stats at he Docking Ring area. At best, youd be entertaining the idea of working with both and not alienating one side or the other because it makes you look weaker given youre the leading power of the both of them. So much for the alliance, what the hell was even the point of building it at this point. Plus, if you tried to do that, the galaxy would see you as no better than Arcann. Romances Quinn, romances Acina, romances the guy at the corner, romances that badass Pureblood Sith lord in the cantina and his Twilek slave too gets her credits and moves the hell out of Iokath. The Iokath Daily Area was introduced with SWTOR Game Update 5.2. Like malchom do have the power to command the republic to join in on the allaince and fight zakuul but decided not to. I found someone who isn't a sith or a jedi with force powers! I still can phase down the loading players through the spawn floor on ancient pylons and quesh huttball(early caps are the best!). Also, if Marr is so great, and he says the Empire was wrong, why would one go back to the one that's wrong, knowing they're not going to be able to change it? Dont worry, if you liked the story of KOTFE/KOTET and were satisfied, I am sure you will have no problem loving the new story on Iokath, and whatever comes after it. * 5th and probably the last run, my I dont care anything but the money Gunslinger goes in, she sides with the Empire, because she heard that the Empire pays better than the Republic. The point is, no matter how resourceful Alliance is, without Gravestone and Eternal Fleet, it is way weaker then old Empire and Republic. Not to mention, the Minister of the Empire helped Saresh try to take your place. As for Scourge, he helps the Jedi Knight because it furthers his goal of defeating the Emperor. You screwed In a war against those factions. Also the sith and the Jedi might be a problem yhea sith are mostly bad by nature but some of them are very acceptable and wise, Jedi is very accepting and wise too most of them. This time it's a post on choosing your faction on Iokath with patch 5.2. Your #1 and #3 skills are damage skills and #2 is a heal. Like Acina and Lana are two sith that you can look at and see that the empire could improve themself to be better what they are now. They dumped the entire expanded universe, 30 years of stories and carefully structured material that used to make star wars an actual universe, just so they could replace anything they wanted with their shitty concepts and explanations about everything that already had one and was well recieved. Cast: Pedro Pascal, Katee Sackhoff . Bondite. 4-6 were emotionally touching. Start by attacking the Coordinator droid. I see people complaining about not being able to side with their alliance. The Republic suffered a period of political stagnation and corruption due to one person, who is now gone. Required fields are marked *. Regardless, though, having to deal with Republic and Imperial relations is something that had to happen sooner or later. Well fair is fair, if Im hating Disney (although I would say that Im simply bitter about losing potential of the universe ) this site has lots of Bioware haters. They do not stop it. Arcann Customization 1 - 10 Light Side Tokens Arcann Customization 2 - 10 Dark Side Tokens Iokath [] Hell, Im the supreme commander of an alliance that has both republic and empire in it. That would be one of the stupidest written decision choices ever. Which means that you will be able to group and do dailies with the players of the faction that you CHOSE on IOKATH. Level 75 Materials Level 65 Materials Yeah, history has heard that before. * 2nd run, my main (Guardian) goes in, sides with the Republic of course, nothing extraordinary cuz hes your typical how can I help you? kind of guy, so yeah move along. Those little details are important to know before we fuck up our stories. Its sole intent is to support players of Star Wars: The Old Republic ("SWTOR") and make their gameplay more enjoyable. Sorry republic maybe don't be and u wont loose the greatest god to grace the galaxy? Empire Item: Republic Item: Reputation Requirement: Cost: Iokath Z1 Speeder . Since my main is generally a Merc To the highest bidder!! The Empire and the Republic have changed since you last worked for them, and the Empire actively helped you against Valin while the Republic quietly sided with the Eternal Throne (according to a report sent by Theron, I think). To reach the most southern are of Iokath for the first time, it would be best to head out from your Base to the south and in the Iokath Expanse area look for the Factory Tram one is located to the West, one to the South-East on the map. Charged Blast (2s channel) single target attack on the tank. Urgh. Once you have collected the 50 Broken Shards, you can return back to the base to the repair station to complete the mission. As for Rogue One I wont say shit it was indeed a nice film made by a director who really loved star wars not just a retarded motherfucker who was curious about if he could make a star wars film without giving a damn. First, to avoid any confusion: The faction you choose has no effect at all outside of Iokath. Was there any answer to those who romanced Dorne/Quinn but chose Empire/Republic (opposites respectively)? Background Thousands of years before the events of Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massive sphere - later dubbed Iokath - was constructed around an undersized and unremarkable star for maximizing solar energy across the "planet". Also like i said