Bungie also knew about it, but didn't speak about it for the same reason. Telling AJ who is denying the accusations that AJ must have just forgot that he was being predatory. Fedmyster statement apologizing here. About a year ago scarra was on Ryan's off the pill podcast. Smash Bros subreddit also has a megathread here. Links to more stories bellow the accusations. He admitted to it on his channel, uploaded a video. just some incel behavior, nothing illegal from what i read. the Bunni story is actually mind boggling to me. I believe it is, it's been brought up a few times over the years. can't say anything about the hobo tho. They don't even bother with searching for what actually happened. Video Game Attorney also being accused here. His response here. Trying to save herself much? This is why you have to screen for mental stability when or if you fuck a fan or anyone. just imagine how awful it would have been if she were a guy and miz were a girl. Correct, i am trying to update the list with all the information that i can find. 1 https://streamable.com/g2t33o You told me that it was a small industry very relationship based. If you want all accusations, the details and information, here is the spreadsheet i made. I would imagine you have to dig through the full twitter thread here to see who is being named outside of just the CEO. BUZZR. who wrote 2020 script needs to be hired to remake season 8 of Game of thrones. I have known and blocked Sattelizer for years because of his involvement with a rape of another streamer while she was drunk and knocked out and unable to consent to sex and there was witnesses. I can try and find the proof of that, but it's been some time since the two have been together. They continue kissing when they get out of the uber. Swifty one is the same way. You cant be out grooming and raping if youre playing WoW 24/7. Yeah, its a problem of the internet in general. I was manipulated by Miniladd, I was 16/17. You also told me about how people could also be your downfall and that you had personally blacklisted others before and about women who had been blacklisted in the industry for not doing the right thing.. CohhCarnage, Dodger,Kitboga, sacriel, Towelliee, CobaltStreak, gassymexican, diction, Strippin, curvyllama, Bikeman, Ellohime, Penta, AvaGG, DanGheesling, BurkeBlack ,Classypax, Haylinic and more. Blinky was a pedophile who was exchanging nudes with a 14 year old girl. His response here. Times where it's super easy to ruin someone's life by simple post in the webs. the original accusation from Jendenise sounds like sexual assault. Also if you didnt do anything wrong dont fucking apologise. A lot of the Whos are corporate people gatekeeping jobs in the industry. Latest update : Cinnpie accused of sexual assault with puppeh when he was 14 and she was 24, USA Wednesday, July 1, 2020 5pm EDT, EU Wednesday, July 1, 2020 10pm BST. TVGBadger accused of sexual assault here, and his response with a lot of evidence against it here. Allegations of caster HenryG being abusive and having sex with no consent. USA Saturday, July 4, 2020 7pm EDT, EU Sunday, July 5, 2020 12am BST. you should go to jail. That's just social media for you. Here's the (unconfirmed!) Edit2 (2020-06-28): In light of recent events, yellowpaco being in Fed's camp makes A LOT of sense. No reason to feel bad about keeping your options open. Method have made 2 statements here and here. He has retired from streaming. He did seem to have a decent amount of evidence however to negate a lot of the claims but still. And then the second girl starts her twitlonger with this: "My story is not one of an isolated event, rather one that occurred over many months. Why would you ever talk to that person again?!?!? I dont think any of it makes him look like a criminal though. Oh yeah, she hasn't got anything against him now cause of that evidence. I just can't read anymore. Sounds like something she could go to prison for too. Cryaotic accused of grooming a minor here. I'm kinda confused as to how to interpret the tweets, but seems like he was emotionally manipulative towards her, not sexually abusive. A lot of streamers get romantically acquainted with their viewers/mod though since that is often their primary mean of social interaction. Fans of both of the stars rejoiced at their relationship, already guessing it before it was revealed. But this is apparently about Faze Owner Banks https://twitter.com/Just_Lunes/status/1274733518673915904, This should be added to the list. @AnneMunition He has been consistently hitting 2-3k+ viewers every day for like a month now. Guilty till proven innocent is the rule of twitter and even after they're proven innocent their lives are still ruined. An interesting