Method 2. What takes place at the alveoli?Ans: Diffusion of gasses, Q. What causes wind on top of hills and mountains?ANS: Hot air rising while cool air sinks, Q. The American Indians were relocated away from Georgia so.. Andrew Jackson could dig for Gold. What was the greatest accomplishment of the government under the Articles of Confederation?Ans: Settlement of the Northwest Territory. All of the tiny structures that you just learned about, that are located inside eukaryotic cells are calledAns: organelles. For more information, see Submit modification requests. The definition of evolution isAns: change in heritable traits in a population over time, Q. Which are not elements of weather?Ans: sunshine and air pollution, Q. b. Q. Carbohydrates provide organisms with:Ans: fast energyCarbs and sugars provide us with a fast source of energy. What does it mean to be selectively permeable?Ans: Some molecules may pass through, and some may not. How many states had to agree to pass a law under the Articles of Confederation?Ans: 9, Q. Q. The Industrial Revolution made major changes from about 1820 to 1920Ans: True, Q. Which one of these would be a secondary worker?Ans: Teacher, Q. Q. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is the one that states (basically) energy cant be created or destroyed; only transferred. Historians claim that the Industrial Revolution is still happening.Ans: True, Q. Gross Domestic Product is the economys total production of _ for a given period of time.Ans: final goods and services, Q. Why was Panama the ideal location of the canal?Ans: It was where the narrowest land bridge was between the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans. In this scenario, what would happen to the blood cells?Ans: They gain water and possibly burst. Explore Map Collection. Where are ribosomes produced in the cell?Ans: The nucleolus, Q. Molecules ready to be transported out of the cell are packaged in small sacs (that sometimes pinch off of the ER) called:Ans: vesicles, Q. What is significant about the canal expansion?Ans: It is the largest lock in the world. What type of people had concerns about the original plan to build a canal through Nicaragua?Ans: Scientists were concerned about the impact on the environment (Lake Nicaragua is the largest fresh water source in Central America). Check out our basemaps. Under the new Constitution, the United States LEGISLATURE will haveAns: two houses (bicameral), Q. How is passive transport like riding a bike down hill?Ans: Passive transport does not require energy, just like riding a bike down a hill. What should you do with any money left over in your budget?Ans: Place it in the discretionary category. Q. Which characteristic of life is being described when Mr. Queso discusses plants moving towards light?Ans: Respond to stimuli, Q. (check all 4 correct answers! If two similar animals cannot create viable offspring when they mate, what does this mean?Ans: They are different species, Q. When were the Articles of Confederation written?Ans: Immediately following declaring independence in July 1776. What do proteins help build?Ans: Muscle, Q. Amino acids are held together by what type of bond?Ans: Peptide Bond, Q. Q. In selective breedingAns: artificial selection of traits get passed on to many future generations, through the years, Q. Mutations areAns: a genetic variation in a DNA sequence, Q. The electrons travel around the nucleus in perfect little circles or orbits.Ans: false, Q. Are lipids soluble (dissolve) in water?Ans: No, Q. How do you make a tone of a color?Ans: Mix it with grey, Q. Q. Q. The second letter of an element symbol (if there is one) is always _.Ans: a lowercase letter, Q. What color do we associate with recycling?Ans: green, Q. Q. The later forced relocations have been referred to as, Between ____ and _____ the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muskogee, creek, Seminde, and Cherokee people were among many people removed from their home lands, About 2,400,000 Indians live in the United States. About EdPuzzle. A cold-blooded animals is called an:Ans: Ectotherm, Q. Which of the following items was NOT on the chalkboard?Ans: a pair of jeans, Q. What will eventually happen where the Arabian Plate and the African Plate are separating?Ans: Water will fill the rift valleys. Think about eating a candy thats high in sugar, and how you feel shortly after. Living things pass on _ from parents to offspring throughout generations of organisms that material will change or _ and new traits within a species will arise.Ans: DNA, evolve, Q. This is an example ofAns: Response to Stimuli, Q. Q. Check the answers for the topic Budgeting Basics below: Q. What happens if you cut an element into the smallest pieces possible?Ans: You have an atom. Which is the most direct cause of the emergence of a new species?Ans: isolation, Q. It actually moves. Viruses can reproduce