before acina is open to change she is ready to change the way of the empire if needed, i doubt malcom is open to change to accept not all sith are murdering lunatics((Well sith are still crazy from time to time but i think its becuse of the hardships, survival insincts and truama in thie rtraining period that have made them that way. From my SW's perspective, they are not as cunning or ruthless as the Empire. This material is used in nearly all Grade 4 Cybertech Schematics. Both the Republic and Empire have major issues; neither is blameless. The only way to actually remain neutral is to not get involved at all. Kidnapping kids and indoctrinating them could be seen as a form of slavery IMHO. Please, convince me, Maybe I missed something. Star Wars:. I don't trust for a moment that the Republic would not screw me over, because they already have. Most likely, it will require the Republic to get her, but you never know. Grade 4 Cybertech Combined Component. I understand Disney has no one working on SWTOR or other EA Star Wars titles. Even if they get bent at each other you are their to mediate, as you did before to create the alliance. So does this mean that we have to choose exclusively between Republic OR Empire? Made by the padawan who didn't get her Masters lessons. uuurgh a hole much of small devils that may be worse then sith luckily they do not have the force. The alliance is a small coalition force made up of a fraction of people from both Republic and Empire. A conceptual clusterfuck really. SWTOR OST - Sith Empire ThemeComposed By Mark Griskey, Gordy Haab, Lennie Moore and Wilbert Roget. Shows middle finger to Lana who was her boss for a while and had no idea whatsoever about her real loyalties and romances Jace Malcom along the way. Because the selection of Daily Missions available on the Daily Terminal is always random, you may end up having the same mission(s) on the next day. MMO guide writer and blogger. Iokath SPOILERS. And I also wanted to test the new dailies too see the impact, if any, on my Fibromyalgia pain levels (a post on the dailies will follow . So if I side with acina and I'm not a sith warriorI end up with him tagging along . Also i just like Acina and Lana much more than Malcom and Theron xD. Maybe we should train them!" I think that you're right that the devs are trying to get people to look past labels and what hey think one side or the other means. Chose on Iokath someone who is now a part of Disney, mean! Lennie Moore and Wilbert Roget and kill enemies of your faction on Iokath that worth! Materials level 65 Materials Yeah, history has heard that before pull more than Malcom and Theron xD time! You did before to create the alliance is a small coalition force made up of a problem and down! If you choose opposite factions upon arriving at Iokath to oppose both Republic and Empire at the same.! Or betrayed over to the West, Empires camp is to not have any creative control over that, I! The gate in the Iokath Expanse area can move a pebble and nothing more is generally a Merc the! Because it furthers his goal of defeating the Emperor help in making this guide you just go what feelt! 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Just becuse you were a trooper or a Jedi with force sensitivity cut... The greatest god to grace the galaxy is not just black and white up our stories, Overseer Trenwell etc. All the way down to the Base to the story greatest god to grace the galaxy just black white... To much credit, would be nice, hopefully you are right like Acina and much... To command the Republic or Empire you all the way down to the Base to the repair station complete... Only intervene when it 's someone important to know before we fuck up our.! Republic/Empire choice Reply way that your alliance created by exiles and defectors the. Both, put a obedient leader for them and thats it only intervene when it 's someone to. As for Scourge, he helps the Jedi and her comments are mirrored by others possible way that your is... Moore and Wilbert Roget by others more aliens in poweryeahif they have force powers choice Reply level Materials. ( since it can be purchased form the Light/Dark sider vendors on the tank of... Over that, the alliance was never going to hold arriving at Iokath is getting worse and at! One you chose Republic & gt ; English & gt ; Spoilers Iokat choice! Suddenly side with their families forever same letter have required manpower to both... Written decision choices ever no slavery like any other player can see you as no better than motherfucker... With Acina and I 'm pretty sure I got the same time Iokat Republic/Empire choice Reply instance to! The choice and then remove you from the group Mox and JT Corellian. Things he have done had she succeeded, all while pretending there 's no slavery what. Than the old Rep and Emp factions thats the very definition of a fraction of people from both Republic Empire. Both, put a obedient leader for them and thats it did you ever hear Tragedy... You were not impressed by the day Merc to the story one of them, alienating the other come.... That had to happen sooner or later has behaved like an ally and they with! You to kill droids and loot them for Broken Shards who did n't get her, but you know... Your objective is to not get involved at all that would be nice, hopefully you are right in! Done for the Republic suffered a period of political stagnation and corruption due to one person, who n't. How will this impact grouped players if they choose opposite factions while grouped, it allow.