tweet from one of his teammates about him here. I'm so glad this guy had all this proof, imagine if he didn't. I eventually gave in and said that I would come over. At no point did Joe like sexually assault her or anything, it's literally just this woman not being able to tell Joe that he is not interested, and Joe semi-badly trying to hit on her. Yes reddit, let's once again all jump to conclusions and destroy ppl lives over some random accusations without the slightest proof. There is just too much toxicity and fake drama and other bullshit in the streaming world for there not to be false accusations sometimes. Yeah, it goes both ways though. Ya its scummy to be manipulative and cheat on someone but it shouldn't be career ending (everyone has a few shitty relationships in their lifetime). If so it's a shame she was treated that way and I can see why she moved on to casting other games. There I said it. So lying about it should have serious reprecussions. I am shutting that lie down immediately. I can't finish the post without mentioning Reckful. For Swifty you need to read Takarita's post: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9ip8. Theres a UK TV show about spies called Spooks. bruh whats happening. I didn't bother responding further to this. He asked her on a date and she said yes, is he supposed to know she doesn't want to be there or that she has a boy friend. Yeah, but what about all the people making apology videos and confirming it was real. More like years in prison. Itmejp not even surprised dudes always been a sleezeball. People losing all nuance, accusations and counteraccusations being thrown around, fake evidence, many "I'm verry sorry" and "you've been lied to and here are receipts" videos. Seriously, outside of Halloween, the only time I've even heard/seen spook was military fiction to describe spies or those super mysterious, black-suited intel guys. "These guys make me feel like I'm Frank Sinatra the way they're hitting on these girls". Why are you comparing a guy with no game, with rapists. Go fuck yourself. I think Destiny has hinted at it (JP doing bad shit) a few times before as one of the many streamers whose success wasn't hitched to the Old Boys Club. Fucking scum. I told him directly to his face i did not want to have sex. One of the dudes in the comment section is fucking insane:https://twitter.com/Fisstech/status/1275056082579267587. Fuji, for the past several years, rarely . I read the whole twitlongers those stories paint a really disgusting image of Swifty. Yeah that video with his dog was cringe. The Week Staff. I quickly found myself growing to like him, and expressed this in dm's, which then lead to strong flirting and sexting. Even worse is that there is a huge movement of "trust the accuser no matter what" on there, There's also posts like "I don't know you but I believe you".what kinda shit is that lmao, "it only damages the accuser, the person being accused is usually a rich white man and will be fine" apparently is the rhetoric as if false rape allegations don't ruin people's lives at all. Members of OfflineTV did express displeasure against some of the people Albert would bring into the house. I think some of them are just gonna be fine by the time the next disaster comes in. More information about Method here. Some people just still have their mental definition/image of rape tied to by force or by drugs. National Sexual Assault Hotline Link 1-800-656-4673, National Domestic Violence Hotline Link 18007997233, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Link 1-800-273-8255. More accusations here. It seriously undermines the whole thing. We're not even halfway through yet. Apparently Warwitch is a repeat offender, as these allegations have been brought to last before in the past. maybe?) My mind was alert replaying over and over what happened. Acting like women can't be shitty is beyond naive and well into the realm of insane. itmeJP also got accused of some stuff here. That doesn't mean the woman was lying either. Rot in prison scumbags. There is no colour, no reason to exclude based on race, nationality or gender. As a victim of slander that some people still believe 5 years later, dont trust everything every women says about this stuff. I remember him taking off his pants. Kayce (Luke Grimes) was also looking death in the face as gunmen burst into his office in what was an assassination attempt. Imagine how disgusting you have to be to be called disgusting by a guy who slept with a dead rat for months, he seen a roach on the wall the other day on stream and didnt even kill it LOL literal god, Dude had a dead rat in his bedroom for months because he never cleans it and discovered it once finally cleaning his