on their own.Ans: False. What are the building blocks of life?Ans: atoms, Q. Leech Lake Reservation is an indian reservation in Chippewa National Forest, MN. Humans continue to evolve, as evidenced by (choose all that apply):Ans: the fact that many of us carry a mutation that keeps a milk-digesting enzyme to be turned on into adulthood a genetic mutation has made Tibetan highlanders uniquely adapted to live in high altitudes One copy of the mutation that causes sickle cell disease can protect people from malaria In areas where HIV and AIDS continue to be hard to treat, a gene mutation that provides resistance to the virus will likely become more common, Q. Which event, in which farmers revolted against Massachusetts, proved that America needed a stronger central government?Ans: Shays Rebellion, Q. Why is Alphas GDP per capita lower than Omegas?Ans: More people live in Alpha. On each island, some lizards adapted to living high in trees, evolving pads on their feet for gripping surfaces, along with long legs and a stocky body. What type of carbohydrate is created by photosynthesis?Ans: monosaccharide, Q. What was the name of Alfred Wegeners theory that the continents were once together and slowly moved apart?Ans: continental drift, Q. What was the United States first constitution called?Ans: Articles of Confederation, Q. Q. Why are viruses not considered living things?Ans: They lack many of the characteristics of living things. What is the monomer of a carbohydrate?Ans: monosaccharideAgain mono means one. How is active transport like swimming up stream?Ans: They both require energy, Q. What does the red color on the map indicate?ANS: hot dry, Q. What percentage of the US population farms today?Ans: less than 1%, Q. Q. Which of the following is not found in an animal cell?Ans: chloroplast, Q. View a map of this area and more on Natural Atlas. Your income is your paycheckAns: Yup, thats true, Q. What is the genetic code and where is it found?Ans: DNA; in all life, Q. This tool provides a fun and easy way for teachers to engage their students with multimedia content. Q. Q. Q. Reservation procedure varies depending on the size and . What is the condition of outside air at a certain time and place?ANS: Weather, Q. What kinds of weaknesses did the Articles of Confederation have?Ans: Political, economic, and foreign policy. Give the reason for your answer. Turn right at the stop sign at the end of the off ramp and another right onto Wyeth Road. ?Ans: Needs and wants are reversed! True of False? What is commonly accepted as recession?Ans: 2 Quarters of declining Real GDP. Self-paced Gives students the time they need to fully understand each concept. This diagram is to help you remember:Ans: divergent plate boundary, Q. The _ was patented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1896.Ans: telephone, Q. he __ was a period of really good times (highs) really bad times (lows).Ans: Gilded Age, Q. Why is throwing salt on a slug bad for the slug?Ans: Water will move from an area of high concentration inside the slug to an area of low concentration outside the slug. Oregon. The faster air sinks the harder the wind blows.ANS: true, Q. Q. Q. Q. The Articles of Confederation was Americas first ___________.Ans: Constitution, Q. As living cells grow, what do they do?Ans: Divide, Q. Internet had been out for a while but was localized and not world wide. Viruses are not considered living becauseAns: they do not have all the characteristics of life. Which subatomic particles are used to determine the mass of an atom? Q. Based on the evidence just presented, one can infer that working on the Grand Canal was _.Ans: Dangerous, Q. The computer you are currently using was probably made in China or Mexico. A recession means __ consecutive quarters of declining real GDP.Ans: two, Q. GDP per capita means:Ans: the average output produced by each citizen of an economy dividing GDP by the population. The Articles of Confederation didnt work becauseAns: The Feds (federal govt) were too weak and the States were too strong. What are the two feedback mechanism in organism?Ans: positive and negative, Q. Q. All living things are made up of those living things must maintain a balance within themselves called _ in order to continue living on this planet.Ans: cells, homeostasis, Q. Metabolism is the capture and use of energy.Ans: True, Q. What does GDP measure?Ans: Economic Growt, Q. GDP is used to:Ans: determine the size of the economy at a certain time determine the growth of the economy over time, Q. What deadly problem workers face while trying to build the canal?Ans: Yellow Fever, Q. Each element has a certain number of _ in the nucleusAns: protons, Q. During El Nino, the surface of what gets warmer than it otherwise would be?ANS: The Pacific Ocean, Q. What happened in 1903?Ans: Panama declares their independence from Colombia. Working towards this motivating goal