room. I'm pretty sure all of Canada has the age of consent at 16. Good thing this is bubbling up to the surface. Regarding the allegation against HenryG, is she talking about Pansy? It's obviously impossible to have any. If I remember correctly his parents gave him the house when they passed. He's an example of someone who genuinely likes making videos and playing video games regardless of fame. His apology here. Of course I believe the victims of sjin and turps, because they fucking well tried it on with me too. He confirmed it happened with multiple minors as well, its beyond unintentional at that point, He was even fucking his friends girl ouch, EVEN THE CEO OF TWITCH IS TARGETED AS WELL OMEGALUL What a fucking life to live man. ". I'm beginning to think 2020 is going to be the series finale after all. Was a huge CoD YouTuber back in the day. I can see how a simple remark can set her off. When someone is straight lying about you & trying to get as much attention as they can? But he's got a wallet to pay for an attorney that she don't. https://twitter.com/mariahcarriesu/status/1274857647334924289, No wonder he was banned from offlinetv apparently there was something that happened between him and Poki. Some years ago there were rumors going around of him grooming an underage girl. Derrick is streaming on twitch, making vids on his channel and has joined working with another group. Imagine any ex gf you had can just cancel your career by writing that one time you were too pushy for sex. Fucking Hell, CSGO esports has a lot to answer for honestly. Here's the archive of her allegation: https://archive.is/8xjPo, Edit: Henry's response, for what it's worth now : https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTF_lISzOx1xQNL-0elKVmitIWpWeoHTPghWVmy_mPKMVUapN6e12gFcbM1sZgMcLISmew-zo-UOngK/pub, Edit2: https://archive.is/xixCP (archived). Sure, but she could also be afraid of it because she doesn't have the money to wage a lawsuitwhich JP obviously does have. I haven't read all of the allegations, because if I did, I would just start getting angry over how fucking retarded people are. That's the scary part, that this Twitter trial shit is now completely acceptable attached to the tagline "Believe victims". Good to see badger coming out to defend himself with actual evidence, you put your peepee in my weewee when I told you no uwu, "heres where it gets a little fuzzy" yeah because youre making it up. Thank you. That would also explain her "simping" for this dude and spamming him with hearts on discord, arranging a meeting with him etc. If someone is famous and tries to approach a girl it can go different ways, more different than us nonfamous people. And let's be real, the gaming community is quite toxic. His response was "i don't care. Iriska fan account her. The rest of the crew said theyd wait to see what Cry has to say and if he tries to cover it all up theyll come forward. A lot of the time people use the few to defend the many and bring up a million ways to question things. https://twitter.com/pokimanelol/status/1274874075081347073, https://twitter.com/LilyPichu/status/1274924447015636993. op shouldve linked all the people involved, like cry admitting to being a groomer. Many people have since left Method. Reject looking ass. Exactly. https://clips.twitch.tv/AliveAgitatedSpaghettiFloof heres Scott talking about it on stream. Yeah I don't get that one at all, the only thing she actually accuses him of is being kind of a douchebag to his GFs and touching her without consent specifically in this instance here: and when I saw him I ran up to give him a hug. Smash Bros subreddit also has a megathread on all the allegations in the community here. The presence of a weapon). But yeah he's an absolute scumbag for scamming kids, Minecraft and COD and VLOGs keep him going, he lives about 20 minutes from me seen his dumb arse around Stockport a lot. If the accusers are telling the truth then good for them because I know it's difficult to go public with it. Is anything sexual harassment now? His response here. ChrisChanTO also accused of sexual misconduct by LilyPichu here. Sure, JP's cease and desist actually has no teeth if the accuser can defend her statements (which, in America, is exceedingly easy to do). ZaneKyber accused of harassing underage girls for nudes here and here. Tobuscus suffered the most because he was a single target and the focus was entirely on him while in this case there's multiple allegations coming everyday some of them is bound to get out scott free. He has responded denying it here, here and here. Bil "Jump" Carter accused of rape here. He has deleted his account. (CW: sexual assault, being drugged). 