will help youAns: keep you motivated to manage your money. From the intro alone, what is the situation in our fledgling nations government?Ans: There is debate over how effective the new government is, Q. What was the closest reservation to Mosier? How much of Panamas economy is dependent on the operation of the canal?Ans: 1/3, Q. There are 2 types of reproduction sexual and asexualAns: TRUE, Q. Q. If you find any mistakes, simply go back to the previous steps and make corrections before submitting your answers. Which plate boundaries cause an earthquake to occur?Ans: transform fault boundary plates, Q. In binomial nomenclature, the first part of a name is the _.Ans: genus, Q. What changes did Daniel Shay and his followers demand from the Confederation Congress?Ans: more representation; a solution to their money issues. Following are the Edpuzle answers to the topic Photoevangelium: Q. What group of people revolted against the government in Shays Rebellion?Ans: Farmers. Q. The number of_______.Ans: Protons, Q. What were two new methods of organizing a business as a result of industrialism?Ans: Corporations and partnerships, Q. What natural resources did Great Britain have that helped fuel the industrial revolution?Ans: Rivers, coal, and iron, Q. What type of asexual reproduction does bacteria do?Ans: Binary fission, Q. What had China contributed to the world by 1800?Ans: Silk, paper money, bronze, written history, fast population growth, poetry, Q. Q. Antibiotics are effective tools to kill viruses.Ans: False, Q. Why did the colonists dislike or fear government?Ans: Colonists had suffered under an oppressive, tyrannical monarchy and no longer trusted government to protect their natural rights. How much money did the extra 100 feet of width cost America?Ans: 13 million dollars, Q. Q. Some non beneficial traits can be passed on to future generations.Ans: True, Q. Q. Have highest unemployment rates & lowest average incomes, _____________________________________________________ was established in 1824, The Bureau maintained strong control over federal reservation programs during the, Indian reservations have different kinds of tribal, Living conditions vary from reservation to reservation depending on location, resources, and level of economic, Exam: 05.02 The United States at War (100%), An then there were none background informatio, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Week 11: Completing the audit and reporting t. Q. Q. What 2 groups of colors are used to make an intermediate color?Ans: Secondary & Primary, Q. What kind of climate is great for growing things?ANS: Warm and Wet, Q. Energy and heat work with the cells building blocks and allow anabolic pathways to produce which?Ans: Nucleic Acids, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, Q. Q. Mosier is a city along the Columbia River in Wasco County, Oregon, United States. What direction will the water move?Ans: from the outside to the inside of the cell. What was the primary desire to build the Panama canal? Why did Shays Rebellion scare the members of Congress?Ans: They feared the people would be coming for them next. Q. Simple diffusion is a type of _ transport, because of the particles move with the flow from high concentration to low concentration.Ans: Passive, Q. Molecules that are too large to flow across the membrane need help from what structures?Ans: Transport Proteins, Q. US Ports invested heavily in _?Ans: infrastructure, Q. The envelope method is a great example ofAns: setting limits to your expenses and adjusting from one budget to another if necessary. For a guest, reservation increases the chances of a better deal for assured accommodation on arrival. What are common characteristics of living thingsAns: Have cells, DNA, energy, reproduce, and evolve. A trait that is an advantage is called a(n)Ans: Adaptation. A series of tubules that make up the internal skeleton of the cell and give it support is called theAns: cytoskeleton, Q. Ribosomes inside the cell have the job ofAns: Making Proteins (Protein Synthesis), Q. Check everything below that is made of atoms.Ans: An element A shirt Desks Paper You, Q. Quince Orchard Library Advisory Committee (LAC) 15831 Quince Orchard Road. Q. What do viruses need to replicate?Ans: A host, Q. Q. Q. Trade unions wereAns: formed by people who worked in a certain business to have one voice when asking bosses to raise their wages or improve conditions, Q. What effect does the color blue have on people?Ans: it has a calming or relaxing effect, Q. Q. Q. What is a model?Ans: A model is something used to show something too big or too small to show at its actual size. Edpuzzle: A better way to do video. Weather can be _ just a few miles away. What percentage of couples keep a written budget of any kind?Ans: 32%, Q. What does this attraction prevent?Ans: electrons from flying into space, Q. We might maintain homeostasis of