2,800 likes. His response here and here. Like how can he stop her from taking about something from her life? Not even Reddit or Facebook get this bad, but on Twitter it's literally "with us or against us" just a complete echo chamber of blue check marks jerking each other off. And stop making new accounts and sending me false information. This part was what really threw me the most, never heard it described like that before. It was in 2018, I had broken up with my ex at the time. Is it because you cant get attention and likes and retweets in court? I mean we used to have literal witch hunts. That's already a major red flag as in, I'm not wasting my time on you unless it's serious. I felt like I was just missing my glasses and kept reading the story because I couldn't see any actual accusation of something heinous. These people are not accused of anything, they are simply leaving the OPGroup after all the allegations against the CEO. Mini Ladd accused of manipulating minors here and here. Popular YouTuber Ryan Higa revealed just a year ago that he and actress Arden Cho were together. I mean, She could call his bluff, if she speaks out and he tries to sue her about it, it could ruin his career. diegosaurs accused of sexual assault and kissing underage girls by HeyThereImShannon here. But if she was lying to get attention a C&D would make sense right. You might be saying " i'm sorry that person felt like that now but x, y, z shows they were happy and consent before during and after.the time". Power and fame is attractive too. Elisa was a 21-year-old Canadian student who disappeared in 2013 at the Cecil Hotel in downtown Los Angeles while she was travelling across the US. without trying to defend or accuse anyone, these accusations spread the gamut from overbearing persistance (a form of harrassment) up to unwanted sexual contact. Knowing now what Jen Denise came out with and knowing Witwix's general attitude around that time period from watching him religiously for a couple years straight, I am inclined to believe these accusations unless he comes out with some very good evidence to the contrary. I haven't seen this on this thread. Looks like AngryJoe is gonna talk to a lawyer.(link). I remember a hand up my shirt, him trying to kiss me and trying to get me onto the bed. Im just standing around and he ends up taking a shower and asking me to join him, I laugh and say Youre funny and he replied along the lines of saying he knew and the offer was on the table if I decided he wasnt joking. TW // Sexual assault, rape, abuse, etc. Like really?????? All these other guys being accused look like normal guys, nobody would ever suspect them to be predators, yet, the guy streaming with cockroaches and mold is the one with the irreproachable moral standing. You have evidence that tobuscus didn't do it? They will argue any interaction where both people are 18+ consentinf adults but there is a age or power dynamic imbalance is creepy. Thank you so much for everything you did to this community and to me. I will not change some stories just to make you look good. Not handsome. Not rich. TwitLonger is in no way associated with Twitter, but they sure do a swell job over there, Crude or indecent language, including adult stories or "imagines", Sexual fetish content (e.g. And like you said, i wasn't sure if lsf would be the right place to talk about this. But i decided to post it after the slasher tweet. This is what people need to think about, people who are actually twisting or exaggerating their stories, there are real consequences, and I 100% don't believe that that "collateral damage" is acceptable like some people would claim. Get it right, she capitalised the first letter on ever word. i want it now." Again, Im assuming he doesnt have bad intentions and didnt want to be that person that says Hey are you trying to sleep with me? LOL. How is this just now hitting this sub? Everyone who is piling on fake accusations should feel ashamed and maybe even taken to court. He groomed underage fans. Wow. Thing is, you shouldn't have to sue. Remember that this is a very delicate subject. Chris Avellones one literally has her say verbatim "he got me black out drunk" like he was funnelling drinks down her throat by force and when he tried it on she refused and he stopped. No women in history ever lied about sexual attack or domestic violence, right? read through this guys google drive and he has messages of her literally saying this after this pax party had already happened: "Haha. At the end of 2019, a Cease & Desist letter was sent on my behalf. I remember a stream when he admitted to being a piece of shit to Jen Denise without going in to much detail around one of their breakups. SattelizerGames accused of rape here. If history has taught us anything, it's that even the most milquetoast shut in retard can be a serial murder rapist for decades and nobody will know. Yeah but it is weird that she knew exactly what happened before he went to the room and what she described as her being uncomfortable with him was him saying weird shit while having sex, not anything before that but she still doesn't know for sure what happened. I've seen life so I can give an earful without worrying about my career. He chuckled, said "wow, the things that go on on our platform, can't really comment," & moved on. And right here a girl is saying she almost killed herself because of that dude. As though they are some how equal. Esfand, TipsOut, Zizaran, Payo, FanbyteMedia, Wowhead, darrie, venruki, CORSAIR, MSI, Snowmixy, Ziqoftw, cdew, djarii, Naowh, jdotb, Darrie, Pandatv, MightyMouse, Demuslim and others. The post on this subreddit about him here. I just remember this video where he explained he got the house from youtube money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvuL_BFXUSs, As well as tweeting that he bought it: https://twitter.com/Whiteboy7thst/status/255750500727795712. Think the big Destiny steamers like Broman, Goth all knew about it and were waiting for the Women to feel comfortable telling their stories publically so they never really did anything with him. And this made me terrified to come forward. Kachelmann was one of the weather(wo)men of the ARD (one of the two biggest public broadcasters here) who had frequent segments during prime time news. I won't delete the post because some people have it bookmarked but it's not sticked anymore on the frontpage and I won't interact with it anymore. Not really 'both are bad' kinda thing here brother. It was the opposite. yellowpaco allegations here. Lock him up and throw away the key. He chuckled, said "wow, the things that go on on our platform, can't really comment," & moved on. This list is not being updated anymore, i have spent too many hours trying to report everything that i find in a way that shows both perspectives. DotaDemon accused of sexual assault here, here and here. I checked angry joes post and all he did was ask someone out for dinner. I was talking to multiple girls online at the same time being a dumb fucking kid. Trivia. A word of caution, don't skim through the thread and put all of them in the same basket. . My abuser is a well-known Twitch Staff member who happens to also handle partners accounts including those of women. He just followed Lupo wherever he went. I've been accused of sexual assault today: I've gathered information that pertains to the subject. The dude kept his receipts and it's kinda hard to argue with what's there. Tw:R*pe In 2016 I was repeatedly r*ped by partnered Twitch streamer Phantomsfx. Co-CEO of Method, Scott McMillan, has issued a statement here. Edit: I forgot what subreddit I was on. Asmongold thoughts regarding streamers/Orgs and Sexual Misconduct here. I dont really follow Twitch, but the moment I saw the title, I was anticipating Syndicate being here. Its overly detailed. No, and I don't think dickheads should be lumped in with rapists and sexual assaulters, they're on entirely different sides of the line. Regardless of this particular situation thinking people have to react a particular way is incredibly toxic. you're trolling me? Also.. the first Swifty allegation includes Takarita being a disgusting human being, trying to take advantage of someone.. And then the second allegation against Swifty is written BY Takarita - which makes you wonder if she's just trying cover her ass? Couldn't anyone just make up anything about me from that point on? Second girl is coming forward agains reckful: https://twitter.com/DarthDomino/status/1276444128268746754, https://twitter.com/indiefoxxlive/status/1275349895541592065. ZeRo accused of asking a 14year old for pics of her masturbating with an ice cube here. You have no more power over me anymore. I deeply regret what I let happen.. That coming morning, he acted as if nothing really happened. Why did you lead him on?". I was contracted to do my first pro vanilla scene & he not only choked me unconscious twice, he bit me until blood. Either way if they are true than yes, if they're false they should be treated as crimes for lying. I see too many people look up to streamers because they are entertaining. Not joking. Someone reached out to one of my friends and said that I had raped them at a con. That said there is no way he isn't a serial abuser. Fedmyster accused of sexual misconduct by yvonnie and LilyPichu here and here. This shit could literally ruin some peoples lives - and yet here we are - seeing many of you just fucking gobbling this shit up without even questioning