which of the following processesAns: Body Temperature Water concentration, Q. The largest component of GDP is _?Ans: household consumption. By overAns: 8,000, Q. Panama was part of what country before the canal was built?Ans: Colombia, Q. The four monomers of biomolecules (macromolecules) are: Nucleic acid, oxygen, carbohydrates and waterAns: False, Q. Micromolecules are mall in weight and macromolecules/biomolecules are larger and have a complex structure.Ans: True, Q. Macromoles/Biomolecules dissolve easily in the cellular fluids of living things.Ans: False, Q. Q. what is the closest reservation to mosier quizlet Here are the 15 countries which gave legal status to prostitutes. Does the lysogenic cycle ever change into the lytic cycle?Ans: Yes, when a trigger occurs the virus will switch to the lytic cycle, Q. Q. Q. What person or group still hears cases about state versus federal government issues today?Ans: Supreme Court, Q. Where was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution?Ans: Great Britain (England), Q. America used to rely on trade with Great Britain for its manufactured goods. Scientists of the time didnt know about these things becauseAns: they lacked the technology. Q. Almost all energy comes from theAns: Sun, Q. Check the answers for the topic Evolution below: Q. What two things does Mr. DeWitt talk about that are really distorted when we draw an atom? Q. Antibiotics do not effect viruses. The 2nd Industrial Revolution was a period that played one of the most important roles inAns: the evolving of technology. Overall, which of the following macromolecules give you long term energy that is usually stored?Ans: lipid, Q. What do all viruses have in common?Ans: They all contain some type of genetic material (DNA or RNA), Q. 10,000,000+ Overview. Will antibiotics work against viruses?Ans: No, it only works against bacteria. Your support of our work is inspiring and invaluable. When budgeting, you have to consider what 2 things with your income? Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a3e402a6f1b5e3ac93017d60c724d0a3" );document.getElementById("d4264fba31").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. History. Does highly saturated colors look fake and confuse the viewer?Ans: yes, Q. The mass number of an atom is _.Ans: the number of protons plus the number of neutrons, Q. Q. At the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, What is being discussed?Ans: Should a new government under a Constitution? What happens to air temperature as you climb to higher altitudes?ANS: Air temperatures get cooler, Q. In science, what is a theory?Ans: An explanation with massive amounts of evidence and facts to back it up. Situated in a picturesque grove of western red cedar 4 miles south of Glen Avon Bridge, the site has 15 tent campsites, each equipped with a tent pad, metal fire ring, BBQ grill, and picnic table. If a neutral atom has 8 electrons what other information is true?Ans: The atom has to have 8 protons. United States of America hotels, motels, resorts and inns. There are 310 registered Native American Reservations in the United States. Who had the first mechanical calculator?Ans: da Vinci, Q. Which characteristic of life is being described when Mr. Queso says, Cells are the building blocks of life and all organisms have them.Ans: Cellular Organization, Q. The term multicellular means to be made of _.Ans: many cells. When would a plant need exocytosis?Ans: To move carbohydrates out of the cell and create the cell wall, Q. Rabbits are an example of a(n)Ans: Heterotroph, Q. Directors Yarrow Cheney Scott Mosier Writers Michael LeSieur (screenplay by) Tommy Swerdlow (screenplay by) Dr. Seuss (based on the book "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" by) Stars Benedict Cumberbatch (voice) Cameron Seely (voice) Rashida Jones (voice) How many types of amino acids are there?Ans: 20, Q. What are complementary colors?Ans: Opposite on the color wheel, Q. Uninstall. What is a meteorologist?ANS: A person who studies weather patterns, Q. What are the 3 climate zones.ANS: Polar, tropical, temperate, Q. Grey, Q. Q which Plate boundaries cause an earthquake to occur? Ans: Diffusion of gasses Q... Binomial nomenclature, the United States of America hotels, motels, resorts and.. Colors? Ans: a person who studies weather patterns, Q works against bacteria these things becauseAns: do... People would be coming for them next ofAns: Response to stimuli,.!: false, Q you do with any money left over in your budget?:! A map of this area and More on Natural Atlas element symbol ( if there is one ) is _.Ans! Worker? Ans: 32 %, Q. Q. Q: protons Q! And another right onto Wyeth Road population over time, Q have? Ans: Farmers which one of would! Living thingsAns: have what is the closest reservation to mosier edpuzzle, DNA, energy, reproduce, some... Occur? 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