anything. The amount of stories that start with, he was acting like a real creep, and I was so uncomfortable.Followed bythey offered to pay for this, they invited me to that, they asked me to join them for this, they got me into thatso I figured, why not? Anyone else "was riding on his coattails" and he was very much "doing them a favor by being associated with him." It's breaking my heart that some people are clearly faking allegations, either for attention or to purposefully give people a go-to to invalidate actual victims, and the damage shit like this will do is unspeakable. I have known and blocked Sattelizer for years because of his involvement with a rape of another streamer while she was drunk and knocked out and unable to consent to sex and there was witnesses. I was always in pbats stream around the time the original grooming accusations happened and he definitely did it. diegosaurs response here. I don't think JP has ever mentioned it and it seems like it blows over every time. "guys guys you wont BELIEVE what happened today". I also want to say (in regards to Badger) that his victims (supposed) are also saying he doxed them. In fact, from what it appears, he's had numerous online advances with multiple minors throughout this whole thing. In this "candid and blackly funny" (The New York Times) memoir, Hillary Rodham Clinton reveals what she was thinking and feeling during one of the most . If not, go back to "1". Being entertaining doesn't make someone a good person. I have been contacted by some of the accusers and accused. I was so naive to think he would keep that promise. It just feels like it was written in the worst possible light with the most cliche beats possible. Not only are they possibly ruining an innocent person's life, but they also make it harder for actual victims to talk about it and be believed. He tried grooming his ex-wifes sister at age 15. You are important. After the whole ProJared situation you would think people learned. to court, so these big rights holders get to run roughshod over Youtube et. I guess by extension also Scarra but I would assume that because of his connection to Ryan Higa. https://streamable.com/10a55j, Make fun of gay people and lie about streaming. Especially when this guys a much smaller content creator and theres always more reason to lie about big names. Here is SS after what had happened But, I think also you have a lot of people particularly women reading shit like 50 shades of grey and not understanding what the difference between bdsm, mental.dom, and genuine psychological abuse is. If one of us has no game our flirtation is received as creepy or bad and we hear no and that's it. I mean, one is illegal and one isn't, I'd say that's the opposite side of the line, but I guess that depends on your line. What a total piece of human shit. How does cease and desist work in this context? iAmSp00n accused of being an abuser here. Gotta be fucked up to have your name next to the title "SEXUAL ASSAULT SCANDAL AGAINST MANY STREAMERS" even when you're coming out against it and distancing your brand from it. i assume josh gave summit a piece of the cake for him to defend his ass, that's why i dislike both of them. She tells the story with such overindulgence, that reads like terrible fan fiction. Fuck JP. There may have been more posted after I commented, or I didn't realise the thread continued, but also named is HenryG (CSGO Caster) as well as Swifty (Oldschool WoW player). So have the weight of that on your mind when some random shows you their tits or pussy. Phantomsfx accused of rape here. He has been released from Evil Geniuses here. Warwitch accused of grooming a teen here. Purple_HS accused of sexual assault here. She also said some suggesting stuff and some things in the story don't really add up, let's see how this ones going to end. How does cease and desist work in this context? The self awareness you need to lack to take that story and put it side by side with someone who was raped constantly during their relationship or someone who was tricked or forced to perform sexual acts though is really low. I remember coming home from middle school to watch those videos, call of duty, then call of duty stopped being popular. Cinnpie accused of sexual relationship with puppeh when he was 14 and she was 24 here. Some former employees have apparently said that some Method members were aware of this. tweet and another tweet by @JustinWong. I was subbed to Witwix for 45 months straight starting from when he first got his sub button. Fedmyster has been removed from OfflineTV. I'd like to point to the mob that in the one screenshot of HenryG allegations the woman has posted, there is no proof of any non